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On Kamahl, Fist of Krosa, if you use the ability to turn a...

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Question by NaCowski
Submitted on 7/31/2003
Related FAQ: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v4.02 (part 1)
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On Kamahl, Fist of Krosa, if you use the ability to turn a land into a 1/1 creature. When the creature dies, does the land go to the graveyard or does it remain a land?

Answer by NaCowski
Submitted on 8/22/2003
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Does anybody have an answer to this question?


Answer by justsomeguyanswering
Submitted on 8/28/2003
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the land goes into the graveyard, since, it was a creature that died.


Answer by viser
Submitted on 6/18/2004
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omg this card rules i love it so much its number 1  i think it has great abilties and fits great in a  elf deck


Answer by Sasuke
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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If you dont mind me I would like to coment that...i think it wouldnt be to great in an elf deck...to much mana to play him...

Kamahl+Wirewood Channeler w/ pemmins aura+any other elf in play=victory

use the unlimited mana from channeler to use kamahl'sboosting ability over and over again and attack with everything...the opponent can not stop that unless he throws a gay card like fog out there...thats what xantrid swarm is for...


Answer by Rock Lee
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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sasuke...if kamahl wouldnt fit in an elf deck, u must have a crappy elf deck...for elf decks are meant to generates loads of mana so 'too much mana' should be out of the question...


Answer by viser
Submitted on 11/1/2004
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guys wat can i say ok 1 i have a elf deck with kamahl in it iv been in a few tourneys and my record is 24-8 (does a dance) and kamahl is my fav card ever this badboy has saved my a$$ so many times he has always got me the game winnner i had well wisher  which i was up to like 50 life hivemaster so tons of tokens and voice of the woods lets say it was a swarm of overun damage


Answer by Zim11489
Submitted on 11/7/2004
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Why on earth in an elf deck? fools! use it in a fatty deck! 9/9's 7/7's.... and so on


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