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...pierce your belly button, i pierced it already,...

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Question by JoJoBee
Submitted on 4/11/2004
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Piercing FAQ 4G--Professional Piercers - United States - Rhode Island - Wyoming
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How do you pierce your belly button, i pierced it already, but it got infected and started eating away till there was a thin little layer of skin left, so i just took it out, and decided to take it out cause i didn't look too good,lol.I need your HELP!!!.

Answer by jodz
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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look its simple dont do it your self mi best pals sister done it her self and was in hospital 4 3 weeks and was on deaths door get it done properly !!!!!!!!!!


Answer by volcomchick863
Submitted on 5/12/2004
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yeah, i totaly agree, dont do it yourself. i tried it and it hurts way more yourself than when u go get it done.


Answer by shayvamp
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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I'ma certified piercer, and whatever you do, DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!! you may do your ears and/or your nose, and maybe your eyebrow, but take it from your previous experience....don't do it. now, more than ever, you will have to go thru a crap-load of scar tissue, and that is one of the most painful things to do. I see so many that try to do their own and get burned in the long run.


Answer by mDgUrL4LiFe
Submitted on 5/21/2004
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my friend pierced her own belly button and it came out great :All i have to say it 50/50 for all people some peoples turn out great and so peoples dont. Its one of those enter at your own risk type of situations.


Answer by kRiStA
Submitted on 5/21/2004
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Hey, yeah you said your a certified piercer and um i pierced mine myself... you said you gotta go through a crap load of stuff but really  like what do you mean and im gunna  like have to go to the hospital and stuff......Other people that did it themselfs say that its fine and others say its not  well im confused so if anyone could help thanks! please answer buhbyes


Answer by Jenny
Submitted on 5/23/2004
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hey im wondering how do proffecinals peirce ur belly? what do they use? And does it hurt? Because some people say it does and others say it doesn't. I wouldnt do it myself though.


Answer by Beachbabe77
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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Um... i pierced my belly button on my own and it doesn't really hurt that bad but it ends up getting infected and eating away till its SOO thin and then it starts to hurt and leaves a nasty scar. I would go get it done professionally!


Answer by Mel
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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Hey... I really wanna pierce my bellybutton, but im only 13 so of COURSE my parents say no... my mom thinks they are cute ... but my dad.... NO... should i pierce it myself... if so is there an easy way?  PLEASE ANSWER!!!!


Answer by TheTO
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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Hey Mel,
I'm going through the EXACT same thing. I'm 13, my mom thinks its cute...in fact, she has it done. But my dad says NO WAY. Tonight I was thinking about piercing it myself, so I went on the internet to get some advice. Looking through here, it IS a 50/50 that if you do it yourself, it'll either turn out great, or go horribly wrong. Reading all this, I don't think I'm going to do it myself. Someone said the skin got really thin, and that could happen. Also, if it rips, you have to tell your parents, which is probably worse that having to wait. So...I'm not gonna do it, so...being in the same predicament, I don't think you should either. And if you go too far in, you never know what you might hit. Wait a while, try and talk your parents into it again (that's what I'm gonna do). So...wait it out, if not, go to a professional WITHOUT them, and just hide it from them. I know that's pretty irresponcible, but hey, atleast it won't get infected, and if your parents find out, take it out.


Answer by Sweetheart
Submitted on 5/30/2004
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Well I was going to do it myslef because my parents don't want me to get it done. But where would you find a profecional that does it without your parents permission. Could I get some adivice or does anyone know someone that does it without you parents permission under the age of 16?


Answer by Cherry
Submitted on 6/1/2004
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Hey i'm gonna try to pierce my own nose are there any veins i need to watch out for.


Answer by sam
Submitted on 6/1/2004
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One night me and my friend pierced our own belly buttons..mine went all the way through but hers didnt! I left a regular earing in the whole for about 3 days. I cleaned it and stuff but it stung..so i decided to take it out and just get it perfesionally done..now theres a little scar not noticible but theres a ball of scar tissue like when your ear gets infected from the earing!! idk i wouldnt do it again..it didnt hurt but from what i hear its not good im glad i ended up taking it out!! dont do it..jus get it done! ur choice tho!


Answer by Awsome angel
Submitted on 6/2/2004
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hi my name is Chloe i always wonder how they pierce it if any1 has the answer please answer me!!!!!:P x x x


Answer by Awsome angel
Submitted on 6/3/2004
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some1 plz ansa me im so interested if any of u guys have an msn address plz tell me!!!


Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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Hi i am a 14 year old boy and u may think i am weird but i somtimes have the urge to pierce my belly button. i have done it six times already and have just done it again. no harm done to me cos i always take it out the next day.
i have advice though if u want to pierce it urself get some ice a freeze it. leave the ice on for a good few minuets and the it dosnt hurt.
i do it with safety pins and i did a cool on just with a dart and managed to get a belly bar thru!!
i always take it out cos i hear wat happrens and plus i am a boy so wat would my mates think!!
someone give me advice as i want it pierced desperatly and i dont know wat to do!! HELP ME !!!!!!


Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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hi its me again the 14 year old boy just thought id tell u if u want to see photos of my latest piercing i did with a safety pin contact me        kilbourne50@rock.com
its pretty cool and didnt hurt one bit and ive srill got it in now!!
cya soon.


Answer by Britt_wolf
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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I tried to perice my belly and it hurts this may be sad but i even glued one to my belly and it got tore off in the night but how do i do it pro  without my mom not find out PLEASE help


Answer by Jasmine
Submitted on 6/5/2004
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Okay, dude. Its not that da*n bad. I did it myself.
If you want to, take a CLEANED safety pin, and put it through a few flames. Then, once its dry, wash it again before peircing. Place ice on the peircing area, and if you have it, numbing cream/or whatever you have. For belly button, squese the skin together, and push UP, DONT go down, you have better chance of a) it not working or b) it goes to far in.

Yes, it IS painful, and no, I dont advise people who dont know what they are doing to do this, but its not a life or death "my friend went to the dang hospital' thing, unless your a total MORON. Enjoy.


Answer by megZ
Submitted on 6/8/2004
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i wanna have it peirced an i tried it got in but then it started to hurt so i stopped i tried again but couldnt do it i wanna go to this place but dont no if they will peice minors can n e 1 help me??? email me at cuddly_baby_gurls@hotmail.com


Answer by kate
Submitted on 6/11/2004
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i wouldn't try and do it yourself or it will get worse will Ur parents let you get it done. my dad will let me but I'm still working on my mum. my advice is go to a proper place.


Answer by emals
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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ok i periced mine my self. i didn't hurt but now i have a scar that is really ugly because if u don't take care of it and but bactine and wash it every day the skin peels of and it turns like a purple color which is really gross! so i suggest that u don't do it get it done by a profecinal


Answer by Elizabeth H
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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Hey, this is a comment to any parent looking at this page. I'm 15 years old and came onto here to figure out how to pierce my belly button. I figured out nobody knows how to do it correctly, and everyones best advice is, "Get it done professionally" I'm sure we'd all love to do it that way, if we could, but just like every kid...the rents say no. I don't know why they are all opposed to getting it done, its only going to make us want it more...and then we end up doing it ourselves. Then they screw it up because your children don't know what they are doing. I still want it done, and my parents still won't let me...but I'mnot going to do it myself cuz its not cool. If you have a child that REALLY REALLY wants it...i'd advise you to consider allowing it so that you'll be a part of the piercing and then you know its done right. Otherwise, the results can be bad! I went to camp and pierced 3 people (one girls second holes and cartige..another girls third hole and the lasts ones cartilage) Nobody's got infected and they all looked great. Their parents weren'tmad and all was well and good...but i did get kicked out of camp for doing it. That kinda sucked but it does show that there are chances of a traitorous accident. Good luck and make good choices---if u wanna talk my screen name is LizZzZzy15. peace.

And whoever "Jasmine" is, who thinks its all cool and safe...let me reassure you that its not. My cousin tried it herself and died. she was 17..and hit a nerve over a vain. She was paralyzed in a coma for 6 months and then went under. So don't tell these people about things you know nothing about. And by the way..in NO what way shape or form was she "total MORON"..think about that.


Answer by hashbrownqt
Submitted on 6/18/2004
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hey ppl i really wanna pierce my own bellybutton my mom thinks there cute but i never see my dad and he wants me to wait until im 15 and im 14 now but i REALLY want it....all my friends say go for it and stuff but i hear theres a nerve in your bellybutton an if you hit it you can get major damage....if so about wheres it at and stuff becuase i really want to no so i dont end up getting hurt to bad.


Answer by laur
Submitted on 6/18/2004
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hey hashbrown waiting less than a year is not bad at all...i gotta wait until im 18! dont do it yourself cuz both my cousins did and it got infected. try and go with someone elses parent


Answer by bellymaster
Submitted on 6/19/2004
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i got mine done, and i was allergic to the type of metal that was used. no one knew so we assumed it was just a bad infection. It eat the enitre like flap of skin, where it was peirced. it never fully grew back and left a nasty scar, and i have no feeling in that area, since i just found that out by poking it with a neddle, since i was considering getting it peirced again. But only get it done if your partnels let you, and if you get it done by a professional, its just the logical and best thing to do.


Answer by shelby
Submitted on 6/19/2004
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Hey..i really wanna get my belly button pierced but my mom doesn't want me to she says i have to wait till i amout of the house which is stupid because i really want to get it down my friends said that i should get it down without my parents knowing but the thing is that there gonna find out anyway and then i willprobably get in trouble. i no she keeps on saying no but it makes me want to get it pierced as soon as i can and i don't wanna do it myself either..wha should i do??


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 6/20/2004
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I tried to pierce my belly button, but i got scared when i got it half way so i just took it out.  I always ask my mom if i could get it done but she always says no and it makes me want it even more.  In about a week I am going to a birthday party and this one girl is going to pierce it for me because she pierced her belly button and other peoples and it turned out perfect.  If she doesn't, then i am going to find an adult to go to a professionals with me so i can get it done.  if n e body knows what i should do, answer me.


Answer by Bree
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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Hi my name is Bree and i have my tounge and my lip pierced. i kinda didn't like the way my piercer did mine im kinda scared it could get infected but others say thats how my tounge supose to look so if you know stuff plz wrie back.


Answer by Bree
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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Hey to THETO i actually know where u can get it professionally done withought your parents permission thats where i got my tounge than my parents let me get my lip pierced and it was kewl but he only charged me 20 for my tounge and 20 for my lip and he did it pretty well i think.


Answer by Bree
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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Hey everyone mu cux did her belly button 3 time with a safty pin and it never got infected but it ripped out one when she was asleep and another when i pulled her shirt. she sai it hurt though well if u have n e questions email me at


Answer by gez
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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hi please help ,my dad workes away and he said i can have my belly button pierced but my mum is a nurse/doctor and keeps on saying no coz it will get infected plz help coz all my m8s have it done and i wont it but i dont wont to do it myselph because thats just plain sily plz help me ...how do i win my mum round!!Gez


Answer by Chelsoy
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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I got my bellybotton peirced (my mom let me) but it is infected. Wut should I do?I really do not want to take it out. Is there anything I can do to make the infection go away? Please e-mail me at sweet_thang_344@hotmaail.com I would really appreciate it. thanx.


Answer by VaNeSsA
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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hey guys well i reely wanna get my belly pierced.. my dad likes em but i doubt he'll let me do it since i juss turned 14 n my mom egh NO she says no... but i donno i reeeeelyy want it like is there n e place that does ti wit out parent permision or shood i juss TRY to do it on my own???? i donno im like confused pleez help me out


Answer by meg
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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u can go to www.bmezine.com if u wanna look at other ppls belly piercings to see how they're supposed to look. i think that site's got some tips on it and stuff too.


Answer by kay kay
Submitted on 7/9/2004
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Hey i pirced my own belly button. YOU DONT USE A SAFETY PIN! For one you can NEVER get a REAL ring through it. What you do so go to ur local feed store for horses and every thing. They carry hollow needles for giving horses shots in the perfect size. They are sterilized and ready to go. PLUS they are extremely CHEAP! You need to get a 16g. Soo plz dont do it with a safety pin! Its stupid. Thanx..kaitlyn.
PS if you have ne questions on how to do it i have yahoo and msn(cowgirl_up@sbcglobal.net) and aim and aol (lxlcowgrrluplxl)


Answer by Nessa
Submitted on 7/10/2004
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I really want to peirce my own tongue, can anyone tell me the pros, cons, dangers, how to do it? anything is handy. write to teen_wiccan_angel@hotmail.com or reply on here


Answer by babydoll
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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hey every1....i wanted my bellybotton pierced for hella long now.. but my mom wont take me.. and i dont wanna do it myself (safety reasons) i live in cali, and if any1 know a place where u dont need perants or id email me at calicuttie69@hotmail.com


Answer by huni buni
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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how do they pierce your belly button because i want to no because i am allowed but i want to no haw they do it and if it hurts
please write back please loves  ya all!


Answer by minnie
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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dont do it urself, its not pretty wen u do it rong, go get it done by a professional if u wannit 2 lk decent


Answer by READ MY POST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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hey, don't listen to what most of these people are telling you. i pierced my own tongue over a year ago and NEVER had any problems with it. it's cheap and fairly easy if you can take a lot of pain. it will hurt worse when you do it yourself. i used a safety pin but you can buy piercing needles. have the barbell ready (Probably 14 gauge, nothing larger) make sure you don't do it directly in the middle and when it comes out the bottom, make the bottom further back than the front. you have a vain down the middle of your tongue so if you hit that you'll know. trust me. anyway, i'd suggest you go to a professional, but if u do it yourself, good luck. (make sure you don't do it too far back, BIG mistake. i had to do it twice because of that)


Answer by JULES
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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Guys, your all scared about nothing. I was thirteen when my mom took me to get my belly button pierced professionally. its simple. you just have to me sure you clean it well with bactine (no alcohol or peroxide) 2wice a day for a few months.. dont change it for 2-3 months either.. u need a proper ring (no earrings) and u need to do it wearing sterile gloves with a hollow needle. sterilize the area of your belly button, sterilize the needle tip (burn it). find a good spot on your belly button and draw on a dot to help you. then pull up the skin and push the needle through.. BOTTOM TO TOP. start from underneath.. dont go down. im 15 now and mine is fine.. the guy did exactly what i just told u and mine is great.. mine did hurt a little when he did it but not much!


Answer by Shelbie
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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Hey, i really want to get my belly button peirced and my mom said i could get it done but everywhere we've gone you gotta be 16 or older and i live in Pennsylvainyia wut should i do? should i do it myself and if i do wut should i use some1 PLZ help me! I got MSN azzeybabe_35@hotmail.com and yahoo Shelbie_Bellotti2003@yahoo.com thanx pplz!!!!!!


Answer by jane
Submitted on 7/13/2004
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all you gotta do is go get a safety pin, burn it, get some ice, pop in a movie you love thats about 1-2 hours. sit down, numb the part you want done with ice, make a mark, pull the skin out and slowly push the needle in while watching the movie. before you know it it'll be coming out the other side and it wont hurt a bit. close the safety pin wait about 6 weeks then change the safety pin to a banana barbell


Answer by starburst
Submitted on 7/15/2004
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Hey all, im 14 and for my last birthday (last month, june) my dad finally said yes to getting it done. my mom had been all for it for a long time and she got my dad to say yes.

I can tell u that when u get it done professionaly, it does hurt but only for like 2 secs then its just annoying. I have had mine for 4 weeks now and i just changed it last night. im kinda worried bout it getting infected but everyone i know says it will be fine as long as im smart about what i do.

For those of u who say "u cant die from doing it urself" or "u wot get sick" yada yada yada... BULL! My cousin did hers herself and it got infected really bad and she got really sick. i also met this girl who got really sick, almost died, and now her belly button is black. Yeah its really fun, not.

just wait, if ur parents say no then its no. wait till ur 18 or they change their minds, who knows maybe u will get lucky like my best friend and one of ur friends will get theirs done for their b-day and their mom will do it for u too. then of course u risk never being aloud to talk to ur friend again, but hey. its up to u, but i say wait. its already a big enough risk to get it done right, u dont want to make it bigger.


Answer by starburst
Submitted on 7/15/2004
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Hey all, im 14 and for my last birthday (last month, june) my dad finally said yes to getting it done. my mom had been all for it for a long time and she got my dad to say yes.

I can tell u that when u get it done professionaly, it does hurt but only for like 2 secs then its just annoying. I have had mine for 4 weeks now and i just changed it last night. im kinda worried bout it getting infected but everyone i know says it will be fine as long as im smart about what i do.

For those of u who say "u cant die from doing it urself" or "u wot get sick" yada yada yada... BULL! My cousin did hers herself and it got infected really bad and she got really sick. i also met this girl who got really sick, almost died, and now her belly button is black. Yeah its really fun, not.

just wait, if ur parents say no then its no. wait till ur 18 or they change their minds, who knows maybe u will get lucky like my best friend and one of ur friends will get theirs done for their b-day and their mom will do it for u too. then of course u risk never being aloud to talk to ur friend again, but hey. its up to u, but i say wait. its already a big enough risk to get it done right, u dont want to make it bigger.


Answer by kayla
Submitted on 7/15/2004
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yo i periced my bellybutton and it started bleeding really bad now i have a scar so i don't want 2 doit again


Answer by mentosbabe
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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HEY, well i just peirced my belly! at first it didn't want to go in, but itz in! and now i'm regretting it! itz all Bruised up! and i have some swimming stuff! my mom asked what it was i told her nothing! when i'm older i'm gonna get it peireced but Professionally same with my nose!! itz gonna be sweet!!   BUT WAIT!! now i have a scar but i dont mind!

if you guyz wanna talk to me my screen name is tinkfreakgurl! so talk to me!!


Answer by Amber
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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OK I have Peirce my own belly button and it did not hurt. All you do is numb it with ice if you like for maybe 3 min. Then peirce up not down. If you want to pro. do it then get it done, my mom did it and she says that it didn't hurt besides if it does hurt its only for a few seconds. Some advice they say getting your ears pierced is a whole lot more painful


Answer by .....
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Not a prob. do it urself if you want its ur bod not every1 elses so dont listen to what peeps say just do it and wait to c what happens if comes out bad then boo 4 u but if it turns out great then well GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by JUJU
Submitted on 7/21/2004
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Hey Guys, listen i really want a belly piercing and have wanted one for a long time but my dad will kill me if he finds out i have one.My mom likes it but he hates it, so its better to just get over it and not get one at all especially doing it your self (ive already tried that several times)plus evryone already has one more pppl have one than most ppl who dont so i guess stick with what God gave u, its only a "RING" your betta off without one "UR BEAUTIFUL THE WAY U ARE".....lol but honestly


Answer by michay69
Submitted on 7/21/2004
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hey YALL! I'm getting my bellybutton pierced in 3 days..PROFESSIONALY! Yes it costs money but its worth it! i also have my nose professionaly and it looks great! so my advice for all of you is if u want piercings go ahead but make sure your parents know and your not doing it by yourself...!


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 8/2/2004
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Hey i just got Mine belly button piered 2 days ago it didn't hurt @ all! only the clamp but i couldn't feel the needle!
I'm A lil scard that its goin 2 get infected but if u want it done go 4 it! u have 2 wait about 2 months 2 change it but its awe sum 4 dances and stuff! just dunt be scard and ur be good:) Good Luck 2 everyone that wants 2 get it done Go 4 it!


Answer by *~*NiKkI*~*121212
Submitted on 8/2/2004
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hey ,
   well i peirced my belly button about 2-3 months ago and i havent been takin care of it like i should i just recently about 1 month ago starting takin care of it cause i was worried that my skin was getting thinner but i cant tell if it its gettin little very slow but i was wondering if i keep on takin care of it will it be ok and should i peirce it again myself so that there will be more skin after the hole heals? my mom and dad both know about it and didnt get mad and let me keep it my mom woulda let me heal it up and go get it repeirced by a proffesional so we would be sure that it would be okay but its against the law where i live what should i do cause i really dont wanna take it out cause i like it and i just need to know also how much skin there should be in between the top and bottom hole approximately?


Answer by Sweetness
Submitted on 8/4/2004
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I tryed to pierce my belly button with my friend and we used the ice method and it didnt even work! it hurt like a mofo! later that night i got mine all the way through and my left side of my belly went numb. so i advize that the people telling you its ok and it doesnt hurt is a bunch of b.s. cause its not ok and it does hurt! im 17 and im waiting to get mine periced till im 18 only cause i wanna make sure the person doin it isnt a freak. most of the people here sayin its ok are 12-15 and have no clue what they are talkin about! so take my advice DONT DO IT YOURSELF!


Answer by princess
Submitted on 8/4/2004
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listen i got my belly done at a proffesional place, its a bit of extra money, but whats more important ur muney or ur health, 3 of my friends did their belly's themselves and evryone has gone wrong and it serves them right, would you rather have it risky and painful by doing it urself, or safe and painfree if you have it done proffesionally...its ur choice..but i wont give sympathy when it gets infected


Answer by Rayne
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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Hey, I'm about to pierce it myself and well do you think if I clean enough it will be fine?


Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 8/11/2004
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Hay ppl ma name is Jessica Im gettin ma nose pierced in a week or sum thin like dat n e wayz i wanna no if it hurtz? e-mail me @ surf_Babe_19@hotmail.com thnx


Answer by Lil may
Submitted on 8/12/2004
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Hey i have a question! My friends she's fifteen and i'm fourteen and she's getting hers done whens she turns sixteen witch is in 7 months and ill still be fourteen and i was wondering would it be possible if she could sign the form for me? or does it have to be my parent?????


Answer by mia
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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you shouldn't do it yourself, get it done professionally so you wont regret or get scared about risks involved. If you get it done professionally, 1. it will hurt much less and it will be quicker 2. there will be no major risks involved!


Answer by Jessie
Submitted on 8/18/2004
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hey girls/guys..listen i got my belly professionally done for my 15 bday. my mom was totally against it but i kept asking and she finally said ok. all they did was i layed down on a chair{something like a dentist chair} then he cleaned the area, drew 2 dots, pinched the skin and puched the needle in. it did hurt when it was going trough, but not that bad. its like when u take some skin on ur belly and pinch it really hard.then afterwards it feels really wierd, like theres something in ur skin and u want to take it out, and it may itch when it heals, or some stuff will come out, but that normal it will go away. well they gave me this cleaning soap to use like 3 times a day. i used it all and it did not get infected at all. as long as u clean it everyday it should be fine. do not use peroxide or alchohol, my friend got it done down the shore and they told her to use that and it got really infected. my other friend got it pierced by her fiend, and it came out fine, but it did get a lil infected. so my advice to u is do not do it urself..u will hav a lot more trouble and it will hurt a lot more. u can talk to me on AIM -XxShawty69jxx, or aol email -SN LilJessie1688....@aol.com...be careful girls....Jessie


Answer by stacie_aka_ corkie
Submitted on 8/20/2004
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hey im 13 years old.. my dad said that i could "maybe" get my belly done! i really want 2 do it myself! i watched my sis do it and IT W@S SCARY!Im afraid of what can happen 2me after i do it.. im not soo scarred of the needle and skin part cuz i pirced my hole ear all the way up.. every one that i know has it done.. what shuld i do?? please send me a answer Twinkletoes146aol.com THANKS


Answer by ummm
Submitted on 8/20/2004
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hey everyone, i WaS going to peirce my own bellybutton, but now that i've heard you can die from it, im kinda discouraged. I have no idea about peircing it myself. But my friend did it herself once and it turned out fine, and she also got her friend to peirce her tongue! ugh the pain. It's just, if there was like a website that I could go to that showed the instructions of peircing your own belly button i would go for it. Cuz when i ask my parents they say no, but i think im gonna go with my friend who's mom is taking her to get it proffesionaly and get mine done too. But if anyone just know's of any websites I could go to , let me know, ( and it cant be one of those gay ones that people just make up even though they don't have any clue of what they're doing either)


Answer by Ashleigh
Submitted on 8/21/2004
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Okay like first off none of you guys no what the hell your talking about! Don't rely on answers from people you don't know! IF YOU WANT REAL ANSWERS GO TO WWW.BMEZINE.COM ! THAT WEBSITE IS PROFESSIONAL AND HAS EVERYTHING IN THE WHOLE WORLD THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT BODY MODIFICATIONS!
IF YOU WANT TO TALK ADD ME ON HOTMAIL OR MSN MESSENGER @ pokey_blue@hotmail.com or add my friend who is into like almost everyt ype of ody modification @ sk8erchic69_69@hotmail.com ! were both really nice and just wanna help!

Thanx Sarah for helping me! And you could die if you do it yourself and its gets terribly infected! if u even do your own ears ( which i have done mine 7 times and stretched my bottom holes to a 4 gauge ) you could loose you ears! im not kidding! add me and ill tell u nething you want! no matter how badly you want this it's not worth risking your life over!

               ~ Ashleigh ~ yay ima 4 gauge!
so thats sk8erchic69_69@hotmail.com my friend Stacey Walker or pokey_blue@hotmail.com me ( ashleigh )


Answer by Lucy
Submitted on 8/22/2004
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hey, on my 13th birthday i got my bely button pierced as a present and i went to a pro..i dont reccommend doing it yourself if you dont have the right tools,sterilizers or  medcation to clean it..go to a pro it cuts the risk of infection in half!


Answer by jenny
Submitted on 8/23/2004
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what do they use to pierce the belly button in a body piercing shop and does it hurt? do any of you know a good place to get my belly button pierced or any websites thank you.


Answer by jenny
Submitted on 8/23/2004
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what do they use to pierce the belly button in a body piercing shop and does it hurt? do any of you know a good place to get my belly button pierced or any websites thank you.


Answer by Miatrinigurl
Submitted on 8/26/2004
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I got my bellybutton pierced professionally and it still got infected it got this little black ring around it and when my parents found out i took it out for 3 days and it closed up even though i had it in for 3 months already. I still think u should get it done professionally maybe it was just my body that messed up.lol.Oh yea and it really hurts no matter what i even almost passed out.


Answer by Sara
Submitted on 8/27/2004
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Hey i just tried to pierce my belly button but it didnt work and now this like clear and whte stuff is coming out what should i do


Answer by Sunny
Submitted on 8/28/2004
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I pierced my belly button about 3 years ago,it never turned out,but i have a scar there that will haunt me for the rest of my life. all of you just need some damn patience. wait until your parents will let you get it done, its not that long. maybe a couple more years,if your lucky months.but if you keep waiting and bring it up every once in a while, your parents might just give in. thats how i got more then half of my piercings!


Answer by cloud
Submitted on 8/29/2004
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i tried 2 pierce my belly button and i hurt so much and yesterday i got it done professily and i didnt feel a thing! and its so cool


Answer by sunshine*2
Submitted on 9/2/2004
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all my friends do it themselves so what the heck go for it!!!!!!! good luck


Answer by jas
Submitted on 9/3/2004
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my parents wont at all let me get a belly piercing but im gettin one professionally..but does ny one hav advise on hiddin a belly piercing?


Answer by Sebbie
Submitted on 9/3/2004
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Hi.  I'm 15, a guy, and I want my bellybutton pierced (yeah, I'm gay, if that clears things up for you).  Anyway, what I don't get about everyone saying "Don't do it yourself!"  is that the problem isn't who does it, it's how it's done.  Like, I figure numbing the area with ice, heating the piercing in a flame to sterilize it, using latex gloves, and sterilizing the area a few times a day for a few months is basically exactly what professionals do.  So instead of saying not to do it ourselves, it'd be great if some professional actually told us how to do it with household materials (the one this I can;t figure out is what to pierce it with; the piercing itself isn't sharp, but using a needle would mean that you'd have to take it out and then replace it with the piercing).  So yeah, could someone pleeeeeease give a good description of how to do it by oneself?  Thankies!


Answer by Jacquie
Submitted on 9/4/2004
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hey everyone!

I really wanna get my belly button done!!! im scared to do it myself! ive tried once but i barely got it in because it hurt! both my parents hate it and thinks in makes me look slutty! i'monly 13...i no a little young...but what should i do? get it done..do it myself? or wait for them to give in...!?!?!


