169. Foreigners

the condition of being an alien.
Law. the seizure of foreign subjects to enforce a claim for justice or other right against their nation.
gypsyologist, gipsyologist
Rare. one who studies gypsies. Also gypsologist, gipsologist.
the custom or policy of favoring native-born citizens over immigrants, as in the awarding of government jobs. See also 312. PHILOSOPHY . — nativist, n. nativistic, adj.
the process of assuming or being granted citizenship of a country, usually a country other than that of the person’s origin.
1 . the state or quality of being foreign or of having come from abroad.
2 . something typical or characteristic of a foreigner. — peregrine, adj.
1 . a person who lives beyond the mountains.
2 . a foreigner or stranger. — tramontane, adj.
the state or condition of being out of sympathy with or against American behavior, attitudes, beliefs, etc. — un-American, n., adj.
Ancient Sparta. a custom prohibiting strangers or foreigners from residing at Sparta and empowering magistrates to expel them.
Ancient Greece. a custom of hospitality, specifically the giving of presents to guests or strangers, especially foreign ambassadors. — xenial, adj.
xenodocheum, xenodochium
a building’ or special place for the reception of strangers. Also called xenodochy.
1 . the reception of or extending of hospitality to strangers or foreigners.
2 . xenodocheum.
a mania for foreigners.
an abnormal fear or hatred of foreigners and strange things.

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