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...story of Carmina Burana? Who is it about and...

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Question by Shirley
Submitted on 5/3/2004
Related FAQ: Drumcorps FAQ 1/6 What is drum corps?; DCI; online
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What is the story of Carmina Burana?  
Who is it about and what is its meaning?

Answer by joelslaw
Submitted on 6/23/2004
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I don't really understand the purpose of this website, I happened upon this page while trying to find out what Carimina Burana was. I found this at the Columbia Encyclopidia site, hope it answers you're question:

Late Latin poetry of the “wandering scholars,” or Goliards. The Goliards included university students who went from one European university to another, scholars who had completed their studies but were unable to buy benefices (ecclesiastical offices), unfrocked priests, runaway monks, and clerks. They begged and sang their way from place to place. Their existence is seen as a reaction against the medieval ascetic ideal and as evidence of the decline in popularity of the increasingly rigorous church. First appearing in large numbers in the 11th cent., the vagi or vagantes multiplied into a horde of unruly vagabonds. It was formerly believed that in the 13th cent. they joined to form a burlesque religious order, but it is now thought that the ordo vagorum, with its legendary archpoet Bishop Golias (Goliath) as grand master, was a literary fiction. The name Goliards may have derived from this same Golias. Although the church began (c.1230) to take measures against the Goliards, later church edicts against them testify to their continued, though dwindled, existence. The scandal associated with the Goliards should not obscure the merits of their verse. Their songs, in lilting bastard Latin verse with stressed rhymes, mimic the form of medieval hymns. They include lusty paeans to love and wine and the vagabond life as well as skillful attacks on the immorality of church life and churchmen. Although most of the songs are anonymous or bear pseudonyms, some of the best are attributed to Archipoeta, or the Archpoet (fl. 1161–65), and others to Primus, who was Hugo d’Orléans (fl. early 12th cent.). Many were formerly wrongly attributed to Walter Map. The songs are often called carmina burana, after the title of the collection found in the abbey of Benediktbeuern and edited by J. A. Schmeller (4th ed. 1907). Widely collected and edited, the songs appear in English translation in The Cambridge Songs (ed. by Karl Breul, 1915), J. A. Symonds, Wine, Women, and Song (1884), H. J. Waddell, Mediaeval Latin Lyrics (rev. ed. 1933), and G. F. Whicher, The Goliard Poets (1949). Carl Orff set many of them to music simply and impressively in a secular cantata entitled Carmina burana (1937).

You should also check out this link http://www.anthea2.freeuk.com/carminaburana/
he has .midi 's of the entire thing!


Answer by storytella
Submitted on 2/5/2005
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well Carmina Burana was a venazuela prostatute who got raped by a blasian (black asian) while on vacation in canada. At first she wanted to take the blasian to court but she felt that she enjoiyed the experience and she ended up marrying her attacker.
then the moved to france where they started a family and opened a full service dog cleaning station, that also allowed cats.
then with the profits of their business they invested in the stock market and became millionares. with this money they bought a country and started building factorys.
and thats the story of Carmina Burana


Answer by REPCITY
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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Answer by polly
Submitted on 7/19/2006
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u freek 4 writin so much hoo iz gonna reed it???
i didn't 4 1. hoo is carmina she sounds nice.


Answer by erinatselu
Submitted on 11/25/2006
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