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...test case management? How can effective test cases...

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Question by Amol S.Bhide
Submitted on 2/10/2004
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What is test case management? How can effective test cases be written?

Answer by Vasu
Submitted on 4/8/2004
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Test Case Management is nothing but maintaining the test cases with a process in a storage medium which can be anything from CVS/RCS database txt file etc.

Any product company would have a defined process and management to maintain their huge numbers of testcases.

The TC Management also have procedural guidelines to the users while recording the testcases.


Answer by                                  
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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Answer by Priyanka
Submitted on 6/8/2005
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This is in reference to the Test Case Managements with TCM.
Test Case Management is a way of organizing test assets and artifacts like test results and test documentation to enable easy accessibility and usability. The aim is to deliver quality application/ results in less time.


Answer by Traq
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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A Test Case can be defined as a specific test intended to verify one particular aspect or requirement of a piece of software.

Test Case management is then the act of recording and tracking test cases. This can involve version control of the individual test case, combining test cases to make test scripts and tracking test results against test cases which have been executed.

A test case should, as a minimum, contain the following sections; Test Id, Test Purpose, Test Environment, Test Steps and the Expected Results.

Test Case management tools such as QaTraq (http://www.testmanagement.com) can be used to help track and control test cases which are used as part of a test project.


Answer by lpmsr
Submitted on 1/4/2006
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Required Test cases Management Free Downlod URL


Answer by Rajib
Submitted on 1/23/2006
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Test case management is to validate/track the systemetic approach/strategy towards the clients requirements fulfillment after the testing.

This will involve the requirements,test cases, test configuration, resource, issues, status and report in every phase of testing


Answer by Rajib
Submitted on 1/23/2006
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I think in my previous answer I gave more towards test management.

In test case management the main concern is about the requirement to test case and teh evaluation of the test case until the product is released. I mean the test description, steps, set up, status, defect associated with it, regression, phase of testing.


Answer by Jyoti Kumar Gaur
Submitted on 9/15/2006
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Test Case Management is maintaining the Test cases written for Various Versions for the product. Also After execution of test cases we must write how many are pass and how many are fail. This is very important as per product based company , as always they have to go for customization of products and they have to Re-rerun the all test cases.

Effective Test Cases: to write effective test cases , First Create Test Scenarios , Master Test Cases , as what functionality you are going to test , Best on that you plan to write test cases. and also use techniques as Boundary value, Equivalence Partitioning  and statistical methods to write effective test cases.


Answer by chris
Submitted on 11/3/2006
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It's more then maintaining test cases, a tcm software should integrate results with a issue tracking software to let you know what test cases passed and failed associated with what bugs.


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