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Do pugs breed well and if so how many puppies are expected...

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Question by Samantha
Submitted on 1/30/2004
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Do pugs breed well and if so how many puppies are expected in one litter?

Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 2/1/2004
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Well the dogs will breed but small dogs tend to have more birthing complications so if you breed one make sure you know what's supposed to happen so you know to call the vet if an abnormality occurs. Litter expectancy is 2-5 pups.


Answer by pug breeder
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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I agree with the above answer, though I'd say 2 puuppies would be a very small litter; 4-5 is probably average but up to 7 or 8 is possible. Not every pug is breeding quality, though - there are some genetic defects common in the breed you should be aware of.


Answer by M. a pug owner
Submitted on 3/22/2004
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I agree with both of the above answers. You should definatly talk to your vet and other Pug breeders and get some good advice. Research is the only way to go and always expect the unexpected. Pugs are "known" for their breeding complications a times so absolutly inform yourself! GOOD LUCK!!


Answer by Cher Archer
Submitted on 4/7/2004
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Pugs are great dogs. I have had 7 litters and not one complication. My biggest litter was 9 puppies then 8 puppies then 6 then two litters of 5. You should contact your vet about when to breed and get them checked for any problems. Good luck.


Answer by Doglubber
Submitted on 4/9/2004
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Well, they breed rather well if you know what i mean.  Usually doggy style.  You can expect about 27 puppies a litter.  Usually there are 17-20 with vaginas, the others have penises.


Answer by naparpug
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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Answer by kitty420
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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My pug is expecting her first litter. We took her to the vet yesterday and we were told that she has 6 puppies maybe more. How will i know if she is too small to deliver them?


Answer by rachel
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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Well the vet should have looked at the puppies in comparison to the birth canal, but if you vet didn't say anything then she should have a normal delivery, but make sure to have your vets number on hand while she is delivering, just in case. Make sure you are there when she is breeding. For anymore questions email me at rachieroo22@hotmail.com


Answer by hugapug
Submitted on 8/12/2004
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I have a male pug that is 14 months old.  I have not had him neutered because I would love to breed him.  Any suggestions or thoughts on breeding quality would be helpful.  He has awesome curl of his tail and his build is perfect.  Any other things I need to consider?


Answer by PuppyPerfection
Submitted on 8/15/2004
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Me and 2 friends are going to be breeding a few types of dogs but pugs are one of them. we are 13 and we want to know of any ideas or any tips that you have so we can have a good delivery. Also how much does it cost about to bring pups to the vertnarian after they are born ++ there shots? Thanks and if any of you find any good links i would please ask you to send them to CLover_Kid13@yahoo.com Thx alot!


Answer by Mulan
Submitted on 9/6/2004
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QUESTION: I'm a dog breeding newbie... Should I get a Pug to breed, or should I get a Jack Russell Terrier?


Answer by anthony
Submitted on 9/25/2004
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how many can our dog have 5 or 6


Answer by @!^$$@
Submitted on 11/9/2004
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yeah, this isnt an answer, but a quection, i want to breed 2 pugs, what is there to expect when the pugs are born.... what theyll cost.... so on... and so on?


Answer by misty
Submitted on 11/25/2004
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how many puppies can a pug have up to i have a boy pug and a  pug i was just asking if you would tell me i would be happy.


Answer by kat
Submitted on 2/14/2005
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How many days are pugs in heat?


Answer by KAREN1007
Submitted on 3/28/2005
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Answer by KAREN1007
Submitted on 3/28/2005
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Answer by PugButt
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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I have a question.  How old, or how many heat cylces should my pug have before I breed her?


Answer by Jean
Submitted on 4/27/2005
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Hello, My pug is prego. I am very excited as this was unexpected. I took her to a stud and was told they didn't "hook up" Guess she was wrong. Anyhow, What are the warning signs of beginning labor? She had some mucus discharge last week and then some this morning. I have been by her side since the vet visit to find out she is pregnant. I have all supplies needed . I am to understand that I will need to assist her with the birth. I have our vets number on hand (just in case) I am nerves because I haven't done this before and neither has she. I love her dearly and don't want anything to happen to her or the pups. Any info would be greatly helpful.


