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Frequently Asked Questions on CGI Programming --------------------------------------------- 0. Preamble 0.1. Changes 0.2. Notice and Disclaimer 0.3. Where to get this document 0.4. How to contribute to this document? 0.5. Can I email the author my questions? 0.6. What's up with posting to comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi? 0.7. Credits 1. Basic Questions 1.1. What is CGI? 1.2. Is it a script or a program? 1.3. When do I need to use CGI? 1.4. Should I use CGI or JAVA? 1.5. Should I use CGI or SSI or ... { PHP/ASP/... } 1.6. Should I use CGI or an API? 1.7. So what are in a nutshell the options for webserver programming? 1.8. What do I absolutely need to know? 1.9. Does CGI create new security risks? 1.10. Do I need to be on Unix? 1.11. Do I have to use Perl? 1.12. What languages should I know/use? 1.13. Do I have to put it in cgi-bin? 1.14. Do I have to call it *.cgi? *.pl? 1.15. What is the "CGI Overhead", and should I be worried about it? 1.16. What do I need to know about file permissions and "chmod"? 1.17. What is CGIWrap, and how does it affect my program? 1.18. How do I decode the data in my Form? 2. HTTP Headers and NPH Scripts 2.1. What is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)? 2.2. What HTTP request headers can I use? 2.3. What Environment variables are available to my application? 2.4. Why doesn't my script get REMOTE_USER? My page is password-protected. 2.5. What HTTP response headers do I need to know about? 2.6. What is NPH? 2.7. Must/should/can I write nph scripts? 2.8. Do I have to call it nph-* 2.9. What is the difference between GET and POST? 3. Techniques: "How do I..." 3.1. Can I get information about who is visiting? 3.2. Can I get the email of visitors? 3.3. "But I saw display my email address..." 3.4. Can I verify the email addresses people enter in my Form? 3.5. Subject: How can I get the hostname of the remote user? 3.6. Can I get browser details and return different pages? 3.7. Can I trace where a user has come from/is going to? 3.8. Can I launch a long process and return a page before it's finished? 3.9. Can I launch a long process which the user interacts with? 3.10. Can I password-protect my pages? 3.11. Can I do HTTP authentication using CGI? 3.12. Can I identify users/sessions without password protection? 3.13. Can I redirect users to another page? 3.14. Can I run a CGI script without returning a new page to the browser? 3.15. Can I write output to a different Netscape frame? 3.16. Can I write output to several frames at once? 3.17. Can I use a CGI script to generate both text and inline images? 3.18. How can I use Caches to make CGI scripts faster and more Net-friendly? 3.19. How can I avoid users hitting "submit" twice? 3.20. How can I stop my CGI script reading and writing files as "nobody"? 3.21. How can I prevent my CGI results being cached by the browser? 3.22. How can I control the default filename when downloading a file via CGI? 4. Troubleshooting a CGI application 4.1. Are there some interactive debugging tools and services available? 4.2. I'm having trouble with my headers. What can I do? 4.3. Why do I get Error 500 ("the script misbehaved", or "Internal Server Error") 4.4. I tried to use (Content-Type|Location|whatever), but it appears in my Browser? 4.5. How can I run my CGI program 'live' in a debugger? 4.6. I'm using CGI with QUERY_STRING embedded in my HTML, but it gets corrupted? 5. Further Reading 5.1. Other FAQs/collections 5.2. Reference Pages INDEX User Contributions:Section Contents
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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