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Question by TW
Submitted on 7/25/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Rottweilers Breed-FAQ
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Answer by kayla
Submitted on 9/12/2003
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tell me about rottweilers life


Answer by Layne
Submitted on 10/13/2003
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usually 15 years if you are analretentive about how you take care of it.
10-13 if you are not.


Answer by Meg
Submitted on 12/9/2003
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My Rottie just died of Cancer at almost 10 years old.  We have had her seen by at least 4 veterinarians (Surgeons and Specialists) in the last couple of months and every one of them said that 10 years is very old for a Rottie and we were lucky to have her that long.  

They are wonderful smart loyal and loving dogs.


Answer by Brigette
Submitted on 12/14/2003
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hi a rotweilers life span is usually 8-11 years because i have had 7 rottweilers before and i know how long they live well if you need any more information please contact me at monkeyfever@direcway.com


Answer by angela
Submitted on 2/10/2004
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9 yrs is how long a rottweilers life span is from what iv'eread. But I hope she makes it to 11 yrs


Answer by Diana
Submitted on 3/19/2004
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I had 2 that died of cancer at age 8 1/2 and Brandy just died yesterday at age 7 of cancer


Answer by Denise
Submitted on 4/10/2004
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My Rotty lived to be 7 yrs old, Definately not long enough. she was a GREAT dog.


Answer by Megan
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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My Rottweiler lived till he was 9 years old.


Answer by charlene
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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we have a rotti, he is still going at age 15.


Answer by Mitzi
Submitted on 5/2/2004
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I have a 9 and a half year old rotti that was just diagnosed with a tumor and mild anemia.  It's been the best 9 and a half years of my life, anyone out there have suggestions for pain management?  


Answer by kathydem
Submitted on 5/8/2004
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My Rott was put to sleep yesterday. He was 8 1/2 y/o. Osteosarcoma. If they are in pain, let them go. :-( I miss him terribly!


Answer by Kelly
Submitted on 7/5/2004
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My Rotti is 9 years old and still very healthy.  I heard their life span is 8-12 years.


Answer by Kari
Submitted on 8/8/2004
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My dog just turned 5 and is healthy. I am scared about losing him 8 seems so young. He is part of the family it would be like losing a child.


Answer by Karebear
Submitted on 9/15/2004
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My Rottweiler lived to be 8years and 7 months.  Our vet swore she was part cat.  She had 50% of her stomach removed due to eating carpet.  She was at deaths door when she made it into surgery.  $2500.00 dollars later she had a 2nd chance.  Later that same year she had a infection in her uterus which led to being spayed. Several tumors were removed throughout her life, until this past July.  She started to have trouble walking, I had hope it was arthritis.  It turned out to be osteosarcoma. Bone cancer in her front rt leg. I had considered amputation. But, Xrays showed it had traveled to her lungs. Days later her eyes pulled with blood and breathing became difficult.  I truely lost my best friend the day I put her to rest. Words cannot describe the qualities that these creatures possess.


Answer by Oshnnsun
Submitted on 10/12/2004
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I have to agree with *kathydem*.  If they are in pain - do the right thing and let them go.  You can't explain to them "why" they are hurting - they just know it hurts. Two months ago I had to put my female, Raja, who was only 4 yrs old to sleep. It happened so fast, she lost her sight in less than a week, saw a vet/specialist 5 of the 6 days, we were trying to figure out what happened, the last morning she woke and her neck was swollen, she was blind, could barely breathe - I had to and did take her in.  It was awful - she was only 4.  Now, two months later, I have been given the unfortunate news that Satchimo, my male of 8 yrs, has about 2 months.  Right now for the time being he's okay, a little slow but the vet assures me he is in no real pain, (only when the weather gets cold he seems achey.) But the minute he is uncomfortable I will have to do one of the hardest things ever and that is let him go also.  He is the BEST dog I have ever had. There will never be another like him. He's been at my side almost literally since he was 7 wks. (Even at work - if you can believe it!) Right now, he's enjoy a very privledged and spoiled life.  That is the best I can give him. He was a gift - had I known they avg. ten years, by choice I would not have gotten a rottie, I get too attached. But now, I will never consider another breed. Whether I will ever own another dog - I don't know. This year has been so difficult - I'm losing both of my babies. But I'm thankful for the time I have had with the both of them.  Gotta love the Rotts.  


