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...give head?

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Question by FlaVoROfThEWe3k
Submitted on 4/6/2004
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How do you give head?

Answer by person
Submitted on 4/26/2004
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suck that special place


Answer by BamMargerasBia
Submitted on 5/7/2004
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Okay first of all...you start out by licking the tip of his penis. Then you kiss/lick down the shaft with your tongue then you go back up and swirl the tip around your tongue. then you juss grip the tip and start lickin ya know repeat them steps till he comes.


Answer by playbunny69
Submitted on 6/6/2004
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Well I've only given head like 2 or 3 times but they really like it when u suck on their penis really fast and roll ur tongue around


Answer by me
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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are guys erect when you start giving head? or do they GET a boner or what


Answer by BEE
Submitted on 6/23/2004
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Answer by shortay
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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this is to BEE . . . i think 14 is definately to young but if you feel that you are ready then there is no perfect age, if you feel like you have to ask someone if you are old enough then i think you may not be old or mature enough to be doing anything like that.


Answer by ant
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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Guys are erect when you start mostly. Don't have to be but most guys will probably be erect when it is started.

Yea, 14 is pretty young to start anything sexual. It is a lot more emotionally connecting then you think it is going to be. Plus you don't want to be getting any diseases that young(not any time actually) and you don't want to be getting pregnant that young either.


Answer by SuPaKaT
Submitted on 7/5/2004
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Okay...Giving head is simple dudettes! You grab his penis and give him a hand job while cupping and like feeling his balls and licking around his penis and around the head of his penis. There is nothing more than that and if the guy doesn't like it well then they can just go masturbate because you are doing this as a gift not as a "this has to feel good or I have to make it better" kind of thing. If he's not happy and complains about it. SCREW HIM!!! (not literaly)


Answer by SOMEgirl
Submitted on 7/7/2004
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well my guy likes it when i LIGHTY graze my teeth on his penis when i suck him off and i give him a hand job when i give him head. he likes it when i deep throat him too, but sometimes it makes me gag. and also when i start i go at a slower pace and then when i can tell he's about to cum i go faster.


Answer by KayKayEraser
Submitted on 7/10/2004
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well i have givin head a couple times now. and they like it wen u swirl around the head of the penis. then start going up and down really fast wit ur mouth play wit there balls. then let them cum. spit or swallow eather way they are happy to not have the cum on them:D good luck you newys


Answer by bb
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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it's better if they shave right?


Answer by HypErLiLbOo
Submitted on 7/16/2004
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Okay yea u can`t get pregnant from givin head! yea n don`t giv head to a guy jus cuz he askz for it do it cuz u want to don`t let him pressure u into n e thing! n ther are a lot of techiniques u can do whiel givin head .. all these answerz r good i agree wit most of em .. but u can`t get pregnant from givin head! but u coud get a disease! so u hav to watch out


Answer by Easy~Erin
Submitted on 7/17/2004
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I'm only 13 and I've done it 3 or 4 times already and I have found it to be nasty to suck on it if its hairy so they should definitely shave first


Answer by babahgurl
Submitted on 8/2/2004
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lick under and beside his balls, it drives my man crazy


Answer by someone
Submitted on 8/2/2004
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do u just suck on it or what?


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 8/2/2004
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dang 13 is young.. haha


Answer by ash
Submitted on 8/4/2004
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ive givin head once and the guy loved it. i didnt know wut to do but i remember watching american pie so go out and watch it. it will help u


Answer by CT
Submitted on 8/4/2004
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I have a question what deasise could u get and what affect does it have?can u die or anything?And how do u get it?


Answer by losty
Submitted on 8/5/2004
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ok i tried giving head and i kept gagging and i need as much advice as possible to make my boyfriend happy when i give him i dunno what im doin at all plz help me!!!!!!!


Answer by cherrylipz
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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well i think giving head is tha same as ne otha thing when you are in a relationship with a guy you have to be commited and not be frighted it is beter that you should rush upon a blade then go into a relationship with fear in your heart... making one another happy in the relation ship is a key thing in yer bondage i know that there are teens out thurr 13 and up who are ready to move on to the next level if you feel that you are ready then go for it then DO....but remember that you are accountable for your actions and be wise about it...now to the giving head thing...talk about it before hand make sure that he is comfortable and that you are as well. lightly grab his penis and put it up to your lips....kiss it a couple of times...then lick the tip.move off his reactions and moans...make sure that he is enjoying this then move on and deep throat it
when you feel him getting hard then go a little faster then stop and take it out of your mouth then rub it with your hand fast and let him cum.


Answer by Cookie
Submitted on 8/14/2004
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I personally get creative and kinky. This is what I did for Valentine's day...

First we make out...then I rub his jeans (by his crouch)and tease him and whisper some phrases and nicknames for what I want to do to his penis...then I lay him down and unzip his pants (or unbuckle) with my mouth and during this still rub with my hands. Slowly put his pants down and inch his boxers/briefs down and rub that before going in. Then I get some chocolate syrup and apply it to the penis. Lick it off gently all around, suck slowly then increase the speed as I go on. Grab his balls gently...suck them if he's lucky. I hated my first time, but now it's fun!

13,14...it is young but that's how old I was when I started too.


Answer by UNKNOWN!!
Submitted on 8/14/2004
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what scares me is what if it tastes gross :(


Answer by Megan Ross
Submitted on 8/17/2004
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I've gave head before and I don't think boys should shave but getting hair in your mouth is pretty nasty tasting


Answer by Pimkie
Submitted on 8/19/2004
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Okay, I was asked by someone to give head during a trip I am going to. I have never done this before and I am not certain as to what to do! Anyone have a simple explanation of something me, a sweet little virgin may understand? And exactly how bad is the seeman? I think I would swallow, but I gag rather easily on new things.

Can anyone help?


Answer by foxy
Submitted on 8/21/2004
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Answer by GO-go
Submitted on 8/25/2004
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how do u 'deep throat'?
and can u be really bad at giving hand jobs/ blow jobs?.... nervous about my first time. wanna get it perfect!


Answer by Cayli
Submitted on 8/27/2004
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13 is way too young to be giving head!  I don't even think you should be looking at the things written on this page!


Answer by blow me
Submitted on 8/29/2004
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well ive never done it..so i wouldnt knooooooo


Answer by Shorty
Submitted on 8/30/2004
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is it true that you can get diseases from giving  head even if that person does'nt have a disease to pass on to you


Answer by debbie
Submitted on 8/31/2004
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I am 18 yrs old. My boyfriend is 27 yrs old and has a 9" cock and it is really fat. So far I only gave him a hand job and I am ready to move to second base and blow him. I have never sucked cock in my life before. Is there anything special about sucking a cock of this size. Also, he wants me to swallow his cum, but from experience from giving him hand job, he cums a lot. Any tips on this?



Answer by GodxOfxRock
Submitted on 9/5/2004
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first off, I'm a straight 15 year old guy... with that said, I've gotten head a couple times from a couple different girls and it doesn't really matter whether the girl lets the guy cum in her mouth or not... at least not to me... some guys like certain techniques that others don't, you'll have to pay attention while you're blowing him and listen to his reactions... the main reason guys make a big deal about swallowing is that: 1) when a guy goes down on a girl he doesn't stop every couple seconds to spit, 2) it looks very erotic from the guy's point of view, 3)it's a sense of acceptance, the girl accepts him and his body for what he is... i for one would never pressure a girl into oral sex... and i always warn a girl before my orgasm... and one last thing, if the guy doesn't appreciate what you're doing for him, even if you're not especially talented at it, he's an asshole and doesn't deserve it anyway


Answer by mee
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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ok.. u dont want to start off fast or with 2 much tongue. u wanna start out when hes already erect and lick and kiss hte shaft. when he becomes MORE excited then u can cover ur teeth with ur lips gently and slowly move up and down. since the head is so sensative its best to wait until hes more into it lol. go faster as he is about to cum. only do it if your comfortable and remember if ur worried that he wont want u ne more if u dont do it.. hes not the guy to do it with make sure he respects u.. unless ur doing it for urself and hte experience ;)


Answer by becky
Submitted on 9/8/2004
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Yeah attually u can get pregnant sucking a guys penis, if he cums enough, the sperm can swim down your body, bet u didn't know that ladies!

happy sucking


Answer by missy
Submitted on 9/15/2004
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hey evry1. giving head isnt that hard u hav 2 make sure ur both completely ready and if ur not dnt be pressured in2 anything. anyone youndger than 13 should ask a doctor about giving head but as our world changes we hav 12 yr old girls on the st pregnant. so remember u may earn a bad rep.


Answer by HoHoHo
Submitted on 9/18/2004
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Ok 14 and 13 are way to young to be giving head!  Im 16 and ive given head a few times and i found that it is way better if they shave! Also, guys have said it is way better to return the favor is a girl shaves.


Answer by 69er
Submitted on 9/18/2004
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giving head is great...all guys luv it
but hey i lost my virginity when i was 12.
so hey what ever all you need to know
is how to rub him the right way!good luck!!!!  


Answer by i dnt no!!!
Submitted on 9/19/2004
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hey me and my bf av done everything but me giving him head i fill that he mite get the hump with me not doing it i only don't wanna do it because i don't no how and don't wanna make a fool of myself??? what shall i do and i need simple instructions!!!! HELP!!!!!


Answer by james
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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my girlfriend doesnt enjoy giving head but i really do enjoy receiving it


Answer by bbaby
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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thats funny but 13? ok r u a whore?


Answer by PS
Submitted on 9/24/2004
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um i dont realy know what do do with the balls, is there something special you shouuld do?


Answer by HHMMM
Submitted on 9/26/2004
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okay i think that 13 is WAY to young to be doing nething like that, i mean i was still playing with dolls at 13! that is way to gross and especially since ur user name is easy erin...


Answer by Shaniqua
Submitted on 9/30/2004
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talk to ya lataz peeps dont forget to email me
p.s. i want ur penis



Answer by chika
Submitted on 9/30/2004
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hey, how do you know when they're about to cum?


Answer by Hallie
Submitted on 10/1/2004
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Okay well im 13 and this kid wants me to give him head--what should i do?


Answer by curious_girls
Submitted on 10/2/2004
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when you deep throat, if you gag, and the guy says something rude about it what do you do?


Answer by babydoll
Submitted on 10/4/2004
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ok well Ive done this a lot of times but the thing is, he's never cumed, am i doing something wrong?


Answer by oi oi
Submitted on 10/5/2004
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13? man thats young.


Answer by ~Haylee~
Submitted on 10/7/2004
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Okay, Im practically lost...im 13 and im pretty much being pressured..so what the heck do i do? cause i honeslty..dont have a clue at all..i mean its like i know but i honestly dont!! Help me or something!!


Answer by baby gal
Submitted on 10/8/2004
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ok ok im 14 yea and i need to know how to give sum1 head!! a shaft makes no sense to me!! talk in easy launguage! plz help!! hes gotta cum


Answer by Caity
Submitted on 10/12/2004
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Oh, and it doesnt matter if they shave or not. as long as you don't get pubes in your teeth, don't ask him to shave. its a bit faggy for guys to shave their balls.


Answer by loojkhsfd
Submitted on 10/13/2004
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well,my guy likes it when i spit on him. he also like it when i put on stripper boots and step on his balls....he cries out from pain and pleasure. then he beggs me to chew on it. ~meow~


Answer by ilOveyOu
Submitted on 10/14/2004
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k i dont have a answer but i was wondering if... what happens if u do it rong..like how do u do it rong cuz/or can u? im scared i will... lol


Answer by make love not war
Submitted on 10/17/2004
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on your way down to the john, licking his nipples in a fast motion definitely gets him off and makes him even more excited about what you will do to him next.


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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well hold his balls is definetely a plus! just like sucking on a sucker with tongue action


Answer by cUtiE PiE!
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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All I can say is I won't give till I recieve!!


Answer by ana
Submitted on 10/21/2004
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i start out with a hand job then go up and down with my mouth and remember to swirl your tongue around(guys love that) as hes about to cum go faster then keep going for a few seconds then your done


Answer by k dawg
Submitted on 10/25/2004
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put purple paint on his cock!


Answer by briaan
Submitted on 10/28/2004
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I think giving head is awsome! im 15, and me and my bf do it all the time. Its great if u lik his balls, then start pumping ur mouth u and down his shaft. i love the taste of his cum! yuuuum.


Answer by Chicka_biddie
Submitted on 10/30/2004
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Before i gave my boyfriend head we talked about it... its no fun to feel presured into doing anything and to be honest it makes for some really crazy emotional stuff... so talk about it with your man first... but he loves the tounge swirl thing... seriously. Just don't do anything you aren't ready for, and the other girls gave some really good advice!


Answer by luCkii chaRmz
Submitted on 11/1/2004
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so.. u cant get pregnate if u swallow the cum right? because i really dont wanna be pregnate just yet


Answer by c-girl
Submitted on 11/1/2004
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i love givin head to boys and i am only 11!
It tastes so good, try it!


Answer by confused
Submitted on 11/3/2004
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if u have aol plz message me iamwhatiwant2b


Answer by Kait
Submitted on 11/6/2004
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well i just gave my bf of 1 month head yesterday and im 16.is that bad that i waited till i was 16.I thought it would be like sooo disgusting but it really wasnt that bad i was suprised.id do it again but im afraid that maybe he liek thinks of me lower do you think that could be true?


Answer by balls
Submitted on 11/9/2004
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i want to give head but i cant get a boyfriend and im very sexuly active but because im a little over weight but i can do it i also want sex but im to young what should i do


Answer by ashley
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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hey i am about to give head for the first time and i am a little bit nervous but i got a lot of good advice and i have practice a little so i will tell you how it turns out


Answer by Dan
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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I love it when chicks deepthorat and then gag. im wanking it right now as a matter of fact


Answer by dede
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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if u do spit where would u spit it?


Answer by Britnee
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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What do you do when we want to get ready to have sex?..Do they have to have a boner in order to have sex with them? And what do you think the best position to be in during sex is?


Answer by QT GURL
Submitted on 11/19/2004
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Well, i've given quite a few guys and head and i think they all like it differently, so u can always ask them what they want, it's better to ask than being told what to do the whole time while your down there... kind of off-putting. And swallow!


Answer by Jayy
Submitted on 11/23/2004
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whoahh im 13?? yeah well im 13 too n this one guy is suppperrr hott n hes like askin me to do it to him but i thnk im wayy too young so im not.. but i guess whatever floats your boat!


Answer by sex thrill
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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I'm only 13 and I wanna give my boi friend Head but Im afraid he'll think I'm bad at it (but I really want to!!!)


Answer by hells yea
Submitted on 11/25/2004
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you sure we cant choke i know a girl who died that way


Answer by babygurl
Submitted on 11/27/2004
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UMm well in 14 and iv done everything u can do..from head to 69 to sex i dont think it really matters who cares head and whatever is fun and if u think its nasty then thats ur oppion..but yea i think there no such thing as a age limit!


Answer by christine
Submitted on 11/27/2004
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umm ok ive been with this guy for like almost a year now and i think we should move on but like i dnt wna mess up at all...but then sumone sed that it should b a gift and not judged but idk all my frends are tellin me ta do it and im sorta holdin back


Answer by SOMEguy
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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We love having our penis heads sucked most of the time, and yeah It feels a lot better when we're shaved, because women tend to get irritated by the pubic hair that gets in your way.


Answer by chlo
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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how exactly do u give a hand job.. because when i go down on a guy.. i feel like such an amature.. because all i really do i pet it haha .. and massage the groin.. i feel like if i take the shaft in my hand and move my hand over it id hurt them.. or pull it or something.. ? any tips?


Answer by di
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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good god child.. YOURE 13!?!? YOU NEED TO NOT BE SUCH A SLUT!


Answer by firefighter j
Submitted on 12/2/2004
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You start with kissing down his abdomen, then to his waist,hands around his butt, take your time, anticipation is part of it. Next move down past his waist, close to his penis. (You want to build up to the big finish.  Don't rush it). Start by licking his shaft, then kissing his balls, those are very sensitive. Suck on them very lightly, don't pull down or use your teeth there. If when you're ready to go down on his penis,he's not hard,you can get it ready by forming a ring with your forefinger and you thumb at the base of his penis. You can tighten that up and watch it get even bigger, you won't hurt him. A man can take some roughness there. Then you want to form your mouth like if you're saying the letter "m", covering your teeth. Don't use your teeth on the head as he will not enjoy it at all. Now you want to explore all sides of the penis and every now and then go over the head (with your tongue,wet lips)moving your head side to side, sucking a little on the upstroke. When you are ready, believe me you will want to do some deep throating on him. Place your thumb directly on the cord below the shaft, as this is where the blood flows through. Keep this cord well massaged, it will enhance the experience. This is very powerfull stuff. You control him at this point. Move your head up and down as in a nodding yes fashion(this is also a charge for him, the more animated,the better). If you swallow he will think you're incredible,but only when you're comfortable with it. If he's larger,you can use two fingers and thumb wrapped around the shaft next to your lips and even your whole hand for that matter,so you don't gag. It's more than just licking and sucking or kissing. It is an art of giving your man a special gift of pleasure that only you two know about. As you get better at it,you will gain the confidence in knowing that you can please a man in your own special way. Anyways,that's how she started me off. I am larger than normal, she deep throats me all the time and doesn't gag at all now. She enjoys it as much or even more that I do. Hope this helps.  


Answer by ali
Submitted on 12/2/2004
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i need soo much help!! my bf wants me to give him head but im so nervious and i dont want to mess up. Is it hard to give head or what?


Answer by littlegirl
Submitted on 12/4/2004
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i'm 8 and my daddy makes me give head for money, yum yum


Answer by David Clark
Submitted on 12/5/2004
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I am almost 16. And have a girlfriend. But i don't know how to ask or get head. Can you ladies please help me.


Answer by lolo
Submitted on 12/5/2004
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well i am 14 and i gave head alot is that bad . because i suck on it the suck the tip and do all kinds of things every time i try some thing different . i also swallow it all but i does nt make  me gag he seems to injoy it


Answer by Confused
Submitted on 12/7/2004
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I've never given head before and my boyfriend wants me to but i really dont know how... Any suggestions?


Answer by HEAD
Submitted on 12/7/2004
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I have given head a lot of times. I usually date guys that are older and that have more experience. They usually like it when you lick and rotate your tongue around the head of their penis. It IS a good thing if they shave. If the guys cums, you should swallow.


Answer by ladybug
Submitted on 12/10/2004
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i think shaving is way better. guys like it...so do we. i think giving head is almost instinct. the first time i did it i just guessed and turn out winging it worked. he later told me i'mone of the best he's had. just change it up and get into it, they can tell when you enjoy it too!


Answer by Weirdgrl
Submitted on 12/10/2004
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is it okay if they make noises


Answer by Amber mcmunn
Submitted on 12/12/2004
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hey guys and gals i am 13 and i have don it about 4 times so far to one guy. i LOVED IT. i would do it all day if he asked me to. i swallow it because it taste so good.


Answer by Confuesd
Submitted on 12/14/2004
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umm i need help okay i'm 13 rite andmi boyfriend is 12 he hasnt gone thro puberty and we have been going out for 3 months now and wut will happen will his jizz or ne thing???


Answer by s2pac
Submitted on 12/15/2004
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13 is too young. i'm a 15 yr old guy n my g4 has only given it 3 times. i'm shaved, which is better. n by the way if u want practice then i'm here


Answer by beachxo
Submitted on 12/15/2004
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if you were to spit the cum out instead of swallowing it...where you would spit it


Answer by wonderer
Submitted on 12/17/2004
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i was wonder how you are supose to kiss i mean do you start with your mouth open and then kiss or shut ..but what if you both try to put your tongue out at the same time then they'll get suck??


Answer by ...........
Submitted on 12/17/2004
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im think im ready to give head to my bf whu iv known for a while b4 we evn went out but im still not tu sure how its dun...