Answer by Natt
Submitted on 9/5/2004
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ok i want my belly dont so friggin bad  but ov corse im not alowwed mom says no dad says shure, but in the end mom wins, ive tried 2 peirce it myself about 4 times, and eech time a do freeze it, and for bout 20 mins but it still hurts, and i can never get it in!so i dunno what i shud do, im kinda scared it will get infected nd then ill have to tell my parents so im not goin 2 try 2 peirce it myself anymore, im goin 2 try to go somehwere to get it dun prfessinoally but im only 13 so i dunno if theyll do it for me, anyways if yu have any advice on whwere 2 go 2 get it dun, please tell me, and can yu tell me what they use, ive always been curious


Answer by ican't tell u
Submitted on 9/10/2004
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Hey guys,
DON"T DO IT YOURSELF if you want to get it done ask an older person to  come with you and profecionaly if your parents won't let you get it done  because if you pierce it yourself there is like a 75% of dieing or ending up in hospital!
Love i can't tell you


Answer by allie
Submitted on 9/11/2004
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i have a Question!!!! how do u go about getting it professionally done? i mean forge a note or what? i want to know asap because i want to get it done over the weekend!! thanx!!


Answer by lolabunny
Submitted on 9/12/2004
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hey im gonna pierce my on belly tonight
im gonna tell you my resualts in like a week


Answer by Lizie
Submitted on 9/12/2004
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I am 19 and I have wanted to pierce my belly for the longest time. My mom said that if I wanted to get it done it was fine because I was old enough. My dad is completely against piercings unless it is your ears. Getting your ear pierced doesn't hurt at all you just get a burning feeling and your ear gets hot that is all. Trust me I have gotten my ears pierced 6 times including the top. If it does hurt it is only a couple of seconds. But if you really want your belly pierced you should get it done professionally because all the people I know it has turned out bad and have gotten really sick from it. I had to wait till I moved out to get my belly pierced and still havn't but my husband is going to take me to have it done because I don't trust myself doing it. But waiting is going to be worth it. I just don't know how bad it is going to hurt. And as far as getting your tongue done it doesn't hurt as bad as biting your tongue. But it is your choice and your mistake if you choose to do it your self...


Answer by Lizie
Submitted on 9/12/2004
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I forgot one other thing. As far as guys getting their belly's pierced. It isn't as bad as you want to make it sound my brother in law has pierced his 4-5 times and he is 27 and still has it and it doesn't look half bad. As far as your friends go it isn't their body it's yours and you should be confident with what ever you do to your body who cares what other people think.


Answer by Katie
Submitted on 9/13/2004
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Ok hey yea.. im 15 and im getting my tongue pierced on saterday.. I just wanted to know if any of u knew lol what they have to do.. and if it hurts.. and what to expect for the next few weeks.. So yea thank u if u want please email me i gotta find this stuff out before i get it done!!! im at www.iwilalwysluvu2430@comcast.net Thank u so much and i also have a aim sn its Dollfaceteen2430 THANK U GUYS SO MUCH!!


Answer by sharbear
Submitted on 9/18/2004
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hey i just had mine done today.  it hurt like hell.  but it is diffrent for everyone. u should also wait to get it done by a professional. your chances are much better! happy pericing!


Answer by Sesley
Submitted on 9/20/2004
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I got my belly button done when I was 12 and it was infected for a long time (it was professionally done of course) when I stopped putting the disinfectant on it, it healed fine. Now for those of you minors who want to get it pierced, go into you're local piercing shop and they will give you a form for your parents to sign. Forge it and when you take it in say you're parents couldn't make it in (make up some excuse) and they'll do it. That's how I got my tattoo at the age of 16. If they are going to phone your parents get an adult friend to play as one of your parents when the piercer phones. DON'T DO IT YOURSELF! My friend did it and it pussed and oozed, it was nasty. It hurt like hell!


Answer by Cindy
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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I got  a question ... i have had my belly button pierced 2 times and it got infected ... i really liked it and want it back so i got a "piercing kit" so i would have it done sorta right but i have read that there is a nerve in you belly button that can be hit and if it is it will cause alot of damage even death... so if you could please give me advice on what to do ... i was gonna try and pierce one of my friends but now since i see there is a nerve i don't want to try it and something happen to her... just let me know what you think i should do and if you know where the nerve is i would like to know... i am not gonna do it my self now NO !!! But it is interesting to me to know where it is ... so please give me some advice ... if i should go have it done or have one of my friends do it for me... thank you


Answer by candy
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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When you get it done by a pro. They will lay you back in a chair and put on gloves and open a sterile bag that has your forceps, needle and ring in it... then they will clamp the forceps on your belly button where they made the mark and push the needle up from the bottom of you belly button to the top and then they kinda push the needle out with the ring of your choice... it is really not painful at all and it is over in a few seconds ... then it will be kinda sore for the next week or so but it is not unbarable...I say if you want it done i would go and get it done but PLEASE  don't do it yourself... if you parents say no you can have someone else's parents to take you and sign for you it is jut better for you to not get it done at all if you are not gonna go to a pro. But all in all it does not hurt and if you want it you wont regret getting it done... so i say go for if PROFESSIONALLY!!!


Answer by nick
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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my friend did it her self with a needle, but the problem is that she did not do it deep enough. i got mine done professionaly and i am scaired for her.it is hanging on the verry tip of her bellybutton. if you know anything about this email me at         sugarbumps@bellsouth.net.
p;ease help!!!


Answer by nicole
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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I got my belly button peirced when i was 12....it didn't hurt at all...im 15 now and i love it and all the guys love it too...but if u want the guys to love it...get it done by a profesional...it mite look better...if u need help...Email me at Lilitaliangrl275@yahoo.com...cuz i peirced 6 peoples bellys...Im thinking about getting my nose done cuz all my friends say i will looks so beautiful with it...i wanna do it myself...but i don't wanna look ugly cuz ur nose gets really swollen...!!!
anyone who got their nose done or did it themselfs acn u help me?! Just Email me at the adress above!!


Answer by Bryanna
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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Yah, i really wanna get my belly button peirced but my friend said if you do it yourself that you could hit this like major vein and loose alot of blood!My mom says i can't get it done caz im like only 13 but i think it looks really cute!  She also says if it gets infected that it smells really bad!  I tried convincing her and she kinda agreed she said its either that or a car when im 16! How do i convince her! HELP!!!!


Answer by Metalhead.
Submitted on 9/24/2004
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well.. i got my bellybutton peirced profesionaly, i do like it, but so many people have it done these days, anyway, Im gunna peirce my own nose, wot should i use?? Im also going to peirce the sticky out bit in my ear, the tragus, and the bottom of my ears, for the 2nd time, I was also thinking about doing the top of my ear again, so i have two there...
Wot would I use to do it?
Is it safe to do eyebrow peircings @ home??
and nose ones @ home??


Answer by ngyeah
Submitted on 9/26/2004
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Thanks for all the advice kiddies...my daughter (she's 12) wanted hers done too and I was gonna do it myself. But hearing all the stories about things going wrong and the nerve thing...I decided I'm gonna take her to a pro! Take care all and I hope your parents come around and help you out with it to!


Answer by Chelly
Submitted on 9/29/2004
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Well I pierced my belly but it is croked what do I do my parents do not know and i am 12 yrs old do I piece another hole or what do i do .


Answer by Chelly
Submitted on 9/29/2004
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Well i dont know how bad it is by pearcing it myself though it was my first time and it dint hurt nor did it get infected it started to bleed only a little and stopped so is that normal well email me to give me advice chelly5326@hotmail.com okay well thank -(i am 12yrs old )


Answer by sammy
Submitted on 9/29/2004
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Hey ppl. Whats up i really want to get my belly button pierced, but my parents won't let me. If any 1 has any ideas on how to convince parents into letting you get it done please write an answer on how to on this page. Thanks that would be great.


Answer by READ ME!!!!!!!!
Submitted on 10/1/2004
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Hey guys,
HOW DO U TALK YOUR MUM INTO GETTING IT DONE? i have asked a billion times and still don't have it!!!!!! I have my seconds done but i still do not have my belly done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every day i ask my friend (who has theirs)
what belly ring r u wearing?

So now i am obssesed with belly button rings and the whole thing

I really want mine bad but i would never ever get it done by myself or any friend of  mine because yes you can die and if i died my mum would hate me even more and what is worse you have a big disgusting bruise

That is all i have to say but DON'TDOIT URSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by LaLa14
Submitted on 10/2/2004
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this answer goes out to Shelby and all those othr grls struggling 2 convince their prnts 2let em' pierce their b-buttons...my mom or dad will let me do it, i did it once by myself but it ended up being 2far up!(i did it laying down so da skin stretched when i stood!!) :( im still tryin 2gt it through again, yes it hurts (i mean u are ripping like 5layers of tissue!) but chances r dat u will do it right or dat you'll end up wit a major infection!!its really up 2u if u wanna do it ur self or wt,,,Ima do it even if my parentz gt mad, cuz @da end Im still gon have da hole.n its not like they're gon stuff it up>>right?  well good luck and be careful!!(dont do somn u'll regret later!!!)  xoxo---foxycheerracrgir;@hotmail.com


Answer by pookiee
Submitted on 10/5/2004
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omg i really want my belly pierced and i did it my self w/ a earing but the hole was not big enough and i want it done so bad doe any 1 live in California if so my email address is lilmamma072@aol.com please write me back 4


Answer by n0nee of ya business
Submitted on 10/6/2004
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i g0t my belly buttin piErcedd profecionaLLy and it didnt hurt a bit - all you have to do is take a deep breath and its over within like 1 second - if you want it done thenn go for it < -


Answer by tasha
Submitted on 10/7/2004
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i really want to get my tounge pierced! but im totally scared! does it hurt alot?? contact me on ratrox@hotmail.com thanxx ta ta


Answer by Nanette
Submitted on 10/9/2004
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hey, yeah my mom said no at first but then she finally let me get it done at first i got it on the top but after 3 months it got really infected and the skin got so thin that it ripped out and i did it my self once again it was fine for like 4 months and it got infected so i got the bottom done it by a pro and it got infected once again...im so fed up with the piercing and i am getting my tragus done tommorow should i do it or what and what should i do about the infected navel piercing??? please help me


Answer by qban-lissette a,k.a flaka 4rm miami
Submitted on 10/9/2004
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hi evry1!i'malmost 14 & i REALLY REALLY want a belly pierce..i try talkin 2 my mom and she says in da future well c wat we do(she also says theirs a tym 4 everything)sumtimes she even gets mad wen i bring ^ dis topis..she hates how it looks (she says it make u look lyk and easy girl 2 get)my step father is always bakin and supporting ma mom and tryin 2 persuade me not 2 get it never in my life b-cuz of how it looks and he says dat supposedly hurts!(wat does he kno bout belly's..lol and my dad dosnt curr b-cuz maw step sis. 4rm ma dads' side already has 1 but she got it last year wen she was 14and a half...i have attmpted 2 try doing da piercing myself..but failed in success b-cuz in da middle of stickin a needle through ma belly it hurted weneva i poopped a layer..my best frein has her belly pierce and she did it by herself and it look lyk som1 pro. did it(may-b even better!) and she says it dont hurt!1 of my attempts of piercin ma bely was in da sko bathroom and i got cought and boii was ma mom mad lukily u couldnt tell b-cuz i used a thin needle and plus dat it didnt go al da way through!...
n-ways da reason im writing 2 u guys is bcuz i wanna kno da dangers of piercin it urslf(well i kind of read some above) and kno were dat nerve is in ur stomach also i wanted 2 ask "is it tru dat if u pierce in a wrong place like a chord u have in ur stomach u cant of babies"dats wat ma mom says but i think there lies 2 convince me not 2 get 1.....2day i was so close 2 piercin ma bellybuton wit a safety pin and a 1hole puncher....hahahhahah but der was a side of me dat said 2 myself look 4 info in da comp. 2 c wat can happen if u do! i think da best way 2 do it urself dat ma freind has already done it is take plyers and sanatize it and squeeze da flap so da layers of skin inside ur flap are squeezed then throught da hole of da plyers stick in a needle(ma freind did it wit a sadety pin) den burn da needle(wit a lighter , and light ^ da tip) and num ur stomack wit ice and just preasure da needle 4rm buttom 2 top(thats wat i heard) wat da diffrence of piercin it from top 2 botom or bottom 2 top?so far i stil dont got ma belly pierce but im so close 2 doin it myself cuz ma sister has 1 and all ma freinds hav it and i desperatly want 2 look good in tup top shyrts!!!& o yea i wanna kno if dats really tru dat u can die from piercing ur belly urself(cuz dats really dangerous!)


Answer by bean
Submitted on 10/12/2004
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god this annoys me.
piercing yourself with a safety pin isn't safe.
you wanna pierce yourself
go buy an autoclave, clamps and proper cut piercing needles.


Answer by bodyartfreak
Submitted on 10/12/2004
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I was wondering..does anyone have information on how to pierce your belly button youself..i am looking for a website to tell all..with pictures...thanks!!!


Answer by Dar
Submitted on 10/14/2004
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hey i did mine myself just don't do it small make sure you have a good amount of skin but not to much skin and don't make it to small


Answer by KelliRowe_11
Submitted on 10/14/2004
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HEY i pierced my belly button about a week ago....  Its ok i put sea salt on it,neosporen,and salt water. I hear that u should not put neosporan on it so my friend Hali helped me. she gave me a belly ring. She gave me so stuff 2 put on it and i did it. She said to make shore that i keep it cleaned & TAKE CARE OF IT!!! (OR ELES).

                if any body eles has done this e-mail me NOW    hotshot@ga-family.com


Answer by palyboy_1
Submitted on 10/14/2004
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well i want 2 have my belly button and tongue and below my lip done so give so what should i do email me and tell me juss put hey playboy_1 in subject ok my leopard13@charter.net bye


Answer by Rooster Roo
Submitted on 10/19/2004
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Hey everyone. I think that getting your belly button done is like way hott but if it gets infected, what r u gonna do? I'll tell u what the best thing to do is. A Don NOT us rubbing alcohol or peroxide! trust me, it'll get worse insied. Use water and antibacterial soap. i was told to do this by a professional. If u wanna email me u can. No forwards.
angel91_91@yahoo.com  P.S.: I'm a 13 f


Answer by Taylor
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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  Hey someone help me!! yesterday my friend said she was gonna pierce her belly button herself with a safety pin!!!! I told her it was crazy and i really thought she knew better than that!!! But i met her at the busstop 2day & she actually went through with it!!! What can i tell her to make her take it out???? (she did it without even asking her rents) HELP!!!!!


Answer by Leah
Submitted on 10/25/2004
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Hey guys I was SO close to piercing my Navel this morning.....but I didn't kno x-actly how to do it....I wanna kno where to get it done perfesionally WITH OUT parents permission...BOTH my parents say no....but still! I am on the edge here! Please help me out guys!!!! email me loviejaz77@hotmail.com or IM me on AOL my sn is PinkPanther45654


Answer by JakeyBoy
Submitted on 10/28/2004
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Look, your all saying either Yes or No.  You got the ones saying "yeah i did it....it was fine for me"  Yeah.....FOR YOU.....dont give others advice unless your qualified....it may have been great for YOU!! But for someone else it could be disasterous....you'll lead them into a false security...."yeah everyone else's was fine mine will be too"......you dont know that......
If your gonna get it done.....do it professionally...and at the legal age....dont you think there is a reason for a legal age?????
And please stop giving advice if you dont have a certificate to prove you know about this stuff!!!


Answer by lil one
Submitted on 11/3/2004
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hey i pierced my belly button professionally and it came out grate it did hurt but don't worry it will go away soon but don't forget to take good care of it


Answer by stacyXXX
Submitted on 11/5/2004
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i did all my own piercings. (nose lip ears both) pain all depends on the person. i have a mental condition...I DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE TOUCHING ME!!!!
if you do anything yourself, just make sure everything is clean. yes, you can die from verious places, but it all depends on your body.
just know it can be immature to do your own, but be aware the safty risks and cleaning.

love lots good luck be smart.


Answer by Gayle
Submitted on 11/7/2004
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Hey, all of you are very young and want to get this done without your parents knowing.  The belly button is one of those places you don't want to do yourself because it is very easily infected.  If you really want one you can wait until your 18 to get it done professionally.  Piercings are great, but you don't want to do harm to your body


Answer by linkin_barbie
Submitted on 11/8/2004
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i try'd soooo many times to pierce my own belly, but it just won't go through. Wadda i do to get it through? Can somebody help me ppplllllllllllzzzzzzzz! Ps- my parents bla bla bla everybody won't let me! help!
I also have suicidal thoughts sometimes coz otha ppl are allowed to have their bellyz pierced and imma not. :-(
my e-mail is: linkin_barbie@hotmail.com
anything u wanna say - i'll ALWAIZ listen


Answer by Kymmie
Submitted on 11/8/2004
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hey awesome angel i dunno if any1 has answered ur question but i can help. wat they do is they like put u in a kinda dentist chair and then get a special clamp and clamp all the skin 2gether. then the person whoz doin ur belly gets like a 3mm thick needle (soz incase u might b american by the way) and they just slip it thru then get the belly ring and slide it in and dun, walla!


Answer by *sasha*
Submitted on 11/12/2004
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The 14 year old boy named "anonymous" who got his belly button peirced 6 times is not true someone just made that up and gave this guy's email who has never had his belly button peirced so plz don't add him asking for pics because he doesn't have any thx! bye


Answer by sammy
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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ive got my belly pierce and im 13yr old it hurts a bit!!!! Please get it done professionaly!! My m8 pierced hers herself and it blood was everywhere!! Ive had my belly done 4 about a year and a half now i went in with my mum!! You can ask me any question and i would love to aswers them


Answer by Kgirl4
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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I did my belly by myself and it turned out ok.i did mine a little too thin but its still fine.Doing it yourself is okay if everything is sterile and you know wat your doing.If you need help or dont know what your doing.GO TO A PRO!!! if anyone has aim and has any questions just im me Babygirl440724.my names brit


Answer by Baby Bree
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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I have a question...My friend wants to pierce my bellybutton she says she's done it before but I'm nervous is there any precautions I can take?


Answer by rockerina
Submitted on 11/20/2004
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I burnt a safety pin and (without numbing it with ice) put it in. Sure, it hurt but it was OK, except for the fact that I couldnt get the thing to slip right in .Bled very slightly and a bit of fluid came out. But then due to the risk of infection, I pulled it out after about five hours (lost the nerve I guess)- and now the damn hole has closed and I suppose I'll have to wait until the bloody thing has healed to start again. Must try the ice thing the next time.


Answer by Chelsea
Submitted on 11/21/2004
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I am going 2 be 13 dis wednsday and i have wanted my belly button pierced 4 years and i REALLY wunna do it! Cuz i always watch mtv and stuff and all these gurls my age already have it done and neither of my parents like it they think it looks hussy lookin well i dnt and a I am going to pierce it myself is there anything that i need to look out 4? PLEAZ PLEAZ HELP ME! : )


Answer by --->>>KaTe<<<---
Submitted on 11/22/2004
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iv just pierced my own nose which i have dun b4 but my mum made me take it out but she isn't gonna find out dis time. Trust me don't pierce your own belly button its not worth the risk!!!


Answer by Bryanna
Submitted on 11/22/2004
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i'vebeen reading through these message things and i have a little advice for ALL of you. i might not be a pro but when it came down to the point i wanted my belly button pierced to. thats something i now wish i would have never wanted...ya they're cute but when do it yourself, it's very highly extremly dangerous. there is like a vein or artery or something you could hit...my luck i came not even w/ in a cm of hitting it. i was in 5th grade and i was going through a LOT then so i figured hey, what the heck, i can try to damage my body and hat i almost did. i look back now at the STUPID thing i done. now i have a hideous scar on my belly button f/m being stressed out wanting to harm myself. ya there cute but i would NEVER do it again.


Answer by K-la
Submitted on 11/28/2004
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holy hell i rly want my belly button pierced im only 13 but my dad wont let me and my mom told me to wait till im in grade nine but i seriously dont wanna wait till then i want it at this time since its like the winter and my stumach will be covered in the winter then in the summer i can show it off! ugh this sux! i wanna go and get it dun like without my rents knowing but if i do n they found out i wud prolli get grounded for the summer which wud totally suck ass! but i dont no . im not doing it myself from wut ive heard on here you can dye and i dont wanna rite now thanks. but neways if you have sum lines that can get my rents to say yes.. ditch them out to me or add me on msn honey_kiss12@hotmail.com kk buh bye x0x ly x0x ..::*Mwah*::..


Answer by none
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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id sya your all fuking retarted get itone prof. n if the rtents wont let u ask a few more times nt henw ait til they say yes shwo cares u jsut wna tone cuz everyone else ahs one... ig ot my belly button periced in 5th grade b4 liek every in my grade n now every one has one..so i also got the bottom done in7 n everyone got that too its rediclous get over it u as$ hole!


Answer by Gina
Submitted on 12/2/2004
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yeah if i were you i would go and get it done professionally because im 13 and my mom wouldnt let me do it but i did it myself but i had only kept it in for prolly 3 days and had to take it out 1 of my friends got it professionally done and hers is awesome but when i did my it got infected the skin got ate and it got so thin when i took  out the earing all the skin came out now i have a big scar i was also wondering if u do it urself and it doesnt work can u get it professionally done still cause my friends say u cant since the tissue has scarred


Answer by christin
Submitted on 12/5/2004
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i tried pierceing my belly butin several of times got it so close i could feel it. i couldn't feel pain unless i pulled the needle out it feels better in. but after reading this i don't want to really but how much does it cost to get done? i heard 60 to 70 dollars and right now i don't have that please write me about it at kissten25@msn.com thankz


Answer by Jade
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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I'm 14 and i want my belly button pierced and so do my three other friends so we are all gonna go together and get it done. My parents are cool with it because they would rather me get it done professionally than do it myself at the possible risk it might get infected. I was wondering if anyone actually knows how professionals do it i have heard they get a clamp and put it on your belly button to stop the blood flow then pierce it with a pin like they do with your nose. Is this true?


Answer by miranda
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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hey im 13 and my ma sayd i could get my belly button pierced and i have the money to go to a profesional but we dont know of anywhere in wisconsin or upper illinios that will pierce a minors belly button even with a parent and im gettin my tounge and lip pierced when i turn 15 but i dunno how old you have to be to get your tounge pierced if anyone knows of somewhere a minor can get their belly button pierced with parents consent then let me know l8az


Answer by cutiepie:P
Submitted on 12/8/2004
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im 13 and my mum said i can get my belly done but im really scared of it hurting(im a wuss) and of it going septic i was thinking about doing it myself but i h8 pain and ill probably hit a nerve or summit can someone plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me cuz i reeli dnt no wot 2 do thnx:P xXxXx


Answer by shOrtii4u2nv89
Submitted on 12/14/2004
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Hey Guys.  Last night I was attempting to peirce my own nose... and it didn't go so well.  I got the sterilized needle all the way through (It was painless by the way) and then I tried to put the ring in, and it only went through up to the bend in the nose ring.  (Some have that 90 degree turn to keep them in your nose) And it wouldn't break through my skin.  I tried turning it and pushing the ring in farther, but it still wouldn't break skin.  Any suggestions?


Answer by oli bezza
Submitted on 12/15/2004
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Heya. I pierced my belly button about 3 hours ago. It didnt really hurt but after reading this i really regret it. Its ok, coz i took it str8 out after doin it and cleaned it. I only did it because i REALLY want it done. Im 13 and my mum and dad both say no, my best friend got it done about 5months ago professionally and its FINE. Have you got any tips on how to talk my parents round to it?!?!?!?!? PLEASE ANSWER!   Oli xxx


Answer by woteva
Submitted on 12/16/2004
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my parents said i can get it done but i dont know if it hurts so can sm1 tell me if it hurts by DA way im gettin it done by pros bye


Answer by cloz
Submitted on 12/17/2004
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im gettin mine done soon proffesionaly bcoz i fink its safer bcoz i am a baby lol i have had a blood tests and my ears peirsed 2 and the top of my ear peirced does ny1 kno if it will hurt more than ny of them plzzzzz help me luvz yall byexxxxxx


Answer by Nicci
Submitted on 12/17/2004
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Cherry,Do not pierce your nose your yourself.My friend did hers and it went all red and scabby.Anyone who wants to pierce their navel their self DON'T it won't do you any good.
           love y'all ~nicci~


Answer by Karah
Submitted on 12/18/2004
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ok, i piecered my belly button, and it worked great, and theres no sign of infection, and just to make sure it wasnt a coincedence, my friend wants me to do it to her, but i dont wanna do anything wrong, we rub the needle w/ an alcohol pad, and i clean mine everyday, and we put ice on her and shes afraid, but she wants me to do it, ant suggestions???


Answer by Hope
Submitted on 12/25/2004
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hey yall get it down professional because mine ripped out and i have major scar tissue


Answer by KaYlA
Submitted on 1/1/2005
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well i personally think its the same thing if you get it done by the pericer n ur self..i think u can do it both ways..just make sure if you do it ur self is clean the neddle and juss keep cleaning it..thats it..jezz


Answer by jordanlara
Submitted on 1/4/2005
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i got my belly button pierced and it started bleeding i want to know if since it started bleeding can i still get my period(i haven't started my period at all yet)


Answer by Gabby
Submitted on 1/4/2005
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Hi my name is Gabriell I really want my belly pierced but my mom and dad want let me.If some one no's a way i can do it my self please tell me.PLEASE.............................


Answer by Kelli
Submitted on 1/4/2005
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I pierced my belly button by myself well actually my sister did if for me, BUT DONT NOT DO NOT use a safty pin that is just stupid, go to a store that sells needles they use to give horses shots cuz they are the right size and are clean, put some ice on it for about 20 min prolly less, then pull up your skin and have someone else stick in the needle for you so its striaght.. Mine still looks great and didnt hurt until the numbing went away but then it only hurt for like 15 min.. Good luck and my careful!
<3 kelli


Answer by GeM
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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hey everyone! I just got my belly pierced yesturday and I gotta say, its not that bad. Honestly, you have nothing to worry about. If anyone is interested I'll tell you what happened. Well, all they do is get a pen and mark where they are going to pierce it. After, they get a clamp which grabs the skin. Before you know it they are putting the hole through your belly! So anyone wanting to do it yourselves...DONT! It may cost alot of money getting it done by a professional but its MUCH safer.


Answer by prettyangel700
Submitted on 1/10/2005
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please people i didnt read all of these and i am scared....i pierced my own but didnt steralize it....like it's clean and i washed my hands....my mom doesnt know about it and i am FREAKED ! I SHAKE AT NIGHT AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! PLEASE ANSWER THIS....can you still ahev children if you hit a vain....or is it a myth....it looks fine and i am 14 and i am very scared please help me!


Answer by caela
Submitted on 1/11/2005
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hey ppls i juss tried to pierce my belly button.. lets juss say it dint work out da way i planned.... i got it half way thru then it wuldnt go ne more... so i got mad and juss quit..and it hurts like hell wheneva i touch it.. i have no idea what 2 do now... the rents wont let me and i have wanted to get it done for at least 2 years.... i really want to do it.. but im afriad that ill hit a nerve or sumtin.. ne one have ne advice??


Answer by pretty_n_punk
Submitted on 1/11/2005
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Okay, Hi my name is Toni, and i an only 12 i got my belly button professionally!! Yes my mom let me do it but don't get me wrong i did like 3 years of begging! My big sister Amanda did hers by herself and now she is parallelized from the waist down!!!!!! I've had my done for about a year now and it looks great. If you really want it done then you can wait a couple years i know i should have took my own advice but to late. You need to know alot more and be willing to take all the risks of getting any piercing. So my advice to everyone is LEARN ABOUT IT!!!!! And if you really don't care then dont you just wont know the risk you are taking!! Yes it hurts but at the same time it feels kinda cool. You can e-mail me at tj112191@yahoo.com


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 1/13/2005
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Hey ppl Im turning 13 august 15 and I want my bellybutton pierced so bad but my mom keeps on saying no! I tried to pierce it so many times but i dont have the guts to do it. My mom says when i get a really good repot card i can get it done or when I'm 16!! i hate this so much does anyone kno where i can get my done with out a parent permission in michigan around the detroit area? i anyone does email me at fruit_cake212@yahoo.com


Answer by snickers
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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anyone who thinks that it is stupid to do it yourself is damn wrong i'm12 turning 13 in 2 months and i already have pierced my belly button, carthridge, 2nd holes ( in ear) and my nose myself and none of them got infected, and no that wasn't just luck so if you want to do it then you should, its your own body and you can do what you want your parents cant stop you from doing something that you want to do so if you want to......... go right on ahead and do it, i say go for it!!!!!!!!!!oh and if anyone has yahoo and wants to talk you can add me at flirter92004.....peace. buh bye


Answer by k8
Submitted on 1/17/2005
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hey my name is k8 and I am having my belly button done on the 26th of March, im 12 and really scared! the 25th is my b-day, but i need my b-day money first B4 I get it done!  DO NOT do it yourself!  I waz goin' to do that then I realised what an idiot i was being so i didn't pleez! Don't get yourself hurt
luv ya mwah! K8 plz reply!


