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...reasons behind the Holocaust?

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Question by chula
Submitted on 2/23/2004
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What are the reasons behind the Holocaust?

Answer by Matthew
Submitted on 4/10/2004
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Well, there are a lot of different answers.  All in all, I would go with this.

Hitler needed a scapegoat, so he targetted various political minorites, the two groups suffering most greatly being the Jews and  the Gypsies.  Others included blacks, gays, handicapped, and members of the communist party

The first two probably suffered the worst, due to great hatred towards the two groups built up in Europe.  Such propaganda can be easily found around the web.  Heres a link, with pictures:


"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in any country."

Hermann Goering (1893 - 1946)
Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia and Hitler's designated successor


Answer by fiGrl1134
Submitted on 4/16/2004
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THe holocaust is BAD n hitler was a stupid HOMOSEXUAL (it is proven) he juss covered it with his grlfrnd. He was gay n messed up in the brain


Answer by IveGotTheBrains14
Submitted on 4/16/2004
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The Reason for the Holocaust is because Hitler wanted the world to be the same, he did not want anyone different in his world. He got rid of Jews because they had a different Religion than he did. He also wanted to get rid of Homosexuals because they liked the same sex and Hitler did not think that was right even though he was a Homosexual.  Hitler wanted a perfect world that he like. He did not care if others were happy he wanted it his way.  Hitler wanted to be like a 'GOD' and rule a world with his own people and they would act and wear what he wanted them to. It would all be perfect in his eyes.  His world was not going to happen so he shot himself in the head because he knew what he was doing was wrong.


Answer by chel n soph
Submitted on 4/20/2004
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Hitler was evil n nasty. there was no need in what he did. descriminating ppl 4 what they were! hes a homo and mean


Answer by Fiesty
Submitted on 4/21/2004
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I think that what Hitler did was wrong.  Everybody has a right to believe what they want to believe.  It's not the Jews fault that they were raised believing a different religion than the rest of us.  Hitler knew that the Jews have been hated for centuries because they were blamed for Jesus' death so he knew it would be easy to have people hate them (especially Christians)  So he picked the Jews to torture and put through living hell just to accomplish what he wanted done, and he didn't even get that!


Answer by LADEEDA
Submitted on 4/21/2004
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Everyone here who spells like; n ppl r gay u HoMosexuals, are complete idiots.  Learn how to spell if you expect people to take you seriously.    



Answer by TeKnoSiS
Submitted on 4/23/2004
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... Okay, you're saying Hitler is a homosexual in a derogatory way...  Please, enlighten me, O knowledge board intelligence: What did Hitler do?  He degraded the homosexuals, and such.  Hm.  If you think he's so bad, why are you immitating him?  Equality for ALL.  Not that I condone the lifestyle of the homosexuals, but it just doesn't really make sense that you people are trashing them just the way that he did, and then you call what he did heinous.


Answer by me
Submitted on 4/26/2004
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I think that hitler was an individual who did not know how to think straight. People should be able to believe whatever they want to believe and they have a right to. Would you kill someone or put someone through crap who is in a wheel chair for the rest of their life because they cannot walk?


Answer by dan
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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yay genocide


Answer by Cameloen247
Submitted on 5/12/2004
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Hitler and many other German politicians form the Nazi party were looking for a scapegoat to unload the problems of Germany on, somewhat like the way that politicians unload the problems of America on the previous president. They needed someone to blame and the Jews were someone that they hated so the choice was natural for them. There is no excuse for what they did. the murder of innocence can never be justified.

P.S.oh yeah. Dan. I thought I was dumb, but you are a complete idiot. A COMPLETE IDIOT. shut up, crawl under a rock and stay there. FOREVER.


Answer by shadow
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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Dan I think your comment was excellent and forget what that idiot Cameleon247 says


Answer by shadow
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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Hitler was a faggot like danny hernandez whos phone # is 323 2331180 245 E. 55th st. 90011 l.a. ca. hes 14years old


Answer by GaN$tA
Submitted on 8/20/2004
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lK BoIz N Da gYaLZ i rKoN HiTLeR WoZ DoIn dIS fO ShIzZi Coz He Wnted cOMmUnIsM dOzZlEd n jEwS R CloSeLy cONNeCtED To dAt iNnIt hOmEbOIz.Bu He dOnE It 2 cOZ He dIdNt lYk dErE ReLiGioN.


Answer by Kay
Submitted on 9/15/2004
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Hilter was simply stubborn. for a man to think that a world could be under his ruling is simply ludicrous. We are all equals even thought he may have different beliefs,race,sex or status we are all humans. Hitler in my opinion was at heart a weak man because as soon as he realised what he was doing was wrong he killed himself a crass as it may sound i hope that he is burning in hell for what he has done!


Answer by Bella
Submitted on 9/26/2004
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This is a very serious question and should not be taken lightly, so whom ever is writing inappropriate things here please leave. The reason for the "Holocaust" is mainly Hitler'sjealousy towards the Jews, he was turned down by and Arts college, when he was younger and most if not all the judges were Jewish. So he became anti-semitic, or he just hated Jews. I have also heard that he is part Jewish so he is a complete hypocrite and about the Aryan race he didn't even fall under it!!!!!! What was he thinking.


Answer by haha
Submitted on 10/6/2004
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you be all retards


Answer by sheena
Submitted on 10/8/2004
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I think it might have been a ploy to help himself(Hitler)get elected. Germany already had its share of problems (like losing the war and financial problems...)and since people do soo well hating others(hint the sarcasm in my voice), they picked groups to blame their problems on. Europe was already anti-semitic, and everyone thought that gypsies were trash at the time, these were the perfect scapegoats. As things went on more groups were chosen to be exterminated, like the Jehovah's witnesses because they refused to yield to any authority other than god. Well, like any other sad story, the whole hate thing worked and Hitler was elected.


Answer by Sylver
Submitted on 10/10/2004
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I'm a lesbian does that make me screwed up? i'm reading your answers asserting that
1)Hitler was gay
2)Because he was gay he chose to persecute everyone else including other gays.

there is really sound reasoning for you. Shut up and crawl back into your little bigotted holes! there is nothing wrong with being gay just like there is nothing wrong with being Jewish, Christian, disabled or anything else.

The real reason that Hitler instigated the Holocaust was that he needed a scapegoat. People in Germany at that time were poor and hungry whereas many Jews were successful and wealthy. He lead the german people to believe that if they got rid of the opression of the Jews and other undersirables then they would live in a land of milk and honey. It has nothing to do with his sexuality and I deeply resent comments such as "THe holocaust is BAD n hitler was a stupid HOMOSEXUAL (it is proven) he juss covered it with his grlfrnd. He was gay n messed up in the brain "
And I cannot believe that the people on this site have actually let you post such flagrantly homophobic, small minded and frankly Hitleresque views such as this.


Answer by jade_poon
Submitted on 10/27/2004
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after world war one, among other things, the u.s. told germany that they had to repay all of the damages, which would be impossible, billions upon billions of dollars. so the country was in economic ruin. someone said: "hey i have a plan to bring back Germany'ssuperiority (or w/e u wanna call it)" and people believed and followed. also, hatred is bred through ignorance


Answer by coolio
Submitted on 10/28/2004
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Hitler was a terrible person but "All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)


Answer by coolio
Submitted on 10/28/2004
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listen everyone who reads this: everyone has sinned but God sent his son Jesus to die for you so  u can go to heaven one day. if u dont sry ut youll go to hell. so pray and asked jesus to come into your life. trust me this is the way to go i just want you to accept his gift email me @ scboi2k3@netscape.net


Answer by Lenachka2003
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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HI! I think that hitler was mean! And I agree with Fiesty! I think that person is correct! We should believe in anyone we want! No one should tell us what we can do and what we cant! I'm sorry! But that is not righ!