Answer by LuCkEEexGiRL
Submitted on 12/18/2004
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Hi. Me and My boyfriend have been going out for almost 2 years, and I've never given him any type OF oral.  I really, really want to now, but I have no idea what to do!! I have no clue how to give head or anything!!  Our two year anniversary is in a month and I would like to treat him to a special gift- if you catch my drift! PLEASE HELP ASAP


Answer by baby doll
Submitted on 12/18/2004
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ahha...welll when i gave my boyfriend head...i used ALOT of tounge...make sure you dont use your teeth because it hurts...ahha and even though it may seem "nasty" and its kindda a hassle...its soooo worth it...ahha have fuuun : D


Answer by yo yo
Submitted on 12/21/2004
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Answer by mOi
Submitted on 12/24/2004
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i wanna give head but dunno how


Answer by ?easy?
Submitted on 12/26/2004
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I find it better when he shaves because you don't want to be like "sorry if i stop giving you head, i'm just picking out the pubic hair from my teeth. by the way, if a guy asks for head, and he's already had it from 2 other girls, is he just using you.?
what if the girls who did it are younger than you and are better at it


Answer by hotmsthang720
Submitted on 12/26/2004
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www.minou.com/aboutsex/fellatio.htm theres a website that tells you all about it


Answer by mr.
Submitted on 12/26/2004
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what about girls


Answer by PringlePoper
Submitted on 12/27/2004
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I think 14 is a fine age to start indulging with the oppoiste sex. I am 14 and i am reading all about how to give my boyfriend head. I think this is a fine step considering when im 15 or 16 most of us will be proving our love! aka SEXBABY!& I LOVE CLEMENTINES!


Answer by mhm.
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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communicate with your partner.  he'll tell you how he likes it. if you don't talk with him then you shouldn't be doing it. there's my two cents.


Answer by CrL
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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before u give head make sure u are in a good and comfortable postition b/c if not that could have an affect on ur performance! if u really want to get a guy goin crazy then deep throat... or go down as far as u can! if u feel like u are about to gag then slightly pull up as u suck! then go to tha tip of the penis and lick in circles and lick all over! oh yeah.. and like everyone else says.. playing with his balls makes it even better!:) and dont forget to have fun while dewin it:)!


Answer by Giggles
Submitted on 12/30/2004
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Me and my boyfriend are serious and he wants me to give him head and I'm fine with that but I have never done it. On average, how long does it take for the guy to cum? Any special techniques? Thanks!


Answer by miss_independent
Submitted on 12/30/2004
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wtf..ok...yall seem like dumb sluts..and you're all young..that's sick..give yourself some respect.


Answer by Breyanna
Submitted on 1/1/2005
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Well when I first gave a guy head, it was Christmas and I was 12, he was 17. But he made me feel real comfortable which was important. I could trust him. I've gave head to 4 people, n did it 6 times, but these were with all people I knew a lot about.


Answer by Jewel
Submitted on 1/1/2005
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I've given it once, and i'll soon give it to my new boyfriend. I gagged the first time, because i deepthroated too soon. you have to ease into everything and be really gentle. he loved it when i swirled my tongue around the head. dont worry about him being too big- just put as much as you want or can into your mouth.


Answer by bootymaxisums
Submitted on 1/2/2005
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how does it taste?.. and how can you give the BEST head!?


Answer by Big B
Submitted on 1/4/2005
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is 12 2 young 2 give head?


Answer by Ni9ht0nthesun
Submitted on 1/4/2005
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........i'm pretty sure if a penis is hairy at all u should stay far far away from it, because the shaft and head r not supposed to have any hair at all....

and umm.... i'm not too sure how exactly to go about givng head seeing as the 3 times i have, well lets jsut say i had a few drinks... so really this my only advice to all of u ladies:

       don't get really drunk if u think u might do something stupid... also, if u wanna remeber how you did something... yea thats always a plus of sobriety.


Answer by Muffasta
Submitted on 1/4/2005
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hi there this is a guy....

we like it when u go deep fast and fun play with the balls AND DON"T USE TEETH. and if u really want to get a guy to unload a lot stick ur finger up their ass and milk the prostate. about 95% of all guys love that


Answer by stoopid
Submitted on 1/5/2005
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I like to suck little boys (9-11 years old)
because that way I won't gag


Answer by reg
Submitted on 1/6/2005
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What is it like getting licked out? Is it scary...i have always been worried about doing it cause i find the idea of having a guys tongue licking around down there to be gross.


Answer by ~B~
Submitted on 1/6/2005
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omg i was so embarrassed when i 1st gave head. it was terrible. i had no clue wut i was doing. plus i nearly choked! i felt so embarrassed he had 2 give himself a hand-job 2 finish himself off cos i was so upset lol. ahhh . but i jus read this site about "fellatio" and omg it was so good with tips. anyway, always make sure u read up on wut 2 do or ask a friend b4 u 1st give head if ur not sure cos it cud end up in a embarrassing situation like me!  xxx


Answer by dancinhotie
Submitted on 1/7/2005
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i like to give head to my man but i want to know how to deep throat. i can go pretty far but his ex was able to do it and i want to be able to do it as well. he says there is nothing wrong with the way i do it...i want to be able to deep throat for myself


Answer by Krissy
Submitted on 1/7/2005
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i gave a guy head once it was pretty weird because of the way he asked me if i wanted to give him head.We were just sitting in math class and he called my name so i turned around and he just flat out said do u want to give me head and i said sure cuz i was bored so i gave him head right there during class and that was just really weird experience for me cuz i never did it during class before!!!!!


Answer by mum
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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then your a slut


Answer by nervous
Submitted on 1/9/2005
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i gave head a couple of times recently, but what diseases can u get, and how do u know if u have them??


Answer by subrina
Submitted on 1/9/2005
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wut does it mean when the guy says he doesnt like a gurl who gets off after he comes?


Answer by Jessi
Submitted on 1/12/2005
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Hey guys! I really need some help here.. I'm never given a guy head before but I'm thinking about doing it sometime soon.. i really would apreciate it if someone would give me some tips for first timers! Because god knows i need it.. by the way I'm 16... too young?!


Answer by toefer2008
Submitted on 1/12/2005
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hey i'ma guy and 15...it's a ? for the other guys...what does head feel like and how can i try and get a girl to give me head?


Answer by squirt
Submitted on 1/13/2005
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how do you no if he wants head?


Answer by Liebling
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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I have found that guys get even more out of it if you look them in the ye while you're doing it.  Not the whole time, and it's kind of straining on your eyeballs, but just glance him in the eye once or twice.  My American guy would moan a little every time I did that..


Answer by girl
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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ok its sick if ur 13 and uve given head like 3 or 4 time nasty hunny my advice to u is too b more careful ur gunna get an std!!!!


Answer by zilla
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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for easy~erin:


They just don't have hair on them. Period. Get it right.


Answer by amanda
Submitted on 1/15/2005
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hey guys, i have a question...
it he cums, what do i do? ive never done it beforebut i KONW im ready, im just kinda nervous i'll gag on his penis or on his cum, if he does
do all guys cum? and what if i cant get him to reach his 'pleasure point'


Answer by T-bar
Submitted on 1/16/2005
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i'm17 and head is the best thing on earth for my boyfriend. I start by kissing it all over and then lick the head. Using my hands i give him a handjob whilst deep throating/sucking up and down, swirling my tongue over the head. I slowly get faster after about 15 minutes and swallow. Facials aren't bad either


Answer by D
Submitted on 1/16/2005
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i love it when my girlfriend starts slow and moves her tongue faster and faster


Answer by 1timeonly
Submitted on 1/16/2005
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do you swallow the cum? what if you do what will happen 2 u


Answer by stephy07
Submitted on 1/16/2005
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Head is odd, i'mnot sure if i'minto it or not, guys like it when you can multi task when you can do couple things at once..don't ignore the balls either that want attention too


Answer by over here
Submitted on 1/17/2005
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hey everybody, whats the youngest age someone has given head? Im curius


Answer by Bob
Submitted on 1/19/2005
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yeah, im 16 and i have been givin my 18 year old boyfriend head for about 3 months, and he likes it when i give him head and a hand job at the same time. then play with his Balls ALL you can guys love it, if you use your teeth..... NOT TOO HARD, just nice and easy. you DONT have to swollow nething if you dont want too... it doesnt MY guy.


Answer by lc
Submitted on 1/19/2005
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Answer by Keleese
Submitted on 1/20/2005
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yallllllllllllllllllllll bbbbbbbbbbiiiiiittttttccccchhhheeeessssssssssss  is nastyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Answer by Holly
Submitted on 1/22/2005
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Well, first, I DO NOT recommend grazing your teeth on his penis at all. You should really ask him if he was OK with that. First, most men enjoy the sliding technique, please if you don't want to hurt him wrap your lips around your teeth, so there are no uncomfortable moments or amputations.You can do many things while going down for him, sliding is one, sliding is basic to giving head, it is the fast or slow movement of your wet mouth going up and down over his penis. If you are afraid your going to gag I recommend putting your hand at the base of the penis to reach areas your mouth couldn't and SLIGHTLY pull the skin taught to create some extra sensation. To make it a little more fun, you can start moving your head in a slow manner as if saying no, for example, go down as far as your comfortable then as you come back up slowly tilt your head the left, then to the right as you come back down. Or you can do a yes motion, going down with your chin moving into your chest and as you pull back up tilting your head back for that extra pleasure. But some times, when giving head if you reach under and grab his ass gently and pull him closer into you, like you want him real bad can give him the greater feeling of intimacy and desire. Another way while sucking, kissing, licking him is to fondle or cup is balls and gently rub them. If you really want to make him happy, the move I call the Lolly Pop, is very easy and fun. You lift up the penis with your hand, so your looking at the shaft (Underside of Penis) and you lick from the balls to the tip of the head, this can feel amazing for guys. Realize that you should both be comfortable in doing this, while in a relaxed, safe environment, and don't be afraid to slow down or stop. Ha ha, I don't recommend stopping for longer than a few seconds. While doing this try to think very little about what your doing (Though I do think you should think about being gentle, or rough if he asks for it), and really enjoy what your doing. Least of all don't worry. Men also find it pleasurable when you moan, or you suddenly go from a Lolly Pop and strait down over his penis into a sliding motion. Deep throating is another important aspect (if you can do it) Don't ever feel pressured to do this, and if his hands on your head pushing you over him and you really can't enjoy what your doing if he is making you do it, tell him. He should be very thankful that you're even going down for him so he will stop. But on the subject of deep throating you have to have your gag reflexes numbed, or trained from previous experiences, because everything could be ruined if you go to deep, if you know what I mean. Personally I can't deep through but I do recommend practicing with your partner if your both up to it. As if this already isn't long enough, your partner will very noticeably love this act OF love (Which it should be between two people) even more if you both enjoy some foreplay to get him hard and ready, and don't just do foreplay to leave him blue balls because you aren't ready to do a favor for him thats not very nice. Especially if he does you favors most of the time, while during foreplay that you tell him its his time to relax and that he has the night off and you want to pleasure him. Tell him to close his eyes and enjoy every sensation and if one of them is watching you, then let him. I also head from a friend that he felt he had his best orgasm when he was intimate with his girlfriend and that he really loved her before she went down on him. I do have so many more techniques but I find writing all of this very boring. I just want you to all have a good, fun time and if you want to know more information, look around on the Internet. Ha ha, and if your 14. Quite young, Don't get caught. Much love, holly.


Answer by Holly
Submitted on 1/22/2005
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Well, first, I DO NOT recommend grazing your teeth on his penis at all. You should really ask him if he was OK with that. First, most men enjoy the sliding technique, please if you don't want to hurt him wrap your lips around your teeth, so there are no uncomfortable moments or amputations. Also, create a lot of saliva so you have plenty of lubrication. You can do many things while going down for him, sliding is one, sliding is basic to giving head, it is the fast or slow movement of your wet mouth going up and down over his penis. If you are afraid your going to gag I recommend putting your hand at the base of the penis to reach areas your mouth couldn't and SLIGHTLY pull the skin taught to create some extra sensation. To make it a little more fun, you can start moving your head in a slow manner as if saying no, for example, go down as far as your comfortable then as you come back up slowly tilt your head the left, then to the right as you come back down. Or you can do a yes motion, going down with your chin moving into your chest and as you pull back up tilting your head back for that extra pleasure. But some times, when giving head if you reach under and grab his ass gently and pull him closer into you, like you want him real bad  that can give him the greater feeling of intimacy and desire. Another way while sucking, kissing, licking him is to fondle or cup his balls and gently rub them. If you really want to make him happy, the move I call the Lolly Pop, is very easy and fun. You lift up the penis with your hand, so your looking at the shaft (Underside of Penis) and you lick from the balls to the tip of the head, this can feel amazing for guys. Realize that you should both be comfortable in doing this, while in a relaxed, safe environment, and don't be afraid to slow down or stop. Ha ha, I don't recommend stopping for longer than a few seconds. While doing this try to think very little about what your doing (Though I do think you should think about being gentle, or rough if he asks for it), and really enjoy what your doing. Least of all don't worry. Men also find it pleasurable when you moan, because men like to feel like your not just doing this as a chore, but that you are really enjoying taking them in, not like you aren't enjoying it, I sure do, but they like to have the recognition, they also like surprise Ex. you suddenly go from a Lolly Pop and strait down over his penis into a sliding motion. Deep throating is another important aspect (if you can do it) Don't ever feel pressured to do this, and if he has his hands on your head pushing you over him, and you really can't enjoy what your doing, tell him. He should be very thankful that you're even going down for him so he will stop. But on the subject of deep throating you have to have your gag reflexes numbed, or trained from previous experiences, because everything could be ruined if you go to deep, if you know what I mean. Personally I can't deep through but I do recommend practicing with your partner if your both up to it. One spot that is extremely sensitive is to lick the base of the head, where the shaft meets the head, it feels like magic to them. As if this already isn't long enough, your partner will noticeably love this act of love, even more, if you both enjoy some foreplay to get him hard and ready. Don't just do foreplay to leave him blue balls because you aren't ready to do a favor for him, thats not nice. But if you are quite uncomfortable, he must understand your feelings to. But if he does you favors most of the time, you can do him one, Ex. while during foreplay tell him its his time to relax and that he has the night off and you really want to pleasure him. Tell him to close his eyes and enjoy every sensation, and if one of them is watching you, then let him. I also heard from a friend that he felt he had his best orgasm when he was intimate with his girlfriend before hand, and that he really loved her before she went down on him. I do have so many more techniques but I find writing all of this very boring. I just want you to all have a good, fun time and if you want to know more information, look around on the Internet. Ha ha, and if your 14. Quite young, Don't get caught. Much love, holly.


Answer by BOy lover
Submitted on 1/22/2005
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how long should you give head?


Answer by MeLiSsA
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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okay what do you mean when you say "Swirl your tongue" or "roll your tongue!?" what does that mean!?!?


Answer by BiBoi
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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I've given and received head a couple times. P can tell you first hand that pretty much anything is good. I agree with every technique I've read here, but sucking fairly hard when they're about to cum always helps.

To shannon, if you feel like you're going to choke, just keep your mouth on his head, sucking and swirling your tongue around, and hive him a handjob at the same time.


Answer by ari
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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I have given head a couple of times..and i start off by giving them a hand job and touching their balls..which they really enjoy..then i swirl my tounge around the tip of their penis..and then i start to go faster..and then they eventually start to cum..swallow or dont swallow w.e is good for you..but watch out for any diseases also..enjoy..lol


Answer by Dani
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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Hey I'm 16 i am a compete virgin me and y b/f have been going out for 4 1/2 months and he was very sexually active before he met me. I trust he stayed that way. But anyway I want to give him head but I have no clue how to except for what Ive read. So since this being my 1st time what should i do?


Answer by smoothie102
Submitted on 1/25/2005
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yah i need some tips plzz! .. like step by step anyone?... so me and this guy have been hangin out for llike 2 years now.. and he said that tom were gonna go skating outside at the rink, and if no ones there im gonna hive him head, wat about the coldness (im in canada lol)


Answer by Denise
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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Answer by jbAbii
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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If you've never given a guy head, how do you know he wants it? does he just like whip it out?


Answer by ms kinky
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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yes, you sure can!!!
its skin and also its very smooth
like silk!!


Answer by ms kinky
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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yes, you sure can!!!
its skin and also its very smooth
like silk!!


Answer by ms kinky
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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yes, you sure can!!!
its skin and also its very smooth...
like silk.


Answer by glitterbaby0088
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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my boyfriend wants me to give him head but it just seems so gross... Is it really that bad??


Answer by nicole
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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okay im turning 15 soon but i'vegiven head twice but i keep feel like im going to gag what can i do to stop it? and do you actually suck on the penis or just do the up and down motion with you mouth?


Answer by LittleWonders
Submitted on 1/27/2005
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yo giving head is EASY. when u do it..u have to have a bit or variation tho..not jus going up and down. and not at the same speed the whole time. the tip of the penis gives him the most pleasure..so use a lot of toungue, all the guys i have giving head to say they like lots of toungue movement!!


Answer by Cutie pie
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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I've only gave head once or twice to my guy. but i've found it, he likes it when i first give him a hand job, than work my down to the whole blow-job. i thing is, i've never sucked him off without a condom. is it wrong to suck off someone with a condom, or do guys like it better if the condom is on, or off?


Answer by Diva
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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I have a question for you....my boyfriend wants me to give him head on the school bus but i have never done that before and I don't want him to think I'mbad at it or anything like that...should i? I want to but i don't know what I'mdoing.


Answer by lucsious
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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what do you do with the balls when ur giving head?


Answer by Lady of Malice
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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Well, I started giving head when I was 14..Yeah but its a bit to young...but hell one can use practice right?  Swirl...best thing to do is swirl....practice on a banana, thats what I did.....and Ive given head many a times before..current guy of mine enjoys the swirling..he is reading this whilst I type...lets check if he is sporting a hard on...not yet...heh


Answer by bree bree
Submitted on 2/1/2005
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u can get pregnant 4rm swallowing cum


Answer by CrAzYgIrL101
Submitted on 2/4/2005
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i'm only 13 also and i gave head when i was 11.... i don't think there is a right age really... just when you feel ready.... but do not let a guy pressure you into doing it... i was forced to do one before... and if a guy ever forces you then just bite it really hard.... FYI- IF THEY SHAVE IT'S WAYYYY WAYYY BETTER! also... suck on the tip... the guys go CRAZY when you do... and swirl your tongue around when it's in your mouth... they will feel like they have just been to paradise!!


Answer by booyouwhore
Submitted on 2/4/2005
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ew you are just a toddler dont give head until you are at least in high school. youll be known as the easy whore. I dont think anyone wants to be known for being easy. Just take a minute and think about it and youll be fine.


Answer by clueless
Submitted on 2/6/2005
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the whole giving head thing, like i get how to do it, but how do u start. i mean like does he just pull down his pants and go for it. and after he cums do u just like stop sucking and get up or something????


Answer by confused-GURL
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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Umm...well I really like my boyfriend but im scared to give him head cuz im afraid of wta hell think, and that i have no clue but ive read so much stuff on wat to do so:S HELP ME


Answer by newbie
Submitted on 2/9/2005
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I was sexually active at a young age. About 14. I performed all of the actions 'expected' of me and that IU learned from media and culture...over the years I learned more about what good sex really is and self respect...what turning one another on can really be. The prob is that I cut myself off from men for a couple of years after a sexual assault. Now that I'm back, I have this insecurity inn what I'm doing, cause I have refused to 'please' men for some years. I guess Ii lost experience. To make a long story short, I'm not sure how to tell whether my partner is pleased or not. I read to listen for rapid breathing, moans, etc, but he doesnt make much noise. Any advice?


Answer by I.LOVE.A.T!!!
Submitted on 2/10/2005
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13 Im kinda supprised but yet im not kids these days are having sex at 14 i know i was one of them. Personaly its up to u 2decide if ur 2young or not ppl say u should learn from their mistakes but 2learn from them u have 2make them


Answer by doggiestyle
Submitted on 2/12/2005
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how do you deep throat?


Answer by turtle
Submitted on 2/12/2005
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I've never given head before and i would like to but i afriad i'going to screw up b/c i don't no how or what to do !


Answer by bree
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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what does rubber mean?


