Restful massages
This series of massages is great to help you relax and to fight stress. They can be done in your own home with the assistance of a relative.

+ For massages to be truly therapeutic, there are certain guidelines to follow when giving a massage or doing a self-massage. Here are a few tips:
- • Pick a quiet and warm room with plenty of light and ventilation.
- • The session should be done in silence or with soft music in the background.
- • The surface on which the person receiving the massage is lying shouldn't be soft.
- • When you are receiving a massage it's good to empty your mind, to help relaxation.
This is a series of massages to stimulate blood and lymphatic flow, raising your energy. They help to relieve headaches and sore muscles, in addition to leaving a sense of total well-being. It's recommended to do these massages as a complete series to give truly therapeutic results.
1. Begin with the foot, sliding your thumbs down the foot. This not only relaxes the feet, but the entire body.

2. Stimulate the central part of the foot, using pressure in different areas where you accumulate tension. This exercise stimulates blood flow.

3. Massage the calf muscle to relax tension and to increase blood circulation in the legs.

4. Work on the abdomen using circular massages. This massage connects, distends and restores energy in the center of the body.

5. Press your hands gently on the recipient's shoulders to release negative energy in the area near the heart. This pression opens the arteries and activates cardiac rhythm.

6. Place your hands on the back, the area where we most store tensions. This helps to release blocked energy from the spinal column.

7. Massage the temples to relax better. This movement helps to clear the mind and release worries.

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