Posted-By: auto-faq
Archive-name: visual-basic-faq/commercial-vbx-list See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Last-modified: 10/18/94 ************* NOTICE: This FAQ is getting out of date and will no longer be posted after this posting! This FAQ should still be available in the various FAQ archives (i.e., but if you need the information contained in this FAQ you should save a copy of it. ************* Commercial Visual Basic for Windows Products Search for "NEW" to see the entries which were added most recently. Author: Alvin Wang All rights reserved. Permission given for non-profit redistribution as long as copyright retained. Inaccuracies and editorializing are the sole responsibility of Alvin Wang (, who would appreciate any corrections or dissenting opinions. All prices are in US funds unless otherwise stated. Contacting the Editor 3553 31 Street NW, Suite 100 Calgary, AB, T2L 2K7 Fax (403) 282-1238 New Reviews of Products AREAS Covered Accounting Source Charting Libraries Communications Libraries Database Access Libraries Debuggers Drawing Libraries Email Libraries File Viewers General Libraries GIS Libraries Grid Libraries Help File Creation Tools Hypertext Libraries Imaging Libraries Mainframe Access Libraries Midi Libraries Misc Libraries Multimedia Libraries Network Libraries Pen Libraries Print Tools Programming Tools Project Management Tools Report Writers Scientific/Statistical Libraries Source Code Management Special Effects Libraries Speech Libraries Spelling Libraries Spreadsheet Libraries Telephone Management Libraries Test Tools Text Libraries Word Processing Libraries User Interface Libraries Appendix A - Addresses of companies =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - ACCOUNTING SOURCE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Accounting System Developer's Kit Author: Bayou City Systems Price: $ Ver: Royalties: Depends Keywds: ACCT SOURCE AP GL AR PAY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Solomon IV for Windows Author: Solomon Software Price: $?? Ver: Royalties: ?? Keywds: ACCT SOURCE AP GL AR PAY SQL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - CHARTING LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ChartPro Author: Sub Systems Inc. Price: $399.00 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: DLL Chart CSOURCE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Graphics Server SDK Author: Pinnacle Publishing Inc Price: $249.00 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: ?? Keywds: DLL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crystal Comm Author: Crystal Software Price: $179 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: DLL COMM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PDQComm for Windows Author: Crescent Software Price: $149.00 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: VBX COMM I have found this product to be very well written. I am waiting for the latest version. The technical support group was very helpful with my problems with previous versions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Microhelp Communications Author: MicroHelp Inc. Price: $149 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: DLL COMM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - DATABASE ACCESS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aware/VBX Author: FarPoint Technologies Price: $69.95 Ver: 1.0 Royalties: None Keywds: Data-Access VBX =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bridgit Author: Unelko Corp Price: $69.95 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: None Keywds: Data-Access DLL DBASE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CodeBasic Author: Sequiter Software Price: $249.95 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: Data-Access VBX DBASE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Controls for Btrieve Author: Smithware Inc Price: $249.95 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: Data-Access VBX Btrieve =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Multilink/VB2 Author: Q+E Price: $399 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None Keywds: Data-Access VBX This is the only control that I am aware of that offers Query by Example. It is a very impressive and stable tool. The error handling is more robust than the JET engine. It over 30 databases but I only tested a few. They all worked fine. I really like the ease of use but there are more tools available for the JET engine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradox Engine Author: Borland International Price: $495 Ver: ?? Royalties: ?? Keywds: DLL PARADOX I used this with C and found it to be very reliable and reasonably quick. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Visual Basic Pro Author: Microsoft Price: $495 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: None Keywds: Data-Access VBX Commnt: The JET engine is the standard. This is the standard. You need the data access control for many of the third party tools. It is the engine supplied with Access 1.0. The biggest problem that I have is the lack of support for Access security. The phone support is impossible but I like the Fax Back support. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Visual/db Database Manager Author: AJS Publishing Price: $149 Network $299 Ver: ?? Royalties: ?? Keywds: Data-Access VBX DBASE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watcom SQL for Windows Author: Watcom Price: $395 Ver: ?? Royalties: ?? Keywds: DB SQL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - DEBUGGING TOOLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PinPoint Author: Avanti Software Inc. Price: $199 Ver: ?? Royalties: NA Keywds: DEBUG =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - DRAWING/GRAPHICS LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3D Tools for VB Author: Micro System Options Price: $149 Ver: Royalties: ?? Keywds: DLL 3D RENDER =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VBX Artist Author: Bennet-Tec Information Systems Price: $250/$275 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: VBX DRAWING =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Visio Author: ShapeWare Corporation Price: $199 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None Keywds: OLE DRAWING =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - EXPERT SYSTEMS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= M.4 Author: Teknowledge Corporation Price: $199 