Answer by cougar2004
Submitted on 11/22/2004
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The reason the Holocaust begin was because the Nazi were against other religion then their own. The Nazi also hated jews and killed million of them. many innocent people died in the Holocaust. people who survived it are scared for life. they seen babies died in their mothers hand, people burned to death, people beaten to death.


Answer by Stig Wheetwood
Submitted on 11/28/2004
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Here is a break down of what really made the jews such a hated people.

The jews sold Germany out during the first world war.
They promised Britan that they would get the U.S. involved in the war on the condition that they handed Palistine over to them.
That was called the Balfour declaration.

Jews declaired a world wide boycott on German goods if the German people did not get rid of the newly elected Hitler.
The resulting boycott nearly destroyed the German economy.

A jew walked into the German consolate in Paris and assasinated the German embassador.

Krystal nacht, a demonstration of rage staged by the Germans takes place.
It is revieled, but not reported by the world wide press, that the majority of the damage was done by jews to demonise the National socialist party and Adolf Hitler.

Jews and other undesirables are rounded up for deportation.
The insueing war halts all exits from German held territory and the deportation camps become mired in starvation and disease caused by typhus infected lice.
Zyklon B was used to fumigate the inmates to kill the lice.
There is no physical evidence to prove that it was used to kill inmates, all storys of gassing were fabrecated after the war.
The jews later exagerate the delousing stations and claim that they were used to gas to death, six million jews.
The number of jewish deaths has now been confirmed to be in the area of 38,000.
The census of all the occupied territorys before and after the war confirms this to be a fact.
The jews still insist that the number is six million, dispite the fact that they have acknowlaged off the record that the figure of 38,000 is more accurate.
The holocaust has become a multi billion dollar a year industry for the jews and they will lie to protect it.
They are doing this for the money and more importantly to instill a sense of guilt and shame into all non jews so that they can do as they please around the world.
For example, does anyone think of the Israeli Palistinian conflict as a genocide against the Palistinians?


Answer by Extremly Fine
Submitted on 12/7/2004
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The reason behind the Holocaust is easy. Hitler hated Jews because his father was a Jew and his father would beat him. On my resent Research paper i also learned that there is NO evidence that Hitler was gay its only speculation. Hitler wanted a "perfect race." His thoughts were modeled after (believe it or not) Martin Luther. Luther wrote a book bashing Jews and stating all there lies and problems. Hitler just acted out Martins writings. (http://www.ffrf.org/fttoday/back/hakeem/holocaust4.html) Hitler was a great leader he pulled Germany and every other country out of the depression by starting war and he stabilized Germany's economy even though his view and actions were disgustingly wrong...he did good things too. Without this horrible event we wouldn't have a lot of medicine we have today, even though no one should have the kind of power Hitler did, it unfortunately benefited us. Therefore, Hitler was a disgusting and evil man, but from his wrongful acts we all...Jews, Blacks, Homosexuals, Gypsies and the Handicap all benefit from to this day! Think about it everything done today that seems horrible will benefit us in the future. In NO WAY do i support Hitler, but there's 3 sides to everything, our side, Germany's side and the truth. All these years we were taught to think one way...so I'm presenting another way...I don't care if you disagree but no one wants to be discriminated on so it stops with us!


Answer by no name
Submitted on 12/8/2004
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you people should all get lives, it's great if you have something educational to say, but keep you're schoolyard arguments in the schoolyard loosers!


Answer by sprstar
Submitted on 12/11/2004
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oi, we can spell oweva we want. We just spell like dis cos it's faster and time savin.havn't u ppl eva herd of a vernacular? it's wen u rite how u wud spk!


Answer by Galaxygrape
Submitted on 12/12/2004
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I think the reason Hitler decided to commit genocide on the Jews, Gypsies, Gays,disabled and other non-Aryans was simply because he had the notions that he was spreading his divine will. He believed that his ideals of perfection would purify the world and so he needed to kill these people to achieve them. Also, Hitler's doctor had him on a lot of drug's and he was kind of messed up. What people in America don't realize is that Hitler got away with it because the people of Germany were suffering a depression and needed to blame things on someone.By the way, there is nothing wrong with being gay. If you want to suffer another holocaust, you just keep thinking that. Saying gay like an insult is just something Hitler would say.


Answer by poss
Submitted on 1/2/2005
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Hi, I was just browsing around to find out why the holocaust happened and came into your site by chance. My son told me that Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews 'cos he was a racist and wanted a world how he would dream it would be. But I truly believe that Hitler hated Jews because they were a dominant race who were very good in buisness and knew that they were slowly building an empire themselves. They had already been owning banks and quite a number of good prominent companies at that time. Can someone correct me in this matter?


Answer by nash
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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Answer by anon
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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hitler was a boring fag who had no life and liked to stick various fruits up his arse, he also liked to play with spandex by himself, trust me , i was his secretay


Answer by Alex
Submitted on 1/17/2005
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omfg ..hitler was a *homo???


Answer by fatty
Submitted on 1/18/2005
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hitler was gay with dave martin, they loved eachother                                                                                                                            P.s : did i say hitler was gay coz he is                                                                                       P.P.S : did i say dave martin was gay. go on tell a friend


Answer by Bigman
Submitted on 1/21/2005
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Hitler was very very bad and naughty


Answer by the person who knows everything
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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You people are all stupid losers who know absolutely nothing.. i have all the answers. go to hell all of you none of you answered my question.


Answer by nash
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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hitler was gay alright and why aren't you submitting my stuff you jew


Answer by Meg
Submitted on 1/27/2005
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The reason behind the Holocaust is Simple. POWER! Not just any power but the kind that challenges God to dear come down or speak. It still happen today in the minds of people who don't believe in God. This power trip is aimed at challenging God. So both the killer and the victim got caught in the cinema awaiting for an answer to the point of no return, no surrender and finally holocaust results.

Do you want to test this theory of mine?

Go to a rich, powerful, popular, pure and unstained, never sinned, ever genius from birth, covered with immunity,arrogant, self-serving, Holier than thou human person; then tell him or her you believe in GOD and disobey just one believe of his! WAIT!! Please right your will before you do this.


Answer by jazz
Submitted on 1/28/2005
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I do not support Hitler in any way but I know he was not stupid. A man who almost took over the world and will be discussed by everyone for centuries in the future, is not crazy. He was very intelligent. I think the Holocaust or Final Solution became an act of despair as he started losing power in WW2. As for his sexuality, it is not important what he was. This fact is purely irrelevant and does not answer why the Holocaust actually happened.


Answer by babushca
Submitted on 2/10/2005
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i rele dunno ya no. bt yestdae i wnt shoppin nd bought these propa hardcore boots blud! dey was iight! den sum buff ass boi cum ch@ 2 me n ask  ma numba n i gave it 2 im n he tryd 2 gt wid me... mmmhmmm! i dnt rele care bout hitler, u gt d@! FOOLS!


Answer by Yup
Submitted on 2/16/2005
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My friend worships Hitler.

his phone #:


Answer by Vickitoria
Submitted on 2/22/2005
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Hitler is not really to blame but then he is because its the way his family rasied him but he could have taken his anger out some other way.


Answer by word dog
Submitted on 3/2/2005
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just thought it would be cool to see my name on here


Answer by billibong
Submitted on 3/3/2005
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i dont like hitler


Answer by emily
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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i am a 16 year old female from Australia and have been researching the holocaust for a history assignment. in having done so i have come to the conclusion that although hitler may have been a homosexual we need proof to be able to condemn him for this hypocricy. however i feel that whether or not he was a homosexual or not means very little when we compare that to the murders of 6 000 000 people based simply on race, sexuality and nothing else. perhaps Hitler was a homosexual. But can i ask you if he was why would he have ordered the killings of people who shared his sexuality? Quite silly when you think about it, he could have been killing potential partners.


