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My roommate took in a stray kitten for about half an hour. ...

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Question by Anna
Submitted on 7/23/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.*: Fleas, Ticks, and Your Pet FAQ
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My roommate took in a stray kitten for about half an hour.  She has an older cat as well. We kept the kitten in a small back room - away from the cat.  We tried to give it a bath & found a flea infestation on the kitten.  It left immediately & went to a shelter.  We have all hardwood floors.  I sprayed the rug with Hartz flea spray and cleaned the area it was in and sprayed the Hartz.  How do I determine if we -- and the cat -- have fleas?

Answer by yea
Submitted on 1/4/2004
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well you would know if u are getting bit, or if u see one if u do then get some sprays for ur carpets and furniture, your roommate should of taken the kitten to the vet or a shelter immediatly


Answer by Dee Dee
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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My mom just received 2 kittens which are infested with fleas. We put this flea thing on them to get rid of the fleas but we also have a dog, which is in a cage can the dog, and the people in the house get fleas. Can humans get fleas? An what should we do for the kittens?


Answer by Kara
Submitted on 6/4/2005
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If you find a stray kitten and you keep it  you would need  to take it to the veat and  let it get shots.


Answer by Princess
Submitted on 6/17/2005
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I found this on the internet...
Yes... if a household dog gets fleas, the fleas can also bite people. They
usually bite people around the ankles, but you can get flea bites anywhere,
especially if the fleas are in the bed. The fleas don't usually spend time
on people, just enough time for  a quick meal.


Answer by Gin
Submitted on 8/13/2005
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The best way to get fleas off stray cats/kittens is to first trim their claws.  This is mostly so that you don't get scratched during the bath.  It is easiest to trim their claws if you wrap them in a towel, especially if they tend to struggle.  You can then use a tearless, baby shampoo.  This will stun and/or kill the fleas and you can pick them off and flush them down the toilet to ensure that they die.  This is the best way to get fleas off kittens who are not large enough to have flea medicine.  The best thing to do for large cats is go to your local vet and pick up some advantage.  This will usually kill fleas and their eggs very quickly.  The best way to make sure none of your pets has fleas or will get fleas from a new pet is to treat them all for fleas.  Hartz, or Wal-Mart brand flea medicine DOES NOT WORK!  Stray kittens should usually be taken to a vet right away anyway.  Often they can have upper respiratory infection, ringworm, Feline Leukemia, Feline HIV, fleas, ticks, ear mites, tapeworm, roundworm, and/or several other medical problems which can be potentially transmitted to other pets.  Yes, humans can get fleas, but not like animals can.  Usually humans are not bothered by fleas unless your house is infested.  If you have an army of fleas you will see them running around and feel them bite you.  You can get rid of fleas in your home, by using a flea bomb.  I've also seen people buy a night light, place a bowl of water or alcohol under the light and leaving it on at night with no other light on in the house.  The fleas are drawn to the light, fall in the bowl, and become suspended in the liquid.  This is also a good way to determine the amount of fleas in your home.  Regular vaccuming and keeping your house clean is also a good way to get rid of any parasite.  All in all, the best way to get rid of fleas is to buy some advantage at your vet.  It is more expensive, but it works best.


Answer by mara
Submitted on 9/3/2005
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yes dogs can get fleas if the fleas are in one room stay out


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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there are some wild kittens on my school
campus and I want to help them. what can
I do?


Answer by ollie
Submitted on 2/10/2006
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oi! i need help!
hey guys!
im really sorry i wrtoe it in caps but it is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY seroius! its also a looooooooooooooooooong story. well, here it is!

a few weeks ago, when me and my sister where waling home from school, we noticed a 12 wk? old black kitten, in a allyway hanging around some flats. being animal lovers, as we are we went up to it, and found 2 adult cats, and a older kitten. over time, we had been visiting the cats, and bringing them food. we didnt now if they were strays or pets, (they were EXTRELMEY skinnnny!) so me and my 9 year old sister (zoe) wrote a note to the flat where they would ALWAYS hang around. the note also asked if they are/were strays. the man replied, and said that they were strays. rowing attached to these cats, they grew older. we would feed them, and give them drinks. they had gotten to now us. now, you now how i said that there was 2 adult cats? well, they had kittens! a litter of three kittens! (the kittens are only about 6 wks old!) i discovered the kittens, yesterday, when me and mum and zoe ( my little sister) where riding along the alleyway, coming back from the main street. we went past them, and as a animal lover i am, i got of my bike, despite mum and zoe kep on going, and went to go see the CATS that i usually see. but, i saw the CATS that we usulally saw, and THREE GORUGEOUS KITTENS! i was like oimigod, and strated pedelling like mad. after that, me and zoe went back to the cute kittens/cats!(LOL) and i actually held one! there is a black one, a tabby, and one with a white stomach wich is black. i am guite worried, there mum is to weak to care for them, and i was wondering if maybye me and zoe could catch one (thy actually come up to us!) and nurse it until it old enough to go back into its mums. what should i do? do you think i should get one of the TOOO CUTE kittens, and take it to my house foreva? got any ideas what i should do? the kittens are already skinny, and im guite worried. also, got any ideas what i should feed, them or even name them? please help, or have you just got any ideas how to catch them, or tame them or any info about stary cats/kittens?

your help is much appreciated!


Answer by Alex
Submitted on 8/18/2006
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You should probably invest in flea collars also you should try flea shampoo and conditioner remember if the cat has any signs of sctrachting all the time stay away from the kitten and let it be until you find the real answer for sure!


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