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I am worried that if I go to a nudist resort or something...

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Question by Jim
Submitted on 5/14/2004
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I am worried that if I go to a nudist resort or something like that I'll get an erection while I am talking to a girl

Answer by Ghost Rider
Submitted on 4/23/2005
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While being afraid you will get an erection when talking to a girl, you are so tied up in knots that you aren't even enjoying talking to the girl.  Keep a towel handy and if you start standing at attention, discretely shift the towel so that you are covered.  It is natural for guys to get excited at times and "Willie" starts thinking for himself. After covering up or if you are laying down, roll over on your stomach to keep from displaying your state of mind. After a bit the pulse will regulate, the blood pressure will lower itself, and "Willie will relax and behave himself. I sympathize with your fear.  I made the maiden voyage to an optional resort last weekend and wound up in the hot springs with three other guys and a drop-dead gorgeous lady.  I had an extra towel with me for just in case. Believe it or not, nothing happened.  I got more interested in the conversation and what the lady had to say instead of what her body looked like. I didn't even get a "runny nose", which would have embarrassed me for sure.  I breezed through the afternoon with no problems and was actually disappointed that my time at the resort was drawing to a close.  Getting back to your fear, if it should happen,don't panic.  It is a natural occurrence and by discreetly covering up, other people will appreciate your good taste and thoughtfulness.  They will, with out a doubt ignore it as though it never happened.  The only ones that would make something out of this would be an immature kid.  If you can go to a nudist resort or optional resort, you should be mature enough to handle the situation like a gentleman.  Talk to the girl,enjoy yourself, and let the tides of war take care of its self.  


Answer by littablue
Submitted on 10/6/2005
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that could happen, just try to not draw attention to it. yes she will probabley notice but as long as you do not make a deal about it, odds are she will not be offended. erections are normal, and not always caused by sexual interest; i.e. nervousness, blood pressure changes, need to void bladder. just don't flaunt it and when alone cover it up untill it goes away


Answer by mathew
Submitted on 6/27/2006
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sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex


Answer by June
Submitted on 7/14/2006
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That would be nice


Answer by loftna
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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if i were you it wouldn't bother me. especially if the girl was single you could give the whole beach a good show. just make sure you penis is clean and its not too small!!


Answer by LZ1SN
Submitted on 12/11/2006
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... If I was a girl I guess that would be a compliment... my fear is what if I'm talking to a guy or playing with a dog? Will people think your some sick fetish seeking wierdo? probably not, you see something that you like you become erect, just as when it's cold it will shrink. Can't take to long to get used to the naked-ness.


Answer by lynch
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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I'm woorried about jiohn Mc Gill My fiend is David O Savellen going to tell on him I need help with this and Liz mc gill thayt is John Mc Gill Mum


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