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...common Rhodesian Ridgeback cross-breeds? We...

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Question by nell
Submitted on 4/6/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Rhodesian Ridgebacks Breed-FAQ
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What are some common Rhodesian Ridgeback cross-breeds? We adopted one of our dogs from the SPCA over 5 years ago, and were told he was a Shar-pei/Yellow lab cross, but I am doubtful of that, as he has very similar features to that of a ridgeback (build, tail, colouring, paws, and even has the dark patch of fur on his back, but no ridge....and his ears are somewhat smaller; and sort of half flop/half stand....but other than that, almost identical features). He is a wonderful dog, and I would love to adopt another just like him in years to come when he is no longer with us.

Also...What color of skin do Ridgebacks have? (He has black in some areas and pink in others......the SPCA thought he was part Shar-pei becasue of the black skin).

Answer by greendog
Submitted on 10/21/2005
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some common Rhodesian Ridgeback cross-breeds are with pit bull, bull mastiff, great dane and other dot like that. ridgebacks are tan or red in colour


Answer by Rhodiexbreedlvr
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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I have a Rhodie bloodhound cross breed.  It is very common to see dogs that look like they have Rhodie in them and not have any Rhodie at all.  They usually have a ridge that at least comes up when exited or upset, it's a very prominent gene.  Their skin is usually pink.


Answer by marge
Submitted on 10/10/2006
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Some common cross breeds are Ridgeback x Kelpie, Ridgeback x Alsation, Ridgeback x Labrador and Ridgeback x Golden Retriever. Ridgebacks usually have lighter skin, but if crossed appropriately, the darker patches are not unknown.


Answer by Bee
Submitted on 3/31/2007
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I have a 10 yr. old ridgeback mix.  His dad was the RR (never met the dad).  His mom was a pure-bread golden retriever.  He has a full ridge, but his coat is black with the wheaten tones throughout, as was all his siblings. It kinda looks iridescent.  What a wonderful "mistake" he was.


Answer by Bj
Submitted on 6/23/2007
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I brought a dog 10 years ago and was told by the seller that she was a Rhodesian Ridgeback cross American Pit Bull, though she is identical in every way looks and behaviors  to a Ridgeback, except for her caramel brindle colouring and no ridge. I love her dearly but for some reason I still feel the need to confirm her breed, just for my own curiosity. Can anyone help? I can send photo's. I would really appreciate any assistance. Thanks for your time.


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