Answer by SanePerson
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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The reason Hitler hated the jews was because his father was a jew. He was also insane. What he hated he convinced all of Germany to hate. Jews along with homosexuals, communist and anything else he didn't like. Germany fell for this head over heels because after the Versailles Treaty, Germany was left poor and desperate. To them the rantings of a mad man were the way out. To blame someone else instead of you is always the easiest. That is why the Holocaust happened.


Answer by krazygurl
Submitted on 3/9/2005
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i think dat yall r just hatin on da homosexual ppl.not dat im a hom or anything.juts worry about urself n ull b happy..not gay happy...but happy happy.like smile happy.like lol hapy.well it dont matter wat i think cus hitler i dont kno who he is.i dont even kno where hes from.so dont pay attention 2 me.if u wanna talk 2 me IM me at lachicacrazy14@aol.com
l8er freaks!!!


Answer by pie
Submitted on 3/15/2005
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maybe Hitler was angry at himself because of his history and then directed all his self hatred onto people like himself. For e.g he looked like a Jew and was according to his own laws-the holocaust


Answer by Jake aka
Submitted on 3/24/2005
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OK, first of all, you people are not finding the significance of this man. You feeble minded people do not understand what this man was doing. Trying to take over the world is not a bad thing. Countries do it everyday. All that Nazis were were people who loved their country and believed Germany should be on top. Does this not sound like America?? All Americans are "GO AMERICA!!!" just as Nazis were "Long live GERMANY!!" Whats the difference. Pay attention: NAZI WAYS ARE HERE FOR DAYS IN THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE AMERICA.  Don't talk crap without knowing what you are talking!!


Answer by non ya
Submitted on 3/30/2005
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Hitler was a very bad person that had no right to live because he was such an ass whole. he didn't think of what he was doing to Jewish people. ASS WHOLE!!!


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 3/30/2005
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i love hitler!


Answer by LilFoe
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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i think your all a bunch of faggots who have to much time on there hands and you copy and paste


Answer by nicky
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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Hitler was a jerk who murdered thousands of people just because he was unhappy with himself and cause he needed someone to blame the loss of the first world war on.  i have no clue how he slept at night!!


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 4/7/2005
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I think Hitler was the the most Idiotic man ever to walk the Earth and although many people are asking/ " why did God let this happen?" , Just remember that everything happens for a reason, many of us don't know that reason, but we should let G0d handle it. God punished him for it. SOme or most of the people who died are probably in heaven right now. God  probably needed them, it was their time to go even though it was through a bad death. Everyone who agrees with me say A M E NNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! Hitler wanted to be like a 'GOD' and rule a world but the only God there is , is the one up above.Hitler needed a scapegoat, so he targetted various political minorities, the two groups suffering most greatly being the Jews and the Gypsies.  It was the combined result of many factors: especially racism & Germany’s defeat in WW I
People that were discriminated against:
Jehovah Witnesses, gypsies, disabled people and Jews.  


Answer by Caulie
Submitted on 4/14/2005
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Jews have been scapegoats for hundreds of years and Hitler was bought up in a small town where the local politician was an anti-semite as Hitler grew up he blamed everything on the Jews, this became his political angle, everything was the Jews fault from the war guilt clause of the treaty of versailles to the bad economy. Hitlers want to rid the Aryan nation of the inferiors led him to create the Final Solution which was later known as the holocaust


Answer by zak
Submitted on 4/18/2005
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i hate homos


Answer by me
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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You guys are not mature to be in a web site like this. You need to go back to pre-school and learn how to write. you guys shouldn't take advantage on a site that lets you put your opinion ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST ONLY!!!! leave this web site to people who want to learn and know about the Holocaust please.


Answer by Leon Rauch
Submitted on 5/10/2005
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I think the Jews disserved it same wit the rest except the handicapped. Hitler was not gay people just say the stuff cause they didn't like him.


Answer by shadow
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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justin christenson is gay just like hitler and he does not like jews because they raped him when he was a littler kid if you would like to reach justin his cell # is 614-905-0257


Answer by yo mama's best friend
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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hitler is a queer and hes gay and i think genocide is gay and queer and i like to eat chicken and i am half drunk and i need som lov and som money brother so  PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by gh3tt0_g1rl
Submitted on 5/25/2005
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th3 j3w1sh h0l0c4ust w4s th3 w0rst 3v3r 4nd y0u 4ll 4r3 g01ng t0 d1e.

....y3p, 1m c00l.... 4nd y0u 4ll 4r3 j34l0us


Answer by hahayeah
Submitted on 6/1/2005
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ummm, someone please explain to me just why gays are "worse" that anyone else. Is there any basis for this? Is anyone really so naive and ignorant to belive that hitlers sexual preference had anything to do with causing mass genocide? Leodanrdo da Vinci was gay and he created some of the most beautiful works of art. Oscar Wilde was gay and he wrote some of the greatest English literature.

In any case, I do not believe it is possible for me to cahnge anyone's discimanatory beliefs through a short forum quote from some anonymous source, so i'll merely point out this: although Hitler is sometimes speculated to be gay based on various homosexual tendancies (which are purely stereotypical and cannot distinguise between gay and metrosexual), there is no solid evidence nor witnessed accounts of any sort of homosexual expiriences in Hitler's life. So please, if anyone feels they can even BACK UP that Hitler was undisputedly a homosexual (let alone that this had any role whatsoever in the Holocaust), please do.

Thanks Alot


Answer by amanda
Submitted on 6/7/2005
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Hitler wanted his own race. It was not Christianity that he wanted, but he wanted his own race.  I'm Jewish and Hitler had no reason what so ever to kill anyone.  I've done "nothing" wrong and neither did my ancestors



Answer by #1 Nazi
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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All Hail Hitler he did what need to be done


Answer by hannah-chan
Submitted on 7/3/2005
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Hitler had a fanatical obsession with the Jews and considered them the reason for Germany's problems. He used minorities such as Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, the handicapped, blacks and gays as scapegoats for people to hate. He felt they were sub-human and polluting his Aryan 'master race'. Due to his power and influence as Chancellor he could take action on his (flawed) belief thus leading to the genocide aka Holocaust

that might have been boring but at least I actually answered the question instead of flaming this post.


Answer by helena
Submitted on 7/4/2005
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Is this a place where people tend to try and make them selves feel empowered by putting up supposedly clever comments whist making others feel not very good, because i don't think that is very nice in view that this is supposed to be commemorating a unnecessary mass murder.


Answer by poop
Submitted on 8/18/2005
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Homos are awsome and so was hitler!!


Answer by Cuba465
Submitted on 8/24/2005
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Hitler had full authority to commit the act he did. There were too many jews and he feared that they might overthrow them. He was just doing some good old fashioned Ethnic Cleansing.


Answer by blondie15
Submitted on 8/26/2005
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There are many reasons for the occurrence of the Holocaust, and most of these reasons can be explained by anti-Semitism  (the racial prejudice and discrimination shown towards Jews).  But the question is - what drove millions of people to feel this hatred for the Jewish people?  A main reason for their persecution was that they were different – socially and religiously.  
The Jews followed Judaism, and claimed that they were, “God’s chosen people,” which angered Christians. When the Jews were not prepared to change their religion, Christians became very hostile.  They were also blamed them for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Socially, they were seen as strangers as they lived by a different culture, spoke a different language and had a different faith. Because of these differences, they were easily targetted as scapegoats for problems, even natural disasters. They were blamed for the black death in 1348 as it was said that they "poisoned the wells." and were blamed also for losing the first world war.