Answer by gracy
Submitted on 1/17/2005
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Im getting my bellybutton pierced on the 24 of jan I cant wait but I would never think of doing it myself that is the most silly idea.If I was you I would let it heal and get it done by an expert and NEVER DO IT AGAIN.


Answer by calsterca
Submitted on 1/18/2005
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hey guys!!! how wierd is this one..my mom is begging me to get one...and my dad doesnt care...wierd eh..yup i know....im just scared because i think itll hurt!!...n e suggestions?


Answer by hanbanan
Submitted on 1/20/2005
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i have peired my belly button and the key is to get enough skin you might think u have enough but u prolly dont just dont be afraid to dig deep lol


Answer by p
Submitted on 1/21/2005
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people should not do the belly thing themself so go get it done or wait to you get older.


Answer by Kelly
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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hey yall im 12 i did it my self 4 times and it didnt hurt but i almost got s.t.a.f.f.
infection so i dont think anyone should do it thereselves so get it done professionaly.


Answer by Lola
Submitted on 1/28/2005
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shelby, I really wanted to get my belly piered, but also my parents did not let me. So I went with my friends and all of theem got it done PROFESSIONALLY. I knew my parents would find out, but I got it  anyways. "SO WUT"! It didn't even hurt at all. I went to the one on 5th Ave, INK MAN. I hid it from my parents for a long time. After a year they found out but couldn't do anything. So, if you really want to get, get it done profssionally.


Answer by Lola
Submitted on 1/28/2005
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huni buni, If your allowed then thats great. When I got mine done, it hurt for 1 second. Trust me. If other people could live through it, so can you. ok. They take a needle, they clip your belly, and put a dot where you want it. Then they put some medicated lotion on and just pierce bottom to top. Just close your eyes and everything will go great. Well, I got the top and the bottom belly piercings. It looks like a barbell. I have to say, the bottom does hurt a little more than the top. Remember, it hurts for 1 second and then the pain goes away. O, and don't forget to buy the special belly cleanser, it is special salt water that disenfect your belly hole. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Fudge Puppy
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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Hey every1,
I need some help! Im goin 2 get my belly done in 6 months but im not sure how they do it! can any1 whos had it done profesionly please tell me exactly how they do it!!!!
Thanks heaps


Answer by LeX
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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I got my belly button and lip pierced in Spain. I got my belly button pierced at an actual doctor's office but a few months later the whole thing just fell out into my hand. I think it has to do with the first ring being too small. Is it okay to re-pierced over the really badly scarred area?


Answer by xgrlnextdoorxx69
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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heyy i got a debit card for xmas so me and my friend ordered a professional peircing kit online and everything came steryl and it had a special needle and a clamp... mine turned out fine and its not as bad as people say.. yea it hurts but if it gets infected then boo hoo jus take it out ur not gunna die or anything lol ... after u do it, it looks soo good ... if u want like detailed instructions on how to do it or w/e email me - gurlEgurl4455@optonline.net or IM me- xgrlnextdoorxx69


Answer by BT
Submitted on 2/5/2005
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hey, everyone, i am 14, in my area, i have been piercing alot of people since like 7th grade(sum older people 2), because i do it for free, i get 2 pierce alot, i have pierced 7 bellybuttons this year, and only two ave turned out bad, they were both caused by, not taking proper care of the piercing. it requires little work, twice a day... just rub warm water, and rubbing alcohol on it every morning when you wake up, and night befor you go 2 bed(it helps to sleep on your back or side for the first few days to give it oxygen to heal faster),then just clean the scabs off when nesescary(if any). it isnt sooo dangerouse, solong as you do everything right.

to pierce.. pinch the skin just above the belly button, and stick a needle or saftey pin through, spin it once or twice, then replace it with a barbell or belly button staff. simple as that


Answer by babs
Submitted on 2/5/2005
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Hey guys im 14 i pierced my belly button 4 times the first time my friend was worried that it could get badly infected so i took it out another time my sister saw it and she made me take it out she didnt tell my mom since she has her's done but shes 19 and got it done professionaly. The longest i had it in for was about 4 days and it was perfectly fine it didnt even get infected((thats when my sister made me take it out)).. But the 4th time was bad. I was piercing it in my room and the needle snapped in a half! I was worried because the other end was so short that it i couldnt get it out. SO i was sitting there with the other end in my bellybutton it was freaky. So i finally managed to get it out with a pair of tweezers but it was hard. I was so scared that my mom would find out and it would get stuck in my bellybutton and i'd have to get it surgicaly removed. So girls i suggest you do wait till your old enough. It can get infected easily and possibly cause you going to the hospital so dont listen to all these people that say you can do it no harm your a moron bla bla bla its really worth the wait trust me plus your gonna have a scar which will always be there with you to remind you that the past is real and later on in likfe you will regret it

If you want any info im me xxsweetbarbie


Answer by Richelle
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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Wow....u people are really nuts piercing your own belly button...i got mine done professionally and it didnt hurt....i did my speech on the dangers of piercing your body by yourself...and trust me...most of the results arent pretty


Answer by KORNYGURL90
Submitted on 2/14/2005
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My mom said i cant get my belly button pierced but i really want 2 and it is not like im fat and im going to show off my body. Because i dont do it any way. But when i where a 2 piece everyone is going to see it and ILL feel really good
wat is  the bad thing of getting it done when your young and u can always take it out when you get old like 40-50


Answer by KORNYGURL90
Submitted on 2/14/2005
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My mom said i cant get my belly button pierced but i really want 2 and it is not like im fat and im going to show off my body. Because i dont do it any way. But when i where a 2 piece everyone is going to see it and ILL feel really good
wat is  the bad thing of getting it done when your young and u can always take it out when you get old like 40-50
Can you also tell me the PROS AND CONS about getting ur bellybutton pierced


Answer by n3na
Submitted on 2/20/2005
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i g0t min3 d0n3 pr0f3ssi0nally but i tri3d d0ing it mys3lf b3f0r3 its n0t w0rth it!!
min3s l00ks so0 cut3 n0w that i g0t it pr0f3ssi0nally d0n3 IF UR IN TH3 MIAMI AR3A G0 2 WWW.ALLSTARTATS.COM and g3t th3 adr3ss i think its th3 saf3st plac3 in t0wn !!


Answer by e
Submitted on 2/24/2005
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i want mine done really badddddddd


Answer by pussgurlie
Submitted on 2/27/2005
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um well i want mine pierced but I'm gonna wait a Lil while 4 it


Answer by Dani
Submitted on 3/2/2005
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I tried it my self and it didn't work. I'll just wait till im 16 no rush right?


Answer by Dani
Submitted on 3/2/2005
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I tried it my self and it didn't work. I'll just wait till im 16 no rush right?


Answer by jeni
Submitted on 3/3/2005
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watever you do don't pierce it urself i'm 13 and had mine done it dosen't hurt a bit
so take my advise


Answer by Angel_Eyez
Submitted on 3/4/2005
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i pierced my belly myself twice and both times it came out wrong but i'mnow going to have my friends mom do it and it looks way better.. So i say let someone who knows what their doing do it.


Answer by Lydia
Submitted on 3/5/2005
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I have tried to pierce my own belly button before, which really hurt,Once i got through about half way, and had to stop because of the pain.Then my sister did it for me and got all the way through i kept it in over night, and in the morning i was in alot of pain and as i had p.e that day it wasn't really going to work out.When  turned 13 however my mum took me to get it done professionally.I supose i am quite lucky that my parents are quite laid back about this kind of thing.It has now turned out really nicely, and hasn't been infected once.When i got it done i wasn't in any pain, and after the numbness wore of it just felt abit 'achy.'
I advise people who would like a nice looking piercing not to do it themselves but to let people who are fully qualified do it.At the end of the day you may have to pay but at least you will have a nice looking piercing rather then a scabby, of center one.


Answer by Codie Ann
Submitted on 3/5/2005
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Yeah write its ok to do things alone but make sure that you keep it clean


Answer by carmina
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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Well me and my friend Sammy want to pierce our bellie buttons and we have done it once but mine didnt go all the way through and we really want to have our navels pierced. My dad says he will take me but then he says no should i wait our just do it my self.


Answer by amber
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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just wondering my friend has done peoples bellybutton rings before and they turn out great (she does it wit her mom) but my mom said she won't let me but jess said she would do it but we couldn't tell her mom cause she needs my parents permission first do i let her Pierce it?


Answer by maggie
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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i wanna get my bellybutton peirced, but my rents wont let me so I'm having a friend do it 4 me


Answer by Angel
Submitted on 3/9/2005
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I pierced my own belly & many others & theirs came out great so I really don't see why you wouldn't do it!  Oh & none of ours got infected either!


Answer by Ursie
Submitted on 3/9/2005
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i did my own bellybutton and its going out fine. its been like 3 months already and its awesome! it looks great and i dont regret it one bit i love my bellybutton piercing


Answer by JY
Submitted on 3/10/2005
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just wondering but how old do you have to be to get your belly button pierced or anything i guess. 18 right?


Answer by Amy
Submitted on 3/10/2005
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Hey ya'll
i pierced my own bellybutton a few days ago it didn't hurt but when i tried to put the bellybutton ring in that i got i couldn't, so i let it close up. should i try again?? if it gets infected cant you just take it out and let it heal over? how do u know like when to take it out if your getting a infection?


Answer by Ashlee lima
Submitted on 3/11/2005
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Well i really want my belly pieced and my mom says no but the more she says no the more i want it and i think about doing it my self but im 3 scared 2 push it through wut should i do


Answer by Lucretia
Submitted on 3/12/2005
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a) don't do it yourself. There are dangers with getting them done professionaly so what do you suppose about doing them yourselves?
b) if your parents don't want you to get it, wait until you are making your own money and over eighteen.

I've just gotten mine done professionally with a friend. My parental unit didn't know about it until after it is done. More than a rush decision, I didn't research on the topic at all before this, and I can't say I regret it more. There are serious diseases you can contract with this piercing. Is it worth it putting your life and future on the line for a hole through your body? http://johnlongtattoo.com/ << that was the place I got it at. If given the chance, I wouldn't have done it again. Now, I am more than just a tad worried that the piercing might have brought some sort of virus and/or bacteria into my body. So think careful and long before this decision. Don't do it yourself. If you're going to a professional, check the safety and sanitary equipments of the place.


Answer by Donna
Submitted on 3/15/2005
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dont pierced it your self go to a personal i was 11 when i first got mine done and i went bad so i go it done again a few months after it was 4 weeks since i last got mine done and it is fine sooooooooooooooooooooooo please get it done probably.


Answer by Donna
Submitted on 3/15/2005
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dont pirce it your self go to a perfesnal i was 11 when i first got mine done and i went bad so i go it done againe a few months after it was 4 weeks since i last got mine done and it is fine sooooooooooooooooooooooo please get it done propaly.


Answer by cheeringcuttie101
Submitted on 3/15/2005
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hey I was wondering how bad this will hurt cuz im going to get it done this week?
please let me know


Answer by vivio
Submitted on 3/16/2005
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hey i admire u for piercing your belly yourself, its induvidual and really cool. My advice (i'mno pro so dont kill me if it dont work!)is to use a sterillised sweude needle as they're curvy so you can go through both layers of skin in one go. good luck!


Answer by kiwi
Submitted on 3/16/2005
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can you die from piercing you tongue?


Answer by Carley
Submitted on 3/17/2005
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Hey I'm only 11 and i have mine pierced i did it myself and its cool. I just took a sewing needle and stuck it threw it was really easy it hurt for a few days but i got over it no scars or anything here perfect !So if yall wanna do it get it done and don't worry about what anybody else says its not a big thing. I did it cause i wanted to and i'mnot like a bad kid  my mom just had to get used to it so its cute when i wear belly tops and such so all yall have fun!


Answer by Sparky
Submitted on 3/17/2005
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Okay.... i have my ears pierced thats it. i am 14 and i am dying to have m belly button pieced my dad says okay my mom says hell no not till your 16 i don't wanna wait i was about to do it  my self but though i should do my research i dont think i will do it anymore it really hurt the first time i tried i think i want to do my ears though is it safe if i do my own ears or no is it a bad idea!!!! i dono should i do my belly myself i dono and i kinda used to want my nipples pierced am i too young.  will it effect me in the long run HELP ME PLZ


Answer by lildevilclown13
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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im 14 and i did my own bellybutton and i still have it in and i think that if u want your belly button pierced so much then u should get it professionaly done cuz not only does it hurt alot but you can hurt or even kill your self and would you want to kill your self all for a belly piercing i know i wouldn't


Answer by Britt
Submitted on 3/20/2005
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hey peps i think there is nothing wrong wit piercing your belly button urself!! i did mine and it turned out really cute. i was in the same boat everyone in here  and my mom and dad said no so the next day i got online and looked at alot of peps bellyies and just made sure i was doin it in the right place so i didnt hit anything but that same night my best friend peirced my other fiends and it got really skinny and purple and just didnt look cute at all and it got so infected it had green and orange coming out of it and she almost died so if your gonna do it your self just look at someone else and then do it and make sure you keep it clean!!!
but the best way is just havin a pro do it so that you dont have to worry bout it


Answer by Carly
Submitted on 3/21/2005
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hey me and my girl really wanna pierce our belly buttons! were only 14 years old, but we wanna do it really bad. should we or not, cause some people are saying its okay and not okay. if we can, how would we do it? please answer this i really want and need to know !!!


Answer by Kelly*Liz
Submitted on 3/22/2005
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Okay. My best friend got her belly pierced at home by her step-dad. And it wasn't a good idea. It was swellin and pussing and it was disguisting and it was eating away at the skin until it caused a slit. And for the person wanting to know about the nose piercing. To be exact, about an hour agao I pierced my own nose. It didnt hurt too much except right before I got to the last layer of skin (cartilidge) and it just felt like an extremley painful sneeze. And then you do sneeze. But as I can tell, It turned out fine. (I did the right nostril)


Answer by elizabeth
Submitted on 3/26/2005
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EY EY EY!! im just saying that im gonna do my belly button myself soon... lol, if i dont chicken out :D, na, ill prob do it, but im not gonna do it irrisponsiblly, im gonna feel around my belly button area(where im gonan peirce) and make sure theres no veins n crap, and if it starts to get infected, ill change the ring, and if its still bad ill take it out and get it done professionaly when im older, e.g 15 or something, or 14... but yeah, see all u have todo is be shifty :D, lol, just get ice, hold there for a few minz, put the pin thru, and put more ice on if u want, be slow, it hurts more i guess, but u dont wanna f*ck it up rite? and then somehow get the belly rings thru.. :| i duno how it works, but my sis, and tonns of her friends did their, and shiftyly put the ring thru, ^_^ but seriously, if it gets infected, TAKE IT OUT, its not worth tha pain, plus u can get it done wen ur older rite ^_^ (and im not gonna tell my parents... at least not till im 13 and not my dad, NO WAY! :D)


Answer by ChloeKnowsIt88
Submitted on 3/26/2005
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hey guys i dont really know what to tell you about the bellybutton piercings but i can tell you that i pierced my own tounge and my best friends tounge and they didnt get infected they both look great. but think about it it would be worse to hit a vein on your tounge then to hit a vein in your belly so i figure if you girls want it done then go for it but be careful. me and my friend are 16 and we have had our tounges done since we were 14 and so i think you will be fine piercing your own bellybutton. I dont have mine pierced but my friend does and she loves it. so all i can say is that if you trust yourself or the person who is doing it then go for it. if you have any questions email me at cam_062604_crs@yahoo.com see ya.


Answer by Bethany
Submitted on 3/26/2005
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I rely want my belly button pierced I'm13 in a month and my mum says i can have my belly button pierced wen I'm 14. I've been wanting it done for four years, when my sister got hers done. My 19 year old sister got hers done when she was 15. my 17 year old sister got hers done when she was 14, why cant they bring it down another year for me because a year sounds like ages. don't you think I'vewaited long enough to have it done? how do professionals pierce your belly button because thats what i want to now my sisters just lie and say that they stick knives in you.


Answer by lilgurlie
Submitted on 3/27/2005
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hey.. i peirced it myself and it didnt turn out that great! it looked good but then it got inefected! it hurts so bad! but if u decide to do it.... and it get infected this might sounds weird but put salt on a bandaid and put it on there.... it works really good cuz salt cleans out the infection!!! it stings but its the best way to go! im getting my tongue pierced by my friend... and shes doing everything right... she got the proper needles and she has clampers! thats a must esecially for tongues! so yeah no matter what ppl say weather they worn u or not u deside for urself! ;)


Answer by ~*brandii*~
Submitted on 3/27/2005
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Hi, I am 15 years old and I want my belly button pierced. Do you have to be 16 to have to be w/ out you'rparents permission? Because there is a place my 13 year old friend and her mom got it done and it's embarrassing to have her have her'sdone, so I think I wanna wait till I'm 16 to get it done where she got her'spierced. So then i was going to do it myself but i read this forum so it changed my mind completely. so do you have to be @ least 16 to be w/ out a parents permission?? please help!! thnx! ~*brandii*~


Answer by evez
Submitted on 3/31/2005
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oooooooook so i was goin 2 peirse my belly botton myself n i fort it was relli simple , cuz i pierced ma ears maself n stuff n i was bout 10 ... lol n now im almost 14 .. so ive got peircin experience sortof .. so i dno wut u recon ?? ( btw ma parents deffo WONT let me )


Answer by TONZ
Submitted on 4/1/2005
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hey girrrls!

i'm totally having my 2 best friends pierce my bellybutton tomorrow... heck yes. we're getting a hollow needle at our local uhh farm store.. i'm getting a 16g i believe, and we're just going to numb it with ice for about 20 minutes and sterelize everything and one of them will pinch the skin and the other will SHOVE that needle right in.

yea that's right.. SHOVIN it in n shizz.

good luck with all ya'llz piercinz n shizz... muah babies you guyz totally rockz. i hope this aint gon hurt me.


Answer by Paith
Submitted on 4/2/2005
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Do not even attempt a tongue piercing. People, get someone who knows what they are doing. If you have to wait til 18, so be it. If you have parents that will let you, so be it but GO GET THIS DONE PROFESSIONALLY! Its just a good thing to do. There is no sense whatsoever to have a scar there. Belly rings are a huge turn on for me. So do them right!


Answer by katie lou
Submitted on 4/3/2005
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hey  people i just did my belly button last night and it hurt i did it with a safty  pin and it hurt like helll soo i did it i let the safty pin sit in there 4 a while then took it out tried to get the ring in it but it wouldnt go threw so it was making me mad and i pushed it threw again and made a new hole so i guess im stupid im too impaitent i can get it done pro in like 4 months but i wanted it done now so i guess im just gonna wait but still dont do it urself bcuz it may get infected and my belly button is black right now its gross wellll contact me
at pinkbreeze54@aol.com
tell me ur story on if u peirced it urself  


Answer by pinkfairy1992
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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hi everyone1, i was just wondering, does it hurt when u get your belly button pierced and do they numb your belly when you have it done?
thanks everyone1.
send your answer to:



Answer by Robertoe
Submitted on 4/6/2005
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I really want my belly button pierced...my mom is really gay and i really want it dont so bad...you have no idea...please help me to convince my parents


Answer by Henesi
Submitted on 4/6/2005
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how do u pierce your own belly button?


Answer by baechicye
Submitted on 4/7/2005
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i've done my belly button be4 and it didn't do so well. i want to do it again but i'mscared and i cant wait until i'm16...thats 4 more years. What souldi do??


Answer by DG
Submitted on 4/10/2005
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Hey i know someone who had pierced them selfs and she was fine then after a couple of days it got so infected and i was like u r so dumb why did u do that she said cuz she wantd to and ya know after she took it out it was so red and she started bleeding and had to be in the hospital for at least 2or3 days thank god that she wasnt in any serious trouble but her mom was sure P.O.ed


Answer by stefannie
Submitted on 4/12/2005
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i want to peirce my own nose i want to know if theres any thing i should watch out for its really important please answer i really want to do it.


Answer by Sweetsarah246@aol.com
Submitted on 4/16/2005
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hey.  if anyone knows where i can get mine done without being 18 or 16 in southern california please e-mail me at Sweetsarah246@aol.com


Answer by Danielle
Submitted on 4/17/2005
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hey!! ok well im 13 and my parents finally said that i could get it done! and my problem is that sometimes when i get a piercing it gets infected. but i have have me ears pierced since december and i can take them out and leave them out for days ... and nothing seems to happen! but im really scared and i dont know if i should go through with it ! and im 5'3 and my family is short and my best friend got it when she was 12 and hers is awsome ! what are the chances that it will get infected?? some 1 ansewer me please


Answer by Megan
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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Hey. I'm 13 and I REALLY want my belly button pierced. I know my parents would NEVER let me so my friend and I are planning to do it ourselves as soon as we get a belly button ring to put in it. Should I do it or not? If it gets infected, I can just take it out right? I really don't know what to do. I'm sorta scared of doing it, but I'm excited at the same time because it would look really cool. I've been doing research on it for about 2 months and I think I know how to take care of it, but I don't know if I should do it or not. Any advice?


Answer by Kellie
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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Hey my name is Kellie and im 13 going on 14 and  I REALLY want to pierce my belly button by myself. Im nervous about it because I dont know what to do. I think that it would be ok if i didnt it by myself but im still rly not sure. my sn is MiLuvsLikeWhoa


Answer by DaRK AnGeL
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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I am fourteen and I'm turning 15 next month, and I won't be able to get it until I'm 16. I've been waiting since I was 13 and I just want my mom to understand that I REALLY want my navel pierced REALLY bad.
I live in Miami and I want to know where can I get it pierced on my own w/o a parent. I can't wait any longer, this is bull.
If you have any replies IM: Aol- Aprie1404
Yahoo- Aprie1404
Or you can E-mail me: Aprie1404@aol.com


Answer by meggy
Submitted on 4/22/2005
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hi evry1.i'm megan an i'm from trinidad in the caribbean.i really want to get my belly button pierced an i'm 14/my mom says i have to wait till  i'm 18 cus she dusnt want me to get adverse effects such as keloids or infections or watever u can get.so plz sum1 answer me on the likelihodd of gettin keoids an stuff.P.S i don't want to do it myself.


Answer by delphine
Submitted on 4/23/2005
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hey my name is Delphine I'm 13 and I'm allowed to get a belly ring but i want to know how its done before i get one done.please answer.


Answer by lil_mis_naughty01
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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heya im gettin my belly done on wednesday and im reali scared i reali wana no if it hurts coz loadsa ppl say it dont and loadsa ppl say it duz lol im reali confused help me pls


Answer by Kirstie
Submitted on 4/26/2005
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I had my belly pierced when i was 12, trust me i would wait till your older, mine started to eat away so the skin between it was really really thin, i cleaned it ALL the time and done everything the piercer said. I think it was because i hadn't finished growing, now I'm left with a nasty scar :(


Answer by homster/girl
Submitted on 4/27/2005
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i did it and it is a big ugly lump and red and i mit go to the hospital


Answer by hulagurl...
Submitted on 4/28/2005
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Yes i have my belly button pieced. I did it with piercing "utensles"... It has gotten infected. But all Peachy keen now. My advise, GET IT DONE PROFESSIONALLY!


Answer by Kakgen
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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Hey my belly button has a bump under the flap of bottom skin is that anything to worry about? i got mine done at inc. gallery and I'm 13. i didn't pierce mine on my own. so if you have any advice email me.
    Kateland318@aol.com      Thanks


Answer by Nat
Submitted on 4/30/2005
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Hey...I'm 15 and i got my belly button pierced a few days ago the first few days it was red a bit but then after it started to get more red as i touched it...I don't think you should pierce it yourself since it's not safe the best thing to do is go get it professionally done there aren'tas many risks I mean if u get a infection it's easier to treat then when you pierce it yourself you don't know how far you went in the piercer knows but they are doing thats their job I would make sure you trust the person who you want to pierce your belly and make sure the place is clean do not do anything you're not comfortable doing and DO NOT go pierce your belly if you have doubts when you come there i ad doubts but i trusted the person and so I was not scared and just went through with it but if you don't trust him/her just wait until you find somebody you trust..Clean you belly with "bactine" or sea salt whatever your piercer told you to buy and to clean with clean it about 3-5 daily and put the cream or whatever you're cleaning with out it on the top and then on the bottom then just move the ring and if there's crust make sure u take it off i had crust the first day but thats the blood crust after i had nothing except the little redness when i touched it and moved it so i advise that you move it only when you're cleaning it..You have to be 16 to get your belly pierced but.. I asked the piercer if I could get it pierced since my parents don't let me and he said i have to put that I'm16 on the form he gave me to fill out so i would be nice to the piercer and make up little lies that would let you get it pierced and if you are 13 if you do look older i would say I'm 15 and then ask if you could there's a grater chance they would pierce it for you....If you have any questions  you can send me a mail..tasha_bebi_69@hotmail.com


Answer by nichole
Submitted on 5/2/2005
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hi, my name is nichole, may 1st i pierced my ear by myslef, it hurt like hell.  I would like to get my belly button pierced, how would i do it myself?  How much does it cost to get it done professionally?  If anybody has any facts will you please email them to nichole_gebauer@yahoo.com      thank you for your time.


Answer by Kri$$y
Submitted on 5/2/2005
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HUM..... I want to get it done but my parents won't let me !! HELP DOD I DO IT ANYWAY or .....do i LISEN 2 THEM?! every 1 has 1 Y CAN'T I IT'S MY body!!!!


Answer by Megger
Submitted on 5/3/2005
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Well..i did my belly button last night and it hurt WHO EVER SAYS IT DONT has no feelings at all. It looked good really good but i decided i dident want it after all. So i took it out Its grown shut fast and is doin good so far. I did mine with a sanitized neitle and nothing happend as long as you do it right and take good care of it i think you should be alright. as far as people dien over it I dont think so. I have alot of friends in school that did it and nothing ever ever happend and i havent herd of one person get sick or DIE so i donno where you all are getting that from BUT ok suit your self. Im not saying do it your self and im not saying that getting it done by a pro is best cause they mess stuff up at times to So i guess Im undesided!


Answer by sweetiepie
Submitted on 5/8/2005
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i think ppl shouldn't be going out and getting there friends to do it for u or do it 2 them selves my friends did her and whent in the wrong way and damaged somthing in her belly


Answer by nicki
Submitted on 5/9/2005
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yo people.... Piercings aren't that hard to do yourself just go do it


Answer by MADD118
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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Answer by sarah
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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hey i really want my nose done but i am to young to get it done. what should i do my mom and dad dont want me to get it and i dont want to wait til i am 18 to get it done by my self. how do i do it? i am going to do it any way weather you tell me how to do it writ or not



Answer by mufasa
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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hmmmm dont do it it hurts alot and it its hella hard to do it so i gave up oh well anyone that does it "ur a idiot" and i dont care who you are!  


Answer by alexia
Submitted on 5/15/2005
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definetly dont do it yourself!!! It erally hurts when yuour trying to do it yourself trust me and it isnt safe!! I just got it done and it hurt only for a second but i tried to do it before becasue my mom wouldnt let me but i just had to tlak them into it.I was reading this and was liek who cares but i dont think you should do it yourself!!! Always Alexia


Answer by KaLi
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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Hey pplz,
ok me andmy friends REALLY want to pierce our bellybuttons by ourself because obviously, like lots of other people, our parents won't let us which really stinks! Anyway, we are going to take the risk to do it...but the only thing is that we are really confused about the procedure and how to do it. Can anyone help us? We would really appreciate it!!!!

PLEASE HELP!! SEND US AN EMAIL AT Dragpmflie876@aol.com

Thanks !!!


