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Section - 177) Why does every color I allocate show up as black?

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 7/7
Previous Document: 176) Why doesn't GXxor produce mathematically-correct color values?
Next Document: 178) Why do I get a protocol error when creating a cursor (sic)?
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	Make sure you're using 16 bits and not 8.  The red, green, and blue 
fields of an XColor structure are scaled so that 0 is nothing and 65535 is 
full-blast. If you forget to scale (using, for example, 0-255 for each color) 
the XAllocColor function will perform correctly but the resulting color is 
usually black. 

[Thanks to Paul Asente,, 7/91]

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 7/7
Previous Document: 176) Why doesn't GXxor produce mathematically-correct color values?
Next Document: 178) Why do I get a protocol error when creating a cursor (sic)?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM