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Hi. I hope I won't get flamed too badly for this. The plus...

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Question by Shanna
Submitted on 12/29/2003
Related FAQ: The alt.2600 Survival Guide
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this question: Vote
Hi. I hope I won't get flamed too badly for this. The plus side is, I probably won't understand if you do. I am a complete newbie at this whole computer thing, but because I have a big mouth and a tiny brain, I am now committed to doing a term project on hacker culture. Make that Canadian Hacker Culture. I have been searching the net for three weeks, and I still have no idea about a lot of stuff. You have to understand, the extent of my computer usage formerly has been WordPerfect (I can almost hear the snorts of disgust) I only understand about two words in three. I'm off topic. Sorry. I've read the Jargon File, which was fascinating and extremely helpful, but very US oriented. And I've read a number of articles on the EFF website. Although the seemed to me to be written more about hackers than by hackers. And, using Sympatico, b/c it was the only search engine I could find that allowed me to specify Canadian sites, I have search for prey much every hacker and hacker culture variation I could think of. Your FAQ told me to be very precise, so I'm trying. All of the sites I found were either talking about hackers (crackers), or were sites to download programs. What I'm really interested in is hacker culture, so a Canadian site like the Jargon File would be just terrific. I want to know what attracts them to computers; what is is they're actually doing; whether there's a tight-knit community; or whether people pretty much stay nameless and faceless forever; are there Canadian hacker conventions; is all of hackerdom one culture, or are there boundary lines; how do hackers communicate with hackers of other languages? I'm sorry to be so long. I hope someone will be able to help me. My email is paradox03@hotmail, b/c I don't quite understand how the Usenet works. Thank you, even if you actually read this all the way through.

Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 12/15/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote


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