Answer by MAria
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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hey wut up mi names maria...yea im 14 n i wana perice mi belly button...my sisters hav done it but then agen they peirced alot of things...eniwayz i wwant to do it...well its odd cuz yea u no who wants to stick a flippin needle through a hole on thurr stomach...n bi tha fact tht im terrified of needles it doesnt help...hah mi friend wants to do it for me n i think thts cool...but im reely freaked actually...ima do it myself tho...it juss freaks me out tht alot of other ppl r lik "u can die" errr...thts REALLy scary. but w/e mi friend diana did it...she juss sat on her @$$ for lik wut an hour numbing her stomach cuz she didnt wana feel it the pushed tha needle thru. n BAM she did it....im gonna do somethin similar but...ima do it over summer break...i think...yea cuz i dont really wana go to school all flipped out n all...but its kool so...ima sit there n numb it for mabe lik an hour or a half...then ima put it thru...but wat tha hell do i keep in there to stop the hole frm closing? I SURE AS HELL am not gona keep tha needle in there...so yea thn im prolly gonna b reely freaked...n...lik keep ice on it so i dont feel anything...hah mabe the pain will go away before its UN nummed...grr can u help me ppl? if i numb it long enough will i lik SKIP the pain?


Answer by JasmineC
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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i really want to get my belly button peirced and my mom said i could but im kinda scared does it hurt alot?  


Answer by roxy
Submitted on 5/18/2005
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hi i wanna ring but i am not doing it myself, is their a place in southern Cali thats lets u do it by yourself(no parent)!!!??
email me sweetkisses7636@yahoo.com


Answer by roxy
Submitted on 5/18/2005
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hi i wanna ring but i am not doin it myself, is their a place in southern cali thats lets u do it by urself(no parent)!!!??im only 14
email me sweetkisses7636@yahoo.com


Answer by Babby D
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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I really don't think that ya'll should do it by yourself. Becuase i've did the same thang, it left my bellybutton scared and really ugly. It was really thin, then it just started to hurt alot, and burn then it ripped out. I had one by my friends cousin and one by a professional! And to tell you the truth it dose'nt really hurt when you get it professionally done. They clamp your bellybutton then they stick the needle through!!! It is not as bad as people make it out to be. But the whole do it by yourself thang. I would'nt do it again. Hopefully you can make the right choice!


Answer by Pickles!!
Submitted on 5/20/2005
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OK! hey i have pierced my belly button like 10 times and like right now my belly button is healing from a another try and some of the stuff that this site is saying is cool its saying that its dangerous because it is but like I'm totally allowed and if ur not then i dont think u should risk getting in trouble like one time i peirced the top part of my ear it didn't heart but my mom said it looked like white trash and mad me take it out that sucked because i went through all of that for like no reason oh well i am 13 turning 14 on may 24 and i am going to get it done. but i have to wait like 3 weeks because as soon as skool ends i am going to Hawaii and so ya but  any way ether I'm going to get it done professionally or I'm going to buy a HOLLOW needle from a tracker supply store.  my dads girl friend is going to do it with me and so i cant wait she is cool and hears some advise if i were u and i wanted mine done and ur not aloud all i have to say is make sure the needle4 is clean and dont us a safety pin!!! if u have any comments or need help my IAM sn is


Answer by Jinxxx
Submitted on 5/21/2005
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i got ma belly button pierced PROFFEESSIONALY... it great but i had tried before to pierce my own belly button...it went threw (pierced it with a safty pin) and i didnt have a belly ring so i put an earing and i slept horrible it hurt soo much much more than it professionaly done. and when i woke up the belly ring all around was back and blue and it hurt soo oabd and when i took it out the next day IT WOULDNT COME OUT...so i ahd to force it out and it hurt alot...my piercer said that never to do that agian cause u can get really really sick....but its worth just waiting and not doing it yourself...cause it a painful expieriance. but if u want to do it yourslef i wish you the best of luck with that.    


Answer by gofukurself
Submitted on 5/23/2005
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oi seriously u guys think its sooo cool but its not..like i couldnt wait to get my bely buton pierced! but wen i did i was like meh knowbody knows its there unles i walk round like  a skank with half a top on haha, unles i go swimming knobody sees it, sure its kool buying new rings n stuf but it gets boring and yeh wel its worth the wait, im not sayin dont get it done but just wait, and wen ur older felas wil take more notice aswel ;) so u can do it urself but theres no point, its like $30, wel mine was, and u can jsut get sum1 elses parents or an older frnd to get permision for you.


Answer by bballbaby
Submitted on 5/25/2005
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hey everyone how does a belly button ring get infected>
i mean if you clean it every day does it not get infected
i am a nursing assistant and i like to be healthy so i dont want to get a belly ring if it is a bad idea is it a bad idea?PLEASE ANSWER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks dude


Answer by kp
Submitted on 5/26/2005
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sum 1 said there a certified piercer and i just put 2 needels up my bell button cuz my mom said no and iv wanted it done for a while. so if  u see this ppppppllllllleeeezzzzzeeee e-mail me at candy_freak19@hotmail.com i live in halifax and if u dont can u give me advice?



Answer by Kymi
Submitted on 5/26/2005
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heyhey ppl i tried to do mio bellly buttom and iot hurt lik hell mi advise is to get it professionaly done that wut i'mn doing mi friends mom does it and she will do mine for free i got mi nose pierced and i'm getting mi tongue but most of all i want mi belly buttom pierced well anyways mi advise is DONT DO IT URSELF plz bc i tried and now i hav a big scar and it makes me look lik a idiot and ppl will jus keep telling u that if u do it ursle fthat u will get it infected and u could die its the truth (mi best friedn sarah did her belly buttom her self and she ended up dieing about 4 days later and it hurts me so bad hearing all u ppls storys about u wanting ur belly buttoms pierced jus plz listen to ur parents if they say noe then dont do it there saying noe for ur own safety they dont want u to die and jus to leyt u ppl noe this is not a lie bc mi friend is now died and i will neva c her again bc she tried to pierce her belly buttom herslef and i dont rilli think that any of ur parents or friends wood want u to die bc of sumthing stupid piercing ur belly buttom urself!! and another thing is that ur parents r jus trying to do the rit thing i dont think they wanna c u died do they jus think of the ones that love u b4 u do it!!bc once sarah died i neva went near mi belly buttom eva again with a sewing needle bc i jus remember sitting beside her and cing her eyes roll back into her head its was the worst thing that i hav eva seen and i styll cry every night bc of all of the thing she did and how i saw her die ....if one of u ppl who want top pierce ur belly buttom urself were in mi spot i bet u wood rit this same comment as me probly)!!! well thanks for letting me take up ur time and reading this well i hope u ppl take mi advise and jus remember of mi best friend sarah the one that did a stupid thing lik u guys want to:'(:'(:'(!!! well love ya'll bibi(L)


Answer by samantha
Submitted on 5/28/2005
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hey I'm 12 turn 13 next month(June7th) and it's really starting to bother me so I AM TAKING IT OUT RIGHT AWAY AND TAKING A BATH i did that before and it healed like the next day so if i were u i woudn't't't'Dot it it didn't hurt till almost when i was asleep then it really really stung and i started crying BECAUSE it WAS SO PAINFUL BUT LUCKY ME IF I HADN'T TAKEN IT OUT AND TOOK A BATH I WOULD OF HAD A HUGE SCARE AND IT WOULDN'T HAVE LOOK AS HEALTHY AS IT DOES NOW SO TRUST ME DO NOT DO IT EVER!!!!!!!!


Answer by chrisy
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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it doesnt hurt i did mine myself and it never hurt it actually hurt more gettin it done professionally ,mines neva went infected or anything like dat


Answer by Niki
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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Hey, I'm 13 and me and my friends want to get our Belly Buttons pierced. But what happens if i want to have kids later on in life? Is it safe or will it be all...gross? Anyway should i do it a a hospital or at a belly button place? My sister got it done at a belly button and tattoo place and it was fine. It looks really good on her, should i get it done?!? I'm scared tho.... so please answer!


Answer by jenash
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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i got mine done professionaly when i was 12 and it looks great it didnt hurt and i ended up going back to the place and getting a tatoo done a year later my advice is get it done prfessionally and if it hurts SCREEM and the may give you discount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cya x  


Answer by Cali gurl
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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Hey everyone!!! I am allowed to get my belly button pierced but I just don't know how to find a nice, clean place to do it. If any of u know a good place in Orlando, FL...HOLLA BACK!!!


Answer by lex
Submitted on 6/2/2005
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um yeah. just to tell you all, you will most likely DIE from it. My friends mom when she was younger did it herself and died. You guys think "oh yeah, i mean, it cant be that bad its only a peircing.." well, think again. if you do it yourself, you most likly DONT know what the hell your doing and where your sticking the needle. not to mention, it will hurt way more doing it yourself. and your really suppose to use a HOLLOW needle, not a stupied safty pin. so please, if anyy of you think of doing it yourself, DONT. it the wrong thing to do. If you do it professionaly, things will come out better looking, less pain, and maybe your'll actually..LIVE.I mean, some of you are really luckly nothing happened. soo yeah. i hope this answered a lot of things...


Answer by val
Submitted on 6/2/2005
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i just got my belly button piered..its not really that bad..oviously it hurts a but but not that bad....good luck!


Answer by cass
Submitted on 6/2/2005
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hey i want to pierce my belly button and idk how cuz im scared to do it myself i got one halyway through and im scared to ask my parents so if anyones knows a place around marshall missouri to get it done underage (im 13) please tell me


Answer by cyndi
Submitted on 6/3/2005
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Hi my name is cindy...i pierced my belly button by my self and i took it out cuz it got infected really easy so i went to this cheep place and they pierced it with a gun and my body rejected the piercing...NEVER GET IT DONE WITH A PIRCING GUN!!!!!! to all you guys go to a real piercing/tatoo shop! thats the best way to go trust me


Answer by Kitty Kat
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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Well iam 12 years old and i want my belly button pirced but iam curious of wat they use or does it hurt??????????? please anwser


Answer by mia
Submitted on 6/7/2005
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hey tinkfreakgurl are you on aol or yahoo or what?but im getting my bottom lip mi tounge nd my eyebrow and my nose im gonna b holy. lol lets tlk XMIAX009@yahoo


Answer by Soph
Submitted on 6/9/2005
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Hi, I really want to get my belly button pierced, but NO ONE wants me to get it done. I would really like to know how I could do it, SAFELY by myself. Would there be any professionals that would do it without parental permission? Coz mine would say no!
Someone help, please!
(I'm 13)


Answer by $kittle$_1619 & Her$hey$_23
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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Hey we really want 2 get r belly button periced but r parents wont let us we kno tht u can get sick & u could get a scar or it will turn black & tht u could die if u hit the vien but we still really badlly want 2 get it done does any 1 kno were the vien is? or how 2 perice it so it wont get infected? & how 2 keep it healthy?? thanks i would really apreciate it!! email us at skittles19_hersheys23_beachbabes@yahoo.com ok thnxs!! bye


Answer by something important to say
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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i am telling everybody out ther dont do it your self you will most likely mess it up so you need to get it done by a pro and parents if they ask most likely let them get it done or they will most likely get it down by them selfes behind your back or they will do it there selves and most likely get hurt even more then if they where going to get it done professionaly.


Answer by puppet
Submitted on 6/11/2005
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hey, I want to do mine sooooooooo badly, and I know my mom wont let me get it profficionaly done, so I was wondering if someone could help me, give me a lil advice, I know a lof of pplz say u shouldnt do it by yourself but I want to, and it would look really great, and for the guy that did it, I think its hot


Answer by snowflake
Submitted on 6/12/2005
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i came on this site to figure out how to pierce my belly button and i see that people have a whole bunch of opinions but ive wanted mine done for a LONG time and i dont wanna wait till im 16 (im 14 now)so im gunna do it myself.Ill jus clean it up well and pray to god that it wont get infected!! wish me luck here i go!!!!! :)


Answer by snowflake
Submitted on 6/13/2005
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ok u guys im back....i took all your advice on how to pierce your belly button and guess what IT DIDNT WORK. I burned the end of the saftey pin numbed my belly button with ice and watched a movie to keep my mind off of it but i couldnt figure out where to put the needle or in andwhen i finally started to push the needle in it hurt really bad. I got the needle all the way in and waited like 5 minutes and took it out. There was no way that my earring was gunna fit through that little hole. Now my stomach is sore and its swoll and i have 2 tiny black marks. Im gunna wait for 2 years to get mine done.... id rather wait and get it done by a professional. If u try to pierce your belly button and it works out for ya go you! but it didnt for me so yeah.


Answer by Frankie Leigh
Submitted on 6/13/2005
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Well, i think that if you wanna pierce it go for it me and my friend got a piercing needle and did each others one night when we got bored it hurt like crap the next day but as long as you use SEA SALT and BACCTINE to clean it they turn out fine...me and my friend are now piercing lots of peoples and they all are turning out great! just clean it twice a day...and don't take out the barbell for at least 2 months!!! and don't worry about hiding it from your parents they don't notice them. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!


Answer by
Submitted on 6/13/2005
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Okay you guys have tons of questions but mostly on how to do it. AND YES DOING IT YOURSELF IS JUST FINE! I've pierced mine and a lot of friends. So i'mgoing to tell you what i did.
got 14 guage hollow piercing needle
i numbed the spot with ice for 10 min.
i marked where i was piercing with a marker
i slowly pushed the needle UP not down  (that's just about the only way your going to hit a vein in your  is if you go down.)
i numbed it as i needed along the way
and proceeded with the piercing
then your going to get to a point where you can almost feel the needle through the layer of skin. that's when you have to just push it HARD. you will hear a pop! and the needle will be through.
then you have to twist the needle and move it around for 10-15 min. that way you can fit the 14 guage barbell in.
slowly pull the needle out as you push the barbell through. (unless your like my golden friend she was made of gold i swear! just kiddin haha but then we had to push the barbell though the bottom to get it in.)
the next day it's going to hurt and ice is going to be your best friend for a week just sleep with some on your stomach and after the first week you can see it healing and it wont be as sensitive. leave the barbell in for 2 months before changing it. don't leave it out for more than 5 min.
use sea salt mixed with water in a glass and hold it over your belly button and shake it. then use bactine as a cleaner to rub around it. do this twice or more a day.
all of the piercings i have done have turned out great. any questions? add me to your MSN bubblegum_pink69@hotmail.com


Answer by confused....yet helpfull :)
Submitted on 6/13/2005
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im talking about the belly botton... ok? ummmm.... yea if it eats away at your skin then you probably just used the wrong type of needle... like if you use a saftypin then u will deffinetly end up having eatin away skin... but i also have a question... i am 13 and my mom says i can get my belly botton pierced... but when she took me to get it done, no one would do it because i was under age even w/ my parrent... i need help on finding a place in salt lake city Utah where i can get it done at my age.


Answer by Amanda
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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i just tryed to do it myslef, and u guys please dont it. i was reading jasmins thing and decided to do it, then i was ready how some other girls cousin died and i pased out and just dont do it, its not worth it.


Answer by Amber
Submitted on 6/17/2005
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hey y'll i'm getting my belly pierced soon (YEAH!!!!!!) im 13 years old wif permission from my 'rents & everything but im scared i no loads of people dat have got it down where i am & cum out fine & ders da ofer side a couple have gotten it infected & thats by a pro now imagine dat done yourself sum may say it works but chicks & dudes wait y'll get annoyed & prob frustrated but hey i'd rather gettin it down by a pro den losin ya life, losin ya skin, bruising, bleeding heavy or ending up in hospital waitin isnt dat bad ppls its just annoying be SMART & don't pierce it ya self unless you have no brain if ya wanna chat i ave yahoo msg'r     cutey_pie_4eva2000@yahoo.com love Amberxoxoxoxoxooxoxox


Answer by Meg
Submitted on 6/18/2005
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I got my belly button peirced about 3 months ago and the skin that is peirced is like shrinking and thinning away. What should I do? i use antibacterial amino lotion.. but i dont know what else to do .. i had it done twice before and it was infected so when i tried again she said it wouldnt get infected because of scar tissue?.. but it seems like she was wrong.. i just need some answers...?


Answer by *~. nikki . ~*
Submitted on 6/20/2005
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hey guys! . .ok my friend kortney and i tried piercing our belly's once with a regular needle we did mine first and it didn't go in and it still hurt REALLY bad. But this year actually a couple of days ago i got my belly pierced at this place at my local mall and my parents didn't have to sign my papers it hurts really bad but its worth it. it is alot of money though mine costs $50. when i got mine pierced first they clamp your belly with something that looks tongs but smaller and they have a little hole on the top(opening) and they clamp it to mark it . .and that hurts and thats what everyone says is "the hard pinch" . . and then he pierced it with a 14 gauge needle. . that hurt really bad.. its good that i got mine done professionally because i bleed alot in general when i get shots i bleed more than i should so when i got my belly pierced i was gushing blood and if i did that myself i don't know what i would do. so don't do it yourself . .even though u want it really bad. . a messed up belly button isn't what u want and just wait till your 18 or find a shop that is willing to pierce yours!


Answer by Gabrielle
Submitted on 6/23/2005
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Well I have tried to pierce my bellybutton like 3 times and i alway stopped because i had 2nd thoughts. so today i called my om up at work and asked if i could get it done because of how ba di wanted and she said yes buuti have to pay for it..hiw much does it cost? and btw i live in nova-scotia can you get ur bellybutton done when ur only 13?


Answer by jenniGHETTO
Submitted on 6/25/2005
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Answer by ChErRySk8r
Submitted on 6/26/2005
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hey, i pierced my own lip and it didnt git infected or anything. you know y? becuz u have to sterilize it first. or else u mite git infected and probably get some kind of cancer. THINK WISELY BE4 YOU PIERCE ANYTHING


Answer by ChErRySk8r
Submitted on 6/26/2005
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hey, i pierced my own lip and it didnt git infected or anything. you know y? becuz u have to staralize it first. or else u mite git infected and probably get some kind of cancer. THINK WISELY BE4 YOU PIERCE ANYTHING


Answer by desperate
Submitted on 6/27/2005
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hey i really need to know about nose piercings, my mom will let me do it on my own cuz she doesnt want it do get done illegally and i dont htink doing it myself is illegal so i just need to know if its dangerous


Answer by Brit!
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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Hey guys! i came to this site cuz i was really worried about my belly button!...im 13 years old and i thought it'd be really hot to pierce my belly button for all the guys to see and stuff! i mean it's normal! soo yah i did it! i numbed it with some ice and stuck the needle through! it didn't hurt at all! and i put a dangly earing in it! cuz i didn't have a belley button ring! but the day after and several days after my stomache started to hurt really bad! i like felt like i was gunna puke bcuz it numbed all around my stomach! but now it's all good it's not infected or anything but like ppl on this site kept sayin oooh your gunna die don't do it yourself! it's just the same as doin it profesionly as you do it yourself..i think but hey i could be wrong! i don't wanna give you the wrong advice! but if you want more info i have a webcam and i can show you how it turned out! britt_cutie@hotmail.com


Answer by All alone in love...Rachel
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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plz help me !! ok im 13 turning 14 in a month and my mom said yeah that i can get my belly button piecerd but everywhere i go u have to be 15 and they dont do it according to law ..plz help


Answer by unknown
Submitted on 7/1/2005
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you guys are crazy doing it us self thats gross alot of people that go it thereself go to thing and rips out i got mine pro done my mom use to say i cood never get it done and i stoped bugging her and later on she let me it was a surprise but if you do it urself  and is screwed up u mite not be able to get it pro done.


Answer by blondey
Submitted on 7/3/2005
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iv read all of these, and i think that u need to have the rite tools to be able to peirce ur belly button. u dont want it to get infected....so just go to sumone who knows wat they are doin.


Answer by Tiana Spencer
Submitted on 7/3/2005
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I have not even thought about getting my belly button pierced.... I thought about my nose in grade 6 now it is summer after grade 7 and I am doind it myself..... but I have to agree with mDgUrL4LiFe because yes it is a 50\50 chance and if it goes weong there is nobody to blame but yourself!!


Answer by fairy_lover2007
Submitted on 7/5/2005
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yeah, i tried to do mine myself, and the surface scarred, and when i did get it done professionally, going through that scar tissue did hurt...i kinda yelped, but it's all good.


Answer by Kitty Kat
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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Don't get it done I peirced mine and I was in the hospital for 3 weeks. Nom I regret it!
The scar is beebee pebble size and it totally messes up my tan. And plus after that I got grounded for a month and had to type a report 2 pages long about the dangers of belly button peircings. It sucked. And that was my warning to you! Never peirce your belly button unprofessionaly.


Answer by shinydemon666
Submitted on 7/7/2005
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howdy yall. im thunkin bout gettin mah belly buttron peirccedd. i thunk it might hurt something aweful. im scaerred. help me.


Answer by tash
Submitted on 7/10/2005
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hey every 1  dont pierce your belly button with a saftey pin...y....because the saftey pin can rust and break off inside of you and the saftey pin is thinner than a regular piercing so u wont be able to get a bar or a ring in it, believe me i tried.


Answer by danaluvsyou3000
Submitted on 7/11/2005
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Hi everyone I got my belly pierced by my friend and it was beautiful. I cleaned it with alcohol cause she told me it will heal faster(it use 2 burn so bad that tears would come out my eyes) I brought my ring 4rm wallmart u know 4.95.I also bought vasaline so everytime I turn around it want b crusty.at first it was goin out great until I skiped a few cleanings.I mean yeah I took a bath but didnt do the extras 4 my belly button and it started to get this lil bump on the left side of the top of my hole.
So the bump stayed there 4 about 4 weeks then I decided 2 check out tha internet 4 help.I came across this one gurl who had the real infection she went back to her piercer and got it straight and now hers is normal,but she told me to put some bc on the bump you know for headaches that powder stuff.If u need directions on how to use just ask!!!But realty this is the third day I've put it on there the lil bump has VANISHED. IT WORKED!!! I am so happy!!!! I mean I was devastated. Now my navel pierce  is normal and goes beautiful with my flat stomack.I guess the bc dried it away.Theres still a lil mark but it non-noticable


Answer by Amanda
Submitted on 7/11/2005
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yeah do not pierce it yourself bcuz for one it would hurt more and second its alot more boring juss have your parents take you with your friends its so much fun i mean wen i did i was freaking out and everyone was laughing i had such a great time but yeah if u get it done maybe wait 2 months or so bcuz if u dont it WILL get infected i only waited 9 days bcuz i couldnt stand how ugly it was and of course it did get infected!! but it got better and is all good now but its not worth the nasstyy stuff that comes out.. juss let it heal and oh yeah use triple antibiotic ointment or neosporin it reely helps but DO NOT USE ALCOHOL OR PEROXIDE it totally makes it worse and be careful like if your going to tan and u put tanning lotion on be verryy careful and stay away from the whole and as i say again DO NOT PIERCE IT YOURSELF!!! my freakin friend had to get hers surgically removed and she has no belly button left!! at all its so gross and last niite my cuzion wanted me to do hers and i didnt bcuz theres always that liddle chance you can screw it up and its deff. not worth it!!!


Answer by kell
Submitted on 7/11/2005
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i want to pierce my daith in tha (ear)and i was wondering if there were any nerves in that part of the ear


Answer by Lauren
Submitted on 7/12/2005
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Hi. I had to take out my navel ring and it closed up. Now I have scar tissue where the piercing was. I was thinking about buying a needle on line and piercing it again, myself, after about a year so it is all healed up. My question is, would it be riskier and more painful with that scar tissue built up? Is it just plain irresponsible to do it yourself? I saw how I got it professionally done.


Answer by Kady
Submitted on 7/12/2005
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hey everyone whats up? for a madd long time ive been bugging my mom 2 let me get my belly button professionally pierced but she always sez its not clean or u can get hypetitis or its a sex symbol blah x 1 million. how can i convince her to let me get one HELP!!~ email me @ lilsk8rgurl0741@aim.com and any advice helps thnx!


Answer by FlirtinPA
Submitted on 7/13/2005
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For all the girls who want to do their own belly button don't. I got my mom to say yes by telling her that i would pay for it all she had to do was come and sign for me to get it done... If u wanna talk im me at PrettySecret05


Answer by rachel
Submitted on 7/13/2005
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Wow.. to all the 13 year olds out there.. just wait. I peirced my ears and periced my own lip 2 times. one on each side. And seriously just wait till you are old enough. it may seem like forever away.. but it will be sooner than you think. Then you will be like i should have just waited.


Answer by im-N-luv
Submitted on 7/13/2005
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ok ppl im getting mine done in a few hours and i totally cant wait but will i cry or anything jw cuz my aunt said it hurts like a bit*h


Answer by lynn
Submitted on 7/14/2005
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hi..i want to get my belly button pierced..and my parents said yes but i cant find any were that well pierce a 13 year olds belly button...does anybody no a place that will??


Answer by arfargalarg
Submitted on 7/16/2005
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i really don't think playing around with your health because you want a stupid ring in your stomach is a smart idea, people won't even see it for 10 months out of the year.

i DO want my belly button pierced, but i strongly suggest waiting until you can get it professionally done, i'm 15 and my parents gave me the A OK. if your parents don't, deal with it, they have their reasons.


Answer by The teenage Piercer
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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First of all you need the right jelery. I can only imagine what you used! you should buy a piercing needle and ring.you can find them on google under peircing needle, and peircing rings. order a 14 G (gauge) surgical steel needle and belly ring.

now for the peircing

    before anything

if you dont like pain ice your navle (belly botton) untill num. while doing that wipe your needle with alcohal (don't take out the needle untill right before you peirce)
also cut a piece of an apple and put it in a plastic bag. once num remove ice and place apple (in bag) on the bottom of the inside of your belly boton. get your needle and push it stright down from the top untill you feel it go through the apple. remove the apple and twist the needle a few times wipe your ring with alcohal. remove needle and insert ring from the bottom the ring will probably be curved so when you put it in make a motion with your hand like the ring is a spoon and your scooping up ice cream!

After care   IMPORTANT!!!   After care


ok good luck!!!



Any hott girls or guys wanna chat im here!



Answer by xxxx kelly xxxx
Submitted on 7/19/2005
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hey, my twin pierced her own belly n its fine!! it looked pretty gd! wen mum found out she made her take it out!! but were goin gettin it done for our birthday anyway and im sooo excited!!! can any1 tell me the steps wen u get it dun plz???? xxxxxxx


Answer by kaz&clz
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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i totally agree with belly button piercings , it looks great and it never got infected. but dont pierce it your self. kaz
I want my belly pierced but my dad says No!! my mum is alright with it but she does'nt want to make trouble with my dad. clz


Answer by lolokg1234567890
Submitted on 7/22/2005
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Answer by Mandy
Submitted on 7/22/2005
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Hey, I pierced my own bellybutton and it is fine take a earing clean it a lot and your bellybutton then pierce a small piece of skin make sure you clean it a lot and if its is brusing or hurting or even infected take it out or it could leave a nasty scar!! And if your not alloud to get it done like me dont worry about it have fun.


Answer by SilentWhispers_39
Submitted on 7/22/2005
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I'm gonna pierce it and this is how I'm gonna do it!:
1)Get a needle {hollow}, pliers {to grab skin}, hand sanitizer {do i need to say why}, and my belly rings [i would prerfer you to use a straight 14g ring that is cute cause it will be in there for 3-4 months]!
2)mark off the spot that will be pierced [in mirror]
3)STERILIZE EVERYTHING {hands, needle, ring, pliers, belly button (inside and out) }
4) take pliers and pull out as much skin as you need to piece
5)take needle, put on dot, and push really really hard till you feel it break through the skin on the other side
6)leave in for like 2 hrs
7)afterward then numb it with ice
8)****>VERY SLOWLY<**** begin to take out needle
9) place ring inside, screw on ball, and most importantly:

OH AND ABOVE ALL BE SAFE AND CAREFUL: WASH 2-3 TIMES DAILY WITH LIQUID HAND SOAP! and don't play with it that much! need any more advice? e-mail it to: SilentWhispers_39@hotmail.com
hope to hear from you!!!!!!!!


Answer by ashley
Submitted on 7/24/2005
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hey i did mine by my self but i guess i put it in some where wrong and it hurted so bad and left a major bad scar! then it got really bad and i told my mom and of course i got in a ton of trouble! DO NOT DO IT YOUR SELF!