Answer by bb
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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yes 14 is 2 young SLUT


Answer by just do it hell like it
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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OK when giving head start out by licking the head then licking the shaft then suck the head of his penis realy hard then start licking his penis again and kissing it (teasing) then after that start sucking giving a lot or pressure with ur lips ask him if he wants it fast or slow   always make sure to swallow if u love him then do ti hell love it if u dotn love him then u shouldnt be giving him head


Answer by 8 inches
Submitted on 2/14/2005
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Hey everyone im 15 but i am kinnda big (8) but i ask for head alot and when i do i tend to be somwhat rough n girls are ok with it but when i cum i shoot it all over and i do it for about 9 seconds non stop and is that normal??? I get head from my moms boss who is 31 and is that ok? i love it but she licks her palm n rubs my head and it feels soo good .


Answer by SimplyMe
Submitted on 2/14/2005
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First off, you "little girls" do not need to be anywhere near this site or any like it. 13 and 14 is way too young to be having sex in any form. To the subject: my man likes it when I tease him. Just kiss it a few times and then start kissing the rest of his body. Then I proceed to the steps noted above. I grab twirl the head with my tongue, then slowly suck with my head going in a "yes" motion. To kind of give more feeling, once I have been doing it for a while I start going fast while moving my head in a "no" motion. KEEPS HIM SATISFIED!!


Answer by blonde_chick
Submitted on 2/16/2005
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Hi...this isnt an answer.. i wanna ask a quiestion but i didnt know were so i frot id ask here..

I havent yet given head, but i feel i want to, soon, wen i find sum1 i like. When u give head, do u have to put it all in your mouth? or do u like go down it?like it and then back? Or should the tip always be in your mouth??

Another question!! wen he is about to cum and u spit it out? well were do u spit it out? on the floor????


Answer by LaLa
Submitted on 2/16/2005
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Okay.. Hold the base of the penis.  Lick the head of it then lick all the way down then back up again.. kiss the head a few times then insert the penis in you mouth.. suck and move your head up and down lightly.. then start sucking harder and faster.. repeat


Answer by Confused
Submitted on 2/16/2005
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hey.. i think its hard to jack them off and give them head!! i tried it and it was really hard to do it!! anymore tips?


Answer by Testical
Submitted on 2/17/2005
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This is how i give a blowjob iv only done it a few times but here are my tips. From a guys point of view.(Im Gay) I kiss the tip then lick it all the way up then i take my tounge nd swirl it around then i suck nd do thos steps till he cums. SWALLOW girls;)


Answer by wanado it but not sure if i should
Submitted on 2/17/2005
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O.K. there is this guy in my english class and he said Would you give me head and i was like we are in class and he was like out of class and he was like out of class and i said we are in school and then i walked away. i want to give him head but im only 13 and he is soo hott if he askes me again i think that i am gona say yes


Answer by Sexual Devil
Submitted on 2/19/2005
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i think that 14 is a young age to start having sexual experiences. i think that 15 is a gr8 age and that all girls should start to experiment at 15... sexual intercourse can lead to lots of things that may effect ur life... so girls have fun and save your self


Answer by ijusgotsuckedoff
Submitted on 2/21/2005
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Answer by grant wall
Submitted on 2/21/2005
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hey i am an open gay male and i have given head a lot. i must say that i am experienced at this art, and if anyone has questions call my cell  750-3302


Answer by meg
Submitted on 2/24/2005
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i gave head for the first time when i was 13, and now I'm 14 and have done it about 10 times, and also had sex and everything. start off by teasing him by just sucking on the head and massaging the shaft with your fingers. then take in as much as u can and go up and down quickly. every now and then after that give the head a good suck, then continue sucking the whole thing


Answer by Fully_Frustrated
Submitted on 2/25/2005
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I've been with my girlfriend for about 3 months now and she has yet to give me head. I've gone down on her more times then I can count but it was because I wanted to, not because I expected her to return the favor. She hasn't given head before so I'm not sure if she's afraid she doesn't know how to do it well or if she just doesn't want to.


Answer by s*e*x*y
Submitted on 3/1/2005
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Ive never given it, bt am really tempted, my boyfriend whos 18, has mentioned it, but as im 15 says he doesnt want to pressure me into anything im not compfy wid? do u think im too young? and is it dangerous widout a condom?


Answer by that crazy dude
Submitted on 3/1/2005
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Well im actually a dude, and when i get head the biggest thing i worry about is too much use of the teath. But beyond that i think if your confident, theres nothing to be worried about. Most guys will be to perocupied with the pleasure to be critical of you.


Answer by superwoman
Submitted on 3/3/2005
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does any one get horny from giving head


Answer by samie
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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what if you don't wanna swallow the cum???


Answer by Shaun
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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Well I like head, And being a guy i just have to give u young Booties some lessons, Wen i recive head i love it i am hard b4 she starts to get me hard she culd rub me or jus lay agaist me (Shes fit ;)) ok so when she starts she sucks the tip and licks all aroud then she deeps it and trys to swallow it (Only gently DONT CHOKE) i like it when after a wile she gives me a hand job and opens her mouth ready to catch and then carrys on, I hope ive helped (BTW i shave my pubes YEa it is better.)


Answer by yeeaahh
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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well ive got a steady boyfriend and i just like go down on him and like, start out slow kind of and get faster in the middle..sometimes, to make it better, you can give a handjob at the same time, he likes that, and deepthroating'salso good..the most sensitive area is the head so like, stop the up and down motion once in a while to focus on that area, just lick it and suck on it, and swallow when you're done, if you want to make it the best it can be.


Answer by kite
Submitted on 3/8/2005
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i fink dis is all a load of crap! ive never giving head and i'm prod of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by ilovegivinghead
Submitted on 3/9/2005
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Ok i Love giving Head its like the best thing ok what i Do is first i start out by licking the whole thing and it gets my man really into it ok then i stick the head of it in my mouth and suck on it and then i nibble on it just alittle so he can feel it then i go up and down and faster and faster as i go and then i get deeper and deeper and i have like no gag-reflex's so thats good yeah


Answer by Jersey 05
Submitted on 3/10/2005
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How do u give head w/ pop Rocks in ur mouth i heard its kool and i wanna try this weekend but idk what to do. i know im old enough cause im 18 so yea help please


Answer by easykylie
Submitted on 3/11/2005
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what does the cum taste like?


Answer by eminemfan
Submitted on 3/15/2005
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dus the penis ever get too big for your teeth to get in the way? and how do u give a guy a hand job while sucking him off?
wb x


Answer by sex - slave
Submitted on 3/16/2005
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im 16 and i skip skewl and i make money by having sex. I even had sex with my math teacher and he passed me. I get fuked at least five times a day and make more tha $100. i also got fuked by my three cousins all at once.i give my father head so he can let me out at night.But im 5mths pregnant and not sure wut to do.


Answer by rena
Submitted on 3/16/2005
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I have a question should you do it with a flavored condum or raw!!


Answer by bubble22
Submitted on 3/17/2005
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Let's say you're with your friend, and you're kissing his body. Then you kiss his erect penis. This is a good chance to explore his penis with your mouth. How does it feel to your lips? Your tongue? Explore all around-feel it's shape, its thickness, its soft skin' the textured crown on top, with its meatus or opening; the fraenum or string-like portion coming down from the head to the ring of skin called the corona; the foreskin if he has one; the scrotum (his balls) at the base-explore all these with your lips and tongue tip


Answer by WYFan
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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I'm 15 and i have given head to my b/f a couple of times before but i wanna use a flavored johnny do guys have a problem with that? only i know abouts STI's and i also thought it would be good to try something different


Answer by han
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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giving head.. iv dun it twice and i don't make him cum.. same guy and hes my boyfriend i just need and advice cos i wanna give him rely gd head and make him cum but my techniques rnt workin!!! help me plz


Answer by PepsiLover
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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ok, for one thing, 14 IS NOT TOO YOUNG FOR SEXUAL STUFF UNLESS U DONT KNOW WUT UR DOING! read about it first people.


Answer by aCERTAINsomebody
Submitted on 3/19/2005
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how do u give head. i am confused what do u do


Answer by jojojojo
Submitted on 3/20/2005
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do they not like it when u spit??...cum taste nasty


Answer by Mrs.BeeJay
Submitted on 3/20/2005
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I like to start by licking his balls first. Then I move up & start sucking the head for a while. Then deep throat him & just suck him till he comes in my mouth. Nothing to it.


Answer by hipsteramy
Submitted on 3/20/2005
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don't forget to squeeze their balls and stick your finger up their asshole when they cum in your mouth


Answer by ..HELP
Submitted on 3/21/2005
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I DONT NO HOW TO SUCK!!..my bf asked me to give him head..ive never dont it i dont want to dissapoint him i only have 7 days!! omg HELP!!


Answer by babyc
Submitted on 3/22/2005
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eew 13 is a sick age... slow down hunn


Answer by chelsea
Submitted on 3/23/2005
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well im thinking of giving my boyfriend head but ive never done it and i dont know how.. i need advice fast!


Answer by defrrrer
Submitted on 3/23/2005
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is it better to spit or swallow? and if you spit... where do you spit it?


Answer by alice
Submitted on 3/24/2005
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I don't think you should let them come in your mouth, unless they are a steady boyfriend and you know that he is faithful to you.


Answer by HornySexMachine
Submitted on 3/24/2005
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Im a really horny 10 year old girl. My mom was a hooker, so she has been encouraging me to become sexualy active for as long as i could remember. Ohk, she suggested that you practice on cucombers and bananas and also popsicles. If you really want to make your first time or anytime for that matter and take it to the extreme, you should take your nipple and rub it agaisnt the head then nibble alot on it until it starts to bleed a little bit. Bite it off and it will grow back.  


Answer by Mrs. Vagina
Submitted on 3/25/2005
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i think giving head is alsome!.... and it taste like u are on an ice cream mountian... i have only gave head 23 times... wait 24 including last nite... i think girls that are 12 in older are the perfect age... and guys really like it when u scrape it with URL teeth hard.. and bit the tip before they blow Cb it really turns them on.. also dont for get to suck on the balls at the point were ther are both in ur mouth.. and that is the best way to do it!!(.)(.)dont for get to show him some!


Answer by emz
Submitted on 3/25/2005
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ok wel i aint eva done it but i am really ready, n my b.f want 2 do it. wot the hell do i do!!?!!?!?! I MEAN wot feels good for the n do i swallow or spit??!?!?!? xx fnax


Answer by lala
Submitted on 3/26/2005
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how do you know if they're about to cum? I've only given head once and I didn't know when he was going to cum so i stopped before it got to that point. what should i expect?


Answer by bubblez hayz
Submitted on 3/27/2005
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Woo0o0o0o Given head...gr8 subject easy!!!! Just give em a little toss first grab his nob lol!  put it in ya gob (easy step m8) lol kinda move the thounge round the top of his nob, and suck him off n hey hey they cum! Swolling taste rank but hey go 4 it !!


Answer by brittybabe03
Submitted on 3/27/2005
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does giving head just come naturaly to you when your doing it. like if its your first time and all?


Answer by lol_lola
Submitted on 3/28/2005
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well, i was giving my boyfriend head and he started moaning, i thought it was good until he said "baby, oh, teeth, ow, baby"


Answer by samira
Submitted on 3/28/2005
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how long does it ususally take for them to cum?!


Answer by amyz
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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where is a goodplace for me to give head to my boy friend ??


Answer by AMANDA
Submitted on 3/30/2005
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I love giving head.  I have so much going on with my life, and im only 12. Head is the only thing that i enjoy in life. I do it to about 5 different guys a week. 20 times a week total. I think ive done it to about 30 guys, the oldest being 17 and a senior in high school. I dont like being eatin out very much, but i let them do it if they want. Head is good. But make sure you dont swallow too much in one day, cuase then you feel natious. Good luck with your men.


Answer by Gotahugemexican
Submitted on 3/31/2005
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ok, i know how to give head, but my new guy is seriously like 9in, how the hell do i deep throat. Is there a secrate to it or something? HELP ME OUT!!


Submitted on 3/31/2005
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Answer by LoriNAlyssa
Submitted on 3/31/2005
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Well this one time...i was givn head.. n i just got my tonge pierced and the tongue ring got stuck in his pee hole... and i screamed.. but the guy really liked it and so i kept going and then i sucked his scrotum..and he really thought that turned him on


Answer by patricksgurl7727
Submitted on 4/2/2005
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im 12 and my b/f is 15 and ive given him head like 8 times


Answer by patricksgurl7727
Submitted on 4/2/2005
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its SOOOOOOO disgusting if they dont shave ya know?!


Answer by 1st--laydee
Submitted on 4/2/2005
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What do you do if your boyfriend wants your to give him head?


Answer by guy
Submitted on 4/3/2005
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im a guy, i like getting blowjobs


Answer by Acade
Submitted on 4/3/2005
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Teeth are for chomping!!


Answer by HenPluck
Submitted on 4/3/2005
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I wanna know if the cum is nasty when u swallow. And i aslo wanna know how do i know when a guy is about to cum?


Answer by takemeaway
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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I agree with circling the tip with your tounge then going up & down the shaft hard then easy.  Also something to try is licking your hand before you start & put it on the penis cause then it will be seen as an extension of your mouth.  Eye contact during might be something you could try to.

About the spit or swallow.. I don't do either so what happens?

Oh & don't forget..wrap your bate before you mate.


Answer by AMANAA
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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Answer by Lil_Mizz_Isis
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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Hey ya'll I just started to give my boyfriend head not that long ago, and to tell you the truth, I have no clue what I'm doing....Do ya'llhave any tips? I tryed deep throat, and I gaged... I also swallow, but the taste is so nasty... Is there anything you can do to make the taste different? That difinatly makes for an unpleasent experiance...


Answer by figure skater biotch
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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ya i have found it a complete turn of with giving head when its hairy, I'm only 13 and Ive done it twice but it was grodey the first time caz i felt the hair but the  second he trimed


Answer by angela
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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im only 15 and i was wondering if its a bad thing not to swallow the cum..


Answer by Lauz
Submitted on 4/7/2005
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OK giving head can be different from everyone, but guys will deffintelly enjoy it more wen u dont just suck it, put some rhythm in it and use your hands, variety is the key to sucess......use your hands to caress his balls or thighs, slowly lick the top of his penis then start going down, start slow and increase the pase....even though its gross, swallow and always remember BREATH THRU YOUR NOSE!! good luck girlies.....or boys....haha


Answer by headGiver
Submitted on 4/9/2005
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i really don't see why you'd eva deep throat...there's no need-use your hands as an extention of your mouth, that is unless you'd prefer to choke on it


Answer by Yours Truly
Submitted on 4/12/2005
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i think that guys like it when you just do it... you know, cause for a while you'll just makeout and the both of you will think... whats next... what else is going to happen... and he rubs his hands all over your body and wants you to do the same i think most guys try to hint by doing to you what they want you to do to them... sometime guys just whipp it out or lay your hand down there... but you should wait... you should just take do it just put you hand down there grabb it and pull it out started by giving him a hand job then after about a few seconds just go down there start by licking around the top and licking up and down it... (oh and there will be pre cum on it thats not cum though so take one for the team.. you and him that is) and put it in you mouth and then follow the three rules.... SUCK... BOB... and No Teeth


Answer by www.osbourn.tk
Submitted on 4/14/2005
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well what i do is put a little diarrhea in my mouth to help the lubriation, then is tart giving him head, then i jam my thumb up his butt, and he lets out a shreek cry usually, then he finishes in my mouth and i spit it out like a fountain onto his chest up to his face


Answer by Amz
Submitted on 4/15/2005
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wat happened if you give a guy a head job when you have a olsa in your mouth can he get sti or smoothing


Answer by lol hii
Submitted on 4/15/2005
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i have never given head b4 in my life cuz im kinda yung buh one of my fam. members is yung and then told me a lil sum sum!! i dunno mabye ill do it wen im like about 14:$...:d


Answer by bam_bam
Submitted on 4/16/2005
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is there a difference between giving head and a blow job? if there is.. what is it?


Answer by slimchick06
Submitted on 4/16/2005
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I'm 12 and this guy at school wants me to give him head and have sex with him. I actually want to but I'm concerned about where this could go.  


Answer by Bj
Submitted on 4/16/2005
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i am 13 and i have a boy friend and i really love him. i want to give him head but i am not shore. what should i do?


Answer by lornyporny
Submitted on 4/17/2005
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i never done it add me on msn every1 princessattitude_1@msn.com


Answer by slimchick
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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I'm 12 going on 13. Should I give this boy head and have sex with him? Because I think I should but my feeling don't match with my thoughts.


Answer by Maz
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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To easy~erin. 13 is far too young. And you should be shot :)


Answer by give or recieve
Submitted on 4/19/2005
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alternating between long licks and short licks is pleasurable for my boy. he also likes it when i swirl it around and grope his balls at the same time (not to tight tho) if hes not cumming or hes not enjoying it try and speed it up a little and thrust it into your mouth.. possibly deep throating it if you can. if he still aint happy best to ask him what he wants you 2 do. watch him masturbate or masturbate together and then go down on him. gud luck!


Answer by smoothie
Submitted on 4/19/2005
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dude 13 is pretty young to have don it like 4 times.. but yeah OK.. and yea hair is rather ew


Answer by sony
Submitted on 4/19/2005
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well ive given him head once and then i like it its kind of nasty first but then you like  it give him head if you want to not if he wants to make sure to suck the com  so its completed


Answer by hi548
Submitted on 4/20/2005
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wut is deep throating


Answer by g
Submitted on 4/20/2005
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easy erin? more like sleasy erin! dont give head when ure 13 youre a baby!!!! at this rate ull be pregnant by the time ure 17!


Answer by JessiLuvsU
Submitted on 4/20/2005
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I've givin head a few times! What i want to know is how do you deep throat? what do u have to do to make sure that u don't start gaging or wanting to throw up?


Answer by Blackgurl
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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Well I'm 16 and Ive only had sex 3 times, but it was with the same boy. And he'll mention me given him head like he wants me to but I'm a little afraid cuz Ive never done it. I want to do it on my own. And it even worst cuz hes ate me out before and I haven't returned the favor And he did it voluntarily!


Answer by hotqurl16
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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kkk.. well no i dont think 14 is eoo younq to qive head n i dont think it should matter just as long as u like the guy it should turn out finee .. im 13 n i havee lik 7 times =]


Answer by IM me at sk8erboi3389
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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im a guy and when the first gurl gave me head she gaged becouse she didnt know wat to do and she only just sucked on it for a while any ways.........i gave head once to a guy friend of mine when i got drunk and it wasnt so hard trust me gurl if a dude could do it so can you and by the way im 16......


Answer by Cunfused
Submitted on 4/22/2005
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ok this guy i been dating for like a year like asked me if id give him head. I really like him and i want to. but i have no clue how and i feel stupid asking my friends or asking/telling him i dont know how. Please help me!


Answer by sam rafay
Submitted on 4/23/2005
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I am 14, and the first time I gave head was so embarassing. i was deep throating the penis, and I gagged. and the guy was like "WTF", So wen i gave head to another guy all u hav to remember is to breathe threw your nose. Trust me it works every time!


Answer by XxcandyxX
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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im 12 years old n given head a few times i find if u lik the top of the penis n just before he cums bat him off


Answer by mel
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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im 15 and i wanna give this guy head really bad but i don't know how to get him alone in a place to do it...were is the best place to do it and whats the best postion to do it in?


Answer by rachel
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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hi .. well i`ve given head a few times and all of these are correct suggestions ..

cause its pretty easy !


Answer by Diva
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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I think that all these little girls on this site should not be giving head at all- or even be involved in sexual activity.  if a 14 yr old has to ask if she is too young to give head, then she probably is! there are too many diseases out there to start engaging in this type of activity so soon.  enjoy your childhood, because you can not get it back once it's gone! sex is something that should be treasured, not done just to please some boy,or to be COOL.