Then the idea of a complete Aryan race grew. Hitler beleived that the German race was superior and that it was necessary for the "contamination" of other races to be removed. When he came into power the NAZIs took this idea and developed it into ghettos, concentration camps, death camps etc.

While Hitler was the worst type of person, he could not have done what he did without the German people. Many people blame the entire holocaust on Hitler, but he would never have come into power if it wasnt for the support of the Germans, hence, the holocaust would have never occurred.

It was the depression, 1930s and the poverty stricken country were happy to blame the Jews on the economic crisis. Hitler won their support by overloading them with propaganda through posters, speeches and radio broadcasts. He somehow convinced them that all their problems were caused by the Jews and that wiping out the Jewish race and the "unpure" (homosexuals, slavs, gypsies, mentally handicapped...)would create the perfect place for the "superior" race to live.  
And many beleived him, whcih is why he was voted the leader of Germany. After becoming the leader, he forced Jews into ghettos, from whcih they were taken to camps and between 5.2 and 5.8 million were murdered - the holocaust.

Its a pretty wide subject, and im sure i havent covered all the reasons. it just kind of annoys me when people give reasons like "he was a homo and mean" because while it is true, it isnt the reason for the holocaust. Its pretty much a half assed answer with no depth that proves that they have done no research and still think they are right. If it was that simple, i dont think the germans would have voted in a "homo and mean" leader.

You have to remember that hitler would be nobody without his followers.


Answer by fitzy
Submitted on 8/29/2005
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what was Hitler's nicknames


Answer by glamm,,
Submitted on 10/4/2005
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Hitler was just a hypocrite, plain and simple. He slaughtered others just because their religious views or lifestyle was different to his own. No-one deserved to be treated that way. He had so much hatred for homosexuals but infact was one himself.


Answer by Hitlers fan
Submitted on 10/19/2005
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Hitler is a perfect gentleman.....I should say.


Answer by percy123
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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The reasons for the Holocaust were believed,by Hitler, to be the indiference of skin color, religion, and personal beliefs. Hitler wanted everyone in the world to be white blue eyes, so he figured that Rome wasn't built in a day, so he started with Europe.
"Taking over the world one country at a time."


Answer by silverwolf101
Submitted on 11/3/2005
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why did hitler hate jews?


Answer by silverwolf101
Submitted on 11/3/2005
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u guys dont know anything about the halocaust that is true.
go to the libary and read about him like i did.
he hated jews because he felt like it was there fault that germany lost WW1
also hitler wanted to be an artist but jews were in charge of the art acadimy and they didnt let him join.
thats why hitler hates jews
if u went to a libary and had a brain you would already know this and my last message was to see how stupid u guys are!!! :p


Answer by the grim reaper
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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the reson for the holocost was because hitler saw the that the jewish community was in control most of they Economy and was consedderd a treat so he blamed the depresion on the jews and that was one of meny reasons he started the holocost

by the way hitler was bipolar he was not gay and if ne one has nbe thing to prove me wrong say so if any little wanker says his a fagg it shows how mutch the wish he was so if he was still alive they would go out with/root him


Answer by saibancho
Submitted on 12/1/2005
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Is there anyone out there with a slightly more informed understanding of the reasons causes and triggering of The Holocaust? This event was not only the result of one man and his twisted policies surely...what about the history of europe and WW1 especially social history of the period from 1600s in eastern europe up to 1918?


Answer by caroline
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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Hatred caused the holocaust...enough said


Answer by girl
Submitted on 12/13/2005
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if you are going to comment on the holocaust then don't insult gay people. some of the replies here are offensive, ignorant and ridiculous


Answer by Ben Chase
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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Was Adolf Hitler GAY?


Answer by pete
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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wat is up with hitler?


Answer by hawkwind
Submitted on 12/15/2005
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The cause of Holocaust is left up to the Functionalist vs. Intentionalist debate. Funtionalist believe that the cause of Holocaust is not directly from Hitler but from the lower ranks in German bureaucracy.(tend to make strong arguments considering there is only one sentence in Mein Kampf that directly states Hitler wanted to kill Jews.) Intentionalist being the opposite, Hitler and the Nazi party were the soul causes.


Answer by Jesus Freak
Submitted on 1/3/2006
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well............this is about the entry by:TeKnoSiS
I think you're right about not judging people the way Hitler did but homosexuality is wrong!!!I have nothing against the people themselves but their lifestlye is what's wrong.It even says in the BiBle.God ceated Men and Women to love each other not to love their same sex.God created Eve for Adam because he was lonely, if he wanted man to love man then He would have created another Adam!!!!!


Answer by st0ney
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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Hitler's plan was actually extremly inteligent he just took it to an extreme he could of taken over germany but not the world.hitler was an extremely smart guy and an extremly good artist. nazis though hitler was god.i do agree he had a great plan and takeing out all the jews was a very great ideai look up to hitler like charles manson


Answer by K.c
Submitted on 1/12/2006
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Answer by Lizzy
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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Hitler started the Holocaust in order to wring out the insecurities he had within himself. It is quite obvious with the way he chose who was to die. Gays, blacks, Jews, gypsies, all of them do share a common trait. THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT! Hitler was born to a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father. His father left home when he was still fairly young, but not before he (the father) had beaten Hitler and his mother. According to the Jewish religion, a child takes on the religion that his mother was while he was in the womb. There for, Hitler himself was a Jew. Also, his homosexual tendencies were shunned and not allowed to be talked about in the public because it was "wrong". Because of all these things in his life, Hitler wanted to rid the world of what he thought influenced him to be different.


Answer by Icarus
Submitted on 2/15/2006
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I'm trying to do a resurch paper on Hitlers use of the holocost to control the people. It needs to be 10 pages and its do tomorrow. I'm stessed and you people made my night. lol. thank you all you made my day.


Answer by discouraged
Submitted on 2/19/2006
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I know that what I reply on this website will not matter to some of you, you will make fun of what I have to say and what I think. That's okay, I'm here to simply share my opinion. Dan, I don't understand how in this day and age another human being can support killings of innocent people. People see that what happened then was wrong, it was completely unnecessary and unethical. To think that there is still someone just like those who committed this horrible act frightens me. I know you're most likely thinking "Yeah, you should be scared".  Just do me a favor, put yourself in a Jew's place while Hitler is taking over. You still have your family, you still have your friends, the only difference, all Jewish. You are taken to a concentration camp, at the entrance, you are split from your family and from your friends. You are stripped of your clothes and are expected to work making weapons for those who hold you captive. You are deprived of food for days at a time. You wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night from nightmares of when your time is up, and there is no one to tell you it's going to be okay, you are alone and losing yourself in thoughts of pain, sorrow, hunger, weakness, and anxiousness. You walk along the ditch, on your way to the workshop, you see thousands of lifeless bodies lying there, piled on top of each other like trash. You see your mother's body, a bullet hole through her forehead. You cannot cry because you know if you are seen shedding tears you will be shot. You keep walking, you see your best friends body, you are barely able to recognize him because the severe burns that ate away at his flesh. You are relieved to hear that Hitler has some mercy and is allowing some of the Jewish prisoners to take showers, you are included. You walk into a big room, the ceiling covered in shower heads. The Germans leave the room, closing and locking the door behind them. A deadly gas begins to seep out of the shower heads. You don't understand at first, that is until you begin to feel yourself being short of breathe. You can feel pain in your chest as if just been hit between the ribs. You begin coughing, and when you do, the back of your throat burns. You run to the door hoping you can break through. You waste all of your energy trying to open the door, it doesn't budge. You are stuck, hopeless, and can feel your lungs begin to cave in. You begin as though to cry, unfortunately, you didn't realize that was the last breathe you would take. You are gone, you are forgotten, you basically never existed. These were human beings, they were people too, just like you, just like me. Do you still support genocide?