Answer by Sugarcube
Submitted on 7/25/2005
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Hey I tried to pierce mine one time and it got infected really bad. When I first did it it looked fine but when I left it in It started turning colors and scarring up. And Jasmin, I sterilized the needle and and everything else you put in your letter and it still happened so I would advise you to shut your mouth because you are a total moron and you obviously don't know what you are talking about.


Answer by Sugarcube
Submitted on 7/25/2005
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Hey I tried to pierce mine one time and it got infected really bad. When I first did it it looked fine but when I left it in It started turning colors and scarring up. And Jasmin, I sterolized the needle and and everything else you put in your letter and it still happened so I would advise you to shut your mouth because you are a total moron and you obviously don't know what yuo are talking about.


Answer by Rea
Submitted on 7/27/2005
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Okay I'm14 and I live in Virginia
Well like I hear a lot of no don't do it Yes do it I pierced my belly but it was with a needle and I pierced my tongue but it was with a nail and it was really scary and I'm surprised it didn't get infected cuz I'mallergic to metal or w.e fake silver idk but after reading all this I'mgonna c if i can get my x-bfs mom who's really cool to take me to get my tongue pierced....i'm going to pay her 100$ and I could care less what my mom thinks cuz she doesn't care that i might just pierce it on my own and die.I might do my nose to night but im going to make sure there's no sign of bruising and do it wit a needle thats washed w. antibacterial crap which is the best i can do .. being on probation i cant take the risk of piercing anything myself bcuz if it gets infected and i have to go to the hospital my mom will send me 2 jdc aka juvi so its diff for me well w.e. parents suck


Answer by livz
Submitted on 7/27/2005
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do not do it!!!! it may go infected sum people say oh it turns out great but no don't take the risk!!! your belly button may not be that special!!!!!!!!!


Answer by britt
Submitted on 7/27/2005
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hey im 13 i'll be 14 in a month and i want to get my belly button peirced! my mom is kinda ok with it she doesnt really care but my dad totally freaks out and goes off on me when i even mention it! and its something i really want so what do i do!!??


Answer by tricia_gurl
Submitted on 7/29/2005
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i really want my belly button pierced my grandma says no i really want somebody else to do it that knows wot they are doing I'm only 16years old does any body know how to do it if s could you e-mail me and tell me how because i really wanna do my own if i could get it done professionally done that would be great but i don't think that is going to happen so e-mail me @ tricia_luvs0162@hotmail.com
please i really want it done


Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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I did my belly button myself and it ended up getting ripped out it took 2 whole years to heal and then i went and got it done professionally but i have a scar where i did it myself. GET IT DONE PROFESSIONALLY!!!!!!


Answer by Jodie
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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Hey guys if you want your belly button done GET A PROFESSIONAL!!!!!!!!! I had mine done today and it looks great and didn't hurt at all. I'm only 12 but my mum let me have it done cause she has got it done herself and it's not fair for her not to let me is it?If your mom and dad won't let you just keep nagging you'll get it done eventually. I promise. P.S look after it properly cause if you don't it will get badly infected!


Answer by lalalala
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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hey evrey one i really want to get my belly button pirced ryte but i dont think im gunna do it myself after i hear that gurls cuzin died from infection so im gunna save up my money and take my grandpa to get it done with me. Or you can do what my mom offered but im 13 ryte so she said in grade 9 if my average is 80% todally then i can either get a tatoo or my bellybutton pirced ryte but im choosing tatoo so thats why im bringing my grandpa to get it done with me so i can get both!*Muha*


Answer by kakay
Submitted on 7/31/2005
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hey i am 15 and i was thinking about ordering things off the internet like the needles and the clamp and a video to show how to pierce my own belly button only bc i cant find a place to do it for me untill i turn 16 but after reading this i am kinda scared about the whole hitting nerves or something...so should i still do it?


Answer by ashleigh
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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hi guys i understand where your all coming from cause ive been dying to get my belly button pierced. My mum always trys to tell me she wont let me for my own safety and that she luvs me thats why im not allowed to!! it just makes me so angrey at her. I want it done so badly. I had no idea that there were so many peepz that wanted it done so badly if anyone at all knows someone that lets u get it done on the gold coast cheap without ur parents noing contact me i would be so gratefull charlies_angel_1992@yahoo.com.au


Answer by shez
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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well i am 12 and i want to pierce me belly myself me mum thinks it is cool but me dad is like NOway....... and i am just so tempted but for my own risk on Saturday i ma going to a professionals to get it done properly i dunno it myself but left it inn for 3 weeks and i went to clean it the first day and it ripped me skin away


Answer by shez
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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well i am 12 and i want to pierce me belly myself me mum thinks it is cool but me dad is like NOway....... and i am just so tempted but for my own risk on Saturday i ma going to a professionally to get it done properly i dunno it myself but left it inn for 3 weeks and i went to clean it the first day and it ripped me skin away


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 8/5/2005
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Okey heres the thing.. since there was a 50/50 chance i did it.. and like it got infected :S what should i do? i like clean it n everything.. my parents can't find out =P Any advice? Add me on msn LiiL_Pumaa@hotmail.com


Answer by shannon
Submitted on 8/5/2005
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i was wondering if anyone had this experience or knows what to do.. well i got my belly button pierced in november and now its august and its totally healed but a couple weeks ago i noticed the the hole its skin got verryy thin and i got nervous of it ripping so i took my ring out. i dont know what i should do about this will it heal and get thicker again? is there something i can do to make it heal quicker? hellpp me please!!!!!!


Answer by Erica Lynn
Submitted on 8/6/2005
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i just pierced my nose last night how should i keep it clean so it wont get infected?


Answer by becky
Submitted on 8/6/2005
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I want to get my belly button pierced but I'm terrified of needles...I tried it myself with a sewing needle and it really hurt so I took it out...I want to go to a proffesional, but I want them to use a gun instead of a needle, anybody know any pros that use guns for belly button piercings?


Answer by chelsie
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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hey guys i really want to peirce my belly button but i cant cuz i am only 13 and my mom and dad wont let me i hear that there is a vein in ur belly and i dont want to get really hurt plzz help me here is my email sour_but_sweet123@yahoo.com


Answer by Elae
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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Obviously, the smartest thing to do is to get it done by someone who knows what they are doing, but here is what i did...  I bought a sterilized kit on ebay and had a friend pierce it.  Get a read ring and ear sanitizer will work, or sea salt and mix it with water, because your body is used to natural salts and will clean in in a natural way.  Best of luck... make sure you are ready, and drink some rum or something that may dull the pain.  Hope i helped.


Answer by Taylor
Submitted on 8/11/2005
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I am 14 right now and my mom and dad dont want me to get my belly button peirced. I want to get it done professionally (even though i cud do it right now... i have everything). My mom said when i turn 15. My dad, at first said, "absolutly not". But i talked 2 him about it and he says : only if you get all A's on ur next report card. That will never happen, c'mon, and he knows that (thats why he made that deal). He wont crack... so if you have any suggestions... my email is Greenday1667@aol.com
or IM me @ Greenday1667  on AIM
im usually on... butif not write me. I need advise...


Answer by Taylor
Submitted on 8/11/2005
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I am 14 right now and my mom and dad dont want me to get my belly button peirced. I want to get it done professionally (even though i cud do it right now... i have everything). My mom said when i turn 15. My dad, at first said, "absolutly not". But i talked 2 him about it and he says : only if you get all A's on ur next report card. That will never happen, c'mon, and he knows that (thats why he made that deal). He wont crack... so if you have any suggestions... my email is Greenday1667@aol.com
or IM me @ Greenday1667  on AIM
im usually on... butif not write me. I need advise...


Answer by frenchie
Submitted on 8/11/2005
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i am trying to find research to get my belly button pierced i tried once with a needle and it was thick enough but only the tip of the needle went through. i am not allowed to have my body pierced because of religion so the folks would never let me, i already have rings and stuff but i dont want it to get infected, it didnt hurt that much but i need a ton of advice, im still not sure where i can get a sterilized piercing needle for cheap, i am not made of money.


Answer by Nettie
Submitted on 8/11/2005
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to pierce your belly button put some ice leave it there 4 a few minutes and then take a lemon and put one half on the bottom and one on the top and just stick the needle rite threw after just put some alcohol


Answer by chantelle
Submitted on 8/12/2005
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i pierced my own belly button with my three best frineds and im the only one who put a belly button ring in...the ring  is eating away at my skin and idk what to do..i need some help


Answer by crazygurl190
Submitted on 8/12/2005
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Hey I'm 15 n i got mine done in march professionally. i had to keep asking my mom and step dad n they finally said i could get it done for my birthday. don't do it yourself because it will most likely get infected. if you get it professionally done, you sit on a chair that leans back and put iodine around your bellybutton then ice on it for about half an hour or longer. than he has a piercing kit thing n he puts a clamp on where hes gonna pierce it and screws it in so it wont slip. he gets a piercing need and sticks it through then when the needles still in it he puts the bellybutton ring in. it doesn't hurt if you get it professionally. about a month ago my cousin got it done 2. so i watched all the steps he does. i would say not to do it yourself. o yea they put some h2ocean cleaning stuff on your piercing so its clean and heals better. he gives you a can of it n tells u what to do. if u do it yourself, Ur not gonna know what all to do. now I'm gonna talk my mom into letting me get my tongue or nose pierced. bout 3 years ago i pierced my own nose but took it out rite away cuz i knew it wud of got infected. its ok to do your ears. or if you really know wut your doing u cud Pierce your eyebrow or nose. i dunno. but n e wayz jus don't pierce your bellybutton your self cuz ur gna regret it.


Answer by Carrottop90
Submitted on 8/13/2005
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Hey everyone! I just pierced my belly button last night with a safety pin, and it didn't hurt at all. I wanna put a barbell through it, but I am not sure if it's too early to do that yet. I pierced down and it still turned out fine. When should I change the safety pin to a barbell? And will the holes get bigger with the safety pin?


Answer by cenagirl
Submitted on 8/17/2005
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hey guys I'm 13 and u don't understand how bad i want it this is weird my dad says its ok but my mom says no . once i got my mom convinced and she said if i got straight B's so i worked at it then i went shopping with my sis and we talked bout it she said when I'm like 20 thats when she got hers but i really really badly want it advise is keep bagging i tried it and it barely hurt for me  . but would not go through love u cena


Answer by some1
Submitted on 8/18/2005
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i want to do my belly button and my parent say yes at last but i want to know if it hurt or not plz some1 tel me thank you


Answer by Crystal
Submitted on 8/19/2005
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KK my friend is gonna peirce my belly button but  i am like really scraed of needles but i want it done realy bad is there any advice on how to stay calm when getting it done??


Answer by rabia
Submitted on 8/19/2005
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i think piercing your belly botton is cool and the people that do it them self are really thick in the head my friend keeps saying to me that she whant to get don but shes to scared plz help her and take my advise and dont do it yourself go and go and get et don by a profesions


Answer by jackie
Submitted on 8/23/2005
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hey i am 16 and i would like to get my bellybutton pierced but my parents say no i want to do it myself but i dont want to mess it up what should i do do it myself or just wait till iam older?  


Answer by Heatherb
Submitted on 8/23/2005
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Hey everyone I really want to get a bellybutton ring but my mom AND my dad are against it.I dont see what the big deal is I mean its not like their the ones with the ring on their stomaches! I mean if they dont like it THEY dont have to get it I will. I mean its not like I go walking around without a shirt on so the world can marvel at my wonderous belly button. I mean its better then having a tounge or eyebrow peircing (which I also want but yeah right) I mean its not like you see it all the time.. at my school we have a dress code so we cant even wear bellyshirts.. I really dont know any school that does.. but anyway Its so unfair that this is happening.. I mean im almost 14. I should be able to get one.. my dad is taking me to a concert and he bought me a 'ped so why the hell cant he get me a peircing if he trusts me with an automobile?!Well I gtg. I need some advise for getting around them or convincing them.


Answer by mimmi
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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i pirced minllven eit did not hurt by the way im eleven it went all the way thoroe and now i have a belly bar in


Answer by megan
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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hey people what is up i have been looking at everyone who has either there belly-buttons done themselves or wants to w/ out there parents knowing just let me tell u this who in the hell is that stupid to do it themselves w/ out there parents knowing even when they say no?!?...i mean its great if your a rebel and your parents just give up on u but i wouldn't do that because its there roof i have over my head not mine....ik what u all are thinking that I'm a daddy's little girl or i listen to my parents but the truth is i dont...lol...my mom got hers done when she was 27 and she thinks that i shouldn't get mine done because for 1 I'm 15 and for 2 she says people would look at me like I'm a slut or something like that. even though my dad says ohh yea its not that big of a deal its a whole it can be filled(i don't live w/ my dad) he even offered me to pay for it if my mom said yes.....the sad thing is is that i respect my mom to much to go behind her back and get it done w/ my dad....so to this day i am still asking my mom to get it done and to this day she says no...lol....ohh almost forgot if u really want to  do it yourself and u don't want to listen to what i have to say at least do your homework because u might just screw out and have something terrible happen...


Answer by Lozz
Submitted on 8/28/2005
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Hi ppl, me and my bestie had a sleep over a few weeks ago and we both decided to pierce our bellybuttons hers didn't go through very much skin it was a pretty small bit but mine however went 3/4 of the way and wouldn't go through no matter how hard i tried and pushed it. Also i tried the next day with the old earring studs i got my ears pieced with. But what i didn't know was that my friend had used it as a belly bar the day before and intended on putting it back in. The second time i did it i did it from the bottom and it went through gr8 but it hurt a little after wards so i took it out. My friend then went and put in that earring and hers and my bellybuttons got infected hers more so. My friends bellybutton went black and she wound up in hospital getting tests for hep a,b and c and AIDS. Of course she told them I had used i so i had to get the tests as well. But I was fine and so was my friend until.....she ended up really sick and was in hospital for two weeks she came out of it OK and is considering getting her belly done by a pro. Me however am getting mine done tomorrow and i cant wait. My advice don't do it yourself unless you are willing to put your life at risk and maybe even other peoples.


Answer by holly
Submitted on 8/28/2005
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i really really want my nose pierced..but my rents say no..how can i convince them?


Answer by hotblondegurl
Submitted on 8/29/2005
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how do you peirce your belly button yourself. and im not using a damn safety pin and i cant use a horse pin thingy either is there any thing else. oh and if any body knows of a place i can go with out a parent in destin florida email me at lovergurl89@loveable.com! PLS contact me im desprite.


Answer by Michaela
Submitted on 8/30/2005
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Hello, I want 2 in my belly button..My mom thinks that there isn't anything wrong with peircings so she let me go get it done..PROFESSIONALLY..(Really, don't risk your life for a ring). And the guy started like..Freaking out on her because I was 11 at the time and he thought it was wrong of her to let me get it done..So..I ended up not getting it done afterall..But I'll be getting my tongue done soon..yay.


Answer by ScOrPiOgUrL
Submitted on 8/30/2005
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I want my belly button pierced but i'mnot sure wut to do! Im 15 and i pierced the top of both of my ears iv tried to do my belly button w/ a neddle...it work(went through),but i had a hard time trying to get the ring in? If ne body knows what to pierce it w/ let me know.


Answer by Cheetah
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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hey,I pierced my ear by my self it didnt hurt but if you pierce your belly it hurts like you just had a baby or even worse so I took it out because it got infected so I just got it profesioninly and it just felt like a bee sting but on a scale 1-10 it hurts a BIG10  when you do it yourself but
on a scale 1-10 it only hurts a 2 when you get it profesinly done. But hey I'm only 12 years old.


Answer by Cheetah
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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hey,I pierced my ear by my self it didnt hurt but if you pierce your belly it hurts like you just had a baby or even worse so I took it out because it got infected so I just got it profesionly and it just felt like a bee sting but on a scale 1-10 it hurts a BIG10  when you do it yourself but
on a scale 1-10 it only hurts a 2 when you get it profesionly done.But hey I'm only 12 years old


Answer by Cheetah
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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hey,I pierced my ear by my self it didnt hurt but if you pierce your belly it hurts like you just had a baby or even worse so I took it out because it got infected so I just got it professionaly and it just felt like a bee sting but on a scale 1-10 it hurts a BIG10  when you do it yourself but
on a scale 1-10 it only hurts a 2 when you get it professionaly done.But hey I'm only 12 years old


Answer by Heather.. please answer me.. :)
Submitted on 9/1/2005
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Hey. I just recently got my belly button pierced.. I want to know if it's infected or not. Around the hole, the skin is darker than my normal skin color. Please help. I got it done really far from my house, and I dont have time to drive there for no reason.. like if its a stage in healing or somthing. So far, I have had it for like 6 wkz. Thanx.


Answer by j mac
Submitted on 9/1/2005
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well i done have both my nipples done myself and im gunna do my bell button so yeh i dont care what you dude say


Answer by Whitney
Submitted on 9/7/2005
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I really wanna pierce my bellybutton and i'vedone it before when i was only 11 but i took it out 3 days later cause i got scared. I really wanna do it again and i want it to be perminet. I'm 12 now and think i can handle it. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE!!!
My name is Whitney.


Answer by Bafflingbabygirl
Submitted on 9/8/2005
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I was just replying to the nose question. I did my nose myself and it is SO EASY!!, put it through with either a pin or a needle, and slowly go through till u reach the back leave it in there for a while then pull it out really quickly, like ripping off a bandaid, then straight away put your stud in, oh yeah before you do put some antispectic cream on it before hand, lol there ya go have fun, its so easy and fun!!!


Answer by Roro
Submitted on 9/11/2005
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how do you pierce your belly your self?with what tools?


Answer by cassie
Submitted on 9/11/2005
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ok i had to wait 7 dayz to get mi belly pirced in wildwood,new jersey but i  couldnt wait so mi sis did it and it hurt really really bad......so anyway i had to go to the hospital cuz it was infected.....the docter told me never do it ur self or let any1 do it cuz u can die from it.....so he told me to wait like 3 monthes to get it done....so now im goin to get it done PROFECCIONLY....and i want to know on a scale 1 -10 the higest how bad will it hurt .....and what they use....or how much will it cost..... if there is any web sites or any1 to help me im me on playboy422822

pleeease help!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Anna
Submitted on 9/12/2005
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I was thinking about piercing my navel by myself then i saw these articles and thought how dumb can i get i think about all that can happend and now i am going to get it done professionally


Answer by Don'y want to say
Submitted on 9/12/2005
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Hiya everyone, 1st off i just wana say WELL DONE 2 Elizabeth H!i agree COMPLETELY!!pierce your own belly button guys?are you mad!?!Im desperate to get mine done but im not allowed,next month i will be 15,i am gettin my belly button done professinally,because then i will look 16 and my friend knows the lady that does it(my friends not 16 either but we both look it)Go and get it done proffessionally if you want it that badly.Good luck!!!
p.s dont put other people down,do you even know them!!?!


Answer by BuNnY
Submitted on 9/16/2005
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hey everyone i really suggest not to do it yourself i tried to do it and it hurt anyways it hurt i couldn't even get it through so and if u cant get it done try to convince your parents i regret getting it done without my parents because it ended up being done wrong i hid it from my mother for 2 weeks but after she found out she wasn't to impressed. i decided to take mine out and get it done with my mom it looks great and if any of u r debating to get urs done and scared to get it done i am telling you IT DOESN'T HURT! its a little creepy but it actualy doesn't hurt and i am not joking and my advice is get it done with a barbell cuz the first time i had a ring and i always slept(yes u can sleep on your navel piercing) on my belly and it bent to one side all the time and i soon found out it was tearing the hole and barbells heal way better and i have a really good way to keep it healed and if infected or is sore or anything put polysporn on it. its the best thing u can do for ur pierced navel it works so great mine was getting a little infected and a little of that it clears it up and looks great the next day. for any of you who have taken it out cuz it was infected u shouldn't do that cuz sometimes it can spread the infection inside your stomach and for people who have pierced it yourself and it looks like it was getting thinner and thinner that isn't cause it was done wrong or cuz u did it yourself some people cant have there navel pierced cuz there body is either allergic or doesn't want it there for it gets pushed out but anyways if u r really scared it will hurt it actually doesn't hurt but even if it does its only a 3 second pain so dont worry i was really nervous and scared to get mine done i also have my nose done and my nose hurt way more than my navel actually it was kind of fun and just think of all the great belly rings you'll be able to put in it i get to change mine on the 21 i am so excited so if u r thinking of getting it done just go for it!!!!!! it looks great and all the cool belly rings makes it worth it!!!!!! ps always use polysporn!!! never use rubbing alchohal that will make it way worse than it already is anyways good luck!!!!!!!!!


Answer by yamajama
Submitted on 9/16/2005
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hey yawl' my names amanda.. i'm14 && a feshman at fbba and i want my belly pierced like majorly bad... my mom thinks its like a horrible thing to do && my dad is like thats for hoes.. should i get it?? if so like now?? how old do u have to be to get it done by urself..?? does it hurt like really bad? should i just wait till i'molder? or should i just not get it at all??? yeah well if u have aim IM at yamajama22 PLEAZE HELP ME!!!!!!


Answer by yamajama
Submitted on 9/16/2005
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hey yawl' my names amanda.. i'm 14 && a feshman at fbba and i want my belly pierced like majorly bad... my mom thinks its like a horrible thing to do && my dad is like thats for hoes.. should i get it?? if so like now?? how old do u have to be to get it done by urself..?? does it hurt like really bad? should i just wait till i'm older? or should i just not get it at all??? yeah well if u have aim IM at yamajama22 PLEAZE HELP ME!!!!!!


Answer by jen
Submitted on 9/17/2005
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hiya ppl i was thinkin bout peircin mi nose by mi self coz mi parents say no of corse if u hav dun it urself please tel me how it went and what to do because i desperately want it done and do u no eni where you can have it done without a parent under the age of 16? help me!!!!!!!!!


Answer by REBEL
Submitted on 9/19/2005
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Answer by INDE
Submitted on 9/19/2005
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Answer by ambe
Submitted on 9/19/2005
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i relly won't my belly done i tryed it myself and it didn't work i live in philly anyone no were i could get it done with out my mom


Answer by xlil_ladyx
Submitted on 9/21/2005
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hiya i just want to let you no i peirced my mates belly button and hers was fine but i wouldn try it it doesnt always work out. my parents aint that strict when it comes down to piercings i had my belly done when i was 10,  and i was aloud. im now 15 i aslo have my nose done im hoping to get my lip done next.. if you really want somehing done go for it dont stop till you get it lol ....


Answer by LAdylike333
Submitted on 9/21/2005
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I pierced my belly went i was 13, i'mnow 15. I numbed it with ice and every thing. But after 3 days it went a yellow colour and brown gunge started to spilled out of my belly button holes. it was digusted. i had to go to the hospital straight away. I have i scar now, not really big though. And my mum said i could get it done a year later. But this time of course i got it done professionally.  I advise anyone who wants to pierce their own belly. DON'T. Trust me you will regret it.


Answer by emo
Submitted on 9/22/2005
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Answer by Kikki
Submitted on 9/24/2005
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omfg!!! i almost caught myself piercing my own nose a while ago... well- is it safe to do it urself?- do i need to look out for a certin spot? i have a friend who got her belly pierced..... she couldnt do barrs in gymnastics anymore and she couldnt sleep on her stomach- is it realy worth it?????


Answer by Sugary_Sweet
Submitted on 9/26/2005
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Yo I wanna get ma tongue n ma belly button pierced SO BAD!!! But Im afraid of tha pain n swelling that it causes, n ma parentz will neva let me get them done... wut should I do??? PLZ HELP ME GURLZ!!! >_<


Answer by sari
Submitted on 9/27/2005
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i wanna get my belly button peacied but the parents wont let me but after reading these i dont wanna do it by myself any more ill have my friends mom take me.


Answer by trish trash2552
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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i can't wait to get it done dose it hert i am 14


Answer by jen
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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hey yall guys i jus pierced my belly button but i dont kno how 2 get the belly ring in it closes up everytime i do it please help


Answer by heather
Submitted on 9/30/2005
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hya! i reli reli need help i got my belly dun wen i woz 11 n i had to take it out afta lyk a month coz it had puss lol all under it n now its all scared n ded hard its bin owt 4 ages n ages wil i ever b able to get it dun again


Answer by aly
Submitted on 10/2/2005
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IM gettin my belly button pierced next week:):) i convinced my mom finally , my best friend go hers done and shes  kinda on the large side i dont understand y she got it done cuz shes on a diet so y wudnt she wait til she lost all the weight she wanted to.. which brings me to my question.. if u have you belly pierced can you gain like alota weight or will it like tear ur bellybutton n look gross??


Answer by Rachael
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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Hey...im thinking about doin whut some1 else suggested and thats watchin a movie and pushing it in slowly...so just in case i hit a vain or sumthin...i can like avoid it b4 hand...ne good suggestions??


Answer by Dolly
Submitted on 10/6/2005
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Well i tried to pierce mine a couple days ago. I didnt get a chance to finish, i was going out. But I find if you freeze it you can push it through A LOT faster and it wont hurt. I'm gonna try it again after my belly all heals up.And bye the way use a thick needle, not way too thick though and DONT forget to sterilize your needles. Okay thanks, happy piercing.


Answer by laurz bj
Submitted on 10/7/2005
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hey peoples i really really want my belly button pierced i wouldnt do it my self though(mad or wat), my parents wont let me ((why the hell not?)) plz, how shud i convince them?????? tell meeeeeee. luvz laurzxxxxxx


Answer by Lo
Submitted on 10/8/2005
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I am trying to right now. Should I or not?


Answer by Lil_Emo_Gal_666
Submitted on 10/12/2005
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hey i know wat alot of u mean my dad says he wont let me have it done. he doesnt see the point, my mum is fine with it but i needa know how i can persuade my dad. He says he doesnt like me getting holes put in me...right...HeLp please i really want this done


Answer by Lexa
Submitted on 10/14/2005
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Hey pplz i'm fourteen and i want my belly button and nose pierced but my mom said no to the mose for now. i am kinda scared to get them both done and wonder if i'd hurt. i tried to pierce my own nose just like my friend did yesterday and it looked great. but of course i'm too chicken lol. I got it in like half way and then backed out i'll try again but anywayz is there any thing i'll hit. i pierced my third hole with a disposapble gun from sally's beauty supply and had to do it twice to go through. but it ended up turnin out fine and lookin great. any suggestions ? i no i should wait to get it done pro but i think if i use steril equipment and did it right unpainfully it will turn out pretty much the same as a pro does it. just stating my opion ... and to other ppl out there calm down when writing back answers ppl are just asking for advice and stuff so no "MORAN" calling etc. PLEAZ i don't want to get it started up in here. ... lol just kidin ... :)


Answer by Danni
Submitted on 10/16/2005
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crap..i just decided to do this and i just did peirce it my self..and i am only 13 too.. i did it yesterday and like when ever i clean it  this foam stuff comes out of this old earing clean well new earing cleaner i have and well.. i am scared that it is gunna get infected i clean it daily..so is that ..dear god....please don't let e,me get sick...i did it with a hallow deedle...and then i put a Stirling silver hoop in it looks great and its stings a bit and i am not allergic...plz respond soon..THX!..and my folks don'tknow...:'(


Answer by mea
Submitted on 10/16/2005
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hi im mea and ive tried piercin my bellbutton many of times best advice is dont do it yourself.I did mine and i worked but after a while the ring got to big for the hole and it ripped now it looks weird just go to a professional.


Answer by ashley312
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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everyone get your's done professionally not doing it yourself it's gross


Answer by kaitlynn
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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I'm 14 and I got my belly button pierced professionally about 1 and a half months ago and its okay. Its a little bit infected but I've been keeping care of it and its healing. I was majorly considering doing it on my own but I realized all the risks so I decided to wait. It was a smart idea because my mom finally gave in, took me , paid for it and just bought me a new ring for when I can change it ! It's great and I love having it .

Suggestion:  For anyone who wants to get it done but their parents wont let them , DON'T do it yourself. Yes, there is that chance that it will come out good , but there is also the chance that it won't...


-Get a proper piercing needle
-Make sure belly button is sterilized
-Wear sterile gloves
-Use surgical steel belly button ring
-Both barbell and ring are suitable for belly piercing (ring is easier to clean and easier to get caught)
-Push needle in from BOTTOM
-Look at pictures of successful belly rings to get an idea as of where to put the piercing

A well balanced diet, with vitamin and mineral supplements are extremely important to the healing process. Also, healing is usually accelerated if some dietary Zinc supplement is used. It takes approximately 6 months to a year for a belly button piercing to heal.

