Alphabetic Guide to Child Care - Reading


Children who see their parents reading or who've heard an older sibling say, “Don't interrupt me when I'm reading” are much more likely to want to learn how to read than those who have never seen an older person absorbed in a book or magazine.

Reading Difficulties

No matter how much the world changes, the child who can't read easily is handicapped. Where a true reading problem exists, parents should confer with the school about a practical solution. If a learning disability appears to be the explanation, tutoring or a special class may be essential. See DYSLEXIA .

Reading for Information

Many youngsters who don't see the point in reading for pleasure when there are many other things they'd prefer to do may go to the library for information about horses or sailing ships or sewing. Families who would like their youngsters to read more than they do have the responsibility of providing a quiet corner, a decent reading light, and an occasional hour of uninterrupted leisure and privacy. Parents who object to a child's habit of “always having her nose in a book” instead of “getting some fresh air and exercise” should withhold their criticism unless the physician recommends a change in the child's activities.

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