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I just got a 6 week old female Chihuahua. I know now that 6...

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Question by Victoria
Submitted on 3/11/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Chihuahuas Breed-FAQ
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I just got a 6 week old female Chihuahua. I know now that 6 weeks was too young to get her but I already have her. The problem is she won't eat or drink. I've been able to get her to drink water out of a dropper, some what but no luck with food. It's only been one day so I haven't called the vet yet but I don't know what to do. We tried Science Diet at first and softened it with water. Then I went and got Purina Small Breed Puppy Chow soft food. She still wouldn't eat it. I can get her to put it in her mouth and she looks like she's trying to chew it but then it just falls out and she gives up. I've read about Chis getting low blood sugar and seizing I would really like to avoid this. Any help? Please???

Answer by rams
Submitted on 3/11/2004
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Contact previous owner if possible and ask what they were feeding. I've fed scrambled egg, boiled chicken, cheese, Mighty Dog ground (not chunky). Little dogs don't eat much, so try for quality not quantity.  Pet stores also sell vitamin/protein/calorie pastes in the tube that can be used until dog gets unto regular food. They are also good if you have a sick dog that's not eating well or beefing up the diet of a lactating momma.


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 3/15/2004
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Excellent suggestions.  Also, get her to a vet ASAP.  The pastes can be thinned with water to the point where they are thin enough to drip, you can give her that through a dropper.  At that age, she may not know how to do anything except suckle.

I'm curious why previous owner released puppy so soon, maybe it was already sick?  Again, take to vet NOW! for complete checkup and advice on how to keep her going until she can eat solid food.

Bad breeder to let the puppy go so soon.  Do not go there again, and consider reporting to Better Business Bureau.


Answer by puppygrl
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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at 6 weeks it is young but i have the same thing except i cant get her to drink any water there is one type of food she will probably like. it is called Pediggre it is cannded food for puppies. on the can it will say puppy and there is different kinds. i use lamb and rice and beef and chicken because if you fed her to many different things she can suffer a stoumace ache. so if that doesn't work than im sorry if i made you waste your money.


Answer by Victoria
Submitted on 3/17/2006
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I agree with the whole vet, because i got my chi at 5 weeks old and the breeder already had her eating moist food , and crate train. I got mine because the owner was leaving and she told me that I can take her just to take her to the vet as soon as she turns 6 weeks. For her 1st set of shots.


Answer by Victoria L
Submitted on 3/17/2006
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I agree with the whole vet, because i got my chi at 5 weeks old and the breeder already had her eating moist food , and crate train. I got mine because the owner was leaving and she told me that I can take her just to take her to the vet as soon as she turns 6 weeks. For her 1st set of shots.


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