Answer by confused!!!
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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i av neva given head b4 but i am gona dis weekend nd i want 2 no wut techniques 2 use 2 make him enjoy it nd i dnt really no wat to do wen i give him head so can sum1 b nice 2 answa 2 dis coz i need help urgently!!!!! thnx xxxxxxx


Answer by tay tay
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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i have been with my boyfriend for 9 months and it took me this long to actually give him head..it was good practice..for my first time..i didnt deep throat it or nething mostly just licking and swirling my tongue on the head..he told me i was pretty good for my first time..trust me it isnt that hard and its pretty fun..dont be nervous its really nothing..oo and im 14


Answer by monster head
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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It is ok My best Friend is 14 and i had to show her how she thoute it was nasty but she got over it now she like it but it toke a long time about 5to6 time so hang in there you will be ok love monsterhead if you wont to know why thay call me that becouse i give the best head in my town p.s it so much better if they shave


Answer by twitch
Submitted on 4/26/2005
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14 is a really young age to be do'nanything. i mean we should all wait till we find the right guy, who want pressure you to do anything. so remember girls if he presures you into give'nhim anything bite him then leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Answer by twitch
Submitted on 4/26/2005
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14 is a really young age to be do'nanything. i mean we should all wait till we find the right guy, whoo want pressure you to do anything. so remember girls if he presures you into give'nhim anything bite him then leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Answer by lipsofgold
Submitted on 4/26/2005
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I give my boyfriend head 2 or 3 times a day maybe more. I really like to please him this way and it is a huge turn on for me. I like to pop in a porn for him and start sucking. I make sure to go very deep on his cock, make'nsure my lips are tight around it and sucking it just right. He likes it when I run my toung from his balls up to the top of his cock filcking my toung on his head and then going back for more. I like it when he is just about to cum to pull his cock out to my mouth and letn him see the cum squrit into my mouth.


Answer by cRaZy ChLoE
Submitted on 4/26/2005
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first of all, I'm ten and I've done it around twelve times. . . . 14 is NOT a young age, I'm pregnaet with triplets right now, and I couldn't be more ready to be a mom!!!!!!! so HA in ur face 13 yr oldz!!!!! mmmmmmm, speakin' of head, I'm gonna GET some in my vaginal area. . .tonight..


Answer by jasmine
Submitted on 4/26/2005
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well ive given plenty of head, and every man is different. some moan, others dont make a sound (i hate that... cant tell if im good to him) neways... one of my exes liked the slight grinding of my teeth, and my current one doesnt, so you have to make sure their kool with that. apparently... tongue rings rock, and visversa (guys ;) ) braces cause you to grind a lil' more then wanted, and having ur retainer in is nasty... sucking, im told, anyways, makes it better, but thats when grinding starts. And deep throating is complicated.... and hard to do w/ a big "boy" know your limitations so you dont hurt yourself nor him.


Answer by KxLxRxExGxD
Submitted on 4/28/2005
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me and this guy are really close. when we decide to do something....i wanna know how to do it...so can you guys tell me some tips on how to give a hand job


Answer by Chi
Submitted on 4/28/2005
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13? Woah...That's young. At least in my opinion.

Shaving is a plus for hygienic reasons AND it looks neater and less fuzz... hehehe


Answer by kEl BeL
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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i'm 15 & i always get guys asking me to give them head & i'm to scared to do it because i dont want to do something wrong & i dont know how to. & i read all of those but i'm still nervous. any suggestions?


Answer by BaByCaKeS
Submitted on 4/30/2005
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Is it true if a guy drinks orange juice then his cum tast better.


Answer by LALA
Submitted on 4/30/2005
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deep throating what is thia?


Answer by Julia
Submitted on 4/30/2005
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I am scared to give a guy head.

Like i dont wanna swallow cuz i think if i did i throw, is it that bad?


Answer by pinky
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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is there a technique of deep throating that doesn't make you gag how can you not gag because it seems to me if you gag that would be pretty embarrassing


Answer by baby girl
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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ok my ? is should the guy use a condom when you are giving head i am just wondering.... because iam trying for the first time this summer with my boyfriend....


Answer by astep
Submitted on 5/2/2005
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how do you deep throat?


Answer by Unknown
Submitted on 5/5/2005
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What do you mean by 'deep throat him'? I don't understand!!!


Answer by ?
Submitted on 5/6/2005
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i dont want to swallow cum..ill throw up on there penis...will they think im werid?


Answer by beetle juice
Submitted on 5/7/2005
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Answer by kels
Submitted on 5/8/2005
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I started giving head when i was 13 and im 14 now, i sorta like it. I mean, i like that they like it.  I think that its sort of made me think lower of myself thou.  I just get used to being called easy or a slut and it doesnt bother me but i think that it should.


Answer by chee
Submitted on 5/9/2005
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if the guy uses a condom, can u still get a disease?


Answer by sayitonce
Submitted on 5/9/2005
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I gave my boyfriend head for the first time last weekend and totally gagged.  I felt bad and had to stop...I need to know how it's done properly and how do you keep yourself from gagging?


Answer by rachelmurphy
Submitted on 5/10/2005
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i gave head to a boy called paul clarke and he enjoyed it so much we kept it secret until now


Answer by neena bop
Submitted on 5/10/2005
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um.. well i give the same guy head everytime we have sex but sometimes i want to choke. he is not huge or anything but is there anything i could do to help that?


Answer by farlia
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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i dont kno how to give head and ive never done it before but i kno the situation will come up and im scared ill be bad at it HELP!!!


Answer by TrippinChicka
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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Okay..prom is coming up and i've been dating this guy for about a week,he's been with many girls before but this is my first boyfriend..i'm so nervous because i wanna give him head but i need to know how to step by step..can someone please tell me how to


Answer by TrippinChicka
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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Okay..prom is coming up and i've been dating this guy for about a week,he's been with many girls before but this is my first boyfriend..i'm so nervous because i wanna give him head but i need to know how to step by step..can someone please tell me how to


Answer by cheer girl
Submitted on 5/13/2005
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i am thinking about giving head to my boyfriend but do i have to give him a handjob too?  i don't understand the whole concept


Answer by wgf
Submitted on 5/13/2005
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ive given my boyfriend head a couple of times, but for one reason or another weve allmost been caught before hes finished up. its really irritating, but I'm sure it should be taking that long, as i normally time it well. how long does it normally take him to come?

also, he is huge. I just cant get him in my mouth, and if i deep throat i would suffocate, what do i do? i don't think I'm covering enough


Answer by barbie
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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dude they dont have to shave! but if u really want them too then they can....oh ps have funn giving head every one!


Answer by secret
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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I'm 16 nearly 17 and i did it for the 1st time only a week ago with my boyfriend of 1 year together and i think that the fact that we've been together so long and that we talk about everything so freely makes it so much better, pleasurable and enjoyable I've never felt pressured by him and we talk about sex and stuff all the time i think that everyone should what till they feel ready and that the guy they are doing it with is who they want it to be with, i think that if any one pressures you you just wont enjoy it and thats how you'll feel about it all the time afterwords so make sure you want to do it


Answer by CandyGrl
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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wat do u do when u a guy askz u to give him head in a movie theater should u do it or not??


Answer by Jenny
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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Yeah ive given head a couple of times and im 14 but i dont know if im good at it because my old boyfriend never really cummed for like anything..maybe he just jacked off wayy to much or something..i dont know he is really weird tho..but anyways i was just looking for a few pointers for when i give my really hott boyfriend head cause i want him to like it :)


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 5/15/2005
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i actually have a question i am 14 and i want to give a guy head but i am scared of doing something wrong and if i spit where do i spit?


Answer by baby girl
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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i wanna give a guy head but im nervous can u people PLEASE tell me EVERY SINGLE thing that u know about it? just anything
thanks so much!!


Answer by babyy bo0
Submitted on 5/18/2005
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im 13 and ive had sex and gave head before and to the girls that haven't gettin licked and havin sex feels amazing!!! i have had sex 2 times and sucked 3 times and it is kinda nasty but ur guys do alot for u as well...well they should!


Answer by yo-yo
Submitted on 5/18/2005
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i've given head 3 times in my life and the guy always say i'm mad good. even on my first time. b4 you do anything, lick and kiss the head. then start suckin and stroke him at the same time. then lick the shaft from the bottom up and make sure he's lookin at you while you do it. and poop is right, you should swallow the nut juice.


Answer by CUMING!!
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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Answer by brooke
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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well im 14 theres this guy i know hes 19 he  wants me to give him head and i want to but when i go to do it i chicken out. what should i do cuz i really want to


Answer by DominantGirl
Submitted on 5/20/2005
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Well, here is something you HAVE to know. start with licking the tip, that's where all the nerves are. so it feels good. Make sure the guy knows your handling this, not him. This is your decision. How? body motion, eye contact. Guys love it when you look at them as your sucking them off. Not all the time, just glance up and catch their eye. That shows confidence. Now after you lick the tip, put your lips over your teeth so the teeth wont hurt the guy, and slide it in your mouth. Now, everyone says swirl your tongue around, but it's easier said than done. You can lick the top, or around it, but don't actually try to wrap your tongue around the thing. slide it out, kiss it, lick along it, then slide it back in. Try pushing as far as you ladies can. If you gag, pull out, and go back not as much. And don't just suck in and out. Keep it in, and lick it, move your lips over it without pulling it out. You dun have to swallow, You can ask the guy to warn you before he cums. That's about it.
If a guy eats his vegetables his cum will be sweet. If he eats too much meat his cum will be bitter. Just a warning.


Answer by Pretty_Eyes
Submitted on 5/20/2005
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Well, I just gave head for the first time yesturday while outside in the sprinkling rain. It was awesome. I loved it. I didn't think I owuld at all. But hey, it's a great thing he shaves because I hate hair and would not have done it. Oh yeah and for my first time, he said I was great! Go me!

P.S. I am 18 so the youngin on here, yeah I think 13 -15 is too young but hey what do I know right?


Answer by guess who
Submitted on 5/20/2005
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Like, how do you know if your doing it right?....i have this one guy, and i think he wants me to give him head, and i want to, but I'm not sure if i know how to do it right, are there any good ways of practicing?


Answer by grrlygirl
Submitted on 5/20/2005
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I will tell you that I have given head twice and both times I started out at the tip and circled the part between the tip and the shaft and did that until he was about to cum.  Then I started down the shaft and the best way to keep from gagging is to do it on a bed and go down so that your throat is in line with your mouth.  Also, just relax your mouth.  You will know if he likes it.


Answer by jess
Submitted on 5/21/2005
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I've given head about 8 times and i think guys love when you go deepthroat and stroke their penis slow and get faster bit by bit :D ohh and the best thing a guy loves is when you swallow their cum.


Answer by sunshineandrainbows
Submitted on 5/21/2005
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I wanna give someone head too, but I'd really like to deep throat but have no idea how. I don't seem to be able to get much in my mouth at all without getting the urge to gag. Any ideas? Seriously I don't wanna get laughed at for being bad at it!!! So i totally know how you feel. I'm totally clueless!


Answer by *cough*
Submitted on 5/21/2005
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way girls!! thanks for the tips, part from the 13 yr old, thats just dodgy that u know what ur talking bout. ive lost my v to some guy i was with for ages but i moved on from him and found some1 special, i aint given head yet and i think he's the one i will with n all ur answers r great. TA GIRLS!!!


Answer by *cough*
Submitted on 5/21/2005
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way girls!! thanks for the tips, part from the 13 yr old, thats just dodgy that u know what ur talking bout. ive lost my v to some guy i was with for ages but i moved on from him and found some1 special, i aint given head yet and i think he's the one i will with n all ur answers r great. TA GIRLS!!!


Answer by MIzSsy
Submitted on 5/21/2005
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DoEs Cum taste bad?
what Does it Taste like?


Answer by cici
Submitted on 5/22/2005
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ok so this is the first time i'veever givin head and personally i dont know what to do..and if i do it i want to make sure im doing it right..so what are some good tips to make them enjoy?


Answer by ddman
Submitted on 5/22/2005
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well i am a guy and i like the woman to start rubing my penis and balls with theres hands and then they slowly start sucking on it and then liek the head with there toung then start sucking really good with good suckuction and then spit or sllow when i cum.


Answer by Vyctoria
Submitted on 5/23/2005
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Alright these answers are good, but here is some advice for girls that want to get guys off quicker--we all do.  First move your hand and mouth in opposite motion (easy to figure out) and next guys like it when you touch their taint, this is that mystery thing between their balls and backside.  And never be self concious  it feels good to them no matter what you do.


Answer by hawaiin surfer
Submitted on 5/24/2005
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i wanted to know what a penis feels like?


Answer by someone
Submitted on 5/24/2005
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my boyfriend wants me to give him head but Im not sure i no exactly what to do.. ive given him handjobs before and hes tried to make me give him head but im afraid.. any ideas..?


Answer by christina
Submitted on 5/26/2005
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what if their penis is huge and you can only fit like half in your mouth and if you try any more you choke??


Answer by jaj
Submitted on 5/28/2005
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ya all liddle az whores


Answer by h8er
Submitted on 5/29/2005
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you are all sluts! but thnx for the advice. ;)


Answer by hotblondenextdoor
Submitted on 5/29/2005
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Giving head is so much fun.harder harder


Answer by yeahbuddy
Submitted on 5/29/2005
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i know this may seem like a stupid question but I REALLY don't know........can you get pregnant by swallowing cum?


Answer by Me
Submitted on 5/29/2005
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im 14 and ive asked my friends sister about giving head. she is 16 but i think she knows alot about it.. ive been datin my boyfriend for 9 months and i think its time to do more then just makeout. what if he doesnt want to kiss me after i give him head? or what if he isnt ready? should i wait for him to ask? i am older then him and i dont kno what to do.


Submitted on 5/29/2005
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ok i love sucking on  a long thick hard black cock and what really makes them scream is when u bite down as hard as you can untill you feel the blood trickle down ur chin then u know u have satisfied him ..


Answer by ena
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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those stuffs are alrite... but will i get pregnant??


Answer by cecil socalove
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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okay when giving head i have found that guys like it when u tug and nibble so try that real good oh and they love it when u kiss them right after it with the cum in ur mouth its a major turn on and might just lead u to a further step good luck!


Answer by guy
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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I am a guy and my girlfriend just gave me head today.  Here are a few pointers for all you girls.  Focus on the head a lot.  It is the most sensitive part, but dont over do it.  Start there though.  Tighten your lips hard around the head and move up and down- but not too hard.  Then move down lower (as far as you can go anyway)  Oh yeah- don't cover everything up with your hair and head.  Try to make sure that your mate can see what you are doing.  It gets a guy off better when he can see it.  Handjobs are good as well.  I personally dont like my girlfriend playing with my balls.  Good luck and hope you have fun!


Answer by guy
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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by the way- Easy Erin, I  wish I could find a girl like you!  


Answer by roxyfoxy1305
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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help me! For some reason when i give head i always deep throat it and gag and i cant keep going. what am i doing wrong? how can i give head and not deep throat all the time? hmparent@tyahoo.com


Answer by lil miss curious
Submitted on 6/1/2005
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Lol, yer its nicer if they shave, but it ain't the end of the world if they don't. Besides, if your worried about n e unpleasant experiences (e.g. wiffyness etc) I'm sure u cud just ask Ur guy to clean up b4 u give him head, i don't think there's ever been a guy that preferred not to clean up and miss out, to spending a Lil time grooming and getting what Ur about to give him! REMEMBER: this kinda thing is spose to be fun for BOTH of u: if its anything but, it isn't spose to b happening


Answer by KinKy
Submitted on 6/2/2005
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You begin at the top with a gental kiss as your hands fallow down the shaft. Then You trace your tongue downward and in a circular path being sure to not neglect any side then gently licking the balls. Then placeing the penis into the mouth while the hands continue to stimulate the base. The mouth slowly allows the penis to goin futher and further into the mouth, being sure to inhale deep as not to gag. this continues until the man ejaculates.

How would you like that head?


Answer by BabyGirl
Submitted on 6/2/2005
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My boyfriend really want me to have sex with him.  I would, but i dont think im comfortable enough with my body.  I know it's crazy, since im not ugly or anything, but i DO have stretch marks i dont like, and im afraid he wont like me anymore.  Anywayz, i think it would be ok to give him head, just not actually have sex... what do ya'llthink?


Answer by mini me
Submitted on 6/3/2005
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i have only done it once and i didn't think it was that great but obviously cause i didn't know what i was doing! all i did was basically suck his penis, circle the head with my tongue, suck and lick all the way down the penis, i didn't want to deep throat yet i gag enough just putting my fingers down there let alone a penis.


Answer by funny_one
Submitted on 6/3/2005
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i would like to know what to do if you want to give him head but what do i do in order? what do i do first


Answer by hunnydew32
Submitted on 6/4/2005
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Ya, I've only given head twice and I could barely do it, partly cuz I was forced to and partly cuz it just really tasted bad lol. I gotta get tips on it soon tho....


Answer by J
Submitted on 6/4/2005
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When giving head, do you hold it with one hand? or both?


Answer by hah
Submitted on 6/4/2005
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Easy erin eh? Sounds like it...


Answer by uyuhk
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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i like penis


Answer by tpstbs
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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Its good if when you are giving head, try and give a lot of attention to the head. Lick and suck on the place where his shaft meets his head. Its the most sensitive part on it. And try to deep throat if you can, its also one of the most pleasurable things a guy can enjoy while getting a blow job. If you can't, then its okay...just try going all the way down at least once everytime you do it. Eventually you'll get used to it and be able to deep throat.


Answer by LeXeERaE
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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ok...im 14 about to be 15 in july...and i been dating this guy well was dating this guy for 3 months and he wanted mt to give him head but i didnt...does that mean he was only dating me to get something and leave me?and now he is dating a girl that will give him everything...what does that mean when a guy does that?


Answer by suki
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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I'm 14 and my boyfriend and i have been going out for 7 months and i haven't ever given him head...how do i go about it?


Answer by lzrd804
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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help me. i am new at this. tell me what to do. PLEASE


Answer by ur moms a ho
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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u guys r all hoes


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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im 9 and i give head to my dad and his friends and they all seem to like it, i think it just comes naturaly and you get lots of great presents and sometimes money :)


Answer by sam
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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ok about giving head for those girls out their who thinks its nasty the first time its ok just keep on doing it and you WILL eventully like it and so will he. you also will get better with practice.


Answer by steph
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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yea im 14 and ive given head twice butidk if im doing it right..pretty much i licked the head and then sucked on it...if im giving hima  handjob at the same time should i be using lube? is it gonna hurt him?


Answer by Jordan234eva
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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it dosen't matter if they shave or not. I am 15 i gave head 2 like 2 people. I don't really like but i would do it again if it is wit someone i care about. That dosen't matter if u like to shave just don't give head


Answer by !?sherlock?!
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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to shannon
you might gag but you won't choke unless you get it stuck in your mouth which in that case sucks to be you. But you should be ok.


Answer by !?sherlock?!
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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To Easy~Erin
you r 13 and suckin already!!
i do agree but they shouldnt shave all the way just shave down some.

                13!!!!!UUUMMM ok


Answer by msnogamesgangsta
Submitted on 6/8/2005
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Answer by Ali
Submitted on 6/8/2005
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Ok this is to Easy Erin, hunny your how old and givin head, Man i wonder if your mother knows.. Anyways as someone else said, I guess it doesn't matter the age, if u think ur old enough then ok


Answer by kimmay
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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i dunno wat im doin here but i need help im rlly scared doin it 2 my guy but il prob end up going wif da flow tanx 4 da tips


Answer by bebe
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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i was wondering if guys really care if you shave your vagina..i know this has nothing to do wtih head but i wanna know


Answer by keekeekeekee
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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head is good


Answer by Eloise
Submitted on 6/11/2005
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hello ladies and gentleman. well according to my calculations i have found it very pleasurable for the guy if you put your mouth over the penis and go up and down... it's called head.


Answer by MagsEChris
Submitted on 6/11/2005
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okay if you are only thirteen and you've done it 2 or 3 times already your a slut then i mean I'm 14 and i haven't done anything but make out with a guy! I mean come on girls don't sell your bodies!!


Answer by not sure
Submitted on 6/11/2005
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are girls supposed to shave there "area"??


Answer by bubba
Submitted on 6/11/2005
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im 14 and my boyfriend wants me to give him head... dont wory im not getting pressured into it i want to do it to... but im scared i will do it wrong and mess up and hurt him or somthing.... because he has had it done to him before but i have never done it... give me some tips on how to do it plz!!!


