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...tattoo on the sole of your foot in the UK?

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Question by Lucy
Submitted on 4/26/2004
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Tattoo FAQ 9/9--Bibliography
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Can you get a tattoo on the sole of your foot in the UK?

Answer by mildwild
Submitted on 6/17/2004
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if someone finds out e-mail mildwild@beer.com ... i would like to know the same for canada


Answer by eyes
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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yes, I got one last Friday. In Brighton by a girl called Sophie, ask for her at Wildcat jewellery shop, someone there'll give you her details, probably.


Answer by kt
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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i went today.. they will do it for you if you really want but its hard to get in as the skin is so thick and will almost definately wear off after a year and not look very good :( im gutted! really wanted one!


Answer by aoife
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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right i do not think it is illegal but it's a realy bad idea, firstly it is hard to tattoo, like tattooing latex, you'd have to stick to realy simple bold designs fairly large and simple, parts of the foot hurt, not all but there are bits that shoot pain up your leg every now and then. secondly it's a nasty one to try and heal, for a day after you don't want to put too much pressure on it, continuesly putting after care product on it and trying to keep it clean, thirdly it won't last and will need constant touch ups. you get a lot of wear on your feet and the design will fade in cirtain areas very very quickly to a patchey grey and them almost entirely, and even if you heal well and can look after it it will heal grey in parts and need to be retouched as soon as it's healed after the first session anyway. i know because i've done one on my foot, and have resurched it before hand, it's only been a week but you can see how it's going to heal already, if you want to see photos or anything i will be posting some in about a month on my msn page, but i want to see how it develops first. http://spaces.msn.com/members/aoifefionn/


Answer by Kat
Submitted on 8/8/2006
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hey all. Im in the uk and have a tattoo on the sole of my foot.
It isnt illegal but a lot of tattooist wont do it.
Only because a lot of people cant handle it and fidgit too much and because it fades so quickly that no sooner has it healed that its dissapearing again and most tattoists dont want to put their name to a crap piece of work.
I have very high arches, and good pain control on my feet lol.
So far mine has stayed 4 weeks and is grey but looks ok.
A friend of mine though had very flat feet and his was vertually gone in 6 weeks!
Ive yet to meet anyone else thats had one there :/

Hope that helps!

..and yes, it hurts ;D


Answer by mouse
Submitted on 7/11/2007
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i'vegot a tattoo of a bar code on the sole of my foot and i live in the UK.
altho i got it done last week and already ive had it touched up because it had started to fade badly.


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