248. Literary Style

See also 29. AUTHORS ; 237. LANGUAGE STYLE ; 249. LITERATURE .

the work and theories of the Acmeists, an anti-symbolist movement of early twentieth-century Russian poets, including Mandelstam and Akhmatova, who strove for lucidity of style, definiteness, and texture in their poetry. — acmeist , n., adj. .
the characteristics of the poetry and writings of George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824).
the practice, especially in verse, of writing by arranging quotations from other authors. Also centonization . — cento , n . — centonical , adj .
the imitation of Cicero’s literary and oratorical style. — Ciceronist , n . — Ciceronian , adj .
1. an imitation of Greek or Roman literature.
2. classicism. — classicalize , v . — classicalist , n .
a literary style characterized by formal adherence to traditions of structure, content, and genre. — classicist , n . — classicize , v .
Rare . the use of a particular form of literary conceit in Spanish prose.
harmony or fitness, especially of literary style. — concinnous , adj .
the theories, attitudes, and techniques of a group of Soviet writers of the 1920s who attempted to reconcile ideological beliefs with technical achievement, especially in stage design, where the effects produced were geometrical and nonrepresentational. — constructivist , n., adj .
dialogism, dialoguism
the representation of an author’s thoughts through his use of a dialogue between two or more of his characters. — dialogist , n . — dialogic , adj .
an expression of praise or blessing as used in a eulogy. — eulogization , n . — eulogistic , adj .
1. an elaborate prose style invented by John Lyly c. 1580, characterized by bountiful figures of speech, Latinisms, extended similes, frequent antitheses, and highly involved syntax.
2. any similar ornate style of writing or speaking. Cf. Gongorism . — euphuist , n . — euphuistic , adj .
a florid style; flowery and highly ornamented writing. See also 95. COMPLEXION . — florid , adj .
a polished style and graceful form in literary works.
a Spanish verse style invented by the 17th-century poet Luis de Góngora y Argote, characterized by a studied obscurity, an emphasis on Latin terms and syntax, allusions to classical myths, and lavish use of metaphors, hyperbole, paradoxes, neologisms, and antitheses. Also called cultismo, culteranismo . Cf. Euphuism . — Gongoristic, Gongoresque , adj .
a style in fictional literature characterized by gloomy settings, violent or grotesque action, and a mood of decay, degeneration, and decadence. — gothicist , n . — gothic , adj .
1. the occult concepts, ideas, or philosophy set forth in the writings of the hermeticists of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.
2. adherence to, belief in, or propagation of these concepts and ideas.
3. a symbolic and arcane style similar to that of the hermeticists, especially in the poetry of certain French symbolist poets. — hermeticist, hermetist , n . — hermetic, hermetical , adj .
a dramatic invention characteristic of Henrik Ibsen, used in attacking conventional hypocrisies.
the literary style of Samuel Johnson or a style similar to or in emulation of his, especially one that is turgid and orotund.
1. the literary compositions produced in an author’s youth.
2. literary productions intended for the young.
1. a style resembling or having the features of the literary style of Rudyard Kipling.
2. an attitude of superiority over and sympathy for nonwhite peoples, as found in “Gunga Din.” — Kiplingesque , adj .
a 17th-century Italian literary style marked by forced antitheses and elaborate metaphors. — Marinist , n .
the style and topics characteristic of Christopher Marlowe. — Marlovian, Marlowish, Marlowesque , adj .
writing in the style of Ossian and particularly writing in the epic or legendary vein which is of a recent period but which claims to belong to antiquity. [After Ossian or Oisin, an apocryphal Gaelic poet of the third century, whose supposed style was imitated in works created by James Macpherson (1736-1796).] — Ossianic , adj .
a writing style that focuses on the life of shepherds or herdsman. — pastoralist , n .
a style of writing that is modeled after that of Petrarch. — Petrarchist , n . — Petrarchan , adj .
the writing of a poetaster, an inferior and worthless poetry.
a phrase written in the style of prose. Also prosaism . — prosaist , n . — prosaic, prosaical , adj .
the art and literature of 15th-century Italy. — quattrocentist , n . adj .
the composition of verse after the manner of French poet Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585), characterized by neologisms and dialectal forms.
1. the use of subject matter, language, or style designed to amaze or thrill. See also 265. MEDIA ; 312. PHILOSOPHY ,
2. such subject matter, language, or style itself. — sensationalist , n . — sensationalistic , adj .
an excessive indulgence in sentiment or emotionalism, predominance of feeling over reason and intellect, as the death scene of Little Nell in Dickens’s Old Curiosity Shop . — sentimentalist , n .
the condition of having the qualities of or relating to the literary works of William Shakespeare. — Shakespearian , n., adj .
a comment, statement, etc., typical or reminiscent of or a quotation from the works of George Bernard Shaw. — Shavian , adj .
the study of particular styles, as in literature, art, etc.
doctrines espoused in the works of Tolstoy, Russian novelist and social critic. — Tolstoyist , n .
Voltairianism, Voltairism
the doctrines of Voltaire, marked mainly by religious skepticism, frequently seen in his literary works, such as Candide . — Voltairian , n., adj .
1. an overemphasis on the coarser sides of life.
2. the objective types of naturalism and determinism underlying Zola’s novelistic methods. — Zolaist , n .

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