Answer by X virgin
Submitted on 6/13/2005
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giving head is simple, basically you start off by teasing him with your tongue around the top of his penis. and slowly moving down with your mouth over it, ive given head a few times and you go down slowly right to the end and you sit the guys penis at the back of your throat you then move your tongue around it and slowly start coming up. while coming up you can either lik the side of it softly and slowly or move your tongue round it... guys love deep throat especially fast, if you feel like gagging dont think about it and go a lil slower, mix up you techneques, when hes about to come open you mouth and rub his cock on you tongue so that he can see your tongue doing this he will soon cum and squirt in the back of your throat... by squirting you hardly taste anything and its easier to swallow.


Answer by Chels
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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I honestly think they will like it if they like you.  And im pretty sure you can tell if they like it or not, and all you have to do is ask "how do YOU like it" and the guy will tell you.. And also, age DOES NOT matter.. its all your choice, and as long as you like it and your having fun.. then go for it.  I think everything is worth it if your having a blast.


Answer by Mel
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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well only just recently i gave my bf head, we have been together for a while and he asked, not pressured, if i wanted to give him head. it is kinda weird at first bcoz u dont no if they r getting a good feeling from it or what. everyone has their own style i guess, and there is no right or wrong way of doing it. but u dont HAVE to swallow the cum, the first time i let him cum in sum tissues..lol enjoy peoples!!


Answer by daring-desirae*
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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okay, everybody is nervous at first it is definately normal.But one day you are going to have to start , so if yo are on this website i think you should start now. i'm not gunna tell you how to do it cuz some other girls gave great advice,but just relax and have fun and dont worry his penis WILL fit in your mouth,and if your down there giving him head then most guys just like the fact of your head down there at least trying..i mean you get better as u practice...soo get practicing ladies (:*


Submitted on 6/15/2005
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okay well i havent given head before but i have learned from friends that head is nasty and disgusting and you shouldnt waste your time on it! Just get some from ya man!


Answer by kit
Submitted on 6/15/2005
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im a boy btw!!!! head is god when they handjob it aswell ans sucking...deepthroat is the best of course and carrying on after i cum!! qualityyy


Answer by playboy_baby69
Submitted on 6/16/2005
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If your 13 and your doing sexual acts i personally think it is rwrng. i was 14 when i first did anything like that and i regret every bit of it, the guy cheated and it was alot more troublesome than you think, it wouldn't have bothered me so much but i had had intercourse with him. not only that I'm engaged now and when i told him how old i was i felt like a little tramp, in the end i totally regret it. wait until you are married or serious. please.


Answer by dee
Submitted on 6/16/2005
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i have a question more then an answer but my boyfriend the other night told me that the reason he doesn't cum is because i don't don it right i need help because my goal is to make him cum so i know I'mdoing it right please help


Answer by imjusme
Submitted on 6/17/2005
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i don't have any idea how to do this and my b/f wants me to i love him alot and would like to do this for him one day in the future i know I'm not ready yet but if i never know how then i NEVER will


Answer by biter
Submitted on 6/17/2005
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i like to bite it people line up to be with me"bite the penis"


Answer by cac
Submitted on 6/18/2005
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while giving head to the guy u should also think bout sucking on there balls omg they love that im teling u and i also think that the age 13 and older is a good a age to start doing it i mean come on if the girl wants to give head let her


Answer by Gof child
Submitted on 6/19/2005
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dudes? i have bin goin out wid this guy 4 months, and he won't tke anythin further than gettin off. i have tried everythin, but nothin i do will make him want me? What do i do?? HELP!!!


Answer by D.G.
Submitted on 6/19/2005
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ok heres what i do i use a flavored condom because cum can taste like ass sometimes then you slowly work to the point of giving head then you put your mouth on his penis and in a speedy motion work your hands around his balls then work up lots of spit because guys like it wet and then deep throat it because it turns them on while doing all of this use your free hand to massage their ass hole trust IT WORKS LIKE A CHARM


Answer by Jess Jess
Submitted on 6/19/2005
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ive given head a couple times, well every nite actually to boyfriend. he likes it when i bite him with alot of power, he likes it when i talk to his penis ( we named it the fefe ) and tell it " oh ur so long " " feed me fefe " he also likes when i rub his balls
nd then jab them togther, real hard, also poking them helps =] when he feeds you just remember, you are what u eat ;]


Answer by Who knows im just here to tell
Submitted on 6/20/2005
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im only 15 ive done it once in my whole life and i had no idea what i was doing like most girls...but the guy im going with now is in for a treat...lets just say iv'elearned alot since back then...I definitely prefer the guy shaved but its his choice really...When i do do it i always tease not for to long but just enough...my boyfriend also enjoys different stuff not just plain head but with icecubes and stuff..we keep it spicey...the most important thing would probably just to keep ur teeth out of the way...dont be nervous about it if ur enjoying it then it makes it a more interesting experiance...you can use ur hand or not its really up to u..i do since i dont do the deep throating thing and yes its also a plus if you play with his balls:P ive heard that once u get good at it and ur fine with how u do it u can suck on it and slowly go up moving ur head from left to right like ur saying no...its kinda hard to explain but its suppose to be good...


Answer by enigmafairie
Submitted on 6/20/2005
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Alright ladies, here's a tip. If your guy wants you to give him head, then what you do it start by lightly kissing his penis while not touching it with your hands. Then wrap your hands around it at the bottom and move it up and down and kiss the top of it lightly. No teeth! Put the tip in your mouth and suck lightly and then slowly put your mouth down over it. LOTS OF SALIVA and keep that hand warm and moving. *shrug* practice on a banana?


Answer by Loveable
Submitted on 6/20/2005
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hey...kk these are a few answers about gurls who want to know about giving head...
1) its probably better if he shaves...a mouth full of hair is just sick...

2)giving head isn't difficult and you cant really so much tell people how they have to give head becuz remember everyone was a beginner and all had to start following their concience...

3)giving head is not hard you just have to be comfortable doing it...

4) do it when YOUR ready on YOUR time...

keep it real and dont force urself to do it just cuz he wants it...
peace..love ya'll to bitz n' peices love alwayz...nessa


Answer by rhitard101
Submitted on 6/21/2005
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i gagged once haha


Answer by not a hoe just wanna have fun
Submitted on 6/21/2005
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first make sure you like them and everything and dont get used by them but first start off by giving a hand job and keeping giving that "handjob" while you put your mouth on the top of there penis and then swirl your tongue around it at the same time!!!!! good luck ;-)    by the way I am only 13 but still.....


Answer by louie
Submitted on 6/21/2005
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is there a certain way to give a blowjob. I'm 16 almost 17 and me and my bf have recently started giving head and eating out, and I'm kinda scared and he knows that so he doesn't push me. But if there is a certain way plz tell me.


Answer by lampshade
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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well  i REALLY like this guy right, and he says he wants me to give him head so..like ya iv never done really anything.. but i really like him.. so..?


Answer by some dude
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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dude, how do you give head 2 a chik?
cause like i got this op in a couple of days and i dont no wot the fuk 2 do


Answer by Danielle_EriePagurl
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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Damn Easy Erin u nasty u only 13 and doing that already. thats sad...gurls out here is doing stuff so damn young. yall need to chill and go play woth sum barbie dolls. You shouldnt be worried about sex yet. Ya kno?


Answer by *sweethart*
Submitted on 6/23/2005
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im only 14, ive already done it, how can i make them cum better?


Answer by Just Another girl
Submitted on 6/24/2005
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Hello Ladies,
First of all i am gonna say for shaving if they start they have to keep it up! and make sure they shave recently before you do it because if it has been a couple days and there is stubble it can be unpleasant for both people. Keeping the area trimmed nicely would be my advice and with giving head you just need to personalize it. i think most girls know the basics of what to do so do that and add a fun and YOU signature to it the biggest thing is to make him (THINK) or know that you are enjoying yourself and having fun. Communication is always good there is nothing wrong with stopping and saying "do you like it like that baby" or do you like it better when i do this" by even asking question it makes some guys even hotter. Because you are doing thing to please them so let them know that, that is your agenda.
And if you man is huge and your affraid of chocking use mostly your hands work the tip of the penis and such up and down the sides. A guy will pretty much be happy with anything that you are doing and showing that you are willing to try and go outside your comfort zone is a big turn on!!
Go get'em girls


Answer by eat me
Submitted on 6/24/2005
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giving head is lucious when the size of the penis is bulbous..although if you have a small mouth like me it sucks becuase than you have to do little bunny licks around the outsidessss


Answer by nikki
Submitted on 6/24/2005
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yea its really nasty when a guy does not shave and mostly if you have braces and the hair gets stuck on them!!!!!!!


Answer by 100111011
Submitted on 6/26/2005
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I'm 14, and Ive given head about 4 or 5 times. Guys seem to really like it when you lick  from the bottom and go up on the underside of they're penis. Oh, and I heard they like it better when you swallow.


Answer by butterfly
Submitted on 6/26/2005
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me and my b/f have been together awhile, we've already had sex, but i've never given him head. i want to try it but i don't know what i'm supposed to do, help plz.


Answer by Haley
Submitted on 6/27/2005
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Hey i'm 13 and I really LOVE this guy he is so sweet. He asked for head and said  I didn't have to if i didn't want to, and I want to! Can anyone help me PLEASE!!!!


Answer by BaByDoLL
Submitted on 6/27/2005
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Ok, Ive given head a few times, at first I was kinda nervis but, then it was easy.


Answer by Jessiebabe
Submitted on 6/27/2005
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Im really bad at giveing head, i dont how to get better, i cant deep throat i seem to gag


Answer by Myrddin
Submitted on 6/27/2005
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Lick him under the balls upward, stimulate until he has an erection. Then lick his balls in one motion, moving your tongue upwards in between both testes from the base of the penis to the tip underneath the frenulem, then licking to the side, then the other side, then from under the tip over the top to the base. Then deep throat him, sucking on the balls for a while. Pull back without taking your tonge off, go back down the bottom side of his penis down the middle of his testes, licking and sucking on his balls from one side to the other, then do this from the beginning to the end.


Answer by hornybeotch
Submitted on 6/29/2005
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ok i want to give this guy head but i am afraid he will not enjoy it becuase ive only done it once before and i was like 11 so i really had no idea wat i was doing and it was weird i didnt get horny or nothing and i just want to no if i did it right or not


Answer by confussed girl
Submitted on 6/29/2005
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I have read some of these answers for how to give head, but i have to say i am still a little confused. What is deep throat? I would think i would gag.


Answer by ImNoSlutKtHanxbye
Submitted on 7/1/2005
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im still confussed on how to do it ?


Answer by stella
Submitted on 7/2/2005
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are bananas really good to "practice" on?


Answer by Sparkie_cls
Submitted on 7/3/2005
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But ok... last time my 8 claire did it he passed out when she followed ure instuctions every1... Mayb he just couldn't take it... lol  (true story) :D


Answer by easybailey
Submitted on 7/3/2005
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k well im 10 and a half and ive only givin head like 7 times and only to 5 different guys but what ive found is they like it when you swirl the tounge and deep throating it is good too.  make sure to swallow or else you'll look really bad but just have fun with it!


Answer by 69gurl69
Submitted on 7/5/2005
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omg just read above... can you get diseases from giving head?


Answer by lovergirl14
Submitted on 7/5/2005
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I have a ?.... i know all of you have given answers on how to give head but can one more person answer how to give head please??


Answer by lalala
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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i was with this guy and he really wanted me to give him head.. but i dont know how too. i think its really embaressing.


Answer by prettyprettyprincess
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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When you are giving head when do you know that the cum comes out..do you feel it come out or do you just have to guess that it came out!?!? im confused help!


Answer by anner
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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wuts a handjob?


Answer by MCkenzie
Submitted on 7/7/2005
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suck that thing dont get that disease


Answer by dani
Submitted on 7/9/2005
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i wish i was better at giving head, my boyfriend would rather get it somewhere else is that weird? when i have been dating him for 3 years


Answer by sneeze
Submitted on 7/9/2005
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~*my first time tonight. it was weird.*~


Answer by tricksie
Submitted on 7/10/2005
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its fun to tickle like a pickle k have fun girls


Answer by diksperienced chiks ; )
Submitted on 7/10/2005
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well i have givin head many times but not more than 100... ive also been forced, but that doesnt count i guess. my advice is to use heaps ice... make ur tongue cold. as for the people above.. u can get pregnant from giving head... i have: 4 times... its not pretty folks!
a guys penis isnt hairy its more like a skinnned banana and balls are like hacky sacks.. pretty cool, eh!!
have fun, PEACE OUT... literally


Answer by caligurl
Submitted on 7/11/2005
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giving head is easy my man likes it when i lick the tip then move up and down at diffrent paces he really likes it when i do tricks with my tounge it is also a plus when you play with his balls! anyway you do it they will like it!swallow or spit either way they like it the same!! good luck and have fun!


Answer by kels
Submitted on 7/12/2005
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k well iam 15 and i have given head a few times now to my boyfriend i find that he realllly likes it when i swirl my tongue arround the head of the penis also deep thraoting is sumthin yur man willll loove and yeah rubbing his balls will turn him on even moree ha enjoy ladies!


Answer by Tayler S.
Submitted on 7/14/2005
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Well..umm im sorry to say but im really not the person to be asking about that...mainly because i really suck, oh well..k bye


Answer by happygurl
Submitted on 7/14/2005
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well yeah it's easy i mean everyone has there own way of giving head so ... i mean lick the tip and just start suckin i mean do ur thing gurls and GOOD LUCK


Answer by freaknasty
Submitted on 7/15/2005
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I would like to thank all you ladys for the very interesting thoughs but somthing i can really use.


Answer by hmm
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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your nik is sure right easy erin


Answer by jimmy
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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if anyone wants to try out giving head just give me a call.


Answer by that girl you want;)
Submitted on 7/19/2005
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is it bad that I'm 15 and want to sex...badley?


Answer by Intermediate
Submitted on 7/19/2005
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There are many different ways to give head. There is no one specific thing that works for every guy. You have to experiment with different techniques and find out what works for them. This might take you several times to perfect. In fact, you can never reach perfection. There is always something that can be improved or something new to try. Some guys do not like to have their balls played with, so make sure that's okay with them first. If they're not too keen on the idea, you might just ask if you can play with them while not giving head so you'll be fully aware if you hurt him. Once you find out what he likes, then you can combine that with giving head.

You can also ask a guy to point you in the right direction if you can't find anything that works. Most likely he has a trick up his sleeve that will help you generously. Don't be afraid to ask.

You don't have to swallow unless you feel comfortable doing it. My advice would be to figure out what you're going to do with the cum before he finishes in your mouth. Personally, I can't stand the taste unless they've had a bath within the last couple hours, but all guys do taste different. And if you hate the whole idea of it going into your mouth at all, then you can find other places for the cum. You don't have to take it in your mouth and it's okay to refuse it.

Sexual maturity depends greatly on age, but also on the knowledge you have of sex. I don't know many fourteen year old girls or boys that are quite ready to put themselves in that kind of situation. Experimenting will most likely lead to other things that you may want to try. You cannot take back sex, so make sure that this is a person that you truly care for and not just one that you are "in love" with.

Oh, and condoms are a great and safe way to protect yourself from a lot of diseases, but only if they're latex. Others do not protect you from things such as HIV.


Answer by Jane
Submitted on 7/20/2005
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I need to know something.... I have been with my boyfriend for almost 8 years we have been dating since we were 11 and I moved away for the summer before college and now I am heading back in a few weeks... I have only given him head 2 times once while he was driving and once on my bed.. we are getting a place together and as a supprise for the first night there and our first night together in 3 months I want to give him mind blowing head...any advice?


Answer by Blondie
Submitted on 7/20/2005
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I love big cocks.


Answer by stereotypical american
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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eye hav gewd gramar and speling tanx two me publik egukashining.


Answer by matty
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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if your gay giving a guy head is the best.13 isnt that young 2 b giving head. im 14 and have shagged loads


Answer by radical_rachel
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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This isnt a answer but a question b/c i'm new on this site and not sure how 2 ask one but newayz...yea i want to give my b/f head but i'm not sure excatly how to. I'm afraid that i'm gonig 2 like accidently get him with my teeth or sumfin  i dont have like huge teeth or nething i'm just not sure excatly how to u know do it! but he said ..'use a little bit of teeth but not alot' and thats what he said he would like. Like i dunno relly how 2 put my lips and mouth and stuff...can you plz help me?
The reason i want 2  give him head is b/c he given me head and always fingers me and stuff and i can nevr do it back..help me plz?  


Answer by giveittomeanyway
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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i take it in my hand and rub it then i move my mouth farther and farther down on it go fast then lick the shaft put just the head in your mouth then use your tounge to tickle it
after he cums swallow and go for about 5 seconds longer and then presto you just ave really great head (im 14)


Answer by ~Blah~
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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Okay when i give my boyfriend head, i do most of these things that are answers. but when he really starts to get into it and tells you hes gonna cum, squeeze on the shaft of the penis while going up and down, don't squeeze to hard, just subtly. oh and when you get closer to the head of the penis, go a little bit harder. playing with their balls while they cum is really helpful to get them off quicker, and talking dirty to them. works everytime for my boyfriend.


Answer by The Dr
Submitted on 7/23/2005
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medically ,  it is high inadvisable to give head to any partner as the probabilty of transmiting infection is very high. so be carefull . secondly high percentage of nerve endings are focused around the tip of the genital so pressure should be sumhow applied there to ensure maximum orgasmic reaction.

- please remember safe sexual activities -


Answer by careful lday
Submitted on 7/24/2005
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Should a guy wear a condom? Isn't that why we have flavored ones, why put yourself at risk?


Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 7/26/2005
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you just have to practice because remember, practice makes perfect. the first time i ever gave head, i was very nervous. but you know, when you see his cock right in front of you, it only makes you more confident in what your doing, in my opinion.
most of the time the guy is hard before you even touch his penis because it is very easy for a guy to get turned on - just from the thought of you going down on him makes him hard.
so, now we know that he's hard and ready to be pampered! don't go straight for the penis...tease him a little bit. kiss him on the mouth, then on his neck, then make your way down slowly while kissing his stomach.
start by just licking the head of his penis. then put in in your mouth (not too far in) and massage it with your tongue. remember to hold the shaft while your doing this, and not too soft (guys like it when you hold it hard, but not so hard that it makes his eyes pop out)!!!
now, lick the shaft all around it and then put his cock back into your mouth...in-out-in-out (not completely out though), almost as if he's having sex with your mouth haha. you can do deep throat if you like but i think you have to be a little more experienced with that because its a little harder to do.
remember to play with his balls. hold them and suck them too...they love that.
there's heaps more you can do that they love, but that'll make this too long to read.
but anyway, for now, these easy steps will do the job!

*always enjoy it, or at least look like your enjoying it,because they can tell! it makes them come faster...TRUST ME!
*make eye contact with him every now and then, and watch the massive smile he'll give you!

good luck girls!


Answer by baby
Submitted on 7/26/2005
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ok i never gave head before and i am completely clueless on everything. i need advice and fast. btw how do play with their balls? i need help and advice. >.<


Answer by Tasha
Submitted on 7/27/2005
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giving head is simple.......make sure that the guy has boner first, with make out like furious savages for a while or give him a hand job. once the penis is ready they always let you know....i don't know how they do, but they always seem to let you know...then you start at the top of the penis, swirl around with your tongue, and then suck the tip as if you were licking a lollypop...very easy....do that for a while then start to move to other places of the penis, and then deep throat him a couple of times, and then go back to the top of penis and repeat the top of the penis and then deep throat....pretty soon....orgasism...and make sure that you lay off of the teeth....keep your mouth as open as possible...the less teeth, the smother it is, the faster the let go..any questions....view4romheaven@yahoo.com


Answer by HottiesloveHead
Submitted on 7/29/2005
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I love giving head and my friends don't understand why. I give head to this guy I have been with for a 6 years and I need to learn something new to do with him what should I do???