Answer by MIckey
Submitted on 10/30/2004
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I have a Rottweiler and she's my baby and she is approximately 13 maybe 14 years old, My husband found her in 1993 and when she was checked by vet she was right around 3 yrs old...  She's the bomb !!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by cst
Submitted on 12/1/2004
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My rott is 5 years old, and doing great.  He has had a problem with his hind legs, but is doing good.  What I do notice is...people don't want to deal with the traing of rotts, and therefore they are among the abused and dumped off breed.  It really ticks me off.


Answer by Patty
Submitted on 12/9/2004
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I have a rotti who will be turning 14 this comming May.  He goes to the vet on a regular basis and they can find no problems with him.  Everyday I come home from work and he is right there full of energy to greet me.  The only problems I see with him, are he can only walk up 1 or 2 steps but not a whole flight, and he is spoiled rotten.. :)


Answer by SAMMY
Submitted on 12/19/2004
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My Rott was just put to sleep this past Wed. He was 11 1/2 . Because he had liver cancer. I have been crying everyday and miss him. Do you think 11.5 is a long life for a rott?


Answer by crissy
Submitted on 12/22/2004
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how long is a rottwielers life span?


Answer by Shelly
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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My Rottweiler is still very active at age 10.  She is not overweight, plays very well with the other 2 dogs (pittbulls) and has been a very good dog all these years.  She requires alot of attention and "love".  The discrimination against these types of dogs is ridiculous.  Its all in the way you raise them.  What dog doesn't bite?


Answer by Crystal
Submitted on 1/25/2005
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How long does a Rottweiler live for, and what is it's life span?


Answer by Joann
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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I just put my rotti to sleep last week and she was 13. I took her to emergency room because she could not get up. Doc said she broke her leg because she had bone cancer. Very hard but I could not put her through test and treatments that will not work.


Answer by G&J4EVER
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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Answer by carrie
Submitted on 2/7/2005
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I've had  three rottweilers and my oldest on we put down at christmas time she was 16 years old and still a great dog. i have a 9 year old and she loves to play with my kids.  and i had a 7 1/2 year old female and she had Von willebrands disease and she died last month


Answer by Tina
Submitted on 2/13/2005
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My beloved Rottie lived to be 12 years 2 mos.
She had joint discomfort her last year but we were able to keep her comfortable and she was so happy until her last day when she took a turn downhill within 24 hours.  We had to make the decision to put her to sleep  but I think she would have gone on her own by the end of that weekend.


Answer by Slash
Submitted on 2/25/2005
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My Rotti died today and was 11 years old.  He had puppy like energy until 2 months before.  Had Kidney failure and only lasted a couple of months.


Answer by gigglepuss
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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I have heard that Rottweilers live from about 10-13 years.


Answer by Teri
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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My rottie's name was Mia. She died July 8, 2004 which is my B-Day. She had cancer and Alzheimer’s. I too did all I could to save her life. I was there when she was born and there when she left us at the age of 14 1/2 years. I miss her terribly  


Answer by Miss Rotti
Submitted on 4/8/2005
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My Rott is 6 years old.
The thought of not having her with me is painful, but she is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Answer by Annie
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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Our beautiful Bo has just been diagnosed with cancer that has spread pretty much throughout her body...we have brought her home to say goodbye and when she lets me know we will let her go...she is 10 yrs old.


Answer by Jessice
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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my rottweiler was almost 16 when we had to put him to sleep he was very healthy but he kept causing problems. We live on a farm and he always brake loose on anything you tie him up to and then he'll go around killing half of our animals and he attacked our neighbors  so sadly we had to put him down but i miss him very much...


Answer by INUYASHA
Submitted on 5/2/2005
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Answer by CHUCK
Submitted on 5/6/2005
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My Rotti Jayke is 7 1/2 and was just diagnosed with Osteosarcoma.He is the best dog ever.


Answer by Sanomar
Submitted on 6/7/2005
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I have a Rottweiler that is almost 8 years old.  She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma about a month ago.  I asked how long that she had left, and the Dr. stated between 1-3 months.  The cancer is matastisized, and there is no way of knowing when it started.   So...  I just enjoy the time that I have left with her.  If anyone knows what to look for when it's time to say goodbye, please let me know.  Thank You.


Answer by michael
Submitted on 6/12/2005
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my Rotty is 13 years old with hip dysplasia we are going to put her to sleep tommorow, it has been very depressing for me


Answer by nelly
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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How old is to old to begin breeding a rottweiler.  


Answer by Stevee
Submitted on 6/17/2005
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My Rottie, Kalie, is 10 years, 7 months. She has her share of issues, hip dysplasia, benign tumor growths, pain.