Answer by rocky
Submitted on 2/20/2006
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Hitler was devesttated that Germany had lost the first world war he took it as a personal insult and it did alot to damage his patriotism. in order to restore his national pride he needed a scapegoat a reason to explain germany'sdefeat and the obvious target was the jews. they dominated the prominent positions in germany at the time and were doing very well for them self. hitler knew he could exploit their success to insight jealousy in the germans. the jews were never well received by Europe he know b choosing the jews as a common enemy Germany would unite and could rise to the top as it was prior to ww1.


Answer by i love you
Submitted on 2/28/2006
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what are some reasons that hitler may have done all this crap


Answer by moo
Submitted on 3/7/2006
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hitler was not nice he was a big meanie!!! hitler wanted the world his way and obviously that wasn't going to happen. he tryed to illiminate all the jews,homosexuals,gypsies,handicaped,blacks,and ect. he wanted to do this because he thought all of germanies problems were because of those people. he also did not agree with what they believed in. he wanted it to be his way, but everybody has a right to believe in what they want you can't force someone into things like that or kill them. it's just pure evil!!! he wanted everyone the same, believing in what he did and the world isn't the same being different is what's so special about this planet and we need to keep it that way!


Answer by getfked
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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u guys r all fked ,..... wtf r u doing, farout y doz any1 care bout any of this...get a life u downs!!!!! get off the computer and go do sumthin fun!.......seriously i think u must all be 4% down syndrome........fk the system


Answer by gay boi
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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i think hitler is racist


Answer by elfsteed
Submitted on 3/12/2006
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hitler did it cos of the Aryan race, blonde hair + blue eyes, and the jews, he just loved killing them cos they were there, and had brown skin + and black hair most of the time, and they beat the Aryan race hollow in the Olympics thing they had.


Answer by Dusty626
Submitted on 3/14/2006
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-Chuck Norris can believe it's not butter.
-Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
-Time waits for no man, unless that man is Chuck Norris.
-Chuck Norris, can I have your picture? I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas.
-Cameloen247, if I followed you home would you keep me?


Submitted on 3/21/2006
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Yeah nice one this is a website for reasons behind the holocaust not criticizing peoples spelling and grammer LADEEDA nice one idiot face.
anyway... The answer to this question probably lies many years back. Long before the Nazis came into power in Germany there existed a strong anti-Semitic tradition in Europe. This was not a specifically German phenomenon. A widespread hatred of the Jews can be found in the writings of Martin Luther and it was an important part of the self-perception of many Christians.

In a more modern form, at the end of the 19th century, a racist-biological anti-Semitism was developed, where the Jews were perceived as a ‘deformity on the body politic’. The Jews were also increasingly perceived as a specific problem to society, a problem that needed solving if the nation were to survive.

In Germany, Hitler and the Nazis succeeded in segregating the Jews from the rest of the population, despite the fact that German Jews were among the best assimilated in Europe. Jewry was also linked to communism (in ‘Judeo-Bolshevism’), thus making the Nazis capable of presenting the Jews as one the German middle class’s greatest fears.


Answer by ivanna wankalot
Submitted on 3/21/2006
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hello my name is ivanna im live in russia i love your mum .hitler sucks your mumas nipple to feed himself i like not likeing hitler he very bad boy spank his bottom naughty naghty he sucks penus for cum


Answer by ivanna wankalot
Submitted on 3/21/2006
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hello my friend i am liking our talk good bye bye you hitler hating cool dudes


Answer by Jaman
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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Hitler was sick and crazy. he shouldn't have killed all those people. I think he done it because they are different and were not the type of people he wanted in his 'perfect' world


Answer by me~!!!
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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i think, Hitler was crazy for killing those poor innocent Jews, and others.
he was just doing that, so he can get attention. he killed them for no reason. just because they were different from him doesn't mean he has the rights to kill them or make their lives miserable. he just needed to blame someone for not winning WW1, so he picked the Jews.


Answer by HITLER
Submitted on 3/26/2006
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P.S. counter strike owns go buy it now...


Answer by Your Mother
Submitted on 3/27/2006
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Ha Shadow you are amazing! Hitler was seriously mental he thought that the world should be blonde, christian and have blue eyes. SO if he was going to play with those rules. he should have killed himself. Hitler was just a hyprocrite. And obviously what he did was absolutely non excuseable, and it was a unspeakable act, but to think of such a scheme takes a genius. He should have used it in a positive way though and the world would have been great. But this man was a hyprocrite. He had no right blame jews for economical problems. Seeing as though they were still financially in trouble with half the population of Europe, jobless and in concentration camps. IF anyone supports this, then you should honestly put yourself in those 11 million peoples shoes. And if you still laugh. well then child of eden. Kill yourself


Answer by WEEEEE!
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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im bored and doin a ss/ english research paper and its soooooo boring and i couldnt really careless at this point in time about this stuff weeeeeeeee!yay! im soooooo bored!


Answer by Gotta Love Me
Submitted on 4/5/2006
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I don't think that Hitler really did all that much. He was just the one who lead the Nazi. He didn't torucher people and all that other stuff. He didn't even created the "Final Solution" himself. His soliders did it.


Answer by ur mums sisters wife
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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Hitler was a stupid fag lol, and he like needed food cuz he's poor and thought that jew tasted like chicken so he liek genociddedd thems lol and he cut his ball off cuz he couldn't find any cheeze lol and killed himself in the head...BOOM!...



Answer by Harneet Singh
Submitted on 4/9/2006
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There were many politcal, econmical, and social reasons that Hitler taregeted Jews. One, he needed something to unite Germans. After World War 1 Germans were in panic and here comes a man who seems to have all the answers. Who would YOU pick? Chaos or a dictator? All throughtout history other religions have looked down upon Jews. What Hitler did was play on these emotions instead of people's reason. Lastly, when the Great Depression took place people needed a leader and there Hitler was there. People were tired of losing money and their life savings.


Answer by main event
Submitted on 4/10/2006
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you are all stupid you some of you act like hitler


Answer by Napo
Submitted on 4/11/2006
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Hitler was the greatest man ever in history and should be aknoledged,


Answer by jonny boi
Submitted on 4/15/2006
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shut up, ur all gay ok!!!!


Answer by Jamee Lynne
Submitted on 4/17/2006
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I believe that Hitler needed someone to unload all of the wrong things that have been done to him on. for this is where the Jews came in. I am a Jewish teen and for all those who say it was a good idea, what if it would have been Christians or another religion that was targeted? would you still think the same of the Holocaust. I believe that Hitler was a demonstrative, evil, sadistic man. any of you who think otherwise are just plain out blind. Hitler started the Holocaust to make him look better and to take out all those who are different. although i believe that he didn't't realize that when he wanted to eliminate people with mental issues he would be eliminated himself.


Answer by p tha g
Submitted on 4/18/2006
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Hitler is'not gay he was a nice guy but was brought up the hard way. He listens to his people but he should stop being so inconsiderent ass wipe that is[hope he not alive]


Answer by K.T.
Submitted on 4/19/2006
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I believe that Hitler believed in something known as ethnic cleansing. He wanted everyone to be the same, and he wanted to be the ruler of the perfect world. So, he put his beliefs to work. He started all of the concentration camps, and it led up to the Holocaust. Hitler hated Jews, and he wanted to have the perfect world without them. That is my belief of why he created the Holocaust.


Answer by XxXmeXxX
Submitted on 4/22/2006
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but why did Hitler hate the homosexuals??


Answer by one of a kind
Submitted on 5/1/2006
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hail hitler


Answer by yo
Submitted on 5/2/2006
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hitler was sick i love him


Answer by Big nico
Submitted on 5/4/2006
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I think hitler was cool as stuff..the germans had nothen and he gave them power so just because he killed people doesent mean that his intentions was wrong...but he tryed to sell the jews but no one wanted them so they killed them and in no way or form was he gay so u need to stop makin up stuff!!


