100. Cosmology

See also 25. ASTRONOMY ; 318. PLANETS ; 387. SUN .

a 19th-century theory about cosmic evolution, developed from contemporary science, that regards the cosmos as self-existent and self-acting. — cosmist , n .
1. a theory about the origin and the evolution of the universe.
2. the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution of specific astronomical systems and the universe as a whole.
3. cosmology. — cosmogonist , n . — cosmogonic , adj .
1. the branch of astronomy that maps and describes the main features of the universe.
2. a description or representation of the main features of the universe. — cosmographer , n . — cosmographic , cosmographical, adj .
1. the branch of astronomy that studies the overall structure of the physical universe.
2. the branch of philosophy that studies the origin, structure, and evolution of the universe, especially such characteristics as space, time, causality, and freedom. — cosmologic, cosmological , adj . — cosmologist , n .
the concept that the universe and God are identical; pantheism. — cosmotheist , n.
the concept of the cosmos as alive.
the belief concerning the creation by a transcendant God of the universe, matter, and living organisms out of nothing. — creationist , n .
1. the concept that the earth is the center of the universe.
2. Astronomy . the measurements or observations that are relative to the center of the earth. — geocentric , adj .
1. the concept that the sun is the center of the universe.
2. Astronomy . the measurements or observations that are relative to the center of the sun. Also heliocentricity. heliocentric , adj .
the theory that the totality of existence comprises only the physical universe in time and space. — pancosmic , adj .
a Gnostic theory that considered Satan’s to be the controlling will of the universe.
the philosophical theory of Herbert Spencer that cosmic evolution is cyclic, controlled by mechanical forces which tend toward equilibrium and relative complexity until a peak is reached, after which dissolution occurs, the universe reverts to a simple state, and the cycle begins again. — Spencerian , n., adj .
the belief that purpose and design control the development of the universe and are apparent through natural phenomena. — teleologist , n. — teleology , n .
the science of the universe. — universologist , n.

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