Properly taking care of a belly button ring is critical.. clean twice a day (minimum) with 1 teaspoon of SEA SALT and one cup of water. Lean over, place the cup with the water over your belly button and stand up, leave it on for about 15 minutes. Do NOT move your belly button ring without soaking it for at LEAST 5 minutes (prevents from tearing new formed tissue). Also don't change the ring for 3-6 months and if it is absolutely neccissary to change the ring before 3 months go to a professional (which may cost about $10.00, but is well worth it). Changing your jewlery prematurely can cause tissue damage which will prolong your healing time and possibly cause sscarring and/or keloiding. Keloids may look like a lump of excess skin or a blister. They do dissapear and are NOT an indication of infection.

If infection occurs consult to your physician immediately, and do NOT take out the ring. Infection must be cleared up prior to jewlery removal.  Also, avoid cleaning with peroxide, rubbing alcohol etc.. This will dehydrate and kill newly formed tissue, and the piercing will not heal as long at alcohol is used. Signs of an infection include: prolonged soarness of pain, purple/red discoloration around the aread, unpleasant odour, exessive swelling and/or discharge of pus or matter.

Thanksss .. Hopefully some of this info is helpful!


Answer by !x!emma!x!
Submitted on 10/19/2005
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hey all i got ma belly dun last yr professionally and its healin realli gd it onli hurt a bit but it was worth it rather than doin it urself n causin more pain :O jus wait til ya parents say ya can get it dun it tuk me like 3 mnths non stop 2 get ma mum to let me av it dun n now she wnts hers dun! dnt do it urself !!!!!!!


Answer by jamin1493
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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i have had my belly pierced i did it by my self and my mum didnt mined i took it out because i didnt want it infected my mum said i can have it done professionally i asked my dad if i could have the money 2 do it and he said he will read the good and bad things about it if he likes what it he said he will pay 4 me 2 get it done but if he doent agree then muy mum will pay 4 me 2 get it done 4 christmas.And im 12 i did it my self when i was 11 it didnt hurt much it was painful but only 4 a minute if u want your done dont do it your self i was 2 young and now i understand that i could be really hurt by this so i would get it done professonal if i was you....jam


Answer by TinyT
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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Hey guys, I'm 18 years old, and I have been through all of these tough choices and my parents constantly said no to everying, tattoos, piercings, etc, the rule was to wait until I moved out of the house...I now live on my own, and the truth is, i dont want half of the things I wanted when I was 13/14, besides your all still growing so its going to look different and awkward by the time you reach graduation. Just wait a while, and think it through. Sure you may want it still, but at least if you wait you can do it safely and know for sure that its exactly what you wanted. p.s. fake id's work really well at parlors, got a big sis or friend that looks like you? use their drivers lisense, but please dont do anything stupid. Stick to peircing your ears, its way more safer.


Answer by liz
Submitted on 10/21/2005
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don't do it your self i done it my self and it was bleeding all night i got it done at the tattoo place it is cool really looked Gd i payed £30 BUT IT WORTH It.  when people say they use a hook they don't they use a needle and is hurts for a bout 3 secs  i really meen it get it done by some  one who knows wat they r doing plez xxxxxxx


Answer by tater_tot_1001@hotmail.com
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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hey plz help me i really wont mine pierced  but i cant do it myself cause i already tried it once and got in major trouble i m scared to get it done can a professional email me or talk to me my email is on the name thnks sooo much bye


Answer by babiephat69
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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i have my nose pierced and pretty much my whole ear plus cartilage, and i am getting my belly button done in a few days all my piercing are professionally done and all turned out great i suggest u get your belly button pierced by someone who knows what they are doing you could hit an artery and end up in the hospital or not piece though enough skin and if your needle is that clean enough you might have to end up getting a tetanus shot. I would just get it done by someone who has a license for it and you know will not do something stupid like you could do to yourself.


Answer by chuchu
Submitted on 10/30/2005
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ur best bet is jsut to get it professionly done like i did my belly button like 3 tymes and it got inftected all three tymes and i had a lil bit of scare tissue and i even periced the bottom of the belly button that one never got infected i still have that one i also had mah nose which i did nad im goin to do again but im jsut sayin wen it comes to piercing ur belly button get it done professionally even if u already have scare tisue u can still get it periced it will just hurt a lil bit and if ur too young wait till ur 16 u dont need a parent to sign it u can sign it ur self


Answer by Louis
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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Hey, Im a boy and I have my ear, eyebrow and tongue pierced... I did my ear myself and I think that doing your belly button yourself might be a bit stupid. But I dont know coz I havent tried lol. I tried piercing my tongue first of all but it hurt soo bad so I just saved up and got it pierced lol. Im 16 by the way and used fake ID to get my tongue done because I was only 15. Does anyone know any other boys with their tongues pierced coz i don't know any which i do kinda like coz its completely original for boys :P


Answer by casey moir
Submitted on 11/4/2005
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ok yeah i got mine dun professionaly nd it didnt hurt at all..nd sum ppl do get wicked bad infections but it mostly has to do wit 2 things..how deep ur pierce it nd how well u take care of it..so heres wut my piercer gave me instructions to do:
for ten days do the following:
1. two showers a day nd wash it wit pure dove antibacterial soap nd make sure it gets INSIDE the piercing then rinse off the piercing nd make sure theres not sticky residue from the soap
2. after each shower use bactine and make sure the bactine gets INSIDE the piercing
3. after you put the bactine in, put neosporin on the ring and move it around until you've gotten the neosporin INSIDE and then wipe away ne excess neosporin

after those ten days, keep going for 6 weeks wit the showerz nd bactine but dont use neosporin cuz u can get a buildup that can give you an infection

other than that..DONT TOUCH IT. PERIOD.

if u do it urself just make sure that u have sum1 who knows ur doin it nd can check in on u nd make sure if it does get hurt you can get help from a dr etc..


Answer by i want one
Submitted on 11/4/2005
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ok i want to get mine done sooo much but my parents won't let me. how do u convince them to let you?  HELP


Answer by NicNac
Submitted on 11/5/2005
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I am percing my own belly button its gonna be awesome I  really want it done and I am desperate so I am just gonna do it myself my parents don't want me to get it done but I never listen to my parents anyway. Jasmine your cool....... DO IT YOU SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just take a normal belly button ring stick it half way through and then use a needle after you go half way through.Thanx for reading this website it is really cool for people that want to peirce their bellybutton


Answer by angel girl
Submitted on 11/5/2005
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hey peeps listen to me i read this web site and now so convinced to get it done pro i mean come on its not that hard to get your parents to let now is it is your life though do what ever you want.      ANGEL GIRL!!!!


Answer by linn-x0x
Submitted on 11/5/2005
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ok well i got my navel periced about three weeks ago and it didnt hurt at all last xmas my and my bff_m>f
tried to do it but hers went throw and mine didint so she just didint keep it but i wanntd it so i told my mom and she was soo cool about it butt anway if you askk im sure shell let you guys but mines so great now and i wa sscared but now im soo happy i got it done thx alot x0x linn


Answer by Jessica..
Submitted on 11/6/2005
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Is it true that if you hit a certain vein in your belly button you can't get pregnant? Email me, punk_angel5@hotmail.com


Answer by bubs
Submitted on 11/9/2005
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Ive done all my piercings myself and Ive got 22 piercings not 1 went wrong except for the 1 i got done professionally and that was my bellybutton so i and to redo it myself


Answer by kali
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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I have no clue if I should or shouldnt peirce my belly button I want to peirce my nose but I want to know WHAT HURTS WORSE TO PIERCE BELLY BUTTON OR NOSE? please answer kthnxbye=]


Answer by kali
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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I have no clue if I should or shouldnt peirce my belly button I want to peirce my nose but I want to know WHAT HURTS WORSE TO PIERCE BELLY BUTTON OR NOSE? please answer kthnxbye=]


Answer by laura
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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hi i have had my belly piercecd and during summer it was alrite cause it was in sea water know its winter my belly pierced is rip with a hole in and flesh is coming out wot do i do?


Answer by sissy
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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i would advise yall 2 pierce ur belly button but not ur tongue cause if u hit a wrong vein in ur tongue it will paralyze u but when u pierce ur belly it doesnt hurt but i have never tried 2 pierce my nose. belly button rings are cool lookin


Answer by AngieBaby
Submitted on 11/16/2005
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um okay i'm really scared because my belly button was pierced for 2 months and my mom or dad don't know about it. well I had a horrible stomach ache and in order to have my mom rub my stomach for me I had to take it out quicktime and it half closed up over night. I really don't care anymore BUT there's this like little ball thing between the holes and i'm scared as to what it might be. its like swollen the othside and feels like a tiny little marble under my skin. Is it anything to worry about?


Answer by lil Momma
Submitted on 11/16/2005
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I am only 14 years old and my rents r still saying no so im thinking bout letting my cuzins friend do mine she did her own and it looks great so what do u guys think i really want it done but i dont know


Answer by ~
Submitted on 11/19/2005
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ok well i just tried to pierce my belly button
i disinfected my hands, belly button and the needle and finally pierced through my skin. the bad thing is, i took out the needle and i guess it was too small so i had to repierce it with the ring i was going to put in it. i stopped because it hurt so bad and i just read now that people go to the hospital for doing this so i just stopped.


Answer by kels
Submitted on 11/21/2005
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do not pierce ur belly yourself!!!!!!1


Answer by Brittany
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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Umm....i'm 13 n my mom just took me to get my belly button done....rlly it doesn't hurt that bad at all it's like plop n it's thru but yah....umm....when u go to sit up do it slowly cuz otherwise OUCH!!! but yah that's bout all


Answer by ali
Submitted on 11/23/2005
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I was thinking of doing it myself but with all these stories about people dieing and going to the hospital im not too sure... im really glad i got this site though cuz otherwise i would have done it top to bottom! my mom says not until im out of the house but my dad says when im 16 and im 13 now so thats a really long ways away!


Answer by AdRiBuG... :)
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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Well after reading dis page im not gonna peirce my belly button no mo'! its all ur guyses fault y u guys tellin me dat u can DIE and get SICK 4rm it. Like OMG shut up! lol. but ya i GUESSS ill get it professionaly done.


Answer by Baby Blue
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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Im confused sum say it hurts and gets infected and 2 get it done professionally but others say its fine. I pierced mine it hurt but not for long i took it out after reading what a lot of people had 2 say about it. Should i get it done professionally or do it myself again? if anyone knows a professional who will do it without paernts permission email me at


Answer by Giggles
Submitted on 12/2/2005
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Sup peoples my mom and dad said yes but does is hurt and i am in 8th grade!!! does it hurt bad or just a little..what do they do i get it done in a week holla back at nativeangel402@yahoo.com and my name is miranda


Answer by lu lu bell
Submitted on 12/2/2005
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i wont to get my belly button done how old do you have to be? with or with out an adult
and also does any one no any good places, like in either
woolwich,thamesmead,bexlyheath,lewisham ect....


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 12/2/2005
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My name is Nicole I'm 15, and I have pierced my belly button twice before and this is the third time... But, I'm going to let the hole close again because I actually made the mistake of doing it, when I wasn't really all there but, its okay. To everyone who is deathly afraid to get your belly button pierced it may just help if you try to go to your local drug store and pick up some type of numbing creme such as ladicane <spelling> but, ever since I've used it. Well I have to use it because I'm a diabetic and I actually use it because I own a diabetic pump and I numb my "site" (where I'm going to insert the needle for my insulin to go.) And believe me its alot easier to do when its numbed. Just make sure your not allergic        to it. But, My advice is if your going to do it do it right and not wrong because that was my fault the first two times and now I just don't want one because there honestly a lot of flippen work ... you have to keep them cleaned and nice for at leasst four months. Or JUST DON'T GET ONE. Thats all I have to say and GOOD LUCK.... loves ya


Answer by HELP!!!
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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Okay.....alot of people at my school have pierced there belly-button and did not have any of these problems.....is all this crap about you can go in a coma true or is that made up....i really want 2 get it done


Answer by hurleygurlie
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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dudes! belly button rings aren't that hot!
gosh it's just fad's your into. it will be gone soon. not like its gonna help your social life or make you prettier..
its a piece of metal going in and out of your body. people die from doing this and people dont. but whatevers you belly button loser people


Answer by India Medley
Submitted on 12/5/2005
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You should not pierce your own belly button, b/c it could get infected, but i pierced my own in the 7th Grade, and now im in the 9th I still have it and nothing happened, so im not sure, but its still dangerous.


Answer by ali<3
Submitted on 12/5/2005
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i really wanna get mine peirced, but i'monly 13 and my parents won't let me...idk how to do it myself..can someone help me??  if you can i/m me on MiddieSoccerBabe
<33 thx


Answer by crazychick!!!
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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hi, my name is Megan.I am 15, and I already have my nose and eye brow pierced, and 19 holes in my ears-two of my holes in my ears are gauaged out to double zeros(00).and I've never had a problem with any of my holes getting infected!And I've done all my piercings my self......


Answer by Morgan
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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I am 14 and after watching the movie"thirteen" I wanted my belly pierced so bad, back then i was 13, and i tried to pierce it myself!There is a scar there, and my mom just found out about it 2 months ago.The smart thing to do would be to wait!And get it done professionally, PLEASE DON'T SNEAK BEHIND YOUR PARENTS!


Answer by softball_gurl
Submitted on 12/7/2005
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Hey i really got mine done @ a real perfesional piercers and i want to be one too so if any one has advice.. TALK and oh go to ohhh nevermind...
softball gurl>...


Answer by amanda neese
Submitted on 12/8/2005
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I pierced my navel about 10 months ago on my own and it ripped my stomach so i am letting it heal it has been out for 3 months can a professional pierce it again for me


Answer by cowboy lover
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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hey every 1. This is my 1st time at this site. I did my own belly in 5th and i did it with and ice cube and well it didn't hert but it got infected... And it was because i did not burn the bobby pin 1st. But then after about 3 days green puss came out and it was really gross. I still wana get it re-pirced but i need 2 do it w/out my mom knowing.

How do people go to the hosiptal 4 it?



Answer by beth
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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Answer by w/e69
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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hey people not all parents say no im just 12 and my friend is to and tommorow we gonna get ours done proffesionaly our moms said yes and our dads dont care so i cant wait


Answer by shoot
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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Burning a needle or jewellry doesn;t sterilise it, look it up. Just boil it in hot water for 10/15 minutes, or wipe it down with rubbing alcohol.


Answer by Chelsea
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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I have 13 piercing's and i am 13 years old.  I have my belly button and my ears pierced 12 times.  My best friend Jessica Messina has pierced my ear at least 8 times and i like it and i think it looks really cute i think, and my mom didn't really care that my friend pierce's my ears for me as long as i take good care of it! but on the other hand my dad thinks im trying to look to old, and that i should just be my self, and i try to tell him that i am being my self but he just doesnt want to listen to me!ugh.  I got my belly button done by a perfessional.  And it looked really cute at first but after playing around with my friends and being in sports its slowly starting to rip out, my parents said that if i desided to take it out and let it heal over that they would take me to get it pierced agian but it would take a long time for it to heal all the way. what should i do.


Answer by RandomGirl
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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i always wanted a piercing since i was in elementary school and i begged my mom (never asked my dad he'd kill me) and she always said no until i said to her fine then im gonna do it anyway and then she said yes :) i got it done professionally with a friend by my side who already had hers done now i have it and im sooo happy and thankful NEVER do it yourself I HAD A STUPID GIRL IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DO IT ..IT GOT INFECTED SHE TOOK IT OUT IT LOOKED NASTY GO TO A PROFESSIONAL TRUST ME........i was veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy patient until the day i got it pierced...i got it pierced at age 16 so all you little girls wait a little more because i did and its not that bad


Answer by sharonda
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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i always wanted a belly done and my parents thinks i going too far and i have the money to get it done but can't do it without my parents permission..........that bites


Answer by Laura
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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uhh hey i pierced my own bellybutton but then took it out after like 3 days because I decided that I didn't feel right hiding it ffrom my parents. Am I gonna have like all this ugly scar tissue?


Answer by Sherry Berry
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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hey how ever is reading this. both my parents are against this whole piecing thing. The other day i got my nose pieced behind their back. but i had to take it out cause if my parents knew i had that done they would ground me for the holidays and make me life a mizery. my gran even thinks its hot and would let me get one if i was her own child. LoL my mom checks now and then if i got my belly pierced. plz if anyone can give me advice on how to convince my parents.


Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 12/15/2005
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Me and my cousin wanted our bellys pierced so bad... my mom wasnt into it but my dad was... so without telling my mom... me and my dad went and got my belly pierced... while my cousin did hers at home.  When they first pierce your belly... it hurts for about 10 seconds then no pain.  My didnt get infected or anything and it looks great!!  MY cousins got really badly infected though.  When she went to the doctor for it they said that if she didnt take it out she could die because she was spreading the infection throughout her whole body....  I also just recently went in and got my nose pierced professionaly.... all of my piercings look good and healthy.... my advice is to get it done professionaly.... For those of you whos parents dont approve... there are some piercing parlors that will pierce you without parent signature when your 16... I know that waiting will suck....I dont know about you but I'd rather be safe than sorry!!


Answer by vicki
Submitted on 12/19/2005
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this site is great and for all of those stupid people that say do it your self then you people are mental you dont do that are you all crazy,. but i came on this site to learn if i should do it my self but i read what ELIZABETH .H. wrote and if she reads this thanks i am so glad i read your thinggy  i have an aunt that told my father if you dont let her get it done that she is just going to end up getin it done her self and i had my eyebrow and lip and tongue done before not all at once but i didn't like it and i had efection in my eyebrow and my eye got swelling shut and i had to have the eyebrow ring removed and it hut alot and i hope you peeps that think a body piercing.is cool well it is  if it is done right!!!!  g-2-g
     b u c     love ya - vicki -
      o n e  


Answer by emmabemma
Submitted on 12/19/2005
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well yah im 14, today i just got my 2nd holes redone and i think im kinda going on a peircing rampage cuz now i might get my friend to do mine on wendsday but im fraid what will happen and i want to get it done proffessionally but i hear dits too expensive and i JUST WANNA DO IT NOW!!!!


Answer by Anggie
Submitted on 12/19/2005
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i really really wanna get my bellybutton pierced but my parents would kill me and i wanna just do it my self but im not sure cuz my friend did hers but it didn't turn out to good but i might get my friends friend who is like 23 to go with me to get it done professionally!


Answer by Annastasia c.
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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i think that you should go for it if you really  want to do it really bad so holla back at your gurl



Answer by Chellie
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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I have done it twice myself, the first time it was too close to the skin with a safety pin, then the second it got infected and now there is  ball of scar tissue. I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING IT YOURSELF, FIRSTLY.. IT HURTS MORE but when you get it done the real way it hard hurts, you put salt water on it at night to heal it quickly, and use dial soap plus what they give you to fight infections and it's not bad at all.


Answer by Brandi
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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Okay... here's how it goes...
Six of my friends all pierced theirs one night at a slumber party... I didn't.  Every one of them got infected, even though they used sterile equipment.  What are the odds?  Six infected? That was 4 years ago.  I'm 19 now.  I'm going this weekend to get mine done by a pro... just like all of you should.  Any to that dude... who cares what your friends think... so you want your BB pierced... who cares?  All you need to do is KNOW that you want it.  And girls.... YOUR 13!  Why in the HELL are you piercing your bellybuttons! *Sorry... i'm a mom.*  Think about why you're doing it first.  Do you just want it because your friends have them, or because you think they're CUTE? And do you even have the figure for it?  Believe me... large girls... don't get them.  You won't hear the end of it.  Always go with parents is another thing... you have to have THEIR permission!  And if you ever plan on having kids, don't get one now.  Wait until you've had one... then you can determine whether or not you want stretch marks and pregnancy fat hanging out with a bellybutton ring.  Plus... you have to take them out when you're pregnant, otherwise they'll bust through the skin.  Ooohh.... wouldn't that be a pretty scar? I waited until my son was born, then really thought about it.  I have my body back, no stretch marks... so i'mdoing it.  THINK ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU TAKE ACTION!


Answer by Brandi
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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Okay... here's how it goes...
Six of my friends all pierced theirs one night at a slumber party... I didn't.  Every one of them got infected, even though they used sterile equipment.  What are the odds?  Six infected? That was 4 years ago.  I'm 19 now.  I'm going this weekend to get mine done by a pro... just like all of you should.  Any to that dude... who cares what your friends think... so you want your BB pierced... who cares?  All you need to do is KNOW that you want it.  And girls.... YOUR 13!  Why in the HELL are you piercing your bellybuttons! *Sorry... im a mom.*  Think about why you're doing it first.  Do you just want it because your friends have them, or because you think they're CUTE? And do you even have the figure for it?  Believe me... large girls... don't get them.  You won't hear the end of it.  Always go with parents is another thing... you have to have THEIR permission!  And if you ever plan on having kids, don't get one now.  Wait until you've had one... then you can determine whether or not you want stretch marks and pregnancy fat hanging out with a bellybutton ring.  Plus... you have to take them out when you're pregnant, otherwise they'll bust through the skin.  Ooohh.... wouldn't that be a pretty scar? I waited until my son was born, then really thought about it.  I have my body back, no strech marks... so i'mdoing it.  THINK ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU TAKE ACTION!


Answer by Nicci!
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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Hia! Omg I'm well scared of getting my belly done!! Does it hurt ?!?!? Please tell me! Love x nicci x


Answer by alexNsarah
Submitted on 12/23/2005
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Hey whats up well us nothing much here but we are so scared about doing this piercing our belly button thing but we so want to but what the hell should we do?


Answer by ash
Submitted on 12/25/2005
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my mom is on and off about me getting my belly button pierced and i want it really bad i mean all my friends have one and i dont want o be the only one without one how should i change her mind all my friends say it doesnt hurt but i dont no do u think it hurts


Answer by Tiss
Submitted on 12/26/2005
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hey my friend just pierced m belly button and there was blood everywhere but i didn't think it hurt but i thought it was a bit shocking  i bought a really kool ring before hand and now i am obsessed with it.


Answer by Britt
Submitted on 12/28/2005
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Hey, this weekend me and my friend maranda are planing on piercing MY bellybutton and HER nose... even if my bellybutton turns out GOOD will it end up eating away and gettin thin anyway??? PLEASE HELP


Answer by noodle4567
Submitted on 12/29/2005
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I've never got my belly button pierced and I'm afraid is that normal or am i a wimp? Ive seen my friends get theirs done and it looks very very pain full, coming from a native girl were all wimps when it somes to needles.


Answer by jess+tony
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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Hey guys I don't recommend piercing your belly button yourself.I did in early December and I have a nasty scar that I am going to have to hide from my parents for like ever! See my parents wouldn't let me get my belly button pierced so I just got a safety pin and stuck it through I didn't use anything on it I know I was stupid but I didn't feel like using anything.I know how bad it hurts varies from person to person but really to me I couldn't feel a thing I just thought of going to the mall the next day. It was really gross sticking it through tho like you can feel it everytime it goes a little farther and it takes a while because the skin is pretty tough or something cuz all my friends did it and we all had the same problem. I really don't recommend doing it yourself.


Answer by jess+tony
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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Hey Amber its true getting your ears pierced is more painful well I think so your belly button doesn't get the same kinda burn it feels like a pinch and you know how if someone pinches you kinda hard and it turns red and like stings for a sec or two its like that but it gets all red around I dunno still I wouldn't do it yourself.


Answer by gina
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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hey i m 11 and am desperate to gt my bellybutton pierce. i even tried with an earring but it didnt go through. plese help me


Answer by ~~Sarah~~
Submitted on 1/4/2006
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hi guys.. i'm 14 years old and got my belly button pierced about 7 months ago, a little bit before that my friend did hers, i was going to right after but it got to look terrible after about a few days. My mom is a very outgoing lady and respected the fast i wanted it done very bad, i did have to wait about 2 or 3 months b4 i convinced her Just be patient, i wouldn't do it myself if i were u.. If your gonna get it done.. then go to a pro, even if u have to wait!


Answer by rachel
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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i pierced my belly button 3 times the first time it went through all the way but the hole was to small
the second time i didnt go through all the way and the 3rd it  did but it started bleeding alot so i left it now there is going to be lotz of scar tissue will it hurt alot more now if i get it professionally done!!! plez help!!!


Answer by lo
Submitted on 1/7/2006
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hey yAL i got ma navel piercing done professionally without ma parents knowing... i strongly sugeest gettting it done wit a needle,  not a gun. i had it done with a gun b4 and it totally went bad after the first... hour. i still have scarrs. if u have ne questions add me to msn or email me at xx.xx.beautiful.disaster.xx.xx@hotmail.com


Answer by Funkay Monkay
Submitted on 1/8/2006
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I got my ears peirced when i was a kid becuase they kept closing, perfessionallly, but one day i dow know wat was wrong with m but i decided to pierce my ear a second tim myself. My sister cuaght me an insisted she do it so i let her and no matter how much ice i put it still hurt and took like an hour. Couple of months ago i decided to pierce the other one on my own without my sister so i did took about 20 mintues an didnt hurt as much.i was sopposed to get my nose pierced on my vacation but the place is closed so i was htinkin of doin it myself..should i


Answer by ~BlondeAmbition~
Submitted on 1/10/2006
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Hey Everyone-
I really want to get my belly button pierced, and just like the rest of you my parents said no. Im thinking of doing it myself, even though i will be 18, in a little less than a year. Any good advice on how to pierce by myself?


Answer by shimpy
Submitted on 1/11/2006
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hey yall!
my parents have no idea me and my friends are all gonna pierce are own belly buttons. lol. if they find out they r gonna kill me!im a little worried cause i play volleyball and i have 2 dive on the floor alot but i think it will b ok. im also worried about piercing it "safely". any suggestions?


Answer by jodie186
Submitted on 1/13/2006
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i dunno what to do because my mum said wen i was 12 that i cud get my belly button dun professionally my dad was never keen on it but said yes i was meant to b getting it done in a few weeks i'm almost 14 now and a week ago my mum n dad called me downstairs and well they have bribed me out of having it done because my dad doesn't want me to have it dun anymore what should in do because i fink my case is almost worse because Ive bin bribed out of it although Ive been promised for 2 years My mum n dad are going away for a week should i have it done then or should i just wait I'm not sure
Jodie xx


Answer by Freza
Submitted on 1/16/2006
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In reply to that girl who said not tolisten to what most people are telling you about piercing yourself and then went on to piercing your tongue

please Never EVER Pierce your own tongue! even when professionals who know what they are doing pierce tongues things can still go wrong! so to a 13/14/15 year old who wants his/hers done, You may have dont lots of reserch and are facinated with body modifications but if you REALLY have respect for body modification and actually understand what can go wrong please Please PLEASE DO NOT PIERCE YOUR OWN TONGUE!, Yes its true if we never had self-piercers we would never have body modification but you can get serious infections from many piercings so please if you are thinking of getting a body part where you KNOW lots of veins are please donot do it yourself.

Tell your parents how you feel, Explain to them why you want it, put up a good fight, if they say they dont want you to have it because you will be "diffrent" then tell them how that doesnt bother you, Explain to them how its MUCH safer for you to get it done professionaly then have them say no and you do it yourself.

thats all.

P.S I'm sorry if this post multpul times


Answer by nya
Submitted on 1/16/2006
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hey how our yall doing well all i had to say is i am 12  turning 13 in two more days but me and my best friends  did our at school  it did not really hurtbut let me tell yall my story me and my friend wonted to get our belly button so i told her to bring the stuff to school and then we just dii it then after we were done we just put a earing in it  the next day my friend took her out and put a bellybutton ring in it i tried to put one in mine but it hurt so bad that i start to cry and my friend she said mine is ok and then a few days later hers ripped in two aand then i said im going to just close it


Answer by KaFY
Submitted on 1/17/2006
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hay guys i want mine done but rents say NO...im 15 this yr n they dont want me to but wen my friend is 16 she wants me to go get it done wif her by then we will be in yr 11 n i dont want to wait that long we r in yr 9 this yr plz help i want mine pierced


Answer by daryl
Submitted on 1/17/2006
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Submitted on 1/17/2006
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I LOL to everyone who got theres infected!!you should know to steriliz everything!go ahead put a safty pin in your belly button!I will tell you the pro needles are way better so go find someone that would give you a pro needle and it will have a better chance of it comeing out right! i put my own metal in me its called comon sens where you put a needle in you. IM RANDOM PAIN GO TO MYSPACE PIANOWHORES AND TAIK TO ME :)


Answer by Delilah
Submitted on 1/18/2006
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Umm... don't pierce it your self. I have my lip pierced professionally and its fine.. my sister did it her self and now she has a big scar and she was in the hospital for it. for serious. and you kiddies whom in which want the belly button rings. don't do it your self. it's pure nonsense i did it my self and its okay but i hat a nerve and cant feel nothing anymore.
delilah is cooler then ice.