Answer by northern Haring
Submitted on 5/9/2006
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Hitler blamed the jews because the were incharge of the soviet union after the bolshvik revolution and the they killed 30,000,000 CHRISTIANS After 1917 and killed Many MAny Germans. By the way I bet no of you people ever have heard of this in The soviet union. look it up.


Answer by MissSeriousness
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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Hitler was the stupidest, dummest and most bizzare person of all time! I love how he had the Nazi-Soviet Pact (agreement with Stalin) and then...typical Hitler...he attacks Russia!! That was nice!...............................


Answer by fidget
Submitted on 5/14/2006
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I think Dan and Shadow need a serious reality check.  The exact definiton of genocide is as follows:The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.  So for either of you to agree even if it is in a joking matter is neurotic.  I can't believe anyone could joke or be serious about a thing like this.  And I am not just talking about the Holocaust genocide is happening now and happened in Rwanda.  One group (or race) trying to exterminate another race just because they don't like the other.  It is morally and ethically wrong.  So many people have been tortured and murdered and raped because of this.  I bet if anyone were to just say something bad about yourself or your race you'd be very vexed.  So before you make comments grow up and think about what you say.  If you'd like to comment me back on what I have said you can IM or e-mail me @ Orlandogurl89@aol.com!


Answer by greeny
Submitted on 5/15/2006
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hitler ws a bad man nd wat he did was wrong


Answer by halil
Submitted on 5/16/2006
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Hitler was a very clever man.. he wanted to be in world history and he achieved..do not forget this; Jews were not innocents ,they wanted to prempt German economy


Answer by jade
Submitted on 5/18/2006
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You can't blame hitler for wanting to have a perfect world...but the world isn't meant to be perfect. He is PSYCHO.

But he has a hella lot of style.


Answer by cait
Submitted on 5/21/2006
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Nobody can justify what he did, no reason in the world can justify it, but getting angry at him or anyone like that is stupid and ignorant because that wont bring back the Innocent people who were killed. Instead of finding someone to blame why don't you educate yourself and read a book, maybe 'night' by Elie Wiesel. he was there. you could, i don't know, stop watching TV , get off you ass, and learn something!


Answer by lozange
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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all u ppl r rong u rlly rlly nd 2 get a life!!!! Hitler would kill all of the Jews in a gas chamber, he deserved t6o be killed in a gas chamber instead of all the Innocent Jews


Answer by yall lose!
Submitted on 5/24/2006
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yall, i may be country and hick, but i think that half yalls answers make sense. and shadow, ur awesome!!!! awesome answers, brother!! And some yall need ta get alife. and some gay people ur k, get what i mean. i personally am straight though. anywho, NC IS AWESOME AND SAVE A HORSE RIDE A COWBOY!!


Answer by ??????????????????????????????????
Submitted on 6/2/2006
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i think that hitler wanted and did respect the jewish enough to agree with their religion and culture. i think that not only besides his social (well not so social) life he was a bad man jus waiting to crack!


Answer by dupidy
Submitted on 6/7/2006
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Hitler: Rise to power, background, family life, days before suicide, speeches, Mein Kampf.
Life in Germany prior to war: economy, nationalistic/patriotic feelings.
"The Jewish Question": Hitler's goal "The Final Solution".
he was a brilliant mastermind but in the end he was sick and it was not right what he did to other people.


Answer by JCHU
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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Hitler believed that the Aryan race was superior to all others and tried to promote the idea that Jews and others such as gypsies, homosexuals, blacks, and Jehovah's Witnesses were reasons for the Germany economical misfortune.  The Jews were believed to be associated with communism and under this presumption, Hitler had a political cover-up to his plan for racial purity.


Answer by mr.t
Submitted on 6/28/2006
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If you dont be somebody you be somebodys fool!


Answer by katie
Submitted on 7/5/2006
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Hitler was proven to be mad.He had an obsession with power, and was racits,but his way with words brainwashed the people of Germany at that time, many of the germans had no idea about the concentration camp and death camps that Hitler ordered.He was a sick man ,with SERIOUSE ishues.His family upringing didnt help him either, his father abused him and by the time he was 18 his father and mother where dead.His heart was so messed up-Saitins weapon..


Answer by SBS
Submitted on 7/10/2006
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Hitler was stupid and couldn't think straight. He was a gay man and did a very wrong and terrible thing. He was a very bad man who i hate and everyone i know hate but i don't see the point in killing them and then him killing himself. He should have killed himself first if he hated the Jews and didn't want to live in the same country or world with them .Yeah. Thank you.


Answer by cute poison
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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I'm sorry, but what has danny hernandez got to do with the holocaust???


Answer by shlHFDA
Submitted on 8/29/2006
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Answer by blah
Submitted on 10/23/2006
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what was the rationale for the mindless, indiscriminate killings?


Answer by chevy
Submitted on 10/26/2006
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i believe that hitler was crazy, he wanted a dominate race. which isn't possible, because how many people do you know that are just white or just black usally somewhere down the line you could be anything. it is said but not proven that hitler himself had some jew. Jews were always hated from the begining of time for thier religion,looks, and everything they stood for fustrated hitler.so he decided if people don't like the jews, he  could get rid of them and no one would care.He was wrong no one deserves that not anyone! please remember that when you make fun of someone your just acting like hitler, messing with people for who they are.


Answer by chevy
Submitted on 10/26/2006
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i believe that hitler was crazy, he wanted a dominate race. which isn't possible, because how many people do you know that are just white or just black usally somewhere down the line you could be anything. it is said but not proven that hitler himself had some jew. Jews were always hated from the begining of time for thier religion,looks, and everything they stood for fustrated hitler.so he decided if people don't like the jews, he  could get rid of them and no one would care.He was wrong no one deserves that not anyone! please remember that when you make fun of someone your just acting like hitler, messing with people for who they are.


Answer by Leet ninja
Submitted on 11/2/2006
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You're all forgetting. the question was about the Holocaust, not Hitler.
but Dan..you rock


Answer by ROXY
Submitted on 11/5/2006
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Hitler wanted to control the world. Everyone had to be the same. He killed over six million jews. He wanted everybody to have blonde hair and blues eyes. THe funny thing is that he wanted every body to be somthing that he wasn't. He was a freak. He was intelligent, but used his intelligence in a bad way. HATE HIM.


Answer by boo
Submitted on 11/7/2006
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There are no reasons for the holocaust! muh ha ha


Answer by Hitler
Submitted on 11/13/2006
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I am the God of you all i hope you die!


Answer by Chocolate
Submitted on 11/13/2006
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Hitler was a sick twisted freak...and he didnt't know what he wanted..all he wanted was blonde hair blue eyes but he had dark hair and dark eyes...so Hitler is a freaking fool...somebody should've killed him or put him in a concentration camp because he doesn't feet in with the perfect people...(blonde hair blue eyes)


Answer by Little Parker
Submitted on 11/16/2006
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The Holocaust happened for no reason but the reason of on man who believed something different than others. no one really knows why he did it or what was going through him at the time the only people who know are the survivors. Hitler wasn't right in the aspect but again he was wrong. The Holocaust was a horror for anyone to know or for anyone to live through no one person can really answer this question fully.


Answer by anorexicmuffin8370
Submitted on 11/20/2006
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Hitler wanted the world to be the same. Basically, he wanted all the power and because the Jewish population greatly outnumbered the Aryan race, he decided to demolish all other races for a 'perfect world' where everyone looked the same, thought the same and were all the same.

on another note though, isn't this communism? the idea that there is no signified leader? please correct me if im wrong on this, but he killed communists.
A bit hypocritical, dont you agree?


