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Does a biological father have rights to a unborn fetus, if...

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Question by paul
Submitted on 1/16/2004
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Does a biological father have rights to a unborn fetus, if the mother wants to have an abortion? Can I do anything about it if I want the child?

Answer by Anonymous85
Submitted on 4/1/2004
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This depends entirely on where you live and the laws.

Please consult a professional.


Answer by cateyes
Submitted on 8/18/2004
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yes men should have rights to
the fetus of there baby


Answer by daddyspectacular
Submitted on 11/5/2004
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the father should have rights, the only one that has no rights at all in this situation is the fetus, or unborn child.  Until it is out of its mother and breathing and thriving on itself, then there is no importance to the baby at all, but both  parents should have rights. the mother ultimately should be the one with he final say, and with legit reason should not be questioned, after all she is the one having the child.


Answer by Anonymous
Submitted on 1/18/2005
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I think you should have a right toward the fetus, you being the father and all but you and you partner should really discuss this throughly before making a decision that you will regreat forever.


Answer by female1
Submitted on 10/6/2005
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yes. both parents has equal rights on their child. as for me, though we can consider the right of the mother to her body, her right does not supersede the rights of the unborn.

and yes, you still have to consult professionals regarding this matter.


Answer by yes sir
Submitted on 3/9/2006
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I think that the father should also have some say if the baby is born or not.  Although the women does carry the baby 9 months, the baby started out 23 chromosomes the mother and 23 chromosomes the father. If the father wants to have the child i think the mother should have the child and the father can get the baby. If the mom wants to have the baby, but the father doesn't the mother can keep it.  But if the couple wants to stay together and yet they still have the conflict I think that it is a complicated issue and they should consider counseling.  I think that my idea is   a pretty good one, and what you can take from what I said is up to you, but I think that the Father should have some say in having the baby or not.


Answer by marie
Submitted on 5/28/2006
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no, the biological father has no say, even if you are married.


Answer by moo
Submitted on 5/30/2006
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what right does a father have over a baby that is not in his name and that he has no contact with


Answer by moo
Submitted on 6/2/2006
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does a father have a right to see his child even if he denyed the child was his and the child is in the mothers name the father has never seen the child


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