Well, first, I DO NOT recommend grazing your teeth on his penis at all. You should really ask him if he was OK with that. First, most men enjoy the sliding technique, please if you don't want to hurt him wrap your lips around your teeth, so there are no uncomfortable moments or amputations. Also, create a lot of saliva so you have plenty of lubrication. You can do many things while going down for him, sliding is one, sliding is basic to giving head, it is the fast or slow movement of your wet mouth going up and down over his penis. If you are afraid your going to gag I recommend putting your hand at the base of the penis to reach areas your mouth couldn't and SLIGHTLY pull the skin taught to create some extra sensation. To make it a little more fun, you can start moving your head in a slow manner as if saying no, for example, go down as far as your comfortable then as you come back up slowly tilt your head the left, then to the right as you come back down. Or you can do a yes motion, going down with your chin moving into your chest and as you pull back up tilting your head back for that extra pleasure. But some times, when giving head if you reach under and grab his ass gently and pull him closer into you, like you want him real bad that can give him the greater feeling of intimacy and desire. Another way while sucking, kissing, licking him is to fondle or cup his balls and gently rub them. If you really want to make him happy, the move I call the Lolly Pop, is very easy and fun. You lift up the penis with your hand, so your looking at the shaft (Underside of Penis) and you lick from the balls to the tip of the head, this can feel amazing for guys. Realize that you should both be comfortable in doing this, while in a relaxed, safe environment, and don't be afraid to slow down or stop. Ha ha, I don't recommend stopping for longer than a few seconds. While doing this try to think very little about what your doing (Though I do think you should think about being gentle, or rough if he asks for it), and really enjoy what your doing. Least of all don't worry. Men also find it pleasurable when you moan, because men like to feel like your not just doing this as a chore, but that you are really enjoying taking them in, not like you aren't enjoying it, I sure do, but they like to have the recognition, they also like surprise Ex. you suddenly go from a Lolly Pop and strait down over his penis into a sliding motion. Deep throating is another important aspect (if you can do it) Don't ever feel pressured to do this, and if he has his hands on your head pushing you over him, and you really can't enjoy what your doing, tell him. He should be very thankful that you're even going down for him so he will stop. But on the subject of deep throating you have to have your gag reflexes numbed, or trained from previous experiences, because everything could be ruined if you go to deep, if you know what I mean. Personally I can't deep through but I do recommend practicing with your partner if your both up to it. One spot that is extremely sensitive is to lick the base of the head, where the shaft meets the head, it feels like magic to them. As if this already isn't long enough, your partner will noticeably love this act of love, even more, if you both enjoy some foreplay to get him hard and ready. Don't just do foreplay to leave him blue balls because you aren't ready to do a favor for him, thats not nice. But if you are quite uncomfortable, he must understand your feelings to. But if he does you favors most of the time, you can do him one, Ex. while during foreplay tell him its his time to relax and that he has the night off and you really want to pleasure him. Tell him to close his eyes and enjoy every sensation, and if one of them is watching you, then let him. I also heard from a friend that he felt he had his best orgasm when he was intimate with his girlfriend before hand, and that he really loved her before she went down on him. I do have so many more techniques but I find writing all of this very boring. I just want you to all have a good, fun time and if you want to know more information, look around on the Internet. Ha ha, and if your 14. Quite young, Don't get caught. Much love, holly.