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Can someone tell me what causes scarring of a tattoo and...

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Question by DertnapJumbiePHILLY
Submitted on 5/25/2004
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Tattoo FAQ 9/9--Bibliography
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Can someone tell me what causes scarring of a tattoo and also if there is anything i can do to care for the scarred tattoo and if there is anything that will minimize the raising.  This tattoo is a year old and still feels swollen at times and almost the whole tattoo itself is raised, not just certain parts.

Answer by vonnie
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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I have the same problem with a six month old tattoo.  Sometimes certain areas are red and it still peels.  The tattoo artist that did all of my work, including the six month old tattoo, does not know what is wrong.


Answer by luce
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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no idea but thought i'd add that yesterday i put this fake tan stuff on and today a tattoo that i've had for about 4 years suddenly started getting swollen and itchy but only along the outline (blacky-purple ink) not the colours (lighter purple/pink/red). i hope this is a temporary reaction of the tattoo pigment to the fake tan pigment or something and won't seriously stuff anything up, cos i love my tattoo...


Answer by tommyguns
Submitted on 12/17/2006
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Some times vitamin E oil will work for not some scarring. This is caused either by pulling the scabs off of a tattoo that has dried, because it wasn't kept moist. Or the tattoo artist was working the skin to much.


Answer by chandra
Submitted on 4/25/2007
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i have a tattoo that i got on 8/19/07 and mainly the black ink it what feels swollen although it dosen'thurt. i dont know why and i was hoping someone might.


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