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Are you an expert in this area? Share your knowledge and earn expert points by giving answers or rating people's questions and answers! This section of FAQS.ORG is not sanctioned in any way by FAQ authors or maintainers. Questions strongly related to this FAQ: What color is Oxide? What does it look like? by Ayon (7/2/2003) What kind of canvas do you use for flats? Can you use any cheap substitutes? Where can you... by Dan Ebbs (10/7/2003) Lighting control (amateur dramatics in the local village hall) - what is available... by richard1 (10/24/2005) Seance scene: Table needs to "float" and jump about. Anyone know how to do it convincingly... by Chris Hale (7/10/2003) How do you construct a snowbag? by Mayre (11/24/2003) What type of electric motor is best for moving a revolving stage. 30ft diameter. A... by richard (2/10/2004) Why would an oil spill be an even greater disaster if the density of oil were the same as... by Bryan Brenes (9/17/2003) I need too find a place in South Africa that can supply me with Photoresist for sandblasti... by Marius (2/3/2004) How finacially secure is stage craft? can you support a family with the income you... by mark spall (7/27/2006) how do you put a window in a flat? by gina (7/24/2003) I need too find a place in South Africa that can supply me with Photoresist for sandblasti... by Marius (2/3/2004) What sort of education and background as well as specific duties does a master electrician... by Kateifer (9/16/2003) Is canvas flats best to work with or are hardwood flats better? Some say that the... by Preston (9/23/2003) Where can I obtain PBS videos of Championship Ballroom Dancing for years 1999-2001? by zcfda08 (10/18/2003) How can I make candles go out without any apparent human intervention. It's easy to... by Jim (5/23/2007) What does stage management have to do with the world of drama? by kati (8/4/2003) where do i buy socapex {audio or lighting} plugs and sockets? by bob henly (10/30/2003) How is math used in Stagecraft? by alison (6/4/2004) How does one create an "Earthquake-like" effect to shake an audience? by The Shadow (6/21/2006) how has technology changed in musical theatre since the 20th century? by bikki (2/27/2005) Questions somewhat related to this FAQ: We are rebuilding our scene shop. What is the best way to store lumber? by kschneid (7/13/2003) How can I locate an iron lung prop for use in our production of the musical, City of... by Holly (2/26/2004) Where in North London could I hire a stage curtain and stage lighting from on a students... by lough99uk (9/25/2003) What does the audience look for in costumes and makeup when watching a play? by Button (2/17/2004) Where do I get Greased Lightning (car in Grease!) and the rights to perform the songs in... by Artvark (1/17/2004) I have an old rotary phone that must be rigged to ring on the set----how is this accomplis... by eugen (8/31/2003) I need information on masks used hundreds of years ago in theatre productions, where they... by Lindsey (10/4/2003) Other questions awaiting answers: 42276 questions related to other FAQs 6468 general questions 15588 answered questions
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