Answer by kimmie 1971
Submitted on 5/3/2005
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how many do they averge  for first litter


Answer by feliciyy
Submitted on 5/9/2005
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omg ur gay no one likes you u all sound seriosu


Answer by edward evors
Submitted on 5/22/2005
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how old should my pug be before I breed him?


Answer by pugsitter
Submitted on 6/28/2005
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i have breeding pugs, but when they get tied to gether, the female starts freaking out, what should i do ?


Answer by LIZ
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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How old should your female pug be before letting her breed? My pug is in her first heat. What defects are there to watch for in pugs?


Answer by Tee_Q24
Submitted on 7/8/2005
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The main answer is go to a vet and check to make sure you pug is healthy b4 and during breeding. I have a question though I have a male pug, and would like to meet someone who has a female pug for breeding.


Answer by chubble bubble
Submitted on 7/17/2005
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i am going to breed my fawn female to a black male pug what should i expect as far as color of the puppies, will they be a mix of black and fawn pugs or will they all be mixed (salt and pepper color).


Answer by Ken
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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Hello All,

Well, Let me first state that I am the proud poppa of 6 adorable pups that were just born today.  It was a rather lengthy ordeal that lasted all through the night, but they are beautiful.  This was our first litter and it was very tiring for Athena and us.  Good luck to those expecting parents out there.


Answer by nancy
Submitted on 10/4/2005
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when should a pug be breed and when is she in season?


Answer by HELLO
Submitted on 10/23/2005
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Answer by mar
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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Answer by Pug Forum
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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For Really good info, from educated pug breeders and pug owners join



Answer by Tonya
Submitted on 11/19/2005
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If your pugs get stuck together does that mean she is going to have pups? If so how long till we can expect puppies? (  :


Answer by kungfu gun
Submitted on 11/24/2005
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Don't Breed Pugs!!!!!!! only do it if you are a profesional who knows what you are doing. your pugs could die at birth and allot of puppies are born dead!!!!


Answer by Sean Shannon
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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Yes they breed very well. I have 22 pugs...thats alot of breeding. They obviously have to mate and usually have 3-5 pups.


Answer by david tonan
Submitted on 12/22/2005
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i have pugs now and one is about seven months how long should i wait to breed her.


Answer by ASLYES25@msn.com
Submitted on 1/18/2006
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I have a friend who just had puppies, but mother would not nurture babies.  What should we do?  Any concerns regarding to nurturing?  Thanks


Answer by vantassel32
Submitted on 2/8/2006
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I was wondering about the breading process.  I have a female that is just over 2.  She has been in heat it seams like forever.  Her and our other male ( just over 2 as well maybe a little older then her.  Well they just mated last night.  How long is the gestation pregnancy on a pug and what should i watch for? I am just looking for some advise on this.  My Mom use to bread and raise pugs when i grew up but i was not old enough to know what was going on.  Please help


Answer by sarahb
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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My Alaskan husky is supposed to have her first litter but how can i tell when see is about to give birth. Do they have anything about their breathing?


Answer by Puglover
Submitted on 3/11/2006
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When u want to sell your pug puppies,does your pug have to be registered to do so? can u get in trouble if u do sell n ther not registered


Answer by Lucy
Submitted on 4/15/2006
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Hi i have a pug named lucy and i am thinking of breeding her she is a very small girl compared to the other girls that i have seen when i go to local pug meet ups i want to breed her but dont know wut to expect any advise please write!!!! back!!!!


Answer by bobbypug
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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my female will have her litter around June 10, do I need to seperate her and the puppies from the male?


Answer by ((*terrier lvr*))
Submitted on 5/18/2006
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If chihuahua terriers are around the same type as pugs will they have around the same number of puppies?


