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I am breastfeeding my 1 yr old daughter only once a day,...

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Question by rene'
Submitted on 3/20/2004
Related FAQ: misc.kids FAQ on Breastfeeding Past the First Year
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I am breastfeeding my 1 yr old daughter only once a day, first thing in the morning. My milk supply has dwindled down to almost nothing because she only nurses for about 15min then gives up and I give her a bottle of formula instead. Is there any way to boost my milk supply so I can continue to breastfeed? I don't want to give it up just yet, or my cleavage!!

Answer by buby
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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I would take 2 Fenugreek seed capsules three times a day.  It works like a charm.  In about 24-48 hours you will notice a BIG difference in milk supply.  Then cut it down to two or three a day.  I get mine at Swansonvitamins.com for about 3 bucks per bottle.


Answer by Lauren
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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a month ago, someone broke into my house and stole my VCR, TV, Stereo, and lots of other things...but the thing that worried me the most is that my 3 year old daughter was sleeping in the next room. I wanted to know how i could train my 2 year old chocolate lab to attack on command, or maybe even bark so i would feel my daughter and i are safer


Answer by Stout
Submitted on 11/18/2004
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Breastfeeding is a supply-demand thing.  The more your baby needs, the more milk you produce.  Why are you only breastfeeding once a day?  Pump like every 5 hours @ LEAST.  Put it in the fridge, good for baby!


Answer by paige
Submitted on 12/21/2004
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breast feeding is nasty


Answer by CDNpostal
Submitted on 12/27/2004
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As your daughter is only feeding once a day, your body is getting the message that milk supply isn't needed, so it will adjust itself accordingly, and lower production


Answer by Tweetybird
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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Just out of curiosity..When do you plan on getting your kid off your breast,off formula and on to appropriate food for her age? What about other supplements for her age?


Answer by iliket!ts
Submitted on 5/3/2005
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i would send a photo of your t!t to littlemanr2d2@hotmail.com


Answer by Dave
Submitted on 5/4/2005
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Do a google search for Domperidone and talk to your doctor/OBGYN/Paediatrician about it.

Also buy or rent a breast pump and feed her the milk from a bottle.

If I recall correctly the primary use of Domperidone was as an indigestion cure, but as a side effect it increases breast milk production in lactating women. My wife used it - it works.

It's available worldwide, in most cases over the counter, though in the USA it doesn't have FDA approval and can only be sold by a dispensing pharmacist and costs a small fortune (about $100 for a month's supply). You can obtain it easily and much cheaper by mail order. We got it from a place in Vanuatu and it came within a few days of ordering.


Answer by Fu
Submitted on 9/9/2005
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ask Hiler he my homey he know what to do.
You wish to breast feed hitler.


Answer by nurse
Submitted on 11/12/2005
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pump in between, every 2-3 hours.. If that doesnt work, get your doc to prescibe reglan


Answer by jo-jo
Submitted on 7/19/2006
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my mum still breastfreeds me im 13


Answer by Grossed Out
Submitted on 11/3/2006
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OK! We didn't need to know tht! Y don't u just give ur 1 year old regurlar milk! She's old enough! GOD!


Answer by mammories
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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To increase your milk supply you want to breastfeed more. Your body does a supply and demand. The more your child will suck the more it will increase. If you keep giving your baby bottles then your milk supple will never increase.


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