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I had vein stripping at VA hospital in 1997. After the...

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Question by BILL
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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I had vein stripping at VA hospital in 1997. After the surgery I had a large lump and vein buldging in my left groin. I recently went back to to VA and they told me that it was normal and I should not be concerned. Any medical opinions?

Answer by Johnny
Submitted on 6/2/2004
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I also had a vein stripping at a VA Hospital in 1997. I also was left with a large lump and bulging, and numbness that spread to my private area. When I tried to discuss it with them, they were hostile and not willing to try to help me. It caused significant trouble over the years. I used bike riding to help restore "normal" feeling, but that only helped so much. Exercise helped, but they cut through the lymph nodes, and that is what seemed to cause the problem.
I decided to not go to that VA Hospital anymore. When I needed further vascular treatment, I was fortunate enough to get with different doctors who were more willing to treat me like a human being. They agreed that was not the right way to cut me open, and that if I had the surgery again, they would be more careful where they cut me.
They cut me right in the groin area; initially, the lump was the size of half a softball. It took a long time for it to go down; and I was numb there for a number of years. I still have some numbness.
Agressive bike riding helped a lot. It helped reduce the lump and reduce the numbness. I just tried to exercise to circulate and build strength.
I wouldn't work with a doctor who would communicate again in the future. I was happy that the new doctors I saw were more "normal". They were understanding of the problems I had, and said they wouldn't do that to me, and that that shouldn't have happened.
I think it has a lot to do with cutting through the lymph node indiscriminately. In western medicine, the lymph nodes are not respected as in some other medical cultures.
I also used "glycosaminoglycans" - a patented extract that helped tremendously.


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