What are weight problems?

Doctors usually define “overweight” as a condition in which a person's weight is 10 percent higher than “normal”, as defined by a standard, height/weight chart, according to age, weight and physical type. Other than affecting our self-image, being overweight can have serious health consequences.

What are weight problems

+ Overweight is defined as excess body weight, at the cost of an increase in fatty tissue, at no more than 10 percent higher than a healthy weight according to the age, height and body type of each individual.

In most cases the first indicators of weight gain are reflected in the way our bodies look and feel: when our clothes are tight and the way we look in the mirror, can be indicators of excess fat. We shouldn't ignore the first signs of weight gain, because overweight isn't only a problem of how we look, but also a sign of our state of health.

Most people think that gaining weight and getting older go hand in hand. Recent studies tell us that's just not true. If when you are 25 years old and have a normal, healthy weight range, over the years your weight should stay the same or go up no more than 11 lb/5 kg. Also, people often believe that it's “normal” that blood pressure increases with age, when studies have shown there are no physiological reasons for these changes. Studies have shown that excessive weight gain may be related to changes in blood pressure. This is just one example of the health problems brought on by being overweight.


Controlling your weight and preventing obesity is the first step in reducing the risk of non-transmittable chronic diseases such as diabetes type II, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illnesses and some types of cancer, including of the uterus (in women) and of the prostate (in men). Excess weight can also have damaging effects on the skeleton. It can affect the joints, especially the knees, ankles, legs and back. These discomforts are generally painful and are accompanied by swelling and the bad posture that make physical activity more difficult. This causes a chain reaction of reduced mobility and therefore increased body weight.

In addition, there are a number of other health problems brought on by being overweight and carrying the risk of becoming obese: varicose veins, sleep apnea, fatty liver disease and dermatological problems caused by the fungus that grows in the folds of the flesh, where there is humidity. Overweight is also linked with uterine and postmenopausal breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Gaining weight during adult life increases the risk of these cancers.

Weighing too much may put you at risk of developing many health problems. If you have a problem, you should visit your physician to see how you can lower your weight primarily to protect your health.


When we talk about “pear” or “apple” body shape, we are talking about where weight gain accumulates and the health risks related to body shape.

Apple. People who tend to gain weight mostly in the waist area have more of an “apple” shape. Fatty tissue builds up around the waist and chest. If you are an “apple” rather than a “pear,” you are at increased risk of the health problems associated with obesity, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Pear. “Pear-shaped” people carry their extra weight below the waistline, and do not seem to have as high a risk of developing the above conditions as “apples” do. However “pear shaped” figures have greater possibilities of suffering from leg, back and reverse blood flow circulation problems.

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