Answer by joey
Submitted on 1/18/2006
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hey people im going to get mine done....... im lost!! how do they do it?? do they do it with a needle or lyk a piercing gun??


Answer by shelbie koutsoumpas
Submitted on 1/19/2006
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i got my belly button pierced and it got infected and i left it in and then it really started to hurt and now its closed up cuz i took it out


Answer by Ana Perez
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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Hey!!! wuz wit everybody. Wellz first of all I wanna get my belly button pierced to but my parents freak if I get one. I just turned 14 a few days ago and I asked for money instead of getting my bellybutton pierced. I Knew my parents would say NO. I live in Port Arthur,Texas. My question is if you are under 16 and if you take an adult can you still get your belly button pierced? Please holla. At msn. MarisGuzman1350@sbcgloabl.net


Answer by Arieal
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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All you guys I pierced my bellybutton twice.It really didn't hurt I used Ice..... but it made the nastiest sound I've ever heard!But yeah you guys I wouldn't pierce it ever again cuz it hurt and it got so thin I could see through my skin so I just took it out so hopefully I can get it when I'm 16!!!


Answer by MeGz
Submitted on 1/24/2006
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I pierced my frendz nose, ears, belly-button, and even her tongue but notin bad happened so i say do it @ ur own risk!!!!


Answer by angie
Submitted on 1/24/2006
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i really want my belly button pierced i have been nagging my mom 4 like 2 years she says i have to wait until I'm 13 but thats so far away I'm ganna maybe get it done be4 the summer or sumtin and don't do it ur self iv tried it hurts and bleeds alot trustme get it professionaly done its cooler and nicer


Answer by naughtydevilbabe
Submitted on 1/29/2006
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for a very long time ive wanted 2 get my belly button pierced but mum says no. untill 3 weeks ago(when she found out tht ive pierced my ears 5 times on 1 ear nd 6 times on the other)we decided to get rid of my brother for a day and go and have a proper talk about all the things tht i wanna do to my body. and i said to my mum i wanted my belly done. and in the end she said yer and she gonna pay for it BONUS basically what im trying to say is keep bugging ur mum nd dad and think about if u really r prepared to go thru with it. let them no how much u want this. and maybe they will let you and u mite get lucky like i did xxx good luck yall


Answer by xXx-Danielle-xXx
Submitted on 1/29/2006
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hey every1. Last year I got my belly dun professionally n it did hurt. And it was dead anoyying. But it was worth it , it looked great. I took it out to change it n i couldn't get it back in, i let it close up.

i'm thinkin bout gettin it dun agen. wot u think ?


Answer by Brittany
Submitted on 1/29/2006
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Anyone have information on piercing ur nose? besides not to do it? u can add me at brittany_311@hotmail.com or cutiepie_britt13@yahoo thanks~Brit


Answer by kay kay :)
Submitted on 1/30/2006
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for all u peps out ther dont pierce it your celvz cuz it could get so bad you would hav to go to the dr's trust me my friend did it.
it aint that exspencive so just save your money and ask your parents iz that easy or what?but why peirce it your celvz come on if your that desperet just go ask your mum and dad please dont end up like my friend in the hospital. love always kay lay:)


Answer by Ornella
Submitted on 1/31/2006
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Omg I Did my Bottom Part Between my Lip And Chin And All i Did Was Numb It With Ice and Push the earring in and it made a hole but it wont go througe my gum part grrr my earring is in the hile but its not in all the way


Answer by prettyass_dimples
Submitted on 1/31/2006
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Hey, i got my nose pirced by my self and it came out GREAT! i love it! see and i didnt even waste one penny on it1 isnt that great??


Answer by lamscake
Submitted on 2/4/2006
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i need to know what it looks like and if it urts to get it done because i'mgettin mine done and i dont know if it hurts or anything. so  someone write me back, send me some pictures of how its done and things like that


Answer by lashawna
Submitted on 2/4/2006
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kay well yall be trippin cause if u tink yo granny wont be dead as a doorbell from dat ring yous a LIYA. my uncas wife got it done and her belly be GREEN nigguh. GREEN.


Answer by kimberly
Submitted on 2/8/2006
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i did mine a week ago and i took real care full of what i used i cleaned everything with rubbing alcohol and it isn't even red it still hurts a little, but I'm so happy... it looks really cute!!!


Answer by Baby K
Submitted on 2/14/2006
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Ok all i have to say is that i am 15yrs. old and neither one of my parents said i could get my belly button pierced but i went ahead with it. I pierced it with a nail a for about a week it was great then the skin around it started to thin out like a scab or something so unless you have the right materials to do it don't do it!!!


Answer by Alissa
Submitted on 2/16/2006
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um well me and my friend are probly going to pierce out belly buttons ourselves but idk im probly gunna pierce hers n see what happens haha and then i will do it otherwise im just gunna get it done professionally but im only 14 so w/e i proble cant but i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to!!!!!! ugh


Answer by sarah stanley
Submitted on 2/18/2006
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yeah, well. i just pierced my 3rd hole in one ear, and tried my belly button. the belly didn't work. but, i got the ear. i'm not afriad of needles, and i think i'm gonna try the belly button with ice, burning a safety pin, and cleaning it. but, i need to know if this is a good idea, and i want to know if it could kill you if you try to pierce your tongue on your own. my friend sam told me that there is one vain in your tongue that if you hit could and probably would kill you. is this true? well, i'm going to wait for advice before i pierce my belly. thanks!

lovealways¢¾, sarah.


Answer by Roxy
Submitted on 2/19/2006
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Hey bree you know how you said you know where to get it done, where abouts is that cuz im 14 and I really wanna get my belly button pierced and I know my parents would never find out but their all against piercings and stuff so if u have msn can u add me to tell me more about it or just post something on here thnx
       if anyone has any info add me hottierox92@hotmail.com thnx


Answer by !~*GaBrieLLe~*!
Submitted on 2/20/2006
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Im thinking about pircing my nose..Does it hurt doing it your self? Can i do this with an ear ring,are there any veins i need to watch out for? And is it really safe to do it myself?? PLZZZZZZ HELP!~A.S.A.P!! :o) Thnk..><><


Answer by Emily
Submitted on 3/4/2006
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Answer by pattycakes
Submitted on 3/5/2006
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hey guysz! this iss pattyyyyy.
my mom is totally cool. you see; i like to take things slowly. i asked my mom if i can get my cartilage pierced on my next bday (nov.4) (currently 12 in 6th grade) when i turn 13 and thats when i'm in 7th grade..then i asked her if i can get my belly button pierced for my birthday when i'm in 8th grade which is the year after..my mom is totally cool with it but my dad doesnt know about it yet but usually..when it comes to my body..what my mom says goes.   kk luv ya mom!!! <33


Answer by drew
Submitted on 3/7/2006
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Self piercing can be dangerous.Regardless of what others say.Some people pierce themselves and have no problem.Most have only small problems that can be solved by simply removing whatever type of jewelry they have in the piercing and it heals with little problem and maybe just a scar.However those are only a small percentage of self piercings.Most become infected and at best leave a nasty scar.At worst they can cause severe infection,blood poisioning, and if a vien is peirced it can lead to extreme bleeding.People have died from infections and from blood loss caused by self piercing.I dont have room to talk though, I pierced each of my ears four times.These are the only piercngs that don't usually reject after a self piercing.Not all reject though most do.I would rather be safe than have a disfiguring scar because I couldn't wait to have something pierced.I want several piercings and allmost all of them are a no go until Im 18.Im 16 now.


Answer by Shibby
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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hey. i pierced my own belly button & this is the 11th time. Its fine. I did it w/ a non sterized safety pin..it got a little bit infected but its fine now. ive had it in for about 2 days now & before i did it i peirced it and it went too far up & that ones infected but the one i have no isnt...its hard to explain. But really...should i take it out? it doesnt hurt. it looks fine & everything..i just dont know what my parents are going to do & whether or not itll get infected in the future. SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER ME!


Answer by your a PoOPy
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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I dont think people should do thier own belly buttons,genitals,nipples,toungue and eye-brow ive done my ear stretched it my labret and the side of my lip but thats all so yeah listen to me im 15 so yeah Dont  


Answer by xXxJemzxXx
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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i reeli wnt mi belly pierced n mi mum agreed but den I asked peepz hu had it dun if it urt n sum passed out ovas gt sik omg dus it hurt? now mi mum wnt agree 2 it cuz itz dangerous how do i make er cum round IM NOT GNA DO IT MISELF


Answer by lenci
Submitted on 3/12/2006
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i dont really have an answer but im 11 years old id like to get my bellybutton periced but i want to do it myself i already got my nose periced by my grandma with a needle and string


Answer by Hunni_b_123
Submitted on 3/13/2006
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I pierced my belly button in year 7 when i got bored in drama, really stupid thing to do, hurt like hell, its healed up now but i still have the scar 2 years later, Im going to go get it done proffesionly, They wont mess it up.


Answer by Kelsey
Submitted on 3/13/2006
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Hmmm well my friend and I pierced ours with safety pins. It hurt like a bitc* but looks awesome. I'm only going to keep it in until I get tired of it... my  friend is getting needles and I will get it done a lot better then. Tips for care: twice a day, hold a glass of water W/ Epsom salts to your bellybutton for 3 minutes. Also put a lot of neosporin on. Clean the needle/ pin with hydrogen peroxide (BUT DO NOT TAKE IT OUT OR YOU WILL NEVER GET IT BACK IN WITHOUT REPIERCING IT!!!!!!!!!) and twist and move the needle around a lot to keep it from growing into the skin.


Answer by lenci
Submitted on 3/14/2006
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hey ppl if NE1 wants 2 say hi to me my e-mail is nicolai1129x@yahoo.com


Answer by bea
Submitted on 3/18/2006
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hey guys

itz easy to do yourself.  just numb with ice for a few mins then from top 2 bottom, it is easier later push a large sewing needle through.  once itz in then have your jewellery at the bottom, as you pull the needle out follow through with the jewellery.  yor completed.  hope it helps. luv u all.
itz yor choice and no- one elses


Answer by Liyah
Submitted on 3/18/2006
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Well my cousin got her belly button pierced by her sister and now she is infected. I told her not to let her sister do it because I see her sister pierced all the time and she doesn't wash her instruments at all. So my cousin belly button is infected and when she took out her bell button ring all this yellow stuff started coming out her belly button.


Answer by beckie
Submitted on 3/21/2006
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i pierced my belly button 3 days ago with a normal sewing needle. i threaded the needle with string first, then i pierced it. the last like 1/2 milimeter hurt a bit. then, i tied off the string and left about 3 inches in. now i have the 3 inches of string in and i clean it every day with dial soap and do salt soaks. its swollen a bit but it looks good. my advice would be to go for it. but make sure you pierce from in the belly button to the top, sterilize everything, and be ready for cleaning it everyday. im gonna wait like 2 weeks and then put the ring in. im so excited!


Answer by jess
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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ok i did mine and so did my friend about 3 months ago and both ours ripped out and left a bad scare and yes it douse hurt but see this week we did it and she got hers back in and it looks fine this time we used safty pins but if ur gonna do it then take my advise and listen well>>>buy a hollow needle>>go up not down (WHEN WE DID OURS DOWN IT LOOKED HORIBLE AND HURT ALOUT MORE)>>>if it gets infected BAD then tell ur parents or an adult that will understand>>>and if u want it perfessionaly done then ask a friends parent a friends parent that will take u if there strict or wont go for DO NOT ASK THEM or if their really good friends wit ur mom or dad IT IS STUPIED to do it urself but dont let ur parents decide stuff for u its ur life if u have any questions i know alout about this stuff so e-mail me at crazyforpink3@hotmail.com or crazyforpink2@yahoo.com

PARENTS:if u dont want ur kids getting hurt trying it themselfs i suggjust u take them telling them no when they really want it WILL make them want it more its their body and besides u have no reason to say no its their choice NOT URS and they will find away to get it done with or without u....lve yas


Answer by choco-aholic
Submitted on 3/27/2006
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hey i was wonderin if u get ur belly dun perfesionally would it hurt cuz my m8 had hers dun and she fainted  n i wanted 2 kno if it would affect me like tht aswell cuz of the pain??


Answer by brunnee
Submitted on 3/27/2006
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I wanna get my belly button peirced..but i dont wanna ask my parents...cuz if they say no and i go to my friend (who just peirced 3 girls bellybuttonss this weekend)and do it ...my parents would flip out if they found..but i kinda wanna get it done profess... any places?


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 3/27/2006
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Wow.. I was going to do it tonight so I searched Google for instructions on how to do it and came across this site.. I'm pretty sure I'm going to wait now!! My sister got hers done professionally and she was in pain even days after. It depends on the person my other sister was fine the next day. My advice to other people in my situation is too wait. Thats what I'm doing!!


Answer by Erin
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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My mom promised me that if i get straight A's like thats ever gonna happen, but she said if i do than i can get my belly button peirced but i dont know which place to go get it done at all my friends went to different places and all had different results and i just dont know what to do  HELP


Answer by Dumass
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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I just did it by my self and it looks fine ive have it in for like 3 days and im gaging it so i can put a real bellybutton ring in. Its the same thing just without the gun it hurts a little more but its the same thing a piercer could accidently miss and hit something so it dosent make a difference

Ohh yea and Elizabeth H. your crazy your cousin died from it. If you could die from a piecreing that everyone does im pretty sure they wouldnt have it at all. So dont go and try to scare us

for all we know you could be a parent just trying to get a kid scared and not do it


Answer by nikki
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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hi i am 14 my mom hates it she is the best cuz she is going to let me get  done.... but i have some advice for u all. i did it my self once it hurt like hell and goe infected. i went to a horse shop and boat a needle a pierced it again .. it was offal. i agree wit the guy who said to not do it by yorr self don't

plzz write back my sceen name is nicolejipson@yahoo.com nicole jipson is not my real name tho ok bye for now


Answer by .x.kiss.x.
Submitted on 3/30/2006
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It doesn't cost money to get it pterced... you only need to pay 4 the belly bud, dummy


Answer by sk8tergirl123
Submitted on 3/31/2006
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ok uy and chick, i pirced my own belly button and it went really wrong i have a scar on my belly button and i got a really bad infection from it. now that im fifteen my best friends mom is going to go and take me to get it done. even if you guys want it my advice would to not do it at all... i made a big mistake and i had to wait a year and a half befor it was totaly healed. if you want it ask around their might be someone who is a trusted adult who will take you. not all parents want you to have one because they are thinking of you bodys health, try and talk to them tell them the dangers of you pircing it yourself then ask them if they would take you and get it done. and the girls saying they got it done a ten that is bs.


Answer by jaime
Submitted on 4/1/2006
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ya i just periced my belly button ring now. it looks all red and carp. poepl say you can go to the hospital but i dont think its that serious. but rihgt now im using an earing as a belly button ring . will it get really infectid. i put alcohol and peroxside on it but i dont know if  it will do much help. please give me some tips.


Answer by shelby
Submitted on 4/3/2006
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my mom found out about me having mine done and my cuz said she would do it again should i?


Answer by vanilla
Submitted on 4/4/2006
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hey everyone, i have been reading everyones take on doing it yourself or waiting, just like some of you, i am 15 and want to get my belly button pierced. BOTH of my parents say no, but my sister got hers done with a friend(professionally)without my parents permission...i was just wondering if any of you guys have ideas on where to go without a parent and are free to minors.

and if not, any advice on doing it yourself, cause i have tried 3 times, and it never works.


Answer by Tor
Submitted on 4/5/2006
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i got my belly button pierced.. it hurt a little.. felt like getting my ears pierced but through a bigger chunk of skin.. mine is kinda infected right now.. or well just not healing properly.. so i am cleaning it a few times a day and avoiding bumping it... doctor said to just keep cleaning it and it should turn out fine... but  wondering if it is because of where i got it done, my friend got hers done a little before me and she had to take hers out because of the same problem, she just did' not't't't get it treated in time...


Answer by babyface -xxxxx
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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okay DON'T pierce your eyebrow because if you hit a nerve that side of your face will drag down all your nerves will die and it would be to late to take it out


Answer by keybord kowboy
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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I want to get my bellybutton pirced but i cant do it proffecionaly becasue my mom or brother will want to take me and see it but the problem is that i cut myself so when i lift up my shirt to show them they will be like uhhh wtf are all thouse scars. So i was just gana do it myself and not show anyone. but after reading all this it dosnt look to promising. If i were to do it myself can anyone tell me where the best place to do it is? so i dont hit anything vital.


Answer by rainbow
Submitted on 4/7/2006
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ive not gt mine don but dont do it urself it somtimes goes gd but somtimes doesnt i dont tink its worth the risk. contact me on emhp@hotmail.co.uk


Answer by Daynuh
Submitted on 4/7/2006
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About how much does it cost to get your belly-button piercing done PROFESSIONALLY?


Answer by caz
Submitted on 4/8/2006
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Do not do your belly by your self because it is not good i got mine done in town i was only 11 and it was fine and it did not hurt 1 bit and it was only 28 puond and that was good they give you cleaning stuff with it a good tip,is just clean it welland salt water is good 4 it so if you go to the beach the water will bve fine 4 it so u would get ir done proply it is much safer good luck
carrie ann freeman


Answer by brittjulzz
Submitted on 4/9/2006
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uhmm i really want to get mine done but i really need to know how much it costs!! anyone anwser!?


Answer by shannon
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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Hey i`m 12 and i had it done it is not so bad
yer it stings but it is worth it


Submitted on 4/14/2006
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Okay, me n my friend were gonna do it our selves, but after reading what you all put..... NEVER MIND!!! That is so crazy that 1 girl even died from it..... Her mom will let her, but my freakin' parents wont.. and it suck so bad!! So if you know anywhere in Texas that you don't have to have your parents then plz tell me!!! Here's my e-mail a7x_rocker0723@yahoo.com... Thankz!!!!


Answer by ladidadi
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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does anyone know how to pierce a vagina. i need some serious help i dont know exactly what part to pierce and it hurts a little. please help. thanks. !


Answer by Siany
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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If you wanna be an idiot like me and a lot of other people then pierce it yourself.
If it doesn't become infected and leave a disfiguring scar well done.. you got lucky.
I really don't recommend it love.. I cant believe I did it myself because of some dumbass giving me the idea and then the internet making me want to do it even more.
Now everytime i look in the mirror there is a pretty little red scar right above my bellybutton. I haven't told my parents and I haven't been swimming in a year.
I'm going on Holiday soon so I'm trying so hard to get rid of this stupid scar.
Well at least it reminds me of not being an idiot.
I'm scared I\m just going to have to pierce it again and hope for the best so i can cover it with a bellybutton ring.


Answer by bl0ndie
Submitted on 4/15/2006
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Answer by CoNfUsSeD001
Submitted on 4/15/2006
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plzzz help me! i really want to get it done and dont care wat the ppl say bout the bad stuff i only listen ta the good stuff neway and i need instrustions ta do it so email me the instructions or if u kno neplace in florida near bradenton/sarasota that will let me get it done w/out permission then email me that 2 @ confussed001@aim.com!!! or im on aim @ confussed001 or msn @ craziboutboiz716@aim.com!plzzzzzzz help!


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 4/16/2006
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hey does anyone here know a professional who will pierce ppl that are 14? with out parents? i really want to get my bellybutton pierced and so does my friend...so if you have any info please e-mail me : cutie_baby_300@msn.com


Answer by ms_newbooty7
Submitted on 4/17/2006
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hey every1. i peirced my belly button on my own. it waz in for at least 2 or 3 weeks. i used a saftey pin. it worked i had the barbell nad everything in. but it ripped out. and now i have a scar. not very noticeable thanck god. my mom never found out either. im gonna wait probebley for another couple of monthess till i do it again.


Answer by x_f-r-e-n-c-h-i-e_x
Submitted on 4/19/2006
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your all pretty sad u need to get a life and get it done properly i have my belly done and my lip done both that was done by the professionals and it is expensive but its worth it getting it done properly so when u  want to pierce  it yourself don't good bye 2006


Answer by Kass
Submitted on 4/21/2006
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This is actully a question ...lol...im really really scared to get my belly pierces cuz like im extremely scared of needles and im not to fond of one going all the way thrue me!....BUt what i need to no is the truth dos it hurt?...Should i get it?...is it worth it?...i no its a few questions but i kinda wanna no...oh and how long is the needle?...


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 4/22/2006
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hey ok well im 14 & i really want my belly button peirced but my parents wont let me. my boyfriend, who is 16, said wait till next year and he will sign for me.  well what i want to know is would they accept that? like him signing for me and not my parents?


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 4/22/2006
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hey ok well im 14 & i really want my belly button peirced but my parents wont let me. my boyfriend, who is 16, said wait till next year and he will sign for me.  well what i want to know is would they accept that? like him signing for me and not my parents?


Answer by shereebee2000@yahoo.com
Submitted on 4/26/2006
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hi im a 26 year old,i wouldnt advise that a young person go behind there parents back and pierce their belly...i did mine and it turned out fine but my sons gf did it and she stuck an earring in hers,it got very infected and she went to the docs and found out that if u dont do it right that it could get infected and get a skin eating desease from the bacteria...much to say she ended up having to tell her parents bcause she got real sick,and had to go to the hospital...she has a bad scare now and wont be able to do it proffessionally bcause she had such a bad result from doing it herself,it is a 50/50 chance as they say every ones body is different...i know it costs allot but it costs more when u have a hospital bill afterwards and u lose ur parents trust its not worth it...plz dont do it unless u tell ur mom and dad or even just ur mom incase it gets infected...love peace and happiness ta ta 4 now   :)


Answer by briiana-leiigh
Submitted on 4/26/2006
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yeah when i was in 7th grade i did my belly button with a needle, and tried to use a earing instead of a bellybutton ring and it got so infected and it got all puss and blood and i had to go to the doctors to get it taken out and he had to use plyers and there was a big scar!


Answer by wishfulthinker
Submitted on 4/30/2006
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ookay i haventt even asked my parentts if id be allowedd to get it donee, but knowingg them, theyydd probably say no :| lastt night me and my friendd were gonna do it ourselves and we like steralized safetyy pins and ii had it halfway through the skinn and then somee tv show came on that was verry interesting? aha weell it made us stop and reading this, im gladd we did :| il just likee, convince my parents somehow to let me gett it done, i would soo much rather do that then get infected.


Answer by xXxEnGlAnD-ChIcKxXx
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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hiya, just wanted to ask ur advice on something to do with my belly button piercing: i had it pierced about 4months ago and have since changed it quite a few times, i have it pierced with the standard 14g bar, but over time my hole has ripped and so now the bottom of the hole is basically so noticeable, and every bar i put in is always way too long and so you can always see loads of the bar and the gem never sits actually in my belly button! i recently saw a thinner bar which would be shorter and so would be a better fit, however i was wondering if A) there is anywhere in the UK that sells short belly bars and B) if it would be better to put thinner bars and let the hole close up around it? please help i'm so stuck! thanx!


Answer by cameo
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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how do i pierce my tongue at home and not loose all taste


Answer by my
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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hey you guys i really want to get my bellybutton pierced and i'm thinking about letting my friend do it for me what do u think?


Answer by KaileyJayne.
Submitted on 5/4/2006
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its kailey again..well all you do is pull your belly skin out then shove the needle threw...theres really no specific way to do it


Answer by kate
Submitted on 5/4/2006
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ok i really wanna get my belly button pierced, but i want my parents permission, and im not going it myself. how should i ask my mom?


Answer by babygiirl0027
Submitted on 5/6/2006
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hey well one night when i wasnt thinking i tried 2 pierce mai own bellybutton. im 13. so i put a safty pin through a flame a few times, rinsed it with soap and water and peroxide, numbed mai bellybutton for about 5 min and took sum advil about 20 min b4 so it could kick in. i did take it slow-almost 2 hrs-b cuz first off i had no idea wat i was doin and who nos if i had done it fast it couldve turnd out horribly rong. mines actually didnt hurt. i felt a little pinch wen i hit ths center nd wen it got totally thru. i was so happy. but guess wat?? the needle was 2 thin for n e type of bellybutton ring 2 fit, so i went thru all that juss 2 let it close. now i have 2 small scabs on the top and underside of mai bellybutton. i do have small ball of scar tissue under each scab,, but it doesnt hurt. mines didnt get infected, but im not saying that if u try it urs wont. juss think ahbout it. after i pierced it i realized omg i have 2 clean this everyday and make sure mai parents dont c it and all that,,,and i thought--its not worth it. so i did this about 4 weeks ago nd now the scars are barely noticeable. so i say u get it done professionally. nd btw if u juss cant stand it nd have 2 do it then DONT CLEAN IT WITH ALCOHOL bcuz it eats away at ur skin


Answer by xXxChazxXx
Submitted on 5/6/2006
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Right hi everyone. I got my belly button pierced about 8months ago but they said i didn't have the right shape belly button and it had a 60% chance of rejecting...If you cant grab enough skin at the top of your belly button you could get your bottom done but anyway i didn't like the bottom piercing and went along and took a chance. So they pierced my top and said come back and we'll see if its showing signs of rejecting but two days later i could see the bar coming through so my dad took it out! Its a shame i cant have it but don't do it yourself just in-case this problem occurs and the fact that it will get so infected! Anyway for all you people who want to know if it hurt it didnt hurt two much i thought the clamp hurt more than the needle but its different for everyone! Charlotte (age14)


Answer by strawberry
Submitted on 5/6/2006
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ok....um i just did it with a needle and it hurt....bad and my parents won't let me so i'mgoing with my best friend to get it done


Answer by Amy
Submitted on 5/7/2006
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I have been wanting to get my belly button pierced but my parents say no so I have to wait until I'm 18...which is in November! & I never thought of doing it myself..that's a horrible idea!! I'm just wondering if it hurts?


Answer by amandapanda
Submitted on 5/7/2006
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hi um i just tried to pierce my bb and i can only git half way through, (YAAY it doesn't hurt)..... i'm13 and my mom would probally let me get it done hers is too but she's in jail....i havent been brave enough to ask my dad and my step mom says i have to wait till i'm18 to get anything pierced other than my ears  i found this out when my dad suggested i get my nose pierced... i bothered her about my nose so much i cant even bring up piercings anymore... please help


Answer by Nina_YO;
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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Hey people.
I wanted to get my nose pierced for the longest time, and i still want to, but now i want to get my bellybutton done, but my parents arent for it. they think its ugly, but it isnt, its not like im getting some huge ass dangly thing, does anyone have any advice on what to do? i want it done so bad, my parents say no, but does anyone have advice on what they said to their parents to convince me?

IM me on Aim - ItsJustHer08x


Answer by Julia
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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if any1 needs help piercing their middle nostril message me on aol PlatypusPunk9292
i did it w/out ice.
cuz i tried w/ ice and it made me sneeze...lol
k message me if u have any other piercing questions also,


Answer by bianca daigle
Submitted on 5/9/2006
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i am 11 years old i want to know if I'm old enought to go some where and get pirced !!!


Answer by Lexy
Submitted on 5/9/2006
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I think that it might hurt but I don't know b/c I saw this movie called Thirteen and the girl said that this may hurt more than a tongue piercing so I wanted to know!But if it does or not I am getting mine done no matter WHAT!!!!When I am 14 or 15!


Answer by ms fabulous
Submitted on 5/10/2006
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i am 13 and want my belly button done wat should i do?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Answer by april
Submitted on 5/10/2006
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hey im goin w/ my best friend this weekend 2 get her belly button pierced but i want mine REALLY BAD but my mom and dad wont let me does anyone have any advice for me to persuade them??? if so my sn is gc2626


Answer by TwistedNess
Submitted on 5/10/2006
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Hey everybody, i really want my bellybutton pierced but Ive got a few problems,
1. My mom says no
2. I don't know if i can get it done pro until I'm 16

.. Can someone please tell me if i have to be 16 to get it done or not.