Aspirin is what the vet recommends for pain.
When it gets to the point that pain overwhelms a dogs life, I am inclined to administer medicine that may be advised against by vets. I will change them up...Aleve works, no Tylenol. Nutro Glucosamine/Chondroitin dry food for seniors with any little canned food mixed in for pleasure.

Best when I walk her everyday. If not, the next walk will be extremely painful. She lives to go for walks and it keeps her very, "very" happy and puppy-like. Rotties must be happy...the sulk and get depressed if you do not take them out EVERY day. If your Rottie suffers really bad hip pain, walk every other day or even every third day. You will see that they will strengthen and soon be able to walk better and more frequently. Work up to walking every day. Kalie, at nearly 11, is in the best state of mind and best health in the past 6 years. ALL due to daily walks at interesting places, e.g., parks/fields. Not boring sidewalks all the time.


Answer by Arthur
Submitted on 6/29/2005
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We just found out that our loving, gentle Rottie;Buckus has a tumor in his stomach. He is 9 and a half years old. We are so devastated!! When he is in pain we will let him go. It won't be good-bye, it will be, see you later our loving friend. Because I do believe that we will reunite when I and my wife pass. I am man enough to shed tears at this time of parting. He is loved so much, I hope that he knows this!


Answer by babygirl
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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My babygirl is 10 1/2 years old she was born in Belguim and I hope she makes it to 15.  The vet says she is well cared for and the only problem she has is that she is  a little over weight.  She does have a kidney problem, but is on medication that makes her act like a puppy.  We love her so much.


Answer by kristine
Submitted on 8/7/2005
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buddy had only been 4 1/2 yrs with us. he was diagnosed to have cancer of the nostril. he underwent chemotherapy. a year later, he had cancer of the skin.buddy had the 3 best vets in the philipines.i wish he had been with us longer...GOD bless buddy


Answer by lexi
Submitted on 8/7/2005
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Hi I have two beautifull rotti"s they are 4
and 2 I hope they live long at least 15 years they are like my kids they even sleep   in my bed with me rotti"s rule.


Answer by elizabeth
Submitted on 8/9/2005
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i'mhoping ur pup lives long. i also have an old rotti whose 9 yrs old.  i took him from a nice home but he was outside 24/7 with no human contact but he was with his other dog buddies but no ppl. i took him though in the hopes of making the last years ofhis life the best. so my advice to you is...make his last years of his life, the best.  but i'malso wondering...how long do we have?


Answer by Dan
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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My Rotti is 9 year old as well and he will die soon. He is not feeling very well at all and the doctors keep coming but they don't give us too much hope.
Bruno is the best dog I ever had.


Answer by Mattymae
Submitted on 9/15/2005
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Our first two  females  lived to 12 and 13 years in good health.
Our third a male (and last) has just turned 9 and was recently diagnosed to have osteosarcoma.
That's 34 years of wonderful companionship that we are going to miss.


Answer by Cruz and Lorraine
Submitted on 10/17/2005
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Our Rotti, Zena, was was 9 yrs old and we had to let her go on October 16, 2005 She was a great dog. We miss her already.


Answer by Scott
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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My wonderful Darrell is 9 1/2 and he is still like a baby! He was diagnosed at the age of 4 for Epilepsy. Every 13 days he has seizures once to twice a day and he is fine for the next 2 weeks. He is on medication for seizures which helps a lot.  It's been tough to have to deal with it but we take great care of him. Does anyone have a rotti with Epilepsy?


Answer by Anita
Submitted on 11/19/2005
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I am going to get a Rottie, and read lots of books about them.The majority of the books say about 10-15 most and 8-10 least.


Answer by Darcell
Submitted on 11/24/2005
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We had our rott since a pup, since 1992! He died the day before thanksgiving 2005. 13 good long years


Answer by samatha
Submitted on 11/30/2005
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it is good


Answer by Johnny
Submitted on 12/11/2005
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I'm very sad as my rottweiller just died at 10 yrs of age. He was a very loyal and dear friend who will be sadley missed. He was very gentle with my Children and enjoyed life.
He will always be greatly missed by our family


Answer by kevin
Submitted on 12/24/2005
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my rott is only 2 but i heard they live to about 13 but my rotts dad was 16 we got our rott


Answer by Dago
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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I have a rotti, she is still going at age 11.


Answer by Sally
Submitted on 1/21/2006
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Bubba 12 years old and going strong.  The best and most awesome dog I have ever owned.  A true friend.  I pray he lives many more years!


Answer by Sally
Submitted on 1/21/2006
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Bubba 12 years old and going strong.  The best and most awesome dog I have ever owned.  A true friend.  I pray he lives many more years!