Answer by 3azy~*B*
Submitted on 7/29/2005
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Hey everyone callz me eazy "B" becuz my name is "B"Brittany i am only 13 and my reputation in school is that i give the best head i ain't proud of it but thats juss the way it is! You have too make sure that the guy is comfortable and relaxed that goes for you too becuz it'z better if you enjoy it just as well as he does if anyone has anymore ?'s
E-mail me at playgrl13692420@aol.com! i will answer any questions asked!


Answer by Carly
Submitted on 7/29/2005
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how can you tell when a guys about to cum?


Answer by mizz demeanor
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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yea well i find it better without a rubber and it helps if you start massaging the balls and gradually work your way up from the base playing around with it tease him a little and then deep throat it it will drive him wild:):P start flickering your tounge at the tip and repeat it also helps when you put a cock ring on it:)


Answer by Shezzzzzy devil!!
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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hey im 13 and my bf stuck his penis a little bit into my vigina a few times altho he wasnt completely hard... can i fal pregnant from this?? would ne thin of cum out of his penis? plz help me!!


Answer by Mars
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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hey people!!
im new here and i wanna finger my girl friend but i don't know how so if any1 can tell me that would be great


Answer by sexcmee
Submitted on 7/30/2005
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how long do u toss a guy off first b4 givin hed? n wen will dey cum? how cn u lik his balls if dere all hairy? argh im confuzzled:S xxxxxxx


Answer by kandy
Submitted on 7/31/2005
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Im just sacared as hell!


Answer by to scared
Submitted on 7/31/2005
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my bf asked me to give him head and i dont no how what do i do


Answer by Hmmm
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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I think that 13 is way to young.. You should waite till your older or find the RIGHT guy.. then it becomes enjoyable to give blowjobs...

Ok now I have a stupid "?"... Do you actually suck when you give a blowjob?


Answer by britt
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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to easy erin ur just f*cking nasty


Answer by Terrankiller
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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I'm 8 and Ive given head to almost 6 10 year olds.  Definatly shave or your going to get pubic hair on you.  


Definatly make sure you don't use a condom because it takes the fun out of it.  I like penis.


Answer by Mr. Fire
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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i like lamp


Answer by some guy
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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man, this thing is the best


Answer by CuRiOuS...
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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I have never given head before but some people I know actually tell the guys not to cum in their mouth and to let them know when its coming so that they don't have to taste it.  Is this a bad thing...?  I mean is it rude to do?


Answer by FAGEX.NET
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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Your all a tad weird. Go get a life I mean discussing head on a forum, how low can you go.

<3 you juan, Kanga, laura, ect!


Answer by HeadGiver
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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I'm 8 and I gave my 14 year old brother head, and he liked it. Just do all of the above and they'll love it.


Answer by Slut
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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ummmm well i'vedone it over 300 times and i started when i was 12...i'm 19 now....I have sucked many peni and they have ranged from small to HUGE!!!! now this is my technique........first i of all i like to make my men taste gooooooooood....so i fill my mouth with honey and slowly let it dripple out of my mouth alll over there peni....then i make them pretend they consitpated so they push which makes then harder......then i slowly lick from there neck down towards there pulsing peni and start to fondle with his balls while rubbing the shaft of the penis....licking the tip!!i constantly change my technique to keep him guessing.......so ladies if you do this GUYS WILL LOVE YOU


Answer by Discusted
Submitted on 8/4/2005
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Wow.  Your 13 and you've given head 3-4 times? you need to slow down a bit.. your a child.


Answer by Beckka
Submitted on 8/5/2005
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how do u lead in to giving hed?? do u just ask him?? wots a sxc wai 2 go down?? thx


Answer by tEASybABexO
Submitted on 8/6/2005
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yeah well i'm 13. & i REALLY wanna give my boyfriend head. & i know he wants it .. but i dont know how to do it .. what could i like practice on?


Answer by PunkPrincess
Submitted on 8/7/2005
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Ive never given head and I want to to do it to my bf but im scared! any tips for a first timer?


Answer by Amber
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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I want to give my boyfriend head.... I really do. I am scared though! idk why i am, I just am. He pleasures me all of the time, but i cant bring myself to do it. I am 17 and havnt done it yet. please people giveme some encouragment!


Answer by Amber
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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I want to give my boyfriend head.... I really do. I am scared though! idk why i am, I just am. He pleasures me all of the time, but i cant bring myself to do it. I am 17 and havn'tdone it yet. please people give me some encouragement!


Answer by LaUrA
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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I put his penis in my mouth, and then i bite it off. He seemed to like it so much that he started screaming =)


Answer by luci213
Submitted on 8/8/2005
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im 14 and i just met this guy hes 18, its obvious that he wants to hook up w/ me and was asking if i had given head before which i haven't. i realli wanna hook up w/ him but im scared that hes so much more experienced than me & will think im a bad kisser. what should i do?? also he asked if i ever gave head and i havent. should i give him head or not? and how do you give head ? cause i have no idea. PLEASE HELP


Answer by hola
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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well my guy likes it when i go slowly down his body and then i like it when i tease him for a lil' while but then i start swirling my tongue around the tip of his penis, but then i give him a hand-job while i am sucking it, also biting is just mean...man that will hurt him but anyways i also like going slow at first but than get going faster... every guy LOVES it fast!!!


Answer by i agree
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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i agree with HypErLiLbOo you cant get pregnant from giving head, and i also agree with Easy~Erin it is so gross when it is hairy, but girl you are way to young to be giving head you are only 13.i do not know where you learned how to do it but i dont think it is a very good idea. just some advice so i hope you take it.  


Answer by bonnie
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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hey, um.. I'm 14 and have a really good bf and i wanna give him head, last time i was at his house and i was going to but i backed out, my friend is going out with his friend and they have been going out for 2 weeks (shes just turned 14) and given him head, so i am wanting to do it more. how r u suppose to position yourself while your doing it?.. does cum taste disgusting?


Answer by sugar
Submitted on 8/11/2005
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should i shave my vagina? is it better for the guy?


Answer by lll
Submitted on 8/12/2005
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How long does it usually take before they cum??


Answer by JAY
Submitted on 8/13/2005
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okay cover your teeth with your lips and suck hard and deff swirl around the head of his penis. and when hes like about to cum you should deep throat that way u don't taste it that much .. thats only if you swallow.


Answer by msmorbid
Submitted on 8/13/2005
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I've only given head to three guys one of with i am still with today. Handjob+head is deffinately a good combo from what i have learned it really debates on your man so don't be afraid to ask the whole teeth thing works if you do it gentle and when it comes to the handjob thing my ex liked it when i lubed him up real good first. (be safe if its someone who you don't know if they are clean or not its probably best to used protection or ask em')!!!!
(i am only 16 and i agree 14 is too young i wish i had waited)


Answer by cat
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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ok i wanna do it but i dont no how to liek what if he doesnt liek it??


Answer by SAmmyAndTeahh
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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As a 14 year old, i have never given head. And i do feel that 14 years old is a bit to young but it depends on how much you really like the guy and how deep your relationship with him is. I do also have a question about giving head.. What do you girls enjoy about giving head? like wouldn't it make you gag?! And also what techniques do these fella'slike the most?


Answer by stace
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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Well everyone has personal preference yeah its up to them if they want to shave it or not all you can really do is advise them !


Answer by snoopy
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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i want too know im a 15 year old boy do i have problems if i have a 4inch cock wut coul i do 2 make it bigger


Answer by jeenny
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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what is a good way to get down his pants?


Answer by mike
Submitted on 8/15/2005
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well im a guy and ive gotten head tons of times!!!! its sooo goood. i like it when they lick my balls and when they rub there  lips and there tounge around my head.


Answer by lil_blonde_girl
Submitted on 8/16/2005
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if ya wanna get kinky try sucking on an ice cube.. kissing the shaft and with ur cold tongue, flicking it across the head of his penis.. before taking him in ur mouth, hava mouthful of hot water... the ice gets his senses raging and the warm water with sooth and relax him ready to cum...


Answer by LPC
Submitted on 8/17/2005
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Answer by Easy~Erin
Submitted on 8/17/2005
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its fun though


Answer by hotbeotch
Submitted on 8/18/2005
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I'm an expert, first you play with the shaft of the cock and cup the balls then you stick it in your mouth go up and down while your tongue is going in a circular motion and then suck on his nuts for awhile then go back to the shaft until he cums down your throat and then you swallow(It tastes good or let him cum on your face, thats fun to)to add some fun for you during it you can rub your clit, 69, or have him finger you


Answer by BABy girl
Submitted on 8/18/2005
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You have to know what and how the guy likes it..normally guys like it nice and slow then sucking all the time....some guys like it if u move up and down there cock with ur mouth hope this helps


Answer by pbj
Submitted on 8/19/2005
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i think guys should shave !!!
bushes are grossssssssssss!
sometimes when i give my man head i rub his balls then slowly go to his ass rubbin arounf then putt my fingers rubbing aroung his asshole and theen put them in .
all this while suckin on his penis and llicking around the tipp .


Answer by fairy
Submitted on 8/20/2005
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do you actually have to suck? bcoz you got about swirling your tounge but they cant just be it?


Answer by fire
Submitted on 8/20/2005
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your mouth can sometimes go dry, which makes it difficult for you to continue, try licking your lips, and if you simply have to, you should take a sip of water and apply some lip gloss, this will help your mouth slide more easily. make sure he knows why your stopping, and make sure he knows your not done yet.


Answer by lollipop22
Submitted on 8/21/2005
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Do guys like it better when us girls are shaved in the vagina?


Answer by jelli
Submitted on 8/22/2005
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yo i think 13 is madd young .. but w.e. you kids these days be thinkin you got real feelings n do crazzii shyt .. anyway ... its always betta shaved .. juss like a guy talkin bout a girl .. nobody likes bushes


Answer by no name
Submitted on 8/22/2005
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well i like when they shave down their. its like easyier. but anyway my man likes when i kinda rub his balls a little bit while im giving him head. on time he actually asked me to keep doing that with his balls. so yea thats just a tip


Answer by Morgan
Submitted on 8/22/2005
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How do you know when to stop?


Answer by karly
Submitted on 8/23/2005
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well I'm only 13 also and I'vegiven head 3-4 times... and i think that they HATE it if their penis touch your teeth because i guess it feels like u r raking them... and they like it when u deep throat it... and they like it better when u swallow it...


Answer by j
Submitted on 8/23/2005
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its impotant to use ur tongue, not just ur lips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111


Answer by tammy
Submitted on 8/23/2005
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i need help, on giving head, its going to be my first time but i feel nervous about not doing it correctly, any suggestions ?


Answer by Slamber`-
Submitted on 8/24/2005
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How do you give head is the question? Everybody does it differently, I myself don't think there is a right way to do it. Do whatever you think is right. If your in desperate need of advice; lick around his head of the penis, swirl it around, lick and kiss around his shaft, and if you can't put it all in your mouth due to gagging, masturbait him sorta while your mouth is sucking on the top of it. If you'd like to satisfy him better; pratice. You can teach yourself to control your gag reflexes you know.  

14 to young? YES it is.

13 giving head? crazy!


Answer by jen54
Submitted on 8/24/2005
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ur sick if ur 13


Answer by joe
Submitted on 8/25/2005
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I'm a guy one of my friends who's a girl told me about this site i desided to leave a message i got head for the first time when i was 13 my gf was 16. at first i felt ready after several days of her talking me in to it, but after we both realized it was a big mistake.(especially after her brother walked in on us and told the whole school the next day). but I'm telling u girls out there don't rush in to anything and only do it if u want to don't let anyone pressure u in to it. cuz chances r the relation ship will end but u both will have to live with the rumors.


Answer by hottie_chick
Submitted on 8/25/2005
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how do u give a guy head for the first time and if he uses a condom will i get pregnet or catch any deseases


Answer by cocksalot
Submitted on 8/25/2005
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right all you have to do is learn too deep throat then use your tounge. i find anal is the best after sucking cock giveit a go its no to hard so it doesnt hurt


Answer by Angel05
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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Giving head is not simple at all.  I think that you should definitely ask the guy what he likes and doesn't like.  Not only is this hot, but it will make it better for both parties.  If you are not comfortable enough with the guy to talk to him, then you shouldn't be giving him head in the first place.  Also, you are still going through a lot of changes until you are about 16 or 17 and I would suggest waiting until at least that age before you give head. Sexual activity can make life a lot more confusing than it already is.


Answer by Cutie
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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The swirling of the tongue is good, but I also place my tongue under the tip, and firmly "lick", with a fast repetition, at the same time giving short, powerful sucks. (Imagine how a kitten nurses, well, somewhat like that)
Hard to explain....... (no pun intended) lol


Answer by Kibbles
Submitted on 8/28/2005
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I'm 14 and Ive given head a few times.

Its not something you should rush into and defiantly only do it with a guy that cares for you, cause if they don't care about you, they're just going to use and abuse the gift your giving them.

i find that teasing them by kissing everything but they're cock, makes them cum quicker because of the anticipation, which is good for all you scared-ee cats out there.

if you have a guy that you know wont love you there's an easy way to tell. Ask him what he wants you to do when they come

Right answer : What ever you want to do with it

Wrong answer: swallow it whore (unless your really kinky, more power to you)

hair doesn't really bother me that much, and if the guy really does love you, he wont mind if you only take his head in and suck gently while giving him a hand job.

if you love the guy and it feels right, go for it, but just make sure.


Answer by art
Submitted on 8/30/2005
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gay guys give the best blowjobs... girls need to learn from them.

-a bi dude


Answer by JadedTwists
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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I love giving head and making guys cum on me.. but with my bf of 2 1/2 yrs.. some reason i can't make him cum from giving head. i tried everything i can think of on this man and he just can't cum. What am i doing wrong?


Answer by BabyGirl
Submitted on 9/1/2005
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13 is a really young age to be sexually active already... But yeah giving head is really easy and is one of my favorite things to do.. Guys like there balls to be played with.. Also guys have a thing with watching so doing in the light is also a big turn on for them.. Have fun


Answer by cum lover..
Submitted on 9/3/2005
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well i think evryone atleats does it once or twince in there life...so i have done it many times before and i think the guys like it best when u slowly lick and feel the shaft and then play with their balls.. i dont mind doiin it as long as i get something out of it...well have good luck and make sure u suck hard!!! <3


Answer by Viper
Submitted on 9/3/2005
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I'm a 17 year old bloke, and received head when I was 13 - as long as you want it i reckon any age above 12 is fine. just remember two things - NO TEETH, and GENTLE WITH THE BALLS.


Answer by who cares..... LOL
Submitted on 9/4/2005
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hey! omg do guys actually shave for us 2:D:D:D........
well, i whish my bf sure did!:( he dont n i will be giving him head pretty soon!:):O:S im kinda like nervous bout it cus i havent done it before n not realy sure wat to do either, you's have given me some tips thanks!:D GUYS SHUD SHAVE TOO!:P:P:P well i guess il live with there ugly hairy diks... LOL;)


Answer by bayb3e-niki3e
Submitted on 9/4/2005
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i aint goin out ivc thias guy but were really close n we on bout losin it 2getha n all the rest but he tell me he likes me but he still goes on bout other gals wat shuld i do???


Answer by anon.
Submitted on 9/6/2005
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well..i'm thinking 13 is TOO young, but i did and i am 15 so not much difference, really... :>


Answer by me
Submitted on 9/6/2005
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im a guy. just focus on the head. it feels great :)


Answer by EWWW
Submitted on 9/8/2005
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13??? thats a bit young, not judging, but it's dangerous and u could get a rep at school


Answer by sweetchick
Submitted on 9/8/2005
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13 is quite young. you don't want to get a disease that young. you have to be careful. most guys probably wont shave for you. most. i love giving head to a hair cock. it's natural


Answer by GuYStaRJaMie
Submitted on 9/8/2005
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Giving headjobs are the best especially when the girl is going really fast and deap. it really good wen the girl can take the whole thing down and doesnt choke. FEELS GOOD MMM IM ABOUT TO CHUK AN ORGY


Answer by vanessa
Submitted on 9/9/2005
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most guys HATE it when u use ur teeth or when they get in the way, so thats a really bad idea... does n e 1 else get a really sore mouth after sucking it for anymore than 2 minutes???? n e tips on how to make it less painfull 4 my mouth?


Answer by blah blah blah
Submitted on 9/9/2005
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how do you know when they are about to cum? and how do you know when to stop?


Answer by Benzy
Submitted on 9/10/2005
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Hey i am 10 and i get head from 13 year olds at daycare is this wrong


Answer by number1
Submitted on 9/11/2005
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heyy i have a ? how do you tounge a guys balls???? is there a certain way?!


Answer by ZachReeseIsGross
Submitted on 9/11/2005
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don't do it you could get diseases and why anyway???its so wouldn't be worth it, you don't know if he has std. if you would good for you but i think its gross.


Answer by Q&AGirly
Submitted on 9/12/2005
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I wanna give head, but im afraid of being bad and I think its kinda nasty, but hes giving me good pleasure and i wanna give him good pleasure back...how should i do it...


Answer by emz and fee
Submitted on 9/13/2005
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u gta toss em off first den u suk on it init peepz lol we aint dun it b4 but it aint ard izit hehe


Answer by emz and fee
Submitted on 9/13/2005
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u gta toss em off first den u suk on it init peepz lol we aint dun it b4 but it aint ard izit hehe


Answer by Jennie
Submitted on 9/13/2005
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hmmm maybe i shouldnt do it, im gunna do it witt a strawberry condom tomoz:D x


Answer by arat
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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Haha... Are you kidding... of course you can get pregnant from giving head... Where have you been?


Answer by tabbii
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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hey..im seeing a guy this weekend and i think we're pretty good..like more then friends and i was wondering if i should give head? i think he would like it and i'm definatly ready to do it. whats the best way i should give him head?


Answer by tabouli
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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i want to give my boyfriend head..but im really stuck on where to go to do it? my room?  in a park? where?!? please help!!


Answer by t.a.T.u
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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I'm 13 and just about 14, am i too young to have given head before. and if so why?


Answer by betherzie
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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yeah I've never done it before but i probably will this friday...  I kinda wanted to know... when they go off in your mouth is it like totally disgusting?  and also.. how does it taste... and how does it feel....  I dunno I'm nervous lol


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 9/15/2005
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i have given head a couple of times, mostly when im drunk and i didnt like it.  Does it always taste kinda funny?


Answer by researcher
Submitted on 9/17/2005
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Let's say you're with your friend, and you're kissing his body. Then you kiss his erect penis. This is a good chance to explore his penis with your mouth. How does it feel to your lips? Your tongue? Explore all around-feel it's shape, its thickness, its soft skin' the textured crown on top, with its meatus or opening; the fraenum or string-like portion coming down from the head to the ring of skin called the corona; the foreskin if he has one; the scrotum (his balls) at the base-explore all these with your lips and tongue tip.

Then, if you both want, explore the penis inside your mouth-let your lips slide over the head and down the shaft a little (watch the teeth!). how does it feel to your lips and tongue now? Move them around some. If you like, slide your mouth down farther. Notice the feeling of stretch in your jaws, and if the penis gets close to your throat, the beginning of you gagging reflex. Now slide the penis out of your mouth slowly, and see how that feels. Pause for a moment, to let is sink in. You might ask your friend what he experienced.

If I'm doing this, sucking someone, I usually begin to experience a warn closeness. In fact, I usually only like to suck someone when I really care a lot for him, and want to give myself as closely as I can. It's so intimate a mingling of two people: my mouth, gentle, expressive, strong, wet, warm. my speech part, the entrance for my breath, my lips; his crotch, his most sensitive, guarded physical center, his inner thighs, lower belly, testicles, and his thick pulsating penis rooted in and up through him. How delightful to share these. And his trust, his giving me his body, or mixing security and being.

There are lots of things to do with your mouth on his penis, like licking it all over, sucking on it, flicking your tongue tip rapidly across the top. One of the simplest and nicest actions is to move your mouth up and down on his penis. This is called sliding. Make a ring with your lips around the shaft. You'll need a thick padding of saliva to avoid irritation and give the richest, warmest sensations-don't be afraid of it, it's in the spirit of mud pies when you were a kid, and just a fun.You can slide slow or fast, and take as much penis into your mouth as you like. One neat action is to slide down as far as you can, and then draw his penis out slowly while sucking on it, like a peppermint stick.

