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When using "Urza's Armor" (8th), does it prevent 1 damage...

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Question by Combo
Submitted on 1/8/2004
Related FAQ: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v4.02 (part 1)
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When using "Urza's Armor" (8th), does it prevent 1 damage from the total number of damage delt to "you"? What if more than one creature is attacking?

I have "Urza's Armor" and i get attacked by 3 creatures........a 2/2, 2/2 and a 1/2.

Total attack damage is 5.

Do i get 4 damage cus i blocked one point of damage.

Or do i block 1 point from each creature.
so i get only 2 points of damage.

Card reads..........

Urza's Armor

If a source would deal damage to you, prevent 1 of that damage.

Thankx for any help on this.

Answer by Rune001
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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you take 4 damage. It only prevent one damage of one source


Answer by MillMaster
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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Actually you take 3 damage. Each creature is a source even though damage is dealt all at once. Pestilence works good with this card...


Answer by Combo
Submitted on 1/21/2004
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Why 3?........doesent the armor cover the damage from the 1/2 creature


Answer by Blazer
Submitted on 1/28/2004
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Well, me not being a expert, I would figure "deal" in "Urza's Armor" speaking means that the creature would have to deal damage successfully to the player before the ability can prevent damage... and since the creature discussed is a 1/2 only... It can't both deal damage and get prevented 1 damage at the same time....


Answer by MillMaster
Submitted on 2/3/2004
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Right, I misread, and thought it was 3 2/2's.. It will prevent the 1 from the 1/2 and he will get hit for 2...


Answer by PassingBy
Submitted on 6/10/2004
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Actually it would deal only 2 damage.

It prevents each source of damage, no matter how small or great it will be. The 1/2 monster is a source of one damage. As of the moment it attacked, it was a source of damage. Urza'sArmor prevents one of that damage, making the damage 0. But that is still 0 damage, so it still counts as a source of damage.

Then, the other two 2/2 monsters are also each a source of damage in themselves. A group of attacking monsters combined is not a single source of damage. So you have 3 monsters attacking you. That's three sources of damage. The first has it's damage reduced from 1 to 0, but THE ZERO DAMAGE IS STILL CONSIDERED DAMAGE. Then the second monster has its damaged reduced from 2 to 1. The third also has its damage reduced from 2 to 1.

0 + 1 + 1 = 2 dmg

So what you have to remember is that even though it's 0 damage, it's still damage as far as the game is considered.


Answer by ESP
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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Sweet. Now I can beat my friend who uses lots of 1/1 creatures


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