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 11/20/2006
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why did he do what he did its not there fault they were trying to do what is best for them. and he hates them for that reason thats just not right at all. if his mom was jew and he was 1/4 whats the point seriously why should he hate them he is jew just like them.


Answer by jsslennk
Submitted on 11/21/2006
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You all have problems


Answer by katie NZ 16
Submitted on 11/23/2006
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Adolf Hitler needed a reason for the loss of the First World War, so, as many others have stated, he used the Jewish people as a scapegoat. You could say it was because he hated the Jewish people and this is probably right, however the reason the scapegoating of this race was so successful is because of the Jewish peoples success in Germany at the time where the rest of the German people were suffering from the depression.
The Jewish people were benefiting from the depression because they were known to lend money out to families that were struggling and would then charge interest so earned quite a profit. This was coupled with the fact that Hitler was a very powerful and charismatic speaker and empowered the 'Aryan' race with statements that made them feel more superior so they in turn looked down on the Jewish people and saw them as barely human.

p.s anyone who says that the genocide or holocaust is 'cool' or you think you are being funny by saying it is 'excellent' needs to actually learn about it and realize that it is an atrocious part of our history. Grow up and put yourself in their shoes. You should not put comments on here unless you actually know something and can say something worthwhile.


Answer by Shelly
Submitted on 11/27/2006
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Hitler was a god in my eyes... i know that most people will call me crazy, but i believe what he did was amazing and everyone should take example from him


Answer by tinkerbell
Submitted on 11/30/2006
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okay. so im doing a report on the reason for the holocaust and i dont know what to put..yet.
can you please tell me the reason?


Answer by Jordan H.
Submitted on 12/2/2006
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I believe that the Holacaust happened because of anti-Semitism. Germany obviously hated the Jews which is wrong


Answer by kaushal  kishore
Submitted on 12/3/2006
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Hitler was really a god for his countrymen...it seems he had a grand plan for  the world which he could not implement during his life time. Please watch the film "the downfall".
Holocaust was barbaric...a sinful act...god might have descended in front of Hitler and told him that he has  to kill himself as HE (the God)could not do it as the dagger would stink. so Hitler was  compelled to shoot himself.


Answer by Andreyou help3000
Submitted on 12/7/2006
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The young who put his number is gay and slow. I think that you need help i dont know waht thinking but that is sad.
There a internet people otu there and you put your phone number!


Answer by KitKat
Submitted on 12/11/2006
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okay now people who think genocide is a good thing are just as bad as Hitler. and so are people who discriminate against things that they don't think are "good enough" to be human! there isn't a perfect human and everyone is different so why ridicule people for that?
every one thinks Hitler was mad, but saying that just gives him an excuse for what he did. if you say he was mad it gives him a mental illness, but there is no excuse for the evil he committed! not only did Hitler murder innocent people he also had no good excuse/reason for it. there were many reasons for it but none of them can excuse Hitler for it. and why would Hitler have discriminated against homosexuals if he was one?


Answer by I <3 Hitler
Submitted on 12/14/2006
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Hitler burned them all reeaaaall good.


Answer by Jihoon
Submitted on 1/14/2007
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cuz hes mom was raped


Answer by Linzey {bens girl} is a [taken] *jew*
Submitted on 1/21/2007
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Hitler was a Schizophrenic. He also had parkinsons disease. Hitler did not kill himself because he knew he was doing wrong. He thought he was doing the work of the lord. Hitler killed himself along with his family. Hitler also thought god talked to him. He had songs, poems, prayers, etc. rewritten to have his name instead of god's. There were over 40 million people killed during the holocaust. Hitler, believed that the jews killed his god, and should not live. Hitler was in need of psychiatric help.


Answer by dude
Submitted on 1/22/2007
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of course
p.s hi


Answer by jd
Submitted on 2/3/2007
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he had a racist opinion and because of that one thought, millions of innocent people died!


Answer by Kilner
Submitted on 2/6/2007
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He killed the Jews because he wanted money from them and was scared because they would kick his arse in a knife fight


Answer by melissa
Submitted on 2/8/2007
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I think Hitler was a very intelligent man and I also think that anyone that's going to post someone's name, number, and address needs to get a life. =]


Answer by Sav
Submitted on 2/20/2007
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The reason for the holocust was Hitler believed everyone in the world should be the same and blamed the Jews, Gypies, Gay, and handicap people for everything bad that happened.


Answer by nelly
Submitted on 2/25/2007
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Hitler was a complete idiot who had a messed up life so he wanted to make life worse for others. I believe he wanted the world to be how he imagined, but it could not be that way. All of you people should think twice on what you are saying because this topic is not something to fool around with. What if a genocide began then who would you run to ,BUSH?


Answer by paco
Submitted on 3/6/2007
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Answer by stupidhighschoolkid
Submitted on 3/7/2007
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you are all stupid he was not a homo and you all should look up more information and while your at it pull your heads out of your as**s


Answer by suicide.
Submitted on 3/10/2007
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hitler did things wrong.
he criticized people's race.
He wanted a perfect world.
He spread a Hate speech
across the world.
the scary thing about the whole
thing is..is that people like that he did that.Hate speech should be banned.
Hate speech leads to hate crime.


Answer by vron
Submitted on 3/12/2007
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looking at it from a psychological aspect, Hitler felt threatened. Having so much power made him feel especially insecure, therefore he abused his power and the art of manipulation.


Answer by larnie-baybeh*...x.
Submitted on 3/16/2007
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hitler only did it to get attention, and for the sick satisfaction of being in control. he should never of murdered innocent people because of the race that they are or even their sexuality!
its just SICK if you ask me!!


Answer by ak
Submitted on 3/18/2007
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hitler is held up to be the key for all that was evil in the holocaust. we have to rememeber and teach others that he was the instigator but never once did he witness a killing or commit one. the main perpetrators are those like himmler and the anti-sematic german society of the time who did there best to commit the most violent acts they could to exterminate a race in order to please hitler and his beliefs.


Answer by becauseisaidso
Submitted on 3/21/2007
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Hitler was a crazy person who just didn't see the damage he was causing. I think he would have turned out to be a great person if he wasn't rejected by the art schools he applied for because he obviously had a great talent and  just gave up and didn't have the drive and didn't get the attention or credit he needed when he was younger. So this was his way of getting attention and credit for something regardless of all the pain it caused to everyone around him.


Answer by hottie
Submitted on 4/3/2007
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I think Hitler was a load of bull......he is so disgusting.........he makes me sick......tooo bad he killed himself be4 we got to him...........he a stupid little retard


Answer by Kisame556
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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Hitler not only had mental diseases but he also needed a group to blame Germany's problems on, so he chose the Jews, whom he already hated.


Answer by enna
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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The problem with saying that everyone has a right to believe what they want is that then Hitler had a right to believe that there was an Aryan race. So then they say that people shouldn't put their beliefs into practice, which means that Jews and Christians alike shouldn't put their beliefs into practice. In the end, what we come down to is that people whose beliefs differ from society's shouldn't be allowed to put their beliefs into practice. But then, some pacifist comes out and says that if your beliefs hurt someone else, then you shouldn't be allowed to put them into practice. The problem with this is that then what if your beliefs contradict someone else's beliefs and thereby hurt them?  
Just some food for thought... if you can figure out the answer to this problem, you should win the Nobel Peace Prize :D

Anyway, the reason for the Holocaust, as I understand it, is that initially, the Nazis needed more support from the German people. They got this through fear, which began with the burning of the Reichstag, then was followed by the opening of Dachau and other concentration camps to contain political prisoners (opposition to the Nazis). The real anti-semitic feelings gradually began to build with the restrictions put on Jews - singling them out made people fear them. Kristallnacht, which was precipitated by a Jewish boy retaliating after the Nazis murdered his parents, was the first public demonstration of the building Anti-semitic feelings in Germany at the time. Long story short, the Holocaust brought the Nazis to power and kept them there until the end of the War.