Answer by gracea-in-da-club
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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omg im getin mine done nxt wk nd an im hell as worried!how do dae do it an wil it hurt?


Answer by baller
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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k..well im about to go get my belly pierced right now..and i mean if you wanna get it done just get it done professionally, its stupid to try it yourself.dont take that risk.and if your mom will let you get it done but your dad wont, then just hide it from your dad, or if its the other way around then hide it from your mom.DONT BE STUPID and do it yourself..thats lame..
take my advice.


Answer by lyndsay
Submitted on 5/15/2006
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okay, i am 14 and i want to get my belly button pierced..i think its a reasonable age to get it done..since my friend has had hers done since she was 8, my parents think its "too dangerous" what do i do? how much is it? does it hurt? IS it really as dangerous as they say? please help. thanks.


Answer by brooke
Submitted on 5/15/2006
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how do you pierce your belly button yourself?


Answer by taylor
Submitted on 5/18/2006
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ummm. hi i am 11 and i really want my belly button done like i have gotton the neddle and the ice and i just chickened out i really want it done but my parents wouldnt even let me get me ears pierced until i was 11 i want it done really bad but after reading all of this i dont want to do it my self ummmm....  do you know anyone that would do it without your parents because i asked my mom if i could get it done and she said no way i told her i would do it my self but she said noway and ignored me for the rest of the day plz help me and plz answer me i am despret i want it done really bad if you could email me so adives nad some names on some prefetionals my email is cp222222@aol.com thank you plz email me


Answer by abi
Submitted on 5/20/2006
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hi just looking here my advice is don't do it yourself this could result in serious injury. What would you rather have a)pierce you own belly button hit your main vein,this could be fatal. or b) wait until your allowed then have it done pro. its a decision between bodily harm or patience you decide!


Answer by abrianna11
Submitted on 5/23/2006
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um...I have had my bellybotton done for a year now...but..i'm only 13. Do you think I was too young to get it done?


Submitted on 5/24/2006
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Answer by ninjalicious
Submitted on 5/25/2006
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Well, I was an idiot a few years ago when i first pierced it. i was like 12 and i thought i pierced it good but it turned into a little scab and i would just put the earring (yes, i took a stud earring and bent it.) in the scab hole. it was nasty. then i figured out how to pierce it myself just a few weeks ago ( i'm 16 now.). first, you make sure you have the right supplies ( i had to use a 14G needle.) and a good belly ring (no dangles, just a bananabell will do.) ( with a good material like stainless steel or titanium. i've got stainless steel.) you need: latex gloves, saline(like salt water. it stops the growth of bacteria.), a 14G needle, a bananabell belly ring, q-tips, and a good amount of time.  i have scar tissue, so it took me longer, because it seems like forever to do it. you make sure everything is sterilized by passing it through flames and then washing it with an unscented, natural antibacterial soap. you then mark the place where you want the piercing, top and bottom,then you numb it with an ice cube,then you squeeze the skin together with your less-dominant hand and take the needle in your dominant hand, and instead of going down towards your feet, you go up towards your neck. instead of straight up and down piercing, you go straight and up, kind of like a curve. make sure the piercing is deep enough, so the stem of the barbell soes not show through your skin. you might have you fiddle around with the needle a bit because when you take the needle out it might close up right away, and if that happens, it might either get scar tissue or you might have to do it all over again. you then make sure the belly ring is sterilized and feed it through the hole... you must make sure you don't fiddle around with it too much because then it will get infected. don't use peroxide, and make sure you clean it with the saline mixture at least 4 times a day and right after you get out of the shower. you shouldn't go swimming or take a bath for the first month, because it could disrupt the healing process. make sure to keep the holes as clean (as in try not to rip it at all.) as possible so there is minimal scabbing, though that is a sign of healing, it can look pretty nasty.  make sure you take time to let it heal before changing the ring.  BE CAREFUL, and don't be clumsy about it!  


Answer by Ariel
Submitted on 5/26/2006
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Well I can honestly say I've been in the situation where my mom doesn't want me to get a belly ring. She doesn't think it's classy and I'm only 15, which means I'd have to wait a long time to get it done legally. I had always wanted one but only for about a year. It didn't plague my mind, it was just a thought. But over Spring Break, I went behind my mom's back and got it done. The studio didn't give me a hard time about I.D.

The piercing is beautiful and I'm very pleased with it. I take good care of it. It's been two months since I got it done, and I've managed to change it. I made sure the guy who was piercing me was liscensed and safe.

My advice is if you are going to do it behind your parents' backs, take ALL THINGS into consideration. What you're going to do when they find out, consequences, cleaning, what happens if it gets infected,etc. Be safe, nothing is worth your health.

Piercing it yourself is really risky and dangerous. I wouldn't recommend it personally, but if you feel you can handle the consequences, if any, and the pain, then do it. I think the risks are too much and it's not safe, but there are the lucky ones who make it through alright. I just think its way too dangerous.

Hope I could help


Answer by Ash
Submitted on 5/26/2006
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Hey I did mine myself but i couldn't get the ring through so i just left it alone and now it is infected! I am gonna do it again but i need to know where exactly to pierce it!


Answer by steph
Submitted on 5/26/2006
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ive tried, and it got infected, im about to turn 16 in a month, and my mom said i have to wait til im 18, so im thinking about just waiting the extra 2 yrs, afterall, its just a ring neways lol, but i just dont feel like having it get infected nd me end up taking it out again cuz its a waste of time lol


Answer by Bebe
Submitted on 5/26/2006
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hi! well, here's my advice. today i got my belly button pierced. my mom doesn't know about it, so here's what i did. my boyfriend took me to a piercing shop and he said he was my older brother and signed the papers, so i got my belly pierced. no harm done. plus. it wasn't expensive, only 20 bucks! so... good luck girls!


Answer by chele
Submitted on 5/27/2006
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heyy i have a question my friend just pierced my belly button last night an i dunt no what to clean it with can su1 please tell me how to clean it


Answer by Brittany
Submitted on 5/28/2006
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hi...i got my belly button professionally done. and its all messed up. all of the girls tools were clean...but she didnt pierce it far enough into my belly button where the bottom of the bar bell should of come out. so i had to take it out because there is only a piece of skin literally - that big between the top and bottom balls on the ring. its really irritating when you try and do the right thing and get it done the right way, and it still gets messed up. I kept it very clean and took very good care of it, because i wanted to make sure that something like this wouldn't happen. So just makes sure you know about the place your going to go and get something pierced...i just heard around that it was a good place...it looked cool at first...then it started to heal the wrong way. It grew out because there was more skin to heal than there was there.


Answer by twinkle toes
Submitted on 5/29/2006
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get it done


Answer by *+~LiNdSaY*+~
Submitted on 5/29/2006
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Hey wat'ssup . . my name i'zlindsay i'm14 n i been talkin 2 my mom bout gettin my belly button pierced . . n she finally said YES ! ! ! . . . ummm but here's tha thing . . i gota friend an she had her mom do her belly button, so i asked her mom if she wl'ddo mine fo me . . lol she said yea sure but i gtt'ahave ur parents permission first . . so my mom said ya sure i don care . . . yea her mom said dat i need a supply kit . . so i waz thinkin . . lik were can i get that at .. ? ? ? an she had also told me that i have ta get a hollow needle with a kork . . ? ? can sumbody plzzzz wright me bk . . all i need ta kno i'zwere ta get all this krap at .. ? ? lol . . holla . . . . ! ! !


Answer by B-ya
Submitted on 5/30/2006
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Hey everyone! well my friend is getting her belly pierced this weekend. and she dosnt even have to pay because her mom can do it (shes a hairdresser and pierces) well ive wanted one since i was ten. i finally got the courage to ask my mom if i can get it done and she said yes!! which is surprising since i am 13.. and she even said she is going to get it done with me!! haha, i am so spoiled. but for the people that want to do it themselves dont.. this girl i know did it herself and her belly button got green bruises, swollen, and the ring got rejected and she had to tell her dad and he is highly religious and completely against piercings in general. so whatever you do, dont do it yourself, the risk of infection is way higher if u dont know what ur doing no matter what u use


Answer by Tori
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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Hey umm im gonna go get mine done im 13 years old. im sooooo scared. i dont deal well with pain. i screamed when my eyebrown was waxed...i need someone to tell me to chill. my sister n law got it done and said it was 8/10 pain. yikes i cant do that!!!


Answer by none_of_your_business!!!
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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this is in response to NESSA. don't pierce your own tongue!!! there is an extremely crucial vein in your tongue, right where the ring goes! pros know how to avoid this vein, but amateurs don't. if you do it yourself, your chances of hitting the vein is like 100 to 1. not good odds, especially since you die within 5 minutes of severing the vein.


peace out,


Answer by mareeka
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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hey, i am getting my belly done here soon............and i am so excited!!!................yes i have tried doing it b4 but it hurts soooo bad so it is time 4 a professional to do it...........LOL.....well g2g.........love every1 not really but later!!!!


Answer by Candy
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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Don't do it yourself My Parents are letting me get mine pierced for my 13th B-day in 2 months listen to lizzy


Answer by Candy
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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Don't do it yourself My Parents are letting me get mine pierced for my 13th B-day in 'bout 2 months listen to lizzy


Answer by freaky chic
Submitted on 6/1/2006
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I tried to peirce my belly botton and it didn't hurt it was all numb it was weird but i didn't do it properly and it got infected and now my dad might find out from my brother and i had 2 take it out so now I have a horrid scar get it done proffesionaly.bye.xxx


Answer by HELP!
Submitted on 6/1/2006
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I really want my belly pierced but my dad says yes but i have to wait a year. I dont want to wait til a year. what should i do.. i dont want to do it my self cuz im scared.  I really want it and i cant wait wat should i do? HELP


Answer by enn
Submitted on 6/2/2006
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hey i just got my piercing today!! it dint hurt one bit and looks great!! its so cool... whoever did it by himself is crazy... serious damage can be caused ! heh cya xx


Answer by Destiny
Submitted on 6/3/2006
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If you pierce your belly button yourself you could end up hurting yourself worse then you could imagine there's nerve ending you don't want to hit.If you pierce your tongue yourself you could paralyze yourself . Don't ever consider it some people have to pierce their tongue to the side because they have a main vain in the middle of the thier tongue.


Answer by anastasia
Submitted on 6/3/2006
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omfg.. im getting my belly piercing tomrow.. and im almost 15! im SOO nervous!


Answer by Rachie_baby
Submitted on 6/4/2006
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hey ya'll. iv recently turned 15 rite.. & i realli want my belly done, buh mi dad sed 'straight up no!' because he said theres more and more risk of gettin hepititis B or sumthin.. is this true?


Answer by Audrey
Submitted on 6/5/2006
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well i don't think doing it yourself is the anwser so i think i have some tips for those who want to get there bellys pierced. first you CAN'T say ahhh but everyone else has it... your parents will just think your not ready to have it pierced, you have to be very mature start out hey can i talk to you they say yes and say well this is very important to me and i would really like to have my belly button pierced they would most likely say why or no so then proceed with i want it because its just something that i feel will boost my confidence and make me more beautiful by then they will be shocked at how responsible you are and think hey mabe she is ready so then say all im asking for is a chance if it doesn't work out i can always take it out... not meaning that you will just to show them that its in there hands, so there you have it. it worked for me and if they don't say yes right away just wait a couple of days and ask again but don't be pushy or back to stage one well good luck i hope it turns out great!!!


Answer by jessica
Submitted on 6/6/2006
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Hey my name is Jessica, I have my belly button peirced. You want to know how I talked my parents into it? I told them at the end of the school year, if i had all A's and B's that i could get it done. And it worked I have had it done since 6th grade.But for all you people out there that want to do it them selves dont you could really hurt your self. trust me! but you know what they say you have a 50/50 chance its your body.ok thats all I got to say.


Answer by emma
Submitted on 6/7/2006
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Hey, I'm 13 and my parents won't let me get mine done. And my mom went with her sister and all of her friends to get their's done and she thinks that a belly button ring would look cute on me but still wont let me get it done and my dad really has no say in this.Most of my friends have theirs done and they all try ed piercing mine but it didn't turn out to good....my mom thinks i should wait till I'm 16 but I'mgonna just keep nagging her to let me get it done till she finally lets me....also my mom thinks that people will think different of her if i had my done like who gives a crap what other people think and anyway its not like its hurting her or like she has to pay for it all i need is her signature this is stupid how she wont let me.


Answer by Mandy
Submitted on 6/8/2006
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Hey everyone if you want your belly button pierced get it done professionally.If you don't it can and probably will be infected.And the same thing for a nose ring.Well toodles!!!


Answer by Caty
Submitted on 6/9/2006
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Hi Everyone,
I am 14 years old and I did pierce my bellybutton by myself, which was stupid but I really like it. Its infected right now and Im trying to make it go away without taking the ring out b/c I like having it pierced. And kay kay I pierced mine with a safety pin a got the ring in just fine. All you do is stretch the hole a bit then quickly remove the pin and stuff the ring in my bellybutton feels better w/o the pin. im not starting an argument im just saying it can be done but it really hurts and dont pierce your bb by urself its not worth the risk i wish i would have gotten it pro done but my ma wudnt let me. Anyone can email me at frootie_tootie14@yahoo.com


Answer by markierae@comcast.net
Submitted on 6/10/2006
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hey i am a 14 year old girl and i wanted my bellbottton pierced so bad but like alot of your perents mine said no.... so i did it my self.. alot of people says it hurts but mine didnt hurt at all. i sterilized the needle and bellybotton ring and pierced it i diidnt go deep enouph and the skin started to peel away until it pushed the almost entirely out.. so i waited a few months and tried it again this time i went as deep as the ring was and then all was good for i would say 2 months and then a huge purple bubble apeared.. and yellow slimy puss was comming out of the top of the hole and then hte bubble poped and it was puss and alot of blude. i was cery scared and worried that it might be a staff infectoin so i took it out and cleaned it. it was healed and the swelling went down.. but in my actions i could have been sereously hurt please dont take the 50/50 chance... go and get it done.. after all is it really alll that  worth it???


Answer by JaJa
Submitted on 6/10/2006
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I want to pierce my belly button on my own. I'm black. kay kay I tried to e-mail you and it didn't work. My e-mail is (lil_star_jj@yahoo.com)  only get the stuff inside the ()'s


Answer by Breezy
Submitted on 6/10/2006
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I'm getting mine done in a week and after reading several takes on the whole "piercing" no pain no gain, and so forth, Sure, I'm a little nervous but my only question is, I pierced mine once before (stupid move) and now since I'm getting it pierced "professionally" the best way to go no doubt, i have a small amount of scar tissue about half the size of a number 2 pencil eraser and a pen dot circle above it, now piercing it a second time will that hurt? Piercing through scar tissue i mean, will that hurt a fair amount? I'm pretty tolerant for pain, but the scar tissue bit is it possible to pierce? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. THanks! -bri.


Answer by livie
Submitted on 6/12/2006
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hey guys i just did my belly myself DONT do it ur self it didnt hurt when i did it but DAMn its infected and really hurts and i dont know what to do can u help me??


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 6/14/2006
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hey.. um.. im thinkin bout gettin mi nose and tongue done.. but i rele need to kno whether it will hurt and wat happnens... eitha reply on here or email me at saskgo@Aol.com thankyoo xxx


Answer by unknown
Submitted on 6/14/2006
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yea I'm 13 and i want 2 get my belly button done I'm aloud but reading sum of these have made me bit scared coz 1 off them sum 1 actually died I'm not doing it on my self I'm going 2 get it done professionally but I'm still scared if a professional does it does it have n e risk that it could go so bad i will end up in hospital please write back :P


Answer by Taylor Marie
Submitted on 6/14/2006
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well my name is Taylor and im 13. my mom  told me that i could get it done but im scared that i will pass out or get seriously hurt....im getting it done in about 2 weeks with my best friends mom. do i need my mom with me when i go or can i just get it done? i need help im confused....


Answer by steph
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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okay. my friend did hers herself too. and about 3 of my friends did too. its not THAT bad. but i don't advise u to do it yourself. but she did hers with a safety pin and put a back of an earring on it but she wasn't lying down...she was slouching a LITTLE and she pierced her stomach not even her belly button. its looks gross. even after a week. it still looks gross. people say " I'm gonna throw up if u don't take it out" and sh*t. but its kinda true...its just nasty. if your're gonna do it yourself.. DON'T BE STUPID.


Answer by Sarie
Submitted on 6/16/2006
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k guys i got my belly button done it got infected and i just kept cleaning it and it turned out fine i wanna pierce my friends belly button and i dunno how and answers just tell me


Answer by jessica72
Submitted on 6/16/2006
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hey pplz im not going to tell you my age but im pretty young, i really want my belly button pierced but my mom won't let me till i'm16! i was going to do it myself but i read all of ur guys things about warning us ang the nerves and crap! my friend did hers herslf and it got ripped out i guess i will just wait till i'm16


Answer by helpmeplease
Submitted on 6/18/2006
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Im 15 and i wanted to get my belly button pierced but im scared that it will hurt i tried doing it before by myself and it hurt so i didnt finish do u think its less painfull when u get it done professionaly?
please help me.


Answer by Nissa
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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well! i pierced my belly alone..its doesnt hurt at all..w it looks gr8..so..do it alone trust me..but make sure ur parents kno..tc bye mwa


Answer by jb
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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hey you guys i pierced my belly button myself and it turned out fine you just have to clean it with bactine NOT  alcohol or peroxide

i have my cartilage pierced and two on the bottom part

and uh they look tight

just ice for a while and pierce UP NOT DOWN


Answer by kat
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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i tryed to remove my belly button with this thing ( its the thing u use for ur car if u have dents on it) well im 14 .......my friend glued this little thing to my belly button then she bt the bey button remover on ( the car dent away thing ) and she started to pull . i hurt like crazy .. she had to strapp me down so i wwont move .... then after 2 hours of pulling my belly button .. she got it to be an outie ... later she took the hot glue off of my bell button which hurt alot ... i was still strapped down to the bed. then she got a needle ... after numbing it for 2 mnutes she pierced my outie belly button.... it look so kool ... my friend said that she wasted me to pull her belly button out too .... she also wanted an outie .... so i strapped her down and put hot glue on the little plug and put it on her belly button ... then i put the belly button remover ( the dent away car thing ) and sarted pulling she wanted hers to stick out as far as it can .... after 4 hours it was done ... she also wanted me to pierce it so i did .... i pierced it 3 times one on top and wo on the sides ... later we looked in the mirror and our pulled out belly button were so kool .... if u want to see a picture there on google ... just type in ... pulled out navels .... well good luck to peolpe who want to pull out and pierce there navels ....!!!!


Submitted on 6/22/2006
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Answer by hunnybear
Submitted on 6/23/2006
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okay well here it is i pierced my own belly button didn't hurt one bit but took it out cuz ya i didn't want my parents to find out because well ya I'm the kinda of girl that thinks of something then does it with out thinking of the consequences and so i did it and then took it out after like 2 hours... its been two days since i took it out and it is a little scabby and sore but i have been putting peroxide on it and been washing it a lot to make sure it heals correctly.. so ya my advice let your parents know you want it done and sit and talk with them about it because you sure in hell don't want it to get infected even tho mine didn't a lot of peoples could...  I'm just lucky something nothing went really bad..


Answer by Sk8er Lover
Submitted on 6/23/2006
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Hey Guys I'm getting my Belly Button pierced In October for my birthday and I want to know how they do it (professionally). If u have any information 4 me my email is BeccaBuns1991@yahoo.com or if u have myspace is myspace.com/Beccabuns1


Answer by Neffness
Submitted on 6/24/2006
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Hey im like thinking of doing my belly button tonite and im really scared but like if i dont do it ill feel chicken. like theres no pressure except from myself. i think i might do it and take it out later on, should i put something over the hole when i take it out so it doesnt get infected?


Answer by hotchick13
Submitted on 6/24/2006
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Umm i have done it several times im pierced my nipple too but dont pierce you belly button it pains like hell unless you freeze it and it bleeds alot:D


Answer by Emmy
Submitted on 6/25/2006
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i have a quick question... which is better a ring or a barbell?


Answer by Babiev
Submitted on 6/27/2006
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Yeah hey.. im 18 and when i was like 14 and 15 i wanted the pirecings and tatoos... and like most of you... my father wouldnt let me... so i said screw him and did it myself.. not the smartest thing to do... i had to take it out because it was kinda sideways... so i decided fine ill pierce my nose... that was fine but i barely missed the nerve... jsut wait be patient till your parents will let you get it done... theres to many risks in gettin them in a hole in the wall place or doing it yourself.. even if your friends say ohh i can do it... just wait... itll be for the best.. trust a girl who knows... i cant model because of the tiny scar that is on  my belly.... its not worth it// and after the scar tissue is there... it hurts like hell gettin it done... and this is coming from the girl who has 3 tatoos... just wait and be patient... youll be better in the long run.. and what eva you do... neva pierce your own tongue...


Answer by Babii
Submitted on 6/27/2006
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Answer by trea
Submitted on 6/28/2006
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ok, well im doing mine tomamrow with my friend, im going to starilze the area and burn the tip of the needle, get ice and keep it on for 3 minutes,grab the flap of skin and peirce from bottom to top?.is that all?


Answer by Kayla
Submitted on 6/28/2006
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Belly rings are nice....But not when you do it yourself! Like someone else said "Its a 50/50 chance and its one of those enter at your own risk choices". But I wouldn't take that chance. Maybe 2 out of 5 may be in luck. The materials that you use may not be sterlized good enough. And for ya'llwho say when ya'llsbelly rings get infected you take it out, the last thing you wanna do is take it out! The hole could close and the infection could get closed in, and you COULD be at "deaths door"! Piercings are serious and nothing to play around with! PLEASE consider going to get it professionally   done first.


Answer by KK713
Submitted on 6/30/2006
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Wow..lots of ppl are stupid on here. DONT PIERCE YOUR OWN BELLY BUTTON!!!! it can get infected and seriously sick. So my best advice is to wait until u can get it done professionally. I had to wait and now i will be getting it done in less than a week!!


Answer by mikki may
Submitted on 7/1/2006
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hey how is it done professionly my mum said she thinks its ok but i have to look into the dangers and watever but i want to know how thety do it.. can u help???


Answer by party girl and peanut<3
Submitted on 7/4/2006
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hey everyone, me and my friend both want our belly buttons pierced really bad...but our parents wont let us!!! OMG...whats wrong with getting a little piercing...we're are still trying to convince them but its not going good so far...tell us where pros pierce minors...


Answer by kay
Submitted on 7/5/2006
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i just did my belly button with a safety pin how do u i get the whole bigger for a ring?


Answer by vicki
Submitted on 7/5/2006
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hey so i had my belly button pierced professionally and it turned out to get infected anyway. so 2 months later i decided to repierce it while me and 2 of my friends were here. one of my friends who had hers pierced by her mother and knew what she was doing , voluteered to help me. so we used a piercing earring and  lots of ice & i have to say it didn't hurt. so now its a few months later and my belly button looks adorable and completely healthy. so i would say if you know what the hell your doing and you have help , go for it. :]

if you have any questions for me
feel free to instant message me <3
x koalas in love


Answer by tinka
Submitted on 7/6/2006
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just had it done 3 days ago it doesnt hurt and its goi perfect and i had it done professialy

my msn is alexihedon@hotmail.com
addme plz and well talk some more im 14 and female


Answer by quack
Submitted on 7/7/2006
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yea...i did my belly button like ten times and each time the skin got really thick and the belly button ring fell off wen i was sleeping.now i have two scars on my belly button one on the top and one on the bottom. my step mom ask me what it was and did i try to pierce my belly button....i told her no ...but i couldn't make up a accuse for the scar?...Any liars i can make for my belly button scar...help me...i numb my belly button with ice then i put oil on it and used a safety pen. it started bleeding but not a lot. then i put the ring in but it hurts really bad.DON"T DO IT YOURSELF.....i also did my ears(ears) myself too. w/b with any questions or suggestion and anyone know where i can get it done without my parents knowing or being there for a low price?????


Answer by niki
Submitted on 7/7/2006
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i peirced my belly button with a needle that i hadnt cleaned before i pierced it and its geting all read and swollen and i dont no what to do


Answer by THA GHETT0
Submitted on 7/7/2006
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Answer by wiggy
Submitted on 7/10/2006
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If yall pircing yall on body yall must not have no money to get it done right yall sad yall need to be ashamed or yall selves


Answer by lily
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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dude, ppl have asked this over and over, but no one has answered. HOW MUCH $$$? u can make an estimation, or if u already have it done, u can just tell me how much u paid. PLEASE!


Answer by Beebles
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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Hey guys, my brother in law is a tattoo artist and he has a piercer as well. so if u want ur belly button pierced tattoo shops are the way to go. But i read a comment back there asking where u could find a piercer who would do it when ur under 13? honestly, anyone who is willing to do that is breaking the law, and u would probably end up with the same results as u would if u pierced ur belly urself. so save urself the risk and wait til ur 16, and get it done at a tattoo shop.


Answer by great or leat
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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i peirced the  boutom part of my belly button once but the back came out and then the  earing fell out it looked great


Answer by lilc
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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hey .. i need advice about getting my belly button piearce i really want to do it by myself. but i am scared iw will end in the hosptial


Answer by Cassi S.
Submitted on 7/15/2006
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uhh i want to get my belly button peirced but i am way to fat to i need to go on a jenny craig diet!!!


Answer by pen
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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hi every1,

i am getting my belly button pierced in a matter of hours . Ive searched loads of sites and asked mates that have it done . I am reli frettin but for all of you who are not so sure i will tell you when i get back what its like .wish me luck . bi bi xxxxx


Answer by sweet thang
Submitted on 7/18/2006
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hiya im 13 and i reely want my belly button done my says ok cause she has 1 but my dad says no cause he finks it will get infected.my friend did it herself and it turned out perfect but im fraid of going to hospital and getting op. so if you know any 1 how will do it professionly and dos notneed parents permission plz write 2


fank you sweet thang xx


Answer by Libby
Submitted on 7/20/2006
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hey guys. I'm 15, and going to be a sophomore. i finally convinced my mom to let me get my belly button pierced, and i want to go get it this weekend. does anyone know of any place that doesn't require parents permission? even though she said i could do it, i don't think she wants to go with me. I'm planning on going with my friends Amanda and Carolyn, who are 17 and 18. if you know of a place, email me at cali_babe5509@hotmail.com.

thanks. :)


Answer by Steff x0x0x
Submitted on 7/21/2006
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heyy evry1, i pierced mi on belly button and it seriously didnt hurt, i've dun it a cupl times actually...but last time i did it the bar ate its way thru mi skin n i was @ a m8s place and it FELL out cos of it.. now i hav a RLY RLY RLY bad scar, i dnt think its eva guna go, so jus get it dun pro, if u dnt u MIGHT b sorry!!
bye bye x0x0x


Answer by Maddie
Submitted on 7/22/2006
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hi im 14 years old. and i don't understnad why parents (like mine) want you to wait till your 16 or 17. it's soo anoyying i think im gonna go get it done with some freinds. what does it feel like to get it done. please answer me


Answer by dee
Submitted on 7/23/2006
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hey, don't EVER pierce your own belly button, you girls are crazy, if u pierce ur belly button you'll go through some tough crap. I got mine done on my thirteenth birthday it didn't hurt, so if you want to pierce it yourself, think again.


Answer by supergirl
Submitted on 7/24/2006
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I have one question.... and i dont find anyother place that answers this soo maybe sumone could help me what else could u perice like down there (what part do u peirce??


Answer by amywoooo
Submitted on 7/24/2006
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i'm12 and i reli reli reli reli want my belly button pierced! my mum sed i could hav it done when i move out!:@  

I'm thinkin about piercing it myself but i'm reli not sure after all these comments. what should I do?


Answer by jade
Submitted on 7/25/2006
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omfg i got mine done and i could of done it myself idk my mom is a control freak lol but ya i think its ur body and u wanna Peirce it goahed


Answer by amy
Submitted on 7/25/2006
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