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i had my toungue pierced 4 days ago and it has turned white...

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Question by madhatter
Submitted on 5/7/2004
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Piercing FAQ 6--The Healing Process & Healing Problems
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i had my toungue pierced 4 days ago and it has turned white on the top, i tried cutting back on the cleaning but it hasnt worked yet. can anyone give some answers, i was cleaning it with tech 2000 6 - 8 times a day
as told by my piercer

Answer by kelly
Submitted on 6/3/2004
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get rid of ur tongue piercing and dont do it again. u could have a chance ur tongue could get infected 2 were it has to get cut off.


Answer by Lunar
Submitted on 6/15/2004
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ok as weird as this is and i am not lying I got my toungue pierced thrusday the 10th and its white as hell some one told me it always happens somekind of healing bacteria if it doesnt go away in a couple weeks maybe well get worried other than that rock on


Answer by kaycie
Submitted on 8/31/2004
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ok..i have had my tongue pierced for 6 weeks now and my tongue is still swollen and it is white on top..but my piercer told me that this is normal and it will be like that for possibly 2 months. -kaycie


Answer by sparky
Submitted on 10/4/2004
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i have had my toungue done for a little over 2 years and i have had no problems with it so dont worry


Answer by sparky
Submitted on 10/4/2004
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i have had my toungue done for a little over 2 years and i have had no problems with it so dont worry


Answer by Littlebit
Submitted on 10/5/2004
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OK i had the same prob. when i got my tongued pierced.  It's from over cleaning it and using to strong of mouthwash.  You should use biotene it's a mouthwash to but not as strong so it wont dry out your tongue and it should clear up in like a week or two.


Answer by yo
Submitted on 10/11/2004
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i had my tongue pierced 3 days ago and i have a bump is it normal?


Answer by tammy
Submitted on 11/10/2004
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i am a MA and you should remove the piercing because it is ulcerated (infected)


Answer by Justin
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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I get mine done in May! I can't wait! Go to your piercer and ask what to do. He might know. peace


Answer by geny
Submitted on 1/19/2005
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no way, that is so weird i got my tongue pierced two months ago, and it turned white also.  i decided to wait it out due to some information that i had viewed online,  now i am tongueless, and awaiting my court date for millions.  the choice is yours...


Answer by Krista
Submitted on 1/20/2005
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I just had my tounge pierced 6 days ago and I called my piercer when my tounge turned white and he told me to dilute the soulution that I was cleaning with. my tounge is still white, but he said unless it has yellow puss coming out of it, it is fine.


Answer by tomno1
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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when i had my tongue pierced the same happened so i went back to the shop and they just said that because your not supposed to move your tongue as much in the first week you can develop thrush on it and it soon goes but it is reoccuring. P.S it's absolutely nothing to worry about


Answer by SouthernStar72601
Submitted on 2/16/2005
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The white film on your tongue is from a bacteria that is trying to protect your tongue. Just like when you get a sore, it get'scovered with a scab. As for the doubts, if you ever have questions about your piercing contact the business where you had it done. They will answer most of your questions. Otherwise contact a medical hotline.


Answer by anna
Submitted on 2/20/2005
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i got my tongue pierced on the 17th and mine is white and still swollen..


Answer by Alia
Submitted on 3/13/2005
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Don't worry. I got that too when I got my tongue pierced. As far as I know it's harmless since mine turned out fine.


Answer by EMMALOU1504
Submitted on 4/10/2005
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Answer by Hott_Kiss
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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Well ofcourse EVERYONE goes through that stage, its called dead tissue comming off ur tongue, and it is going to go away soon. Keep cleaning it and esp brush ur tongue coz some ppl who get their tongue done and dont their breath reaks quite badly and it is gross, so yeah do that lol dont be scared to  go around it.


Answer by bob
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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yeah ... mayybee you should take that out .. just my opinion ! haha .. but - if you get it cut off , i mean , who REALLY needs a tongue ?!


Answer by ROOSTER
Submitted on 5/27/2005
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Answer by lisha
Submitted on 8/17/2005
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i had mine done 4 days ago and mine is white too! its sooo gross to look at but its all part of the healing process, so dont panic! cut down on the cleaning. (only cleanse morning and night) if you have an idea that the mouthwashis the cause try using salt water for a few days and see if you notice change. use 1/4 of a tablespoon of salt into boiling water, let it cool and gargle.


Answer by k8e
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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i think that u should take it out immediately for severe infection


Answer by k8e
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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i think that u should take it out immediately for severe infection


Answer by Lesley
Submitted on 9/10/2005
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I got mine pierced yesterday and mine is also white on top...my piercer told me that it was normal...he said it was from the cleaner and that i should just be careful not to clean it too much.  I smoke, and I drink pop all the time so i clean mine like every four hours or so...Do you know about like white stuff coming out of the bottom?? It's kinda gross, but it's just a little bit, and i am not incredibly worried, but did this happen to anyone else??