Answer by ken
Submitted on 2/22/2006
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my mom dog is sick and she is very upset but we had the dog for 10years so i think we should be apprciated


Answer by Lucy
Submitted on 2/24/2006
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It's amazing to have the experience of raising a Rottweiler. They are loyal and kind to their owners, and yet so very protective. My Rottweiler, Brandy, died last year at the age of 15.. She was in pain for about three months, but she kept holding on until she couldn't hold on. She died peacefully in my room as the whole family surrounded her and said our farewells. She was a fighter and holds a big piece of my heart. Very recommended breed. They truly do live strong, and thankfully in many cases, live long.


Answer by mike sad
Submitted on 3/3/2006
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Mine just died yesterday at 10 years 4 months I was hopeing she would live to be about 12 I wasn't ready to say goodbye I will miss her dearly


Answer by bryan
Submitted on 3/3/2006
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Rottweilers will live as long as you want them to as long as you are willing to go to the next mile. As i have always read rott'slive from 8-10 years any older than that your a lucky person. My rott zeke had just passes away from a tumor. he was a great out going rottweiler and out of nowhere a tumor came along and took his life. So what i say life isnt a time or how long a rott lives. If you have a rott just love them with all the love you have because any day can be your pets last.


Answer by Robin
Submitted on 3/20/2006
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My Rott{Sasha}was going to be 12yrs. old. We just had her put to sleep because of hip problems and she was REALLY suffering. She was truly the BEST dog I have ever had.


Answer by ed
Submitted on 4/9/2006
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my  rott lived to  be 12  1/2
   then he died  suddenly    u wouldnt think  he was that  old
very playful         miss  him every day


Answer by Chelsea
Submitted on 4/16/2006
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I had a rottweiler who died at the age of 5. He got sick just like out of nowhere then on January 06, 2006 we were supposed to take him to the vet but he died that night right after we went to bed. He could'could'nt walk every time he tried to walk he would fall over and then just lay there then he just died that night he fell down in front of the fire place and died my brother found when he woke up and he was just laying there with his tounge sticking out.


Answer by Chelsea
Submitted on 4/16/2006
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I had a rottweiler who died at the age of 5. He got sick out of no where, then on January 06, 2006 we were supposed to take him to the vet but he died that night right after we went to bed. He couldn't walk, every time he tried to walk he would fall over and then just lay there, then he just died that night. He fell down in front of the fire place and died. My brother found him when he woke up and he was just laying there with his tongue sticking out.


Answer by Andrea
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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I just lost my second Rottie in 6 months, the older one we lost in Nov. from Osteosarcoma and the younger 7 1/2 years. old just had to be put down today. Both with the same disease, they were wonderful companions for our whole family and loved them dearly.


Answer by Rita
Submitted on 6/5/2006
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Please be very careful if you see an open wound on your dog. My rottweiler was only 13 and died because maggots got into it. He died only a few days later. So please do everything possible and early to prevent infection. I am in great grief. He was beautiful.  May Duke be blessed in Heaven.


Answer by Eric
Submitted on 6/10/2006
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I've had two Rotti'smy first one lived to be 15 and the one I have now is 10 and still acts like she's a puppy!


Answer by Mindsweat
Submitted on 6/12/2006
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Rocky, my Rotti is going to be put to sleep tomorrow at almost 10 1/2 of bone cancer. average life span is between 8-11.


Answer by Shannon
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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My rottie'sname is Scotia. She is 12 years old-same age as myself. She currently isnt'tfeeling good. She is not very active like she used to be. My dad says, for an outdoor dog, 12 years is about the limit of life. Scotia has always had proper food,water, and healthcare. Is there something I should look for or do or is 12yrs. a normal life span for a normal rottie?


Answer by seanc
Submitted on 7/19/2006
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my male rotty passed away a few days ago at age 12 1/2 ..i wasnt the best at giving him physical workouts, but i gave him all the love i could and he returned it 3x as much, i'll miss that little guy.


Answer by Marlee
Submitted on 7/24/2006
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This is actually a question but please some one answer it are you talking about dog years or humane years


Answer by yvonne
Submitted on 8/9/2006
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I have had two rotties the first died at 10 and a half from cancer and the second died
recently at 8 years which was far too soon.
Not a day goes by that I dont think of them


Answer by Mark
Submitted on 8/12/2006
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I had a 10 year old j ust die. I noticed he slowed down this year. he also was having a hard tume with the heat.  Put a fan on the porch for him and told my wife , next year we were going yo have to have an air conditioed buildimg for  him.  Wish I  would have built that buiding this year. Keep them cool espescially as they get older.  


