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What MASH episode has the side plot, where a pilot is shot...

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Question by defman
Submitted on 5/3/2004
Related FAQ: M*A*S*H FAQ: Episode Guide
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What MASH episode has the side plot, where a pilot is shot down, comes to the 4077th and has a wake up call as to what his bombs are doing, when he sees a child injured... and he doesn't see all of this from all the way up there.

Answer by BRENTH
Submitted on 6/1/2004
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"Dear Sigmund" Production Order 105 - Aired Order 103.  This was one of the best episodes ever written.


Answer by toddison
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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where was the show M*A*S*H shot?


Answer by Joey Bickel
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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Season 5, Episode 7 -- the practical joker episode semi-narrated by Major Freedman. (not sure of actual title), written by Alan Alda.


Answer by louie
Submitted on 8/31/2006
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what is the m*a*s*h where i think klinger gets a letter from home and is trying once again to get out of the army. when he goes to the commanding officer he pulls out a file or something and reads klinger all of the claims of deaths and illnesses in his family. klinger replies by saying "who ever told you that was lying" the commanding officer replies by saying "you told me that" and klinger than says "well i was lying" thats all i can remember can you help me


Answer by FaceValue4077
Submitted on 5/20/2007
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The Grim REaper


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