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One week ago my goddaughter died of SIDS. She was four...

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Question by 15yroldmonica
Submitted on 1/21/2004
Related FAQ: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) misc.kids FAQ
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One week ago my goddaughter died of SIDS. She was four months old and was the happiest baby alive. My question is are any measures being taken to solve the SIDS mystery?

Answer by Francine
Submitted on 2/6/2004
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There is alot of research being done to solve the SIDS mystery.  They seem to be getting close as well.......  the problem is that there are so many theories and beliefs out there that are way off base that the "garbage" gets mixed up with the great research.  I have taken particular interest in the research being done by Dr. H. Kinney and her collegues at Harvard University.  Although they are not there yet, there is proven facts on 5htt gene studies......  who knows though honestly??  I'm very sorry about you little god child....  the one thing I've noticed about my own little girl and other babies whose families I have gotten to know that passed of SIDS is that the majority of our babies appeared to be very very healthy, they were low risk babies, and they were extremely loved and wanted.  My family has been shattered by Madison's passing, and it's so hard to deal with especially when we can't tell her older brother and sister why this happened.  I wish you and your family lots of love and strength.  we have found by sticking together and talking about what a delight she was while she was with us and how much we miss her.....we're getting by.  I'm sorry for your loss too.


Answer by gbcsblz
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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donation gine money to funds for SIDS


Answer by Erika
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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The rate of SIDS deaths has been reduced by nearly forty percent in the past 7 years, mostly due to new advice given by doctors. This includes putting baby to sleep on his/her back, keeping fluffy quilts and stuffed animals out of baby's crib, and not covering baby with a blanket at night.


Answer by I'm So Sorry.
Submitted on 8/20/2005
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I know that research will never stop, at least until they find something.
I have 6 children 12-17months. They have all been completely healthy until about 2 months ago. My 10 year old son has developed a huge lump under his arm. They don't know what it is he's going for a biopsy wed. I was so very sad to hear that SIDS took another one of our babies. Very scared that this lump keeps getting bigger & they don't even know what it is.


Answer by BrainTeased
Submitted on 8/25/2005
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What a terrific loss. I'm very sorry.  Our pediatrician was very concerned about SIDS and gave us various instructions at different stages during the first year and a half for our children.  She has successfully reduced SIDS among her patients.  This is not to say that parents who lost their children did anything wrong.  SIDS is so mysterious that it can't be pinned down yet medically.  There's a lot of info out there and new stuff coming out every month.  But a great doctor can be helpful.  Our doc reads every journal and sees patients from the very rich to very poor and works with a major teaching hospital.  She has blended knowledge with experience and is extremely dedicated. She faxes us health bulletins when they apply to our area!   The phone rings at her bedside at night and she answers. She does not have a service. Sounds like a commercial, I know, but the reason I'm blabbing is that parents should grill their pediatrician until they are satisfied that the doc is dedicated and equipped.  And you a secret is that you can often see an excellent doc through teaching hosp program if you have no money! This does not eliminate problems but often reduces them.     Monica, we can't bring your god daughter back but we can spread the word that parents should learn more about SIDS before their baby is in trouble.


Answer by kissy
Submitted on 12/7/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
thats sad


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