For a more intense activity, you can slide faster and/or go deeper with your strokes. And for an even warmer closeness, you can also fondle and cup his balls in your hand, and add postillioning.

If you and he decide to bring him to orgasm, sliding is a nice way. If so, he'll probably appreciate stroking as fast and full as you can. Let me relate a few tips about this.

His experience will get more energetic and intense as he approaches orgasm. Your sliding will cause the most stimulation if you encircle your lips firmly around his penis and over the tips of your teeth. This makes a smooth, snug embrace, and helps avoid nips and amputations. Move your head up and down as if it were saying "yes," from just below the top of the penis to as far down as you like. Meanwhile, keep all the other parts of your mouth as relaxed as possible (actual "sucking" is not important here). As you go faster and deeper, get into a regular rhythm. If things start to get very excited, you can move from your shoulders and upper back instead of your neck, so that you're bouncing up and down with your whole upper body. By using these muscles you give more energy to your strokes and avoid fatigue better.


Answer by lollipop
Submitted on 9/19/2005
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wtf! you're 13 and have given head? I'm 13 and all i gotta say is that seems slutty


Answer by me
Submitted on 9/20/2005
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i hate giving head


Answer by dilemma girl
Submitted on 9/20/2005
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Ok theres this HOT guy i met on an internet dating service...like i mean hot hot hot...and he wants to meet so i can give him head...i dont know if i will, but if i decide to i want it to be the best of his life...i need tips!


Answer by kk
Submitted on 9/21/2005
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i heard that guys like it when u have an altoid in your mouth? from a guy that had it done to him i mean is that harmfull? and do u they like to get there balls licked?


Answer by - - Amy*
Submitted on 9/21/2005
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omg..easy erin..ur a whore..your like a teenage pregnancy waiting to happen...its not cool to go around sayin o yeah im 13 ive givein head 3 times..and if u think thats y all the guyz like u its not..its cuz they want to use u...so get a reality check


Answer by NaMeLeSs
Submitted on 9/21/2005
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hey i am 13 years old. i get like really horny. i wanna give guyz some head dose anyone have any tips on how to do it or what really makes guyz cum?


Answer by 69696969
Submitted on 9/22/2005
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anyone got some good tips on givin head?


Answer by hotsygurl3
Submitted on 9/25/2005
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okay wow, you guys are really cracked out and you Little 13 year old girl, you shouldnt be giving head at your age! wtf come on


Answer by kewl
Submitted on 9/26/2005
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yah well this guy and i have gone pretty far he has done pretty much everything to me and i have given him a handjob and the other day i gave him head he liked it just plain no kissing and licking and grabbing the balls just start slow then faster and faster and if you don't like the taste of come when he is a bout to pull your mouth away and finish it off with a handjob and then make out with the guy


Answer by sweetier
Submitted on 9/26/2005
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i started giving head when I was 12 and now im 29 and a pro.


Answer by x-yz man 2000
Submitted on 9/26/2005
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Wow... thats it? i thought it was somthing different but ok! now, is it possible for a guy to give girl head? (im big on getten the women frisky)


Answer by Assmunbcher
Submitted on 9/28/2005
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Guys love it when yo bite there balls, really hard, on the ball not just the skin, then kiss therepoo hole


Answer by dirty girl
Submitted on 9/28/2005
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I started giving head when I was 10. My mom showed me on a banana and made me do it until I was perfect at it. Oh well, my boyfriend lets me rubber. Then I try to make as much salvia as possible produce in my mouth so it can be lube. I love it when they don't take showers. The smell just turns me on. Then I make sure that I swirl the top of the penis with my tongue. He loves it when I nibble on the shaft of the penis and leave teeth marks.  I just do that until he cums. I collect the cum in my mouth and snow-ball it back to him. That is what turns him now.


Answer by meme
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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i wanna give a girl head...teach me


Answer by kitkat
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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i have given head a few times but i don't like doing it. it makes me gag and the thought of having cum in my mouth makes me feel sick!


Answer by hnj52103always
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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I would just like to say that everyone is different and has their own opinions i lost my virginity at 14. However, i still do not regret it or think that i was too young at the time. But 13 is way too young come on. You girls need to be more careful


Answer by cameron
Submitted on 10/1/2005
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guys like wen u bight down hard and pit on there balls and fart while ur doing it guys like that


Answer by ash
Submitted on 10/2/2005
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Wut if i gag easily


Answer by a persom
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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im not sure what to do can u give me a idea of how to do it which isnt to complicated but makes a boy feel good?


Answer by nicepenis
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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14 is not too young to give head nor is 13, if the girl is ready and wants to, its not up to anyone but her to decide that


Answer by it
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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I don't know how to give head... I don't even know how to get started at all


Answer by mother duck
Submitted on 10/5/2005
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13 is way to young i find it descraseful


Answer by kazz
Submitted on 10/5/2005
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hi..i need someone to explain really easily (because I'm thick) how to give head.. step by step.. literally i need to understand please can someone help?


Answer by grammar police
Submitted on 10/6/2005
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HypErLiLbOo - learn how to spell


Answer by scottie
Submitted on 10/8/2005
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alright listen b*tches...you all wanna learn then watch some p0rn


Answer by Curious
Submitted on 10/9/2005
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dont mean to go all negative but was wondering what are some DONTS involved in giving head???????


Answer by d4k1n3
Submitted on 10/9/2005
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wow 13 kinda young ay? but im not one to judge haha age aint nothing but a number as long as your mature enough about it have fun!


Answer by marisa Easy
Submitted on 10/9/2005
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i find giving head a very pleasurable way for guys to express there intimate needs, i perfer sex over head, BUT giving head is safer, and the guys like it way better. i find it is more relaxing if you joke around, or talk to it (pedroe) before you start the pleasure. so good luck, remember watch those teeth, treat the penis like your best friend


Answer by NeSsA
Submitted on 10/9/2005
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Ok im 16 right and i want to do it for my boyfriend but im afraid cuz wut if i do something wrong i just dont want to do some thing stupid u kno. so i need some help! plz!


Answer by Shaniqua Jane Maria Quanah Luigi Mario Queefer.
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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Wow, 13 year olds giving head huh? What is the world comming to...Suck a cock...haha how ironic.


Answer by PuNkBaBe
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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do u suck on top of there fore skin when giving head??....cause i have guys head with out fore skin so i really don't know of u meant to roll it down or something lol.....and guys like it when i grab there penis in between my palms and slowly go up and down for a little while then bring the penis to my mouth n circle the tip of the penis(advantage having tongue ring)and then slowly lick down the shaft and then stop take penis in hands start giving little hand then slowly breathe down the shaft of the penis....and then go top circle tip again and then start sucking kinda hard up n down while moving tongue around......also its great if u suck on ice cube before hand....guys love it


Answer by Caitlin
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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THIS IS DISGUSTING YOU NEED TO SHARE SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH THE ONE GUY YOU TRULY LOVE!!!  WHERE IS GOD IN YOUR LIVES???  Please go to church and figure out what you are destined to do with your life.  


Answer by candice
Submitted on 10/11/2005
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iv never givin a guy head b4 and im 16 my boyfriend really wanst me to but i just dont know how we have had sex before id hes pretty long how do i fit it all in ?


Answer by mighty mouth
Submitted on 10/12/2005
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First you start by licking the balls the you continue licking till you get to the tip of the penis.  Then you start to give him a hand job while cupping the head of his penis.  Then keep rotating between licking his balls and sucking the tip of the penis.  Keep doing this until he cums.


Answer by HuoouB
Submitted on 10/12/2005
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Well my boyfriend really wants me to give him head. We've only been going out a month and we haven't had sex yet I've only tossed him off and he's fingered me but he keeps hinting whenever we get a moment alone for me to suck him off but I'm not sure. Its not that I don't want to but I don't want to disapoint him. He's had alot more experience than me (we're both 16 though) so I'm just really insecure.


Answer by Bdub
Submitted on 10/13/2005
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13 is such a young age to be doing that in my opinion


Answer by KayBay
Submitted on 10/14/2005
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Im going to the guy who i like's house today! I'm really nervous because we've been talking about giving head and I'm not sure how! But thanks 4 all these answers because they have given me some tips! is there any more?


Answer by great_rack
Submitted on 10/16/2005
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In my experience, no teeth is the way to go. I'd say 13/14 is way too young to be doing this, b.t.w.
If the guy wants to shave, fine. Generally your mouth is not going to be that close to the pubes anyway, unless you're into teabagging.


Answer by lol
Submitted on 10/16/2005
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Givin head is easy... do what you gotta do then when you are with him for a while youll figure it out on your own what he likes and doesnt... do whatever works... most like to try new things so if ur a freak ull be alright!


Answer by katelles
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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do u use a condon when u give head? and do u swallow ??


Answer by chek the sexman
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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you people r so cool!but you all r crap at givin head!everyone knows that the first time you give head you run the risk of gettin pregnant because al your tubes r interlinkd until a guys cum touches then they seper8 dummies!all guys love it when you bite it aswells,geez!this is true cos my dads like a doctor n stuf!good luck


Answer by unknown
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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would u give head to someone who is 18 or older and ur only 14 and is having sex at 14 to young???


Answer by clueless
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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what do you mean by cum?


Answer by love
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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i 've been with guy for three years and i love to give him head but i cant get my self to swallow? its a nasty taste to me, i have no problem sucking his balls but swallowing i might throw up

guys & girl i need help me and some advice


Answer by Erika
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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I am 10 and when i suck my boyfriends penis, i usually spit on it and then suck it and when he is going to put his sperm in me... i open my mouth and i rub his penis and it flys in my mouth... his sperm tastes good!


Answer by Joe
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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i think 14 is not young at all thats the perfect age to do it... wanna do me :-D


Answer by KA KA BOOM!
Submitted on 10/18/2005
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umm yea i am the worst at head. i cant even get my guy to get a bonner. i am ugly!


Answer by Court
Submitted on 10/19/2005
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Ok first start off with a little tease,lick the bottom part of their shaft(its the most sensitive area & they LOVE it!)then cup and play with their balls while u start to give them a hand job. after awhile(not that long probably 30seconds) gently suck on the head while u continue to give them a hand job. Then Go a little deeper and faster.Remember u dont have to deep throat it(Their guys their just happy to be getting head) Well hope i helped!


Answer by Amanda
Submitted on 10/19/2005
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The first time I ever touched a penis (at age 14) it went in my mouth about 30 seconds later - I could not help it.  It was pure impulse but I love doing it, I get to orgasm a lot faster and more assuredly if I love on the penis first. Notice I said the penis, sometimes the guy just happens to be attached.  I have sucked every penis I ever touched.  Also,learn to deep throat (takes some practice), and with good timing he'll shoot right down your throat and you won't even have to remember to swallow.


Answer by t
Submitted on 10/19/2005
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I think if you have a tongue piercing it can enhance the experience for the man, also tongue splittings can help achieve a climax.

And 13-14 is not too young, depending on maturity.


Answer by Meeee x
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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erm cud u help me coz im going to give head to my boyfriend sum time soon and i dont rele no wt to do :S .. he said he dont care if i get it rong but i want to get it right coz its his and my first time .. could your help me pleasee .. im pretty scared aswell haha     tahnks xx :)


Answer by KATES
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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do you have to swallow the cum or no6 cause the last time i did it i ddin't... and also when a guy eats you out what do you do like you just spread your legs open while he does it... and how do you give a hand job? lol move up and down right?


Answer by cheeks
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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my advice keep it really wet more sucking less licing play with his balls and put them in your mouth as well


Answer by cheeks
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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my advice keep it really wet more sucking less licing play with his balls and put them in your mouth as well


Submitted on 10/21/2005
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Answer by Lee Lee
Submitted on 10/21/2005
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i dnt think ur 14 is to young to give head.Im 14 nd i've given head to about 4 different guys nd givin it about 20 times.but this doesnt meen im a slut!! Alot of mi frenz hav givin head to soo i dnt think 14 is to young. tip: be careful not to move awai till he cumz kuz if u dnt ull get a kum facial nd beleve mi its not that great. well buh bye


Answer by st
Submitted on 10/22/2005
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suck them only if circumcised


Answer by bob
Submitted on 10/22/2005
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ok if you are 13 and you have already done that....honeslty your a little young


Answer by bubbles111789
Submitted on 10/23/2005
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well I'm 15 and I have giving head twice and they both rated me about a 7 and i want to be a 10 ya know? I wan to blow his mind they really like it when I lightly nibbled on the tip of the head and then wen tin for the plunge. but I really don't know how to and I"m going to  do it again this weekend can any one help me?


Answer by sxc suz
Submitted on 10/24/2005
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well guys like anything basically take off thur pants wid ur teeth and slowly work ur way down then go back up it really teases them then go down n kiss his penis then up again  it makes them wanna push u down it reli funny n then do woteva u feel is rite good luck!!


Answer by Shellie
Submitted on 10/24/2005
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no offence but i think giving head at 13 or 14 is too young.. i lost my virginity young ( head came first) and i regret it so please be careful you young ones...
best of luck


Answer by lil_yo_yo
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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i have gave boi hed a few time last time i dun it was last week wiv my ex b4 we broke up,my tipz 4 start @ the top tickle hiz bel wiv ur tonuge,then move down the side slowy play wiv the bulz then bak up the other side grip ur whole mouth around the cock n start 2 suk til they cum,keep on goin til he wonts u 2 stop alwayz swallow the cum!!!


Answer by LeNae
Submitted on 10/26/2005
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Okay the first thing is you have to make sure that their "bush" isn't there sometimes hair seems to get stuck in your teeth which can be very nasty. But after that start by licking his intesticals be sure to grasp them while linning his head with your tounge by doing this it will make them orgasim much quicker. Start in an up and down motion you can usually tell what the guy likes by the way he moans...BUT BE SURE NOT TO BITE... BELIEVE ME I'VE DONE IT.


Answer by Crash
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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yea id say there all good techniques but i've noticed when u deep throat the guy tends the start thrusting but


Answer by livi
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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OK i probably sound really stupid but do u move the foreskin with ur mouth lol xxxxxx


Answer by discusted
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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to easyerin 13s wrong dats just nasty


Answer by alex
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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im 60 girls and ive got plenty of experience. The best way is to have 1 of ur friends hold the balls whilst u do it, means u do less wrk and is far beta from him. DO NOT STRATCH IT WITH UR TEETH, this is bad. remember young ones always swallow, and keep trying! good luck


Answer by akb
Submitted on 10/29/2005
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how should you get your throat ready to "deep throat"? how do you keep you're gag relex from getting in the way of making him feel good?


Answer by Dribble Drop
Submitted on 10/29/2005
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when you give head for the first time arnt you scared? and what does it taste like? will i throw up?


Answer by ...Spunk Princess...`
Submitted on 10/30/2005
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13....DO you realize you are takin alot of chances already doing this?


Answer by crazydood
Submitted on 10/30/2005
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MagicalLiquor u can give me head anytime


Answer by dudeq
Submitted on 10/30/2005
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Well guys like you to tease them start by licking the head they like that alot then tease them by licking their balls go slow and speed up when you feel them about to cum.


Answer by nervousliar
Submitted on 10/30/2005
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i told this guy i'dgive him head..and he asked  me if i could give good head and i told him yes, and I acted like it was no big deal. i ended up not giving him head that night, but im going to still. so, really, what do I do? and how do i do it?


Answer by mauha
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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will head is hard speacly if the guy is expernced but i lick clockwise around the head nd jerk it off with my hand nd play with his balls its so hard my brain cant work that much


Answer by krisy
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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my guy wants me to give him head and Ive said no because i wasnt ready yet but the real reason was because i dont know how. how do u give head


Answer by hotcherry123
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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i think they should defenetly shave it


Answer by UNKNOWN
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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what do you mean by playing with his balls?


Answer by Kal
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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ive heard that dif guys' penises taste different, whats up with that?


Answer by h&l
Submitted on 11/1/2005
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suk on the hair on the balls and grab it with ur teeth guys luv it!!! especialy wen u bite with tension. swallow cum its less messier gud luk


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 11/1/2005
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Female and young males

I just read where 14 were too young. Let be real females about our own sexually behavior. Lot of girls starts way before the age of 14.

First of all when women or girls touch or play withal male penis unless you injury it you can tell is it been touch.  

Male’s bodies are not like our own. Males are on the outside and we are inside. Playing with a muscles outside is totally differ than playing with the inter muscles. Putting a finger into the vaginal is total differ than rubbing the outside of a penis.

A boy look down and can tell if everything is ok but girls get scare and that why girls will tell when something happen.

All age’s girls are women love and enjoyed the sight of seeing or touching a male penis, testicles, scrotum. It sick how we blame the males for our behavior when we are the one who push everything that goes on.

Let be real, we women show up at women house that has sons and invited us to pants changing and bath time. You know what we when over they’re for. Let stop cover up what we do. We go over so we can see the boy penis get erection.

You put two children in the tub. For example a boy who is 6 year old and his 4-year-old sister are in a bathtub.  She reach out and grabs it and felt it. The mother does nothing about it. There are two messages you tell the children. First it is ok for girls to touch boys at free will. The second you tell the boys those girls can do what they what to do and they have know rights.

Let be real, evening little girls lust and fantasy the male penis. I see girls as young as 4 years old who get excite about a boy penis when they see it get erection or see it grow at purity time. Little girls love to see their daddy penis.  Adult female like to see young boys penis.

Let get real, the reason why boys do not say anything is the high in tense pleasure of the head of the penis. The old time a boy say anything is if they do not like you or you hurt them. A boy at 5 years old get the same about pleasure as a 13, or 25, or 50 year old male.

Let be real, when 95 per cent of moms put their sons to bed and they kiss them and rub on them. The do as a fact react down and rub on their penis and let it get hard in their hands. The same goes for sister who does their brothers.

Let be real, the reason why girls baby-sit other than money and they like kids is so they can see boy’s bodies.

It is a fact that 90 of females will never say anything about another female for playing with a boy penis. The reason is because they done it also.

Let be real, 14 is to young, but let be real girls as young as 4 has suck a penis. The reason why boys say nothing is the pleasure it gives.

I was 13 year old and i was baby sitting my cousin who was a 10 year old boy. After he came out of the shower, I was in the bathroom drying him off. I saw his penis got hard and I reach for it and rub on it and end up sucking on it. He greatly enjoyed it.

I was 9 year old and have a brother that was 13 and when we all sleep together one Saturday night is when we female whato to know if he could give sperm. My mom was showing him ways of msturbating and she got me into it. We both end up sucking him and did very heavy forplay with him. He end up spouring his sperm on to his body. He both took our finger and drip into it and taste it. We could also smell the odor in the room. That night I sleep holding my brother penis in my hand. The reason why he did not mind it because he love us and he total undertstand us female sexually. Mom and me have done it for many years to come. He has masturbate both of us and hias lick me.


Answer by mee
Submitted on 11/1/2005
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ok.... so ya about head its not a bad thing i mean my first time i got pressured into and he said i wasnt that good... damn did i show him wrong. If he makes you do it dont just give him a handjob it mite be boring but hey you.. dont want it to be a unpleasnt experince


Answer by Sexc chika
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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Im 14 and I will b giving head soon, and me and my boyfriend have decided to have sex when Im 15 so I dont think dat 14 iz 2 young, but ever1s got different opinions.


Answer by tetetilis
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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iv givin head to only one person but he seems to like it alot and finishes fast.i start off  givin him a hand job then i slowly lick the penis after that i slowly suck it and deep throat then i suck hard and fast and hes done


Answer by Amba
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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I was just only 14 when i gave this 15th year old boy some head he really like it and keeps ask for more what do yall think i need to do


Answer by jess
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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i just want to know the simple basic steps clear and precise on giving guy head? log


Answer by mirissa
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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ok 13 is WAY to young !
seriously im 15 n i jst started n thats still a young age


Answer by randomer
Submitted on 11/3/2005
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ur 13 bloody hell!! i'm 15 and i just lost my virginity with my bf but recently hes asking me to give him head but i dont no how to do it!


