315. Photography
See also 23. ART ; 159. FILMS
- actinography
- 1. the measurement of the intensity of radiation with a recording actinometer, usually by the photochemical effect.
- 2. the calculation of suitable exposure times in photography through the use of a recording actinometer. — actinographic, adj.
- astrophotography
- a form of photography used to record astronomical phenomena.
- autoradiograph
- radioautograph.
- autotype
- 1. a photographic process in which pictures are produced in one color or shades of one color by the use of a carbon pigment. Also called autotypy .
- 2. the picture so created.
- chromophotography
- the art of making colored photographs.
- cinematics
- the art or principles of making motion pictures. — cinematic, adj.
- cinematography
- the art or technique of motion-picture photography. — cinematographer, cinematographist, n. — cinematographic, adj.
- collotype
- 1. a photographic plate made with a gelatin film, capable of highly detailed reproductions.
- 2. the process of making such a plate.
- 3. the picture made with such a plate.
- cyanotype
- a blueprint.
- daguerreotype
- an obsolete form of photography in which images were produced on chemically treated plates of metal or glass. — daguerreotypic, daguerreotypical, adj. — daguerreotypist, n.
- densitometer
- an optical device for measuring the density of a photographic negative.
- electrography
- an apparatus for electrically transmitting pictures. — electrograph, n. — electrographic, adj.
- ferrotype
- 1. an early photographic process in which a positive image was taken directly on a thin plate of sensitized iron or tin.
- 2. the picture produced by this method. Also called stannotype, tintype .
- gastrophotography
- a form of photography for examining the interior of the stomach by introducing a small camera into it.
- heliochromy
- the art or process of producing natural color photographic prints; color photography. — heliochrome, n. — heliochromic, adj.
- heliotypography
- the practice of making phototypes.
- heliotypy
- the process of making pictures by printing directly from gelatin film that has been exposed under a negative and fixed with chrome alum.
- holography
- a technique for producing a three-dimensional photographic representation, recorded on film by a reflected laser beam of a subject illuminated by part of the same laser beam.
- megalethoscope
- an optical device similar to a stereoscope in which a photograph is greatly magnified and the effect of perspective is deepened.
- mutoscope
- an instrument for recording and reproducing the illusion of motion by means of a series of photographs.
- nephograph
- an instrument for photographing clouds.
- panchromatism
- the quality or condition of being sensitive to all colors, as certain types of photographic film. — panchromatic, adj.
- photobibliography
- the use of photography as an aid to book description.
- photobiography
- a biography related mostly or entirely through photographs.
- photochromy
- the process or production of color photographs; color photography. Cf. heliochromy .
- photochronograph
- 1. a camera for recording motion by a series of photographs taken at brief intervals.
- 2. the photograph so produced.
- 3. a camera that records the exact time of the event it is photographing by exposing a moving sensitized plate to the tracing of a thin beam of light synchronized with the event.
- photodrama
- a photoplay or dramatic narrative illustrated with or related through photographs.
- photoglyphy
- photogravure or the process of engraving by means of photography. — photoglyphic, adj.
- photogrammetry
- the use of photography for surveying or map-making. Cf. phototopography.
- photogravure
- 1. a form of photoengraving in which the photograph is reproduced on an intaglio surface and then transferred to paper.
- 2. the photograph produced by this process.
- photojournalism
- a form of journalism in which photographs play a more important part than written copy. — photojournalist, n.
- photolithography
- the process of making lithographs produced by photoengraving. Cf. photogravure . — photolithographer, n. — photolithographic, adj.
- photomicrography
- the process of taking photographs through a microscope. Also called photomicroscopy . — photomicrograph, n.
- phototopography
- surveying or map-making by means of photography. Cf. photogrammetry. — phototopographic, phototopographical, adj.
- phototypy
- the art or technique of making photographic plates. — phototypic, adj.
- platinotype
- 1. a photographic process in which a platinum salt is used in place of the more usual silver salts to produce a more permanent print.
- 2. a photographic print so made.
- radioautograph
- a photograph produced on film by the radioactive rays from the object being photographed. Also called autoradiograph . — radioautographic, adj. — radioautography, n.
- radiography
- the technique of producing images on photographic film by the action of x rays or other radioactive materials. Also called scotography . — radiograph, n.
- radiophotography
- the process or technique of transmitting and receiving photographs by radio.
- reprography
- a collective term for all kinds of processes used for the facsimile reproduction of documents or books.
- roentgenography, röntgenography
- x-ray photography.
- scotography
- radiography. See also 342. RADIATION . — scotograph, n.
- sensitometer
- a device for determining the sensitivity of film. — sensitometiy, n. — sensitometric, adj.
- spectrography
- the technique of using a spectrograph, an optical device for breaking light down into a spectrum and recording the results photographically. — spectrographic, adj.
- spectroheliogram
- a photograph of the sun made using monochromatic light.
- stannotype
- ferrotype.
- telephotography
- 1. the art or process of photographing distant objects by using a telephoto lens or a telescope with a camera.
- 2. electrography. — telephotographic, adj.
- teliconograph
- an apparatus combining a telescope and the camera lucida, used for producing images of distant objects on a screen.
- time lapse photography
- the motion-picture photography of a slow and continuous process, as the sprouting of a seed, especially by exposing one frame at a time at regular intervals.
- tintype
- ferrotype.
- tomography
- x-ray photography of a thin cross section of tissue.
- vectography
- a stereoscopic process involving two superimposed images polarized at 90° to each other and viewed through polarizing glasses for a three-dimensional effect. — vectograph, n. — vectographic, adj.
- woodburytype
- 1. an early photographic process in which a relief image on gelatin is used to produce an intaglio impression on a lead or other soft metal plate from which prints are then made in a press.
- 2. the picture produced by this process.
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