Answer by ashley
Submitted on 9/22/2005
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ummm first of all if your piercings get infected all u need is antibiotics they dont cut it off! yeah the white is normal just dont rinse so much...rinse with salt water and then next time with listerine switch it around so it doesnt dry up or get irritant

i have my tougne done have any questions e-mail me ashley_s_hynes@hotmail.com


Answer by tammy2cool
Submitted on 10/14/2005
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cor blimey lunar, dont scare the poor person! chill out! if it stays white for a couple more weeks you should get worried but let your body do it's Thang! (but cut down on cleaning a little! Where do you find time to clean it 6-8 times a day!) I would suggest cleaning it with salty water and make sure you rinse your tongue everytime you eat and drink!


Answer by emma
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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I got my tongue done a few weeks ago and my tongue went white, my advice is clean it 2-3 times a day. the white stuff on your tongue is simply plaque from food and drink, so not to worry. (to clean your tongue use Luke warm salty water and you'll be fine)


Answer by imalousyhero
Submitted on 11/16/2005
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Under no circumstance should you remove it.  If it IS infected or anything, removing the piercing will just make things worse.  The piercing serves as a way for bacteria to get out of the wound.  Taking it out could make it heal over the top and bottom, leaving an air bubble inside of your tongue; which WILL be infected and you will risk losing your tongue.


Answer by ItsOnlyYouBeautiful
Submitted on 11/28/2005
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Okay, that is usually caused from either over-cleaning, or cleaning with something that is too strong. Example, I pierced my tongue over a month ago and I was told to use Listerine. I followed what I was told only because I could not find sea salt, and after three days of using the Listerine my tongue turn white and yellow.

I think it happens to everyone to some extent, but if it is that bad then I would say finding a new cleaning solution or cleaning it a bit less as it heals.


Answer by ash
Submitted on 12/25/2005
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you're just overcleaning it. try mixing the solution with water. it'll help. that happened to mine too.. because i overcleaned it.


Answer by 333
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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i had the same prob... it wouldnt come off with whatever i did... a couple of days later i jus scrubbed hard with a toothbrush and it all kind of disssolved


Answer by quicksilver
Submitted on 1/10/2006
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ok i had my toungue piercing and the same thing happened i went back to my piercer
and they told me it was part of the healing. all it is is scar tissue some times the whiteness goes away but if it doesn't it won't so don't think it is bad but it is only scar tissue and everyone has diffent healing patterns so don't think it is just you.i would advise you to take it out if your really concerned but other than that just clean it the way you have been.goodluck


Answer by platium
Submitted on 3/5/2006
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i think that's normal.. or u should go to the person who did ur toungue pierced n explain him/her whats wrong with ya toungue


Answer by xPollyx
Submitted on 3/13/2006
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I had my tongue pierced just over a week ago and its normal for it to go white, it should go away soon.


Answer by Little_miss
Submitted on 7/3/2006
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I wanna get my toungue done during the week but im scared to heaps of people have told me different stories... and also can you drink like after a day of getting it done?


Answer by !noommmeee!
Submitted on 7/9/2006
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yeah mine is like that too i thought it was because my dad said its probably because my tongue is bruised and swollen so I'm just going to wait and see. does anyone when i can smoke without causes infections?


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/15/2006
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Same here i got my  Tongue pierced on the 10th and goggled to see the side effects i should be having around now. I an quite shore i went to a doggy piercer because i have been reading up on the net and my procedure wasn't like it should have been but never the less it's there. i used a 22 mm bar which has made talking and eating a task and a half! my Tongue did swell up the whole 22 mm though so i am glad i chose that size. i have been chewing ice for the past couple days which has made the swelling go down lots, about the white Tongue i have that as well the piercer said it would happen so i expected it, it is just the bodies natural reaction the an forging object it will clear up before the 10 day healing process on which we are nearly half way through! woo!! hope i cleared a few things up


Answer by steve
Submitted on 7/24/2006
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i got my penis pierced and now i cant have sex as it its swollen.. but it is much bigger now


Answer by layla
Submitted on 8/14/2006
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skip it for a day, then only clean it after you eat anything other than water, it will go away! good luck!


Answer by be
Submitted on 10/28/2006
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i got myn done a couple of weeks a go its normal for it to happen :P any questions then add me rebecca72@hotmail.co.uk


Answer by be
Submitted on 10/28/2006
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i got myn done a couple of weeks a go its normal for it to happen :P any questions then add me rebecca72@hotmail.co.uk


Answer by michael
Submitted on 1/8/2007
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well i just got ma toungue done on the 3rd so im still kinda new to it but mine has like a white film over it so im guessin its normal


Answer by mariahaw1990
Submitted on 1/15/2007
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dont worry about it it does do that after you have had it piercied its because your tongue has gone into shock it shud turn back to its normal colour soon


Answer by dud
Submitted on 4/11/2007
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all you need to do is wash it with rubbing alcohol


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