Answer by shanaynay
Submitted on 11/3/2005
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okay u need 2 remember da 3 s's.




Answer by face_me
Submitted on 11/3/2005
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i like when guys cum on my face.the more guys in my mouth the better.lick there asshole when your sucking on there balls.


Answer by emma bridge
Submitted on 11/4/2005
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i am going to give head to oliver clemo, he is very fit and i bet his penis is large, we are both 13, is this too young. i want sex but i think that is going too far!


Answer by BONERBOI
Submitted on 11/4/2005
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Well......This is some GOOD advice yall girls are giving.....I sure like all this stuff....YALL ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK!


Answer by danca
Submitted on 11/6/2005
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hey hey hey ive neva given head but i wanna give it to me meeting partner to return the favour like. any 1 got any tips to make it good 4 him and want more. shall i suk real hard or graze ma teeth i dunno like but please can sum 1 help thanks X


Answer by call mee GINNY ha
Submitted on 11/8/2005
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um now i have given head about 3 times. & every time i'vedone it he hasn't cummed. i feel like i do it bad, but like randomly he'll make noises. & i'mnew at this so i really dont know what to do. i hold it at the bottom and usually suck & lick at the same time up and down... exspecially the tip. I still don't know what i'mdoing wrong. can someone please help me?!


Answer by abc123
Submitted on 11/8/2005
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ok plz help i gave my guy head but he didn't cum or ne thing or even get a boner.. omg he sed it was alright but i didn't think it was!!
plz tell me a good way to do it and like all the steps and i did was sucked it for a while and yeh... failed lol... and im 13 but dont worry we have been goin out 4 3mnths so its all good!!
so plz plz plz help....
like i need all da details i am clueless!!


Answer by flamecatch
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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wow...you children that are giving head and hand jobs? is a total disgrace to you and your little friend that you are wanking off


Answer by abc 123
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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i put a question in on wed and now it is fri it still hasn't cum up shud i try it again??


Answer by meg
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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my and boyfriend and i are sooo close, can someone give me like exact details to give him head? he's fingered me soo many times but i'venever gone down on him, ialmost feel bad...I NEED HELP!! so just ya, PLEASE someone give me some major pointers, i want to make him happy


Answer by steve
Submitted on 11/11/2005
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I am a guy and girls , you always seem to know what you are doin !
                 Keep up the good work !


Answer by ANGI
Submitted on 11/11/2005
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Answer by trace
Submitted on 11/12/2005
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up and down very deep!


Answer by NZ chick
Submitted on 11/13/2005
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Look here is the best way i have found to give head.
First of all kiss him (on the mouth) then slow work your way down kissing his neck then chest and stomach and then right down until you reach his shaft. Then lick your lips while looking at him and generally make sure your mouth is very moist. Then start at the base and lick his whole penis so it is wet. Then lightly breath on the tip of his penis as with one hand you gently cup his ball and with the other you hold the base of his penis. Slowly lower your mouth onto his erect penis and from here there are a number of things you can do. You can stick to the basic bob which is just the up and down motion but be sure to use plenty of tongue and no teeth. Otherwise try sucking, licking whatever makes him moan really. Try put his penis as far into your mouth as you can. If you get the whole thing in this is called deep throat and lets just say guys love it. After all this comes what everyone has been waiting for the cum. I would recommend to swallow as it totally boasts a guys ego and just saves on cleaning up.
If there are three things you take from this, they should be;
2. try to enjoy it. You shouldn't think of this as doing your man a favor but really enjoy it. It can be sensual and amazing with the right guy
3. Do it with someone special and it will be amazing i promise. I have even heard of girls getting so turned on that they orgasm while giving head

PS if he does that whole put-his-hands-on-the-back-of-your-head to make you go further thing then stop and tell him nicely that if he keeps doing that he will have to finish himself off cause thats not cool


Answer by love
Submitted on 11/13/2005
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I given head for a while to my b/f and my guy loves when i start off slow like licking and going up and down...but switching from licking all of him to sucking...than i put my hand on his shaft right by my mouth and while i'm going up and down, i use my hand and jack him off while sucking...he loves it! also don't forget his twins...it makes his pleasure 10 times more intense! good luck!


Answer by dont worry jus read
Submitted on 11/14/2005
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usually when i give head to my boyfriend only he love it when i go fromthe bottom of his penis and lick around to the the top i dont actually suck on it i jus kind lick it a lot and suck on the head i only deepthroat when i know he is goin to cum but i never swallow it cuz it taste awfull


Submitted on 11/14/2005
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Hey im a guy i have never given head but i know i relle like it when i get deep throat. also tip if u are about to gag my girl friend pulls it out and licks it till she can breath again.  


Answer by ***********
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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do you start giving someone a suck when they are erected ??


Answer by wd
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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how do you give some a wank and a suck??


Answer by df
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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is it true that when you first have sex it will hurt ??


Answer by penis licker
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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head is fun


Answer by kelly and rach
Submitted on 11/19/2005
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good tips good tips, just getting into all this buisness ourselves having just got serious with both our boyfriends. We are both 15, its true though you shouldn't be pressured girlies, we have talked long and hard about it with both our boyfriends and each other!! heh heh make sure your ready and it will be better! also we heard if you lower for a lollypop lick-one fabulously long lick from the base of the penis to the top should get you started!!


Answer by someone911
Submitted on 11/19/2005
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will someone explain step by step how to give head...like from start to finish. its my mans birthday tonight and i'venever given him or anyone else head before...im reeeally nervous that he's not going to like what i do so i need some major help.


Answer by Lynn
Submitted on 11/19/2005
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I've never given head before but i think my boyfriend and I are ready is there anything i should know first?


Answer by princess
Submitted on 11/20/2005
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I'm 15 and only given head once, i don't know whether to go fast or slow or what to do? I'm not very good with this whole sex thing? and when do you know he is gonna cum? also is it better to spit or sallow because i don't know what to do and he keeps asking me where do I want him to cum? please help?


Answer by Alex
Submitted on 11/20/2005
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I've given my boyfriend head, umm, 2 times now, and he didn't cum. I don't get it. It's getting me upset because maybe he isn't like attracted to me or something?? I just don't understand... Any reasons why? Maybe i'm not doing it right? Help!!!! How can I get him to cum??? One time I even did it for 10 whole minutes, and nothing happened.. He said it "Just Happens" but I don't get it... Please help!


Answer by adidasgirlie
Submitted on 11/21/2005
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how long does it usually take for them to come?


Answer by bob
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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you're 13? you're not going down on old men are you? gross! then again, the thought of two partially physically devoloped 13 year olds in a sex act is kinda gross too. eeww


Answer by ummm
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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what if u dont know how to deep throat or u like choke how do u make it better  for them


Answer by Shelby
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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Okay. Some of you I believe are WAY too young to be doing things like this. Like someone said, there's no perfect age, but honestly... you're 13/14 years old. Doesn't it seem a little, I don't know how to phrase it... out of your league maybe? Well, don't cry when you have an STD and a giant canker sore in your mouth. That should be nice to explain to the parents. ;) It's sad. Just another reason why rap like 50 Cent is corrupting the youth of the country. It's a shame really.


Answer by Shelby
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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Okay. Some of you I believe are WAY too young to be doing things like this. Like someone said, there's no perfect age, but honestly... you're 13/14 years old. Doesn't it seem a little, I don't know how to phrase it... out of your league maybe? Well, don't cry when you have an STD and a giant canker sore in your mouth. That should be nice to explain to the parents. ;) It's sad. Just another reason why rap like 50 Cent is corrupting the youth of the country. It's a shame really.


Answer by lil_lu_lu
Submitted on 11/23/2005
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hey ok look i need some awnsers gurls ok i have given head ummm.. about 2-3 times  once to one guy and 2wice to a diff. guy and the first time sucked cuz of course it was my first time and the second time i gave head it was ok but the third time i made him cum in like 3 min. but I CAN'T go down all the way and I want to REALLY bad cuz I have been with my b/f for about 10 months now and I havn't given him head and when I do i want it to be really good! so is there like a techniqe to deep throating how do u do it like go all the way down PLEASE HELP !!! thanx


Answer by gods_angel_nixa
Submitted on 11/24/2005
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It shouldnt be called blow job it should be called suck fun


Answer by ????????????
Submitted on 11/24/2005
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how long do u suck him 4??


Answer by tigger
Submitted on 11/24/2005
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ive never gave head b4 but have just lost it too my boyfriend he keeps askin 4 head n thinks ive gave it b4 ive told him its nasty n he has 3 wait but realy im just scared of hurting him!!! help.....?


Answer by umm
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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can a guy put on a rubber before, or is that wierd?


Answer by black-widdow
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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head jobs. there's not really a correct way to do it, as most people like different things. It depends on your relationship with the person as to whether or not it's right to ask them about it, if you feel comfortable enough to ask them what feels good, go for it. As for age, there's no "correct" age, it's when you feel ready, but you should NEVER be pressured.


Answer by x-me-x
Submitted on 11/27/2005
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how do you give good head? i've never done it before so please explain


Answer by penissucker
Submitted on 11/27/2005
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okay my boyfriend likes it when i slowly suck both of his balls and then lick up and down his cock all around the base and then kissing the tip... teasing it and focusing on his eyes, all at the same time....suck up and down on it, but you dont have to do the same thing with your mouth the whole time.. you can try new things in between. No head is bad to them... so dont worry about that!!! Have fun with it too!


Answer by jen
Submitted on 11/29/2005
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well... Personally my boyfriend likes his head a lot! I like to give it to him too, because it makes him happy but he only gets it when im in the mood cuz there is nothing worse than give head in a bad mood, not only is it worse quality but it really loses it's effect. I'd say.... start with for play, making out, back massage, let him feel you up a little you know, things like that, it makes the release stronger. Then while your kissing him kiss all the way down to his cock and mess around there with your tongue a little, lick around the balls, but don't be too aggressive, the head is especially sensitive so don't be afraid to put emphasis on it (suck a lot) but don't ignore everything else. Deep throating takes a little getting used to, do it as much as you can but don't go over board, no one likes puke on them. Start slow and get faster all the while sucking and swirling your tongue, and if your jaw gets tired assist your-self with one hand sliding up and down the shaft and the other hand caressing his balls and consentrate your tongue and lips on his head, especially the rim and the very tip of it.  And don't be afraid to moan a little, my guy likes it, it might even make him cum faster. When he does cum, if you don't want the cum in your mouth let him go on your face or chest or something but if you do put it in your mouth, i wouldn't spit it out in front of him. It's kinda insulting. Oh and one more thing ... No teeth!  Good Luck!


Answer by boo
Submitted on 11/30/2005
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how long does it take for him to cum usually?


Answer by yourmom
Submitted on 11/30/2005
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okaii 4 the girl who was thirteen nd has given head 3 or 4 times... STOP BEING A SLUT


Answer by Michelle
Submitted on 11/30/2005
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I'm 10 and gave head once but i didnt like it, Kinda gross, im prolly not mature enuf


Answer by sexually abused :-(
Submitted on 11/30/2005
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well this one time i was getting sexually abused by someone i didnt know in an alley in NYC, so the guy told me to suck it, ya know. well im like okay well i guess. so i started to but then i just bit him. he started bleeding and cried a tad. i just laughed, got the rope off my hands and feet cleaned up my scratches and went over my b.f's house. then i did the real thing.it was cool


Answer by pickles
Submitted on 12/1/2005
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ok well ive given head once and it was super kool like ok u start with the hand job... but dont just put ur lips around it... SUCK IT!! HARD!!! like when u try to get a lollipop off of the sick... like that... and rub and handjob the base... keep the timing tho.. when the penis gets harder and fuller then hes about to climax... so GO HARD AND FAST!!! play with your tongue too... oh NO TEETH!!! a guys worst nitemare is for it to get BIT OFF!!!


Answer by Malinda
Submitted on 12/2/2005
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So i'm15 and i'vedone it 6 times. I love it... its really nice and pleasureable for him, and i want him to be satisfied. My technique is pretend its candy like a lolly pop or something. It will help and think of that when the cum goes down ur throat. Pretned hair is cotton candy. and then you're all set kids!!



Answer by headgiver
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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i gave head 8 times and what u have to do is suck on it then put a circuler motion and when the cum comes out drink it and keep on doing it the guys really like it


Answer by SexAddict
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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i love giving head!


Answer by niki
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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how do you give head but make it so the guy likes it .......?.and do you have to swallow?


Answer by angel
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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well what i do is start off with teasing him. like lick his hard shaft end balls. then flick the head with your tongue, then make him beg for it ....... then use your tongue to twirl around the head as you take his cock in your mouth. then gradgually take more of it in your mouth so you end up giving deep throat. then well i swallow his load as they love it but you dont have to.


Answer by dirrtygurl#1
Submitted on 12/5/2005
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i just turned 13 about 2 month ago and i gave head to this really fine boy and after i did it he went and told all of his friends and now they really are serious about me giving head 2 them but they are really hot . but i don't know if i should because i do it at school under neath the stairs & i might get in trouble.


Answer by dani
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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I am 13 and have done it 6 times and like it a lot.  I gaged the first couple when his sperm came out.  It more fun the more you do it.


Answer by Joe Utter
Submitted on 12/7/2005
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im gay but i like to give head... now ... i find it most fun when i choke on his penis. it tastes SO damn good. if there r n e she-males out therr gimme a call:
ill wait for ur call baby
im really horny so now im going to go look at porn... while jacking off with my 14 inch penis... oh yes envy me


Answer by chisty
Submitted on 12/8/2005
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what is deep throating?


Answer by victorybabe
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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im 7 and i gave head twice and guys luv it!


Answer by hope
Submitted on 12/10/2005
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lol well ok i really didnt like giving head at first..da first 2 guys didnt even cum..but ya now i know they wer ubnormal..coz i know i was definately doing it right....now im with my bf of 5 month hes black..and he cums ALOT...all u have to do is suck on it slowly den faster and faster and tease a lil going from the head to the shaft..and try not to gag while deep throating


Answer by angel
Submitted on 12/10/2005
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while having sex can u still get pregnant if he pulles out be fore he cum?


Answer by um i need help
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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i like getting but hate giving is that a problem? i have given head once, i liked it but he didn't so that is why i don't like giving. what should i do?


Answer by lover
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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I'm twelve and I really want to give this one guy a head but i dont know if ill know how to . but it seems really wrong because hes 14 and my best friends boyfriend but i told him that i would but im scared i wont know how to .. what if its too big and i gag?


Answer by nikkie
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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what do you mean by rolling your tounge around his penis? I don't get it..


Answer by foreplay babe
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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WOW 13... if you understand, hair is good, thats what boys and girls get when you go thro puberty...maybe you havent got there...so yeah just wait you'll appreciate the hair


Answer by KimmieOlive
Submitted on 12/13/2005
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Hi I would like a tip on how to give head when my top lip is not very big and it barely covers my front teeth and my boyfriend doesnt like teeth with his head. Please help me


Answer by Lo*
Submitted on 12/13/2005
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ok im 14 and i never gave head but i  have been going out with my boyfried for a year and i am definatly ready to give him head i just dont rreally understand how


Answer by confusedLIKEwhoa
Submitted on 12/13/2005
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But what if you dont want to swallow it... i mean, come on, its just nasty... im dating this this guy who is pretty much a god, no girl has ever said no to him, so i have to do something to keep him happy even tho im not ready to sleep with him... im competing with all his old girlfriends, what if i do it wrong and he doesnt ike it or whatever, it sounds complicated...


Answer by sexc slut
Submitted on 12/13/2005
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well. i have given head so many times it's not funny.i like to really shove and be rough with it then slow down and lick every last inch of it then when he cums, swallow it but keep sucking....


Answer by punk@$$
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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ok i feel really dumb but i want to know what happens when you do swallow...........


Answer by Cri$$iŁ
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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well iv neva been into the hole suckin fing personally bt wen i giv my b/f hed it feelz ok caus ya connectin n that,dnt do it jus caus u want to keep them interested or gain points!i dnt rele fink thers a propper way to do it,yeah deff swirl ya toung round the top,gets them to cum quicker so u dnt have to gag so much lol.think men r jus glad to hav ther girlz mouth rapt round ther cock to notice how ur doin it. hav fun suckin!


Answer by dischic
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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can you get pregnant from swallowing cum??


Answer by texgo driver
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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I love to get a blow job or a head job which ever you want to call it.... I think it is intimate and love to get my partner off...I am very oral and it makes for wonderful foreplay...nothing gross about it ..just fun and good feeling sex...I also love to go down on my lover and make them feel so good using my mouth and toung to bring them off in a screaming big O......DD


Answer by esa nenita
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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my boyfriend wants me to give him head, but the thing is that i have braces.. what should i do? i mean 2 years of ortho treatment for nothing?..


Answer by fiable
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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i agree with most of the answers here ey! the head is the most sensetive so lick there a lot and swirl your tongue around it. start by teasin them first tho like when ur movin ur way down there, go slow and kiss their stomach n stuff!

n i think 13 and 14 is def. too young, sorry i just think a little more emotional maturity is needed! good luck! :)


Answer by Gurly-Wurly
Submitted on 12/15/2005
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Yeah, it's a bit better if they shave, they like it when you swirl your tougne around it, and they like it when u lick the tip of it!


Answer by 69XXX
Submitted on 12/16/2005
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13? wow well yeah whatever u are easy ...erin. well whatever. im 18 and im up with chicks to


Answer by Curious
Submitted on 12/16/2005
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What does it taste like?


Answer by Need ansas!
Submitted on 12/17/2005
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I really wanna giv my BF head n i do feel ready but how do you no when there gonna come. Is there any way you can tell?


Answer by Hm..
Submitted on 12/18/2005
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Well...head is good and thats all there is 2 it!


Answer by kk
Submitted on 12/19/2005
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  i was wondering  how u give a guy a boner


Answer by livstaaa
Submitted on 12/19/2005
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yeh n also im rle confused do u move the foreskin with ure mouth or tongue or dya not move it when giving head?


Answer by beba babe
Submitted on 12/20/2005
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can you get pregnant if he doesnt cum in side you but if he does it around your vigna?


Answer by BigBOY
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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mmm, shaving looks silly on a guy, trust me i'd know, girls think it looks stupid, but its good to trim, that way its much better, coz if you shave, you will almost deifinately get irritation and pimples. girls would you rather suck a guy with a bit of hair of no hair , but with pimples and a rash? i think the answer is pretty easy. Almost every technique told on this site is good, so keep it up


Answer by girlie
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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When you give a guy head does it taste gross?


Answer by Em
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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Ok That last answer was stupid  the shaft doesn't get hairy! so it doesn't really matter if they shave


Answer by tori drogaris
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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i give head all the time and im 12, ive only gaged like twice and like the whole shaved thing doesnt matter when your in the moment..lol I hOpE tHiS hElPs


Answer by Kazza Chick
Submitted on 12/23/2005
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umm im 14 and havnt done it yet. wat do i do? i have this guy that i like n he likes me and i wana give him head. bt i dont no how. and im a nervous type person. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by bex, 14
Submitted on 12/23/2005
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SHOULD THE GUY WEAR A CONDOM!? i mean it stops STI's but then what about the whole 'spit and swallow' thing, ive given head a couple of times, and everytime there's a cheap flavored condom involved! And cum dont taste too nice, sooo.... I dunno :S


Answer by sex kitten
Submitted on 12/24/2005
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I found that my man loves it when i play with his balls while blowing him. A swallower is also a major plus


Answer by emz
Submitted on 12/24/2005
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i think i am to young to give a head so i haven't i am sensible :). but if u think it is right do wot u want i don't care its just wen u get a disease and die i will laugh at your grave.because u have been stupid and always eat the cum cos guys like it and everyone complains bout its taste so if u eat lots of pineapple or drink lots and lots of fruit juice before it makes it taste nice trust me!


Answer by say-hello
Submitted on 12/26/2005
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okay once i gave a guy head but he did not cum..does this mean im bad at it? lol
and also do guys hate havin the teeth not coverd


Answer by Pimptress
Submitted on 12/26/2005
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14 Is A Bit You To Start Giving Head, But It Is A Happy Comp