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Has the cost of gasoline been equal to the cost of anything...

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Question by Jack Powers
Submitted on 3/8/2004
Related FAQ: Gasoline FAQ - Part 4 of 4
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Has the cost of gasoline been equal to the cost of anything in the past three decades? Of course not, but who wants to admit there's no problem enviromentally!

Answer by Al
Submitted on 5/11/2004
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The cost of one gallon of gasoline in the United States is about equal to the price of one loaf of white bread. In the fifties, gasoline and bread sold in the range of 17 to 19 cents.


Answer by JGMagoo
Submitted on 1/19/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
You will also notice that the price of gasoline sold in the United States is CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE ON PLANET EARTH, (except Saudi Arabia where they give it away free to Saudi citizens).
Believe it or not, this is probably the biggest cause of all of our foreign policy problems throughout the world!
If the U.S.A. would become energy independent, that is not needing to import any petroleum from foreign countries, we would basically have no problems in the Middle East, and our security would be much enhanced.
The reason the US uses more petroleum per capita by a factor of FOUR is that petroleum products in this country are too cheap!!!
Gasoline and diesel fuel throughout the rest of the WORLD are about $5.50 per gallon. If motor fuel sold for $5.50 in this country don't you think you and I both would drive a smaller car, ride the bus, walk, take shorter trips??? Certainly we would!
The reason motor fuel in other countries is way more $$ is because all governments (except ours) tax motor fuel at the rate of approx. $3.00 per gallon. France, England, Germany and the rest of the world pay the same price for crude oil as we do. They refine it into gasoline and diesel just as cheaply and efficiently as we do. Their end-cost is identical to ours. The difference is the tax imposed by their governments which basically eliminates wasteful use of fuel. The tax money collected by the other governments of the world goes towards building excellent highways, bus systems, health care, education, and welfare. The USA (including Alaska and off-shore) CAN produce enough petroleum to become energy-independent if we would reduce our per- capita consumption to levels seen in Europe. If you go to Europe today you will notice the people are very happy and well dressed, the stores are full of goods, the highways are just as busy, the restaurants just as crowded, as they are here. The one big difference you will notice is that the cars are smaller, and they have a much better public transportation (bus-rail) system and you see more bicycles. And they are not at war trying to protect their oil interests. Think about it!!


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