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I have been losing a lot of fancy goldfish, the one I've...

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Question by judith
Submitted on 2/29/2004
Related FAQ: [FAQ] Aquaria: Disease, Algae and Snails
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I have been losing a lot of fancy goldfish, the one I've just lost has black marks on his body. I test for nitrite which is neutral, I found when I tested for ammonia a couple of years back the colour was so pale I could not see it even though ammonia was present, so now I just test for nitrite.

Some of my fish had orange spots on their body, some red, one had a hole form on its side.

I love having gold fish but I am at the stage where I feel I should give it up because of my losses. And none of the pro's know what the problem might be if it's the water I'm at a loss as what to do!

I have managed to keep fish for up to two years then being a rooky I put a fish which looked like a fantail(which is what it was supposed to be) crossed with a comet,it was a male and since then It's been downhill all the way. I bury my fish.

regards Judith Paglia

Answer by Sarah Bemment
Submitted on 4/20/2004
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check for Ammonia again. also nitrates and nitrites. if possible, take out any carbon from your filter and treat your fish with a daily dose of MELAFIX. if the carbon cannot be extracted, still treat daily with MELAFIX. on top of this, also add STRESS COAT and STRESS ZYME to your tank. start with twice the recommended dose until the water quality starts to improve. once back to normal, only add the STRESS COAT and ZYME when adding new fish and doing part water changes. add extra live plants as these help to balance the PH of the water. (They feed off the nitrites).Whilst using MELAFIX, do weekly 15% water changes. once the fish are better, do a 40%-50% water change and add a double dose of STRESS COAT and ZYME. these products are available from all good pet stores and the internet. if there is ammonia present, I would also recommend AMMO-LOCK as this turns the ammonia into neutral form until filtered out. change you filter monthly. hope this helps!

Regards, Sarah........


Answer by Lisa
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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Do goldfish like Hard or Soft Water?


Answer by Shihai
Submitted on 4/22/2005
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When changing your water, make sure the new water your adding in is warm, never colder than the water in your tank. Turning up the temperature slowly in your tank will make it easier for your fish to recuperate. The best solution is to take out sick fish and have them in their own tank, but if this is not a possibility for you, then try changing the water every week along with the medicine you are using.


Answer by Shihai
Submitted on 4/22/2005
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When changing your water, make sure the new water your adding in is warm, never colder than the water in your tank. Turning up the temperature slowly in your tank will make it easier for your fish to recuperate. The best solution is to take out sick fish and have them in their own tank, but if this is not a possibility for you, then try changing the water every week along with the medicine you are using.


Answer by Beverly
Submitted on 3/18/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
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