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Archive-name: www/squid-info See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Squid Proxy Cache Information (Monthly Posting) ----------------------------------------------- * What is Squid? Squid is a high-performance caching proxy server for web clients. It supports FTP, gopher, and HTTP protocols. Squid servers can operate in a hierarchical fashion. A server can have any number of parents or siblings. Caches in a hierarchy use the ICP (Internet Cache Protocol) to query each other for discovery of cached objects. Squid is available in source form under the GNU Public License. It can be built on most modern Unix operating systems that have an ANSI C compiler. * Why is Squid a good thing? Caching proxy servers improve performance for end users' web browsers, and reduce bandwidth utilization. * Where can I get Squid? The current version of Squid is available at: <URL:> <URL:> Mirror sites can be discovered by looking at: <URL:> * Where can I learn more about Squid? Release notes and FAQ documents are available at: <URL:> * Where can I learn more about caching proxy servers and hierarchies? Information on the NLANR caching hierarchy project, and related links, can be found at: <URL:> Additional information on proxy caching in general can be found at: <URL:> * What mailing lists exist for Squid? general discussions about the Squid cache software. Subscribe via squid-users-digest: digested (daily) version of above. Subscribe via A receive-only list for announcements of new versions. Subscribe via : A closed list for sending us bug reports. Bug reports received here are given priority over those mentioned on squid-users. A closed list for sending us feed-back and ideas. * Who wrote/funded/maintains Squid? Duane Wessels of the National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR) leads code development, under a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Squid is derived from the ARPA-funded Harvest project. User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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