Answer by Jenz
Submitted on 6/16/2006
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Hi Im Jenny. I own a 2 yr old pug called Trigger. I'm not sure how to make a Q so i thought i'dpost it here. I want to breed Trigger, but need to soon, as he is starting to wander and go on the road afrer other female dogs. I want to nuter him but want to breed him with a female and recieve one pug pup. Does ANY one know where I can go or who I can contact?? Regands, Jenna.


Answer by Jenz
Submitted on 6/16/2006
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Hi Im Jenny. I own a 2 yr old pug called Trigger. I'm not sure how to make a Q so i thought i'dpost it here. I want to breed Trigger, but need to soon, as he is starting to wander and go on the road after other female dogs. I want to nuter him but want to breed him with a female and recieve one pug pup. Does ANY one know where I can go or who I can contact?? Regands, Jenna. (P.S seeing as I live in Ireland, that is where I need to find one.)


Answer by jeje
Submitted on 7/14/2006
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Do Pugs have problems breeding cause the size of there head


Answer by Puppylove
Submitted on 7/14/2006
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I've heard they have problems because of the size of their heads  


Answer by Jamie
Submitted on 7/15/2006
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We just got a one year old female Pug and we are looking to breed.  We are total first timers and would love any advice and information.  Thanks


Answer by CLan
Submitted on 7/22/2006
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How can there be 27 puppies in 1 litter when the dog is that small?


Answer by dcandy
Submitted on 8/8/2006
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How many puppies can a pug dog have?


Answer by danathejoy
Submitted on 8/22/2006
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I just took my pug to the vet for an x-ray and they told me there was only one puppy. Since I was concerned about it being a false pregancy , I guess having only one but better than none. So I cant say I am too disapointed. Today was her due date, I have heard about all the signs to show she is getting close, she is doing all of them except for the dropped temp. Should I be worried?


Answer by lucy
Submitted on 8/28/2006
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how can you tell when a pug is getting close to giving birth?


Answer by lucy
Submitted on 8/28/2006
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how can you tell when a pug is getting close to giving birth?


Answer by danathejoy
Submitted on 8/30/2006
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My pug just had her first litter and there was only one, a baby boy. It weighs 6 oz which is very small.

Is this normal?


Answer by pugowner
Submitted on 11/11/2006
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what ages do you breed pugs? how old or young can they be?


Answer by rusome21
Submitted on 12/14/2006
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I was wondering if you can still breed a full breed pug and charge pretty highly for the pups. I bought my unregistered pug for $375.00 he is a male. I would like to get him registered with someone other than the AKC because he is not registered and cannot be registered with them. Does anyone also know of other registering companies I can use for a fee to start keeping track of his blooodlines???


Answer by Elmo.
Submitted on 1/14/2007
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My pug is 3 and only had 1 pup.
Is this rare?


Answer by michelle
Submitted on 2/19/2007
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when should you breed your dog


Answer by pugmama
Submitted on 3/27/2007
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My pug just had a litter of 6.  she gave no sign of labor (I have seen many puppy labor/deliveries so I know what to look for) and she had absolutely no complications.  She must have started after 11 pm, as that was when I last checked on her, she was sleeping.  then when I woke at 4 am to use the bathroom the puppies were all born and feeding.  For some this is not the norm, but I have only experienced positive labors/deliveries.  Also, this must not have been too complicated for her as I have a baby monitor for her and she didn't make a noise!


Answer by puglover
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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i have a female pug and i would
like to breed her but i don't know
if the time is right...
how old do they have to be?


Answer by VIVIAN
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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We have just started raising pug pups.  Does the mama remove the sack around the pups, or do we have to?


Answer by cindy
Submitted on 7/5/2007
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my dog cookie just had 8 pups today.wow i knew she was big but 8.i was shocked


Answer by Mia Tassara
Submitted on 7/11/2007
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My pug just turned a year old today, I'm interested in breeding him, however how old should he be for that, and typically what should be asked inreturn from the female breeder, puppies or money or both?


Answer by Random Person
Submitted on 7/16/2007
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how m,any puppies will a chinese crested have?


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