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...clean up a small gasoline spill on concrete in my...

<< Back to: Gasoline FAQ - Part 4 of 4

Question by Debby
Submitted on 5/18/2004
Related FAQ: Gasoline FAQ - Part 4 of 4
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How do I clean up a small gasoline spill on concrete in my garage from a gas can?  The odor is overwhelming.  Thank you for any assistance with this

Answer by Jodi
Submitted on 6/2/2004
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Same thing happened to me last night.  I'm concerend about the hazard and the smell.  I used dish soap and scrubbed the floor with a broom. Still smells....I was considering using tomato juice concentrate.  Our family dog was sprayed by a skunk and the vet recommended this to cut the smell.  It worked, strangely enough. If you've recieved recommendations I'd love to hear back from you.  My email address is jodilarge@marykay.com.  Thanks!


Answer by Scott
Submitted on 11/7/2004
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I had the same thing happen last night.   Poured kitty litter with baking soda in it and let it sit.  That helped, but it is still pretty bad.   What else can we do, the smell is bad coming into the house.


Answer by Gregg
Submitted on 11/12/2004
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My leaf blower leaked gas in my trunk and the odor is now leaking into my car.   Would also love to hear any suggestions as to how to remedy this.   Thanks so much.


Answer by neon
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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Use a mixture of bleach & laundry detergent.


Answer by Kenn Watson
Submitted on 1/29/2006
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This just happened to me. I was told to put kitty litter on it. Don't know yet but it is an absorbant


Answer by answer man
Submitted on 8/28/2006
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Simple Green multiple times


Answer by Dan
Submitted on 9/28/2006
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I work in the gasoline industry, so I know the answer to this. Use Febreze- something about this product removes the odor of gasoline.


Answer by dada
Submitted on 12/16/2006
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Try using kitty litter or sliced potatos. Trust me it works.


Submitted on 6/28/2007
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