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Actually what is the difference between encryption and...

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Question by Becki
Submitted on 4/3/2004
Related FAQ: Cryptography FAQ (01/10: Overview)
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Actually what is the difference between encryption and hashing?

Answer by Praveen Gauravaram
Submitted on 4/5/2004
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Encryption is a scheme where an intelligible text (plaintext in crypto terms) is made unintelligible (ciphertext in crypto terms) using a secure key. Block and stream ciphers and public key systems do this work. The security of the ciphers reside in the key length and decryption process is a difficult without proper knowledge of the key.

Coming to hashing, they are one-way functions that compress arbitrary length strings into fixed short strings (message digests). Hash Functions can be designed using block ciphers using a secret key as a parameter along with the message that has to be hashed or with out them (dedicated hash functions MD4,MD5,SHA-1 etc..).

I recommend you to read Handbook of Applied Cryptography for fundamental concepts.

I hope this helps you out.


Answer by soumya
Submitted on 6/1/2004
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
how many ports DMZ opens


Answer by chacke
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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what do you have to know is that

encryption you can decrypt by the right password or to crack it

hashing is a one way encryption without decryption


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