After reading through the initial question here, and giving equal attention and consideration to each and every response, doing my best to remain as objective as possible (being completely objective--or even five steps or less closer to completely objective--is an absolute impossibility for ANY human being; I don't give a fornicating piece of fecal matter WHO you are), I have, following a session of sincere critical thinking, come to the following conclusion; please, pardon any offensive statements I make here, as my intent is to only state my views on this thread (thus far) as clearly, honestly, and bluntly as any mature adult should:
This has to be, without a doubt, THE most immature, irritating, piece of Mother-Fuhrer-worthy BULLS#|T I have EVER laid eyes on--and I thought stumbling onto rant contests between supporters of different video-game consoles was unpleasant. Talk about something that makes you embarrassed to admit the undeniable truth that all other contributors to a thread are also fellow human beings. Not ONE of the responses made here--to what is, quite honestly, an open and honest question borne out of the innocence of wanting to research HISTORY--did anything but bash and insult either Jews, Neo-Nazis, or (and I WILL stand by this idea) human beings in general (actually, "Koala Bears" was slightly helpful, though all said user did was comment on a site that is apparently inaccessible).
First, the user with the name "Adolf Hitler"; you are obviously NOT Adolf Hitler, nor even closely related to him in either the figurative or familial sense; Adolf Hitler was not only an Anti-Semite, but an idealist Pan-German-esque minded individual: not only did he have NO higher education whatsoever, but he never cared to learn ANY other languages aside from his own native German, much less English. Thus, Hitler wouldn't be typing in English--even if he WERE alive *which all accounts and available evidence have proven to be opposite of the truth*, he would be dictating rather than typing English himself--he was, among other things, an irrationally proud man.
For users jeff, oioi, hitler jr., hits, user "You are all immature" : You are all basing your responses solely in passed-down prejudice and childishly uncompromising statements that amount to little more than different wordings for the "Na na-na na na" song that toddlers use to taunt each other. You are a shame to the intellectual side of the overall human mental capacity and capability. I DO believe in the right of free speech, and furthermore believe in the right to your own opinion, but not ONE of you included ANY sign of using your ability to THINK; all you did was state the classic, first-grade-level textbook ideas of "Hitler was evil," "Hitler did the world good when he killed himself," "Hitler was bad and killed people," and blah...blah...blah...blah--BULLS#|T, asinine, mindless, thoughtless half-second rambles and no-brained opinions. For the love of all that is even remotely close to good and decent, if not for your own identity as human beings--with brains that, yes, you actually CAN use to THINK--do some fornicating RESEARCH, for pity's sake (pity that those like myself have for YOU). Sit down. Shut off that re-goddamn-diculous television for at least thirty minutes in your entire LIFE and READ A BOOK on the subject. That way, you can be certain that you won't shoot off your mouth without your brain being at least PARTIALLY loaded--like you've done here, and for which I pity you.
As for the users proclaiming all the Neo-Nazi pride; please, spare us. I am sure, at least a third of you are immature retards who just think it's all a big joke. Yeah, that's right; it's all a joke. The Nazis, the Holocaust, the oppression and dictatorship of an otherwise honorable country of fellow, innocent human beings and the senseless systematic mass murder of six million Jews and five million other ethnic minorities....that's a GREAT BIG JOKE to you, isn't it? Well, I hope you're proud of your obviously idiotic and tasteless--not to mention heartless--sense of "humor"; you so-called "jokers" disgust me to the very core of my soul...and trust me: I AM NOT ALONE.
As for the rest of you; grow up, get an education, and get on with your lives (which you have shown are, so far, not worth the dog crap I scrape off of my boots--I hope and pray, to any and all Higher Powers that may be, that you will eventually change such facets of yourselves as people).
As for all the other users who responded--you only waste our time (and more importantly, YOUR time) by posting up such unintelligible and mentally-challenged babble. Get a brain, then follow the instructions in the above paragraph.
You all disgust me, and make me ashamed to be a member of the human race itself. I hope you're all proud and pleased with your ignorance, idiocy and idle-mindedness.
Good Bye, and Good Riddance.