Answer by BrianH
Submitted on 9/11/2006
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We just had to put our Rottie down yesterday. He had tumors on his spleen and intestines. He was laboring to breathe and very poor blood flow. He was 10 years and 7 months old. We feared he was too weak to survive the operation and recovery. We miss him so much. The best dog I have ever had.


Answer by mary anne
Submitted on 9/19/2006
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I have had 2 Rotties. I lost Tucker when he was 10 1/2 to Hemangiosarcoma. I have Terra still today. She is 12yr,but diagnosed with Osteosarcoma a few weeks ago. Due to her age amputation not an option & decision time looming in the near future.Vet concerned might be in her lungs, but she is still breathing fine. No point in stressing her with more tests,so pain management my main goal right now.I would say with good care & lots of love, Rotties can physically live 10yrs or more.Its their spirits that live forever within you.


Answer by DJR
Submitted on 9/23/2006
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mines 15 and is still goin, but has trouble goin up the stairs. id say from everone elses they live 7-12


Answer by Traci
Submitted on 9/26/2006
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My rottweiler is the love of my life, find one day, limping in pain and diagnosed with osteosarcoma the next, only 6 years old.


Answer by GOATS
Submitted on 10/14/2006
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Rottweilers dont die only sometimes if they fart while eating or sleeping


Answer by tanisha
Submitted on 11/6/2006
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We have a rott and she is still running around like a puppy. She will 12 Feb 2007. Just a few months.


Answer by Dave
Submitted on 11/18/2006
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I have a massive dog, he is just 6 years old, ideal companion, a one man dog\ faultless. Hope he lives longer than the expected


Answer by SHORTY
Submitted on 12/7/2006
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Answer by brittney
Submitted on 12/11/2006
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Hi i am wondering if why how long is my rottie going to live for he has a bad leg can they get cancer or dry skin.


Answer by Rits
Submitted on 12/25/2006
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Our rottie died. He was almost 14 but it could have been prevented. He was a very healthy dog. Beware of fly strike, if you ever see any flies, disinfect quickly and apply petrolum jelly if unable to take to the vet. Our rottie was so aggressive. We loved him dearly. I hope this helps anyone with a rottie.


Answer by Emmy
Submitted on 2/25/2007
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My Baby was put down at 9 years old because of congestive heart failure.  She was my Baby for sure.  Beautiful smart and loyal.


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 3/13/2007
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my dog lived to 14years and to 64days.i cryed like hell.she was the best dog i ever had.she babysit my kids,when they went to the pool she would make sure noone did anything too them.i look at her picture and feel like i'm missing one of my baby's.


Answer by smurf
Submitted on 3/30/2007
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hey, i need some help frum u guys, my rotty is 8 yrs old. but im not sure when hes goign to kick the bucket...i cant stop thinking abouy losing him this year because i have alot of other things that i need to focus on, but n e ways, hes pretty healthy, n e of u guys know how long my rotty SHOULD live? thanks guys..bye


Answer by April
Submitted on 5/23/2007
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My rotti is now 12 and we just took him to the vet and they said he is very healthy except for joint problems he is now having in his hips. They put him on steroids and so far it seems to be helping a bit......if that doesnt work though we will have to put wheels on his back legs. :(


Answer by Kim
Submitted on 5/25/2007
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Our first Rottweiler died in her sleep  at the ripe old age of thirteen years and eight months.Se was a wonderful and loyal family member and we will always miss her.


Answer by IronLion
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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My Rott, Chimeara died last night while we were out of town. The night before she was swimming, playing and barking as usual. We got back and couldnt find her. She got her way into the bathtub with the curtain still shut to die. She was 11. Im going to miss her very much.


Answer by Shawn
Submitted on 6/5/2007
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My Rotti just died at 9 yrs. old. I've heard that's a long time for a rottweiler. It wasn't long enough! ='(


Answer by steffieray
Submitted on 6/20/2007
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hi my name is stephanie I have had 3 rotties and bred them i had 2 that died of bone cancer Ramsey died at the age of 10 ( he was awesome) ebony his daughter died of cancer at the age of 8 (she was a sweetie) and then on  june 14th I had Harley my last one put down at the age 131/2 she lived a very long time she was my buddy I miss her terribly , we think she had a stroke!


Answer by brandi0478
Submitted on 6/26/2007
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my dog bugsy is just 7 last week , he was diagnosed today with hemangiosarcoma , they said they could not give us a time frame b/c he is rather healthy other than age , he is in no pain yet , thank goodness does anyone have any exp with this one


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