225. Insects
See also 19. ANTS ; 40. BEES ; 44. BIOLOGY ; 64. BUTTERFLIES ; 430. ZOOLOGY .
- acarophobia
- a fear of itching or of the mites or ticks that cause it.
- aeroscepsy, aeroscepsis
- perception by means of the air, said to be a function of the antennae of insects.
- bugology
- Informal. entomology. —bugologist , n.
- coleopterology
- the branch of entomology that studies beetles and weevils. —coleopterological , adj. —coleopterist , n.
- dipterology
- the branch of entomology that studies the order of insects Diptera, including houseflies, mosquitoes, and gnats.
- entomology
- the branch of zoology that studies insects. Also called insectology . —entomologist , n . —entomologie, entomological , adj.
- entomomania
- an abnormal love of insects.
- entomophobia
- an abnormal fear of insects.
- ephemeron
- anything shortlived, or of brief duration, especially certain types of insects such as the mayfly.
- gynandromorphism
- the condition of having one half of the body male and the other half female, as certain insects. —gynandromorph , n . —gynandromorphous , adj.
- hemipterology
- the branch of entomology that studies the order Hemiptera, including bedbugs, squashbugs, and aphids.
- heteromorphism
- 1. the quality of differing in form from the standard or norm.
- 2. the condition of existing in different forms at different stages of development, as certain insects. — heteromorphic , adj.
- hymenopterology
- the branch of entomology that studies the order Hytnenoptera, including bees, wasps, and ants.
- hypermetamorphosis
- a process by which an insect goes through more than the usual number of transformations, as the larva being metamorphosed more than once.
- ichneumonology
- the study of the life of the ichneumon fly.
- insecticide
- a substance used for killing insects. — insecticidal , adj.
- insectology
- entomology.
- myrmecology
- the study of ants.
- neoteny
- the capacity or state of becoming sexually mature in the larval stage. — neotenous , adj.
- neuropterology
- the branch of entomology that studies the order Neuroptera, including lacewings and ant lions.
- orthopterology
- the branch of entomology that studies the order Orthoptera, including cockroaches, grasshoppers, and mantises.
- pediculophobia
- an abnormal fear of lice. Also called phthiriophobia.
- pediculosis
- an infestation with lice; lousiness. — pediculous, adj.
- pesticide
- any chemical substance used for killing pests, as insects, weeds, etc.
- phthiriophobia
- pediculophobia.
- polymorphism
- the occurrence of several forms or colors in one species of insect. — polymorphous, adj.
- stridulation
- 1. an action characteristic of some insects of producing a shrill, grating noise by chafing a serrated part of the body against a hard part.
- 2. the noise so produced. — stridulator, n. — stridulant, stridulatory, adj.
- vespiary
- 1. a wasps’ nest.
- 2. a community or colony of wasps.
- xenobiosis
- communal life, such as that of ants, in which colonies of different species live together but do not share the raising of the young. —xenobiotic , adj.
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