Extended-Care, Long-Term Care, Nursing Homes - Extended-care facility

Despite its name, the extended-care facility provides short-term inpatient care. This type of facility is designed mainly to aid patients who have been hospitalized but no longer need the full complement of hospital services. Such patients still require professional nursing and medical supervision. Typically attached to a hospital, the extended-care facility may also serve those who are not acutely ill but who require skilled care.

Because most extended-care facilities are physically attached to hospitals, patients often simply move from one hospital wing to another. Some nursing homes also meet the standards set for qualification as extended-care facilities by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH). For the most part, extended-care facilities charge much less than the typical hospital.

User Contributions:

michael harreschou
Oct 18, 2021 @ 12:12 pm
we need information on extended care facilities, i.e. costs, locations, benefits, medical care, etc. Your help is appreciated. Our mail address is 7712 e. crooked creek trail, prescott valley, az 86314

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