Btw, I know that I'm posting this 3 years late...


Answer by nene
Submitted on 4/8/2007
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Answer by Nikki_Baby
Submitted on 4/12/2007
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Okay, some of you people really need to learn how to spell and stand up for yourself.
  Not to pick on anyone but its just wrong.
Okay, yah Hitler WAS actually homosexual NOT gay.There IS a difference.
Thank you


Answer by Rhea
Submitted on 4/15/2007
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Innocent, helpless humans were murdered because of their race. They were just like you and I. They all played, they all laughed, they all were loved and they all had a future. They were going to go to college they were going to get married and raise a family. They all had dreams and then were separated from the world and had no hope. All because Hitler thought different. He believed the world should be the same. He though everyone should be like him. He came to realize that he couldn't change the world and that he wasn't god and then he shot himself! He wasted away beautiful lives for his selfish pity!


Answer by saxychicks4life
Submitted on 4/16/2007
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First of all, it's really low to get back at somebody by putting their phone number on this message board.  Dan and shadow: idiots.  being so negative about people who are different is exactly what Hitler did.  He went to the extreme and killed Jews, etc.because he was racist.  racist people have no place saying anything about the Holocaust because racist people are uneducated and sickening.  


Answer by nick dawg
Submitted on 4/22/2007
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The reason for the Holocaust started with WWI. Hitler wanted everyone to be the same and he wanted no weak points in his own little empire of Germany. He knew European Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and "Social Deviants" were weak points in Germany. Jews were blamed the most and six million were executed because of the fall of the military. Hitler stated it wasn't the bad leadership, but it was the actions people were doing before and during the war.


Answer by ashanti12
Submitted on 4/26/2007
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i think that hitler thought he was in so much power that he wanted to control the world. so he figured that he would kill some jews so that the people would know that he was forreal about what he was trying to do.


Answer by anthony
Submitted on 4/27/2007
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hitler was just a big gay homo like andres garza
whos # is 956-687-9684
in mcallen tx.


Answer by hot babe 15
Submitted on 5/3/2007
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hittler started
the war and we all know it


Answer by deedles
Submitted on 5/7/2007
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Hitler was messed up in the head because he had a very troubled child life. Hitler was Austrian Hungarian an he was also half Jewish. He used others as a scapegoat but he was also a mastermind a genius, he talked in such a a manipulating way that everyone believed him. IF he hadnt commit suicide he indeed would of taken over the world.


Answer by lilbit84
Submitted on 5/11/2007
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i think the holocaust was so sad and i reach my heart out to the survives of it


Answer by Satin
Submitted on 5/15/2007
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I think Adolf Hitler was the greatest man to walk this earth and if anyone disagrees your just a hater!  Shout out to my boy Sadaam Husan.  F*$k Gays Blacks, whites, mexicans, chinese, and any others I missed.  I hate myself too just in case your wondering.  Peace out
P.S. Man Slauter For Life


Answer by Crazy Gal
Submitted on 5/15/2007
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You are all stupid. U say ppl and n and gay like they are swearwords
you call hitler a homo but just because the crazy guy commited geniside, there is no reason to call him gay.


Answer by Zap
Submitted on 5/17/2007
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The most likely reason why Hitler was capable of ordering the mass killings that occurred during the Holocaust is because of Hitler and many of close advisors’ harsh childhood and early adulthood.
In his family only two out of six children survived, a possible reason why he was so numb to the death of people. Also Hitler’s Roman Catholic father whipped him daily, a possible reason he also hated Catholics and was numb to any violence. Young Adolf aided this process of numbing by resolving not to cry or show pain when he was whipped. Many people including Beethoven have been brought up similarly but have had nobody to talk to and to express his feeling to. Unlike the many other people with childhoods like this Hitler had no mentor, no friend, and his dad had cut him off from normal human contact other than school, but sense he had no friends at school this was no help, and his mom was to busy morning the loses of her other four children that she didn’t ever pay attention to Adolf.
Later in his life a rumor was created that Hitler was a quarter Jewish because his grandmother had gotten pregnant while working as a housemaid for a Jewish family. This was never proven but it bothered Hitler enough that he tried to hide his ancestry. A Jewish doctor, Edward Bloch, treated his mother when she contracted terminal breast cancer but his mom died anyway. Many people believe that this is why he was an Anti-Semitist, but Hitler liked the doctor and put him on the small do not kill list. In early 1913, to avoid conscription (European version of the draft) he moved to Bavaria. Later Hitler was threatened by the Austrian government to be arrested if he didn’t come back and show up for duty. Hitler went but when he showed up they found him to weak and not ready to battle. Hitler then went back to Bavaria. Later he served in the military there. He fought well and won two Iron Crosses. An artillery shell then wounded him. He then recovered in a Berlin hospital and served the rest of the four years he was in the military. After that he was temporarily blinded in a mustard gas attack in Belgium. This time while he was recovering Germany under went a communist revolt. Some of the leaders of this revolt were Jewish, fueling Hitler’s hatred of Jewish people. Also Hitler believed that a nation could not treat another nation equally if the nation is to succeed.  



Answer by Knowledge
Submitted on 5/19/2007
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Hitler's ideas were radical and in the beginning he was a joke to the German people. It was only when the second depression hit Germany were people desperate enough to cling to his ideals. Though to get the support of all of the German population he needed to sway them by targeting minority groups who were hated in Europe one of these being the Jews because many Christians disliked them and they were richer than other(not a stereotype but true fact in that time era. This is because even further back they did not have to pay tax to the Church and therefore accumulated more money and became business owners and wealthy money lenders)Germans. Those who still did not follow Hitler's ways were then sent to concentration to be killed.

P.S. Excuse my grammar I'm not sure but i think I made a few mistakes


Answer by dylan
Submitted on 5/27/2007
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lol sif n00b


Answer by olivegardenrocks
Submitted on 5/27/2007
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dan ur answer is messed up. y ould u want to incourage genocide?


Answer by October
Submitted on 5/27/2007
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Why did Hitler dislike Homosexuals so much when he was one himself? Why did he want everyone to have blond hair and blue eyes or is that even true? i'mdoing a report on Hitler i need all the help i can get......

                 October Freire


Answer by Willardhe
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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There are many reasons, all of them valid. However perhaps the largest reason for the decision of the 'final solution' and the Holocaust that existed previous to that (as well as after that) was ideological.
The Nazis weren't out to be evil (although they did an excellent job of doing so). They believed in the "aryan" race, and the Holocaust was predominantly the materialization of this belief- that all other races, peoples and religions were inferior to their own.
Another reason is that the conservative elites of Germany (Hindenburg, von Papen before Hitler was in power, and Hitler and his immediate Nazi advisors after 1933 when he became chancellor) were looking for a scapegoat to blame for the state of the nation post hyper-inflation of 1923 and depression of 1928- and thus they blamed minority groups such as the Jews and the Gypsies.  


Answer by sex god and jewish rape
Submitted on 6/8/2007
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hitler was a baldy ald fart with 1 testical i know i sucked his cock :P jewish ppl are bad what kind of person cuts his own skin espicially his babay maker the fuking gypisies p.s hitler rules if u want 2 know his ancestor visit mr hownsley at alsop high school


Answer by Molly
Submitted on 6/9/2007
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How can something as atrocious as the Holocaust be turned into a petty fight over who's an idiot or not? What's the point of having a discussion about this if we can't get away from the hatred that caused the whole thing in the first place?  I'm doing a research paper for the Holocaust and I felt sick coming across this page.  


Answer by Albi
Submitted on 7/20/2007
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what about the tutsi in Rwanda?


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