307. Parents
See also 15. ANCESTORS ; 77. CHILDREN ; 153. FATHER ; 204. HEREDITY ; 281. MOTHER .
- compaternity
- the spiritual relationship between godparents, or between them and the actual parents of a child.
- filiation
- 1. the f act or condition of being a son or daughter.
- 2. the relation of child to parent, especially father.
- matricide
- 1. the killing of one’s mother.
- 2. a person who has killed his mother. —matricidal, adj.
- parentalism
- 1. the behavior of a parent.
- 2. the assumption by a nonparent of superior authority over a child; paternalism.
- parentation
- Archaic. the performance of funeral rituals for one’s parents.
- parenticide
- the crime of parricide.
- parricide
- 1. the act of killing one’s parent or other close relative.
- 2. a person who has killed his parent. — parricidal, adj.
- patricide
- 1. the killing of one’s father.
- 2. a person who has killed his father. — patricidal, adj.
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