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...true that you shouldn't cut your hair when your...

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Question by Amy
Submitted on 3/20/2004
Related FAQ: alt.folklore.urban Frequently Asked Questions [Part 1 of 5]
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Is it true that you shouldn't cut your hair when your pregnant?

Answer by brasshopper
Submitted on 5/5/2004
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According to http://www.mums2be.com/yabbse/index.php?board=33;action=display;threadid=2814 (1) the reason not to do this is that it could affect the baby'seyesight. (2) Several mothers who did not know this had their hair cut with no effect on their baby's eyesight.

When I read the question, I thought of several remote possibilities as to why getting your hair cut might be bad.  One, that there were toxic chemicals at the barbers from disinfectants, dyes and hair care products. Another would be that the barber forced you to sit in an odd position which was bad for the baby.

It never occurred to me that the connection was simply that getting your hair cut was bad for the baby. Hair is dead once it leaves your body. That is why it does not hurt when it is cut. It would be like claiming that processing any other excretion would be bad for you, just because of the processing.

The only connection is one of magic.

People have had their hair cut for thousands of years without ill health effects. If someone claims that a common procedure could cause harm, you should at least ask about the mechanism.  What about a haircut could cause harm?

And if they can't come up with a reason that does not translate to magic, then you must ask yourself if you believe in magic.


Answer by j
Submitted on 5/24/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
cause your mom said so so your mom is weird


Answer by Meggiepoo
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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Having Your hair cut when you are pregnant cannot cause harm for the baby...if anything it is good.  When a pregnant mother can go for 30minutes to an hour and get off her feet, and relax, it helps the baby. a stressed mother is a stressed baby.  every woman deserves a time when someone is paying attention to her and only her for that time being, and that makes mommy happy, ultimatly resulting in a happy baby.


Answer by DD
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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My parents have a baby book, in it there is a envolope and in the envolope is locks of my old baby hair. They cut. I think it it filthy that they keep my body hair in a envolope they cut. I wish they wouldn't have it. I wish I could make it go away. Can you help me get rid of the envolope of locks?
Alex Wilson Community Garden Toronto Ontario Canada


Answer by firepants
Submitted on 8/31/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Well thats just plain stupid.

Carry on.


Answer by Sage
Submitted on 10/13/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
what happend's if you don't cut your hair ? at all... never ??? from here to 15 months or years how long can it be ??? please answer i would LOVE to know


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