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My mother inherited a 1964 Jeep from her father and is being...

<< Back to: Gasoline FAQ - Part 4 of 4

Question by Cathy
Submitted on 4/7/2004
Related FAQ: Gasoline FAQ - Part 4 of 4
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My mother inherited a 1964 Jeep from her father and is being told by her mechanic that it should continue using leaded gasoline.  We have to go out to a airport to get the leaded gasoline.  She keeps the gasoline for refilling in tanks in her garage and she has been having upper-respiratory problems.  She is wondering if it could be related to having this gasoline stored in her garage.  Is leaded fuel more toxic than unleaded fuel?  

Answer by Michael Morris
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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Yes, gasoline vapors can cause respiratory problems. More immediate, however, is the issue of fire or explosion.
Please stop this practice and just use an additive to prevent damage due to unleaded fuel in older engines (8.8 & 8.9).
Michael Morris, Emeritus
Automotive Technology Department
Southern Illinois University Carbondale


Answer by Carnuck
Submitted on 6/1/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
As the other person said, do NOT store gasoline where it can be inhaled! Respiratory trouble is just one problem as brain damage WILL occur from long term inhalation. I ran my '63 J200 with OHC 6 on unleaded gas with no troubles as well as my current '73 J4000. If yours acts up a bit, add some lead substitute, but modern unleaded fuels don't burn out valves like the first formulations did.


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