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: VBX EXPERT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - FILE VIEWERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VBVIEWER Author: Microhelp Inc. Price: $99 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: VBX VIEW =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - GENERAL LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= QuickPak Professional for Windows Author: Crescent Software Price: $199.00 Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: VBX CALENDAR METER FORM PICTURE HYPERTEXT ETC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB/Muscle Author: MicroHelp Imc. Price: $199.00 Ver: 2.1 Keywds: DLL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - GIS LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Server 2 Author: Geosoft Ltd Price: 299 Pounds Ver: Royalties: None Keywds: DLL MAPPING =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - GRID LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Data Widgets Author: Sheridan Software Systems Price: $129 Ver: Keywds: Grid Data-Aware VBX This grid has a different way of implementing pull downs, which takes a bit of fiddling to get working but it is worth it. There is a great deal of speed improvement since it only reads in as much as required. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grid/VBX Author: FarPoint Technologies Price: $?? Ver: 1.0 Royalties: None Keywds: Grid Data-Aware VBX =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TrueGrid Pro Author: APEX Software Corporation Price: $99.95 Ver: 2.1c KeyWds: Grid Data-Aware VBX A very easy to use grid. The nicest feature is that memo fields can be pulled down for in place editting. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - HELP FILE CREATION TOOLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ForeHelp Author: ForeFront Price: $ 395 Ver: 1.03 Royalties: None KeyWds: HELP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HelpBreeze Author: Solutionsoft Price: $ 349 Ver: 1.6 Royalties: None Demo File: HLPBRZ.ZIP on CICA KeyWds: HELP WINWORD This program creates help files and needs Word for Windows 2.x or 6.x. There are benefits to using a program that needs Winword since you can import your manual and turn it into your help file. The program runs on top of Word by adding a toolbar and more selections to your pulldown menus. The jumps are simulated quite well. The icons on the new toolbar are just the first letter of the command so its good that it has popup help balloons. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Windows Help Magician Author: Software Interphase Inc. Price: $ Ver: ??? Royalties: None KeyWds: HELP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - HYPERTEXT LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hypertext Manager Author: Braintree Ltd. Price: $89 Ver: ??? Royalties: None KeyWds: HYPERTEXT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - IMAGING LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Accusoft Image Format Library Author: Accusoft Corporation Price: $295.00 Ver: 4.0 Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX JPEG IMAGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ImageKnife/VBX PRO Author: Media Architects Price: $299.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX JPEG IMAGE DATA-AWARE TWAIN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ImageMan/VB Author: Data Techniques Inc. Price: $299 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX JPEG IMAGE Their support is pitiful. I have been waiting for my free upgrade for six months and the response is always that it is in the mail. I could have bought an upgrade for the cost of long distance calls but I wouldn't be sure that I would get it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Imagestream/VB Author: Visual Tools Price: $295.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX JPEG IMAGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lead Tools/VB Author: LEAD Technologies Price: $295.00 Ver: Royalty: None KeyWds: VBX JPEG IMAGE A very reliable VBX. It's forte is its proprietary CMP compression but it reads and writes most others. That is most but not all. Some of the newer programs promise more but I can't compare. The tech support is very responsive. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Metaview Imaging Control for VB Author: Metafile Information Systems Price: $995.00 Ver: 2.1 Royalty: None KeyWds: VBX TIF IMAGE ANNOTATE This VBX enables you to add hotspots and stickies to TIFF images. The demo needs more work to demonstrate the features better. It read the Winfax TIFF but not the Coreldraw or Microsoft Chart TIFF. Unfortunately, the manual was only 56 pages and didn't explain what kind of TIFF was required. It just implied that it could read all TIFFs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Picture++ Author: Rainbow Imaging Price: $425.00 Ver: Royalty: ?? KeyWds: IMAGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Vision Tools Author: Evergreen Technologies Price: $495.00 Ver: Royalty: $195-$95 KeyWds: VBX IMAGE MEDICAL The only control that I have found that accesses medical images but you should contact them to see if yours if covered. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - MAIL ACCESS LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB/NotesLink Author: Brainsorm Technologies Price: $795 Ver: ?? Royalties: ?? Keywds: VBX NOTES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Open Mail System Author: Raindrop Software Price: $?? Ver: 1.0 Royalties: ?? Keywds: DLL MAIL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - MAINFRAME ACCESS LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= QuickApp Author: DCA Price: $?? Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: VBX MAINFRAME =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rumba SDK Author: WallData Price: $7500 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: VBX MAINFRAME =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TransPortal Pro Author: Frustrum Group Price: $?? Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: DLL MAINFRAME 3270 5250 VT100 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - MIDI LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB MIDI Author: Artic Software Price: $59.00 Ver: Royalties: ?? KeyWds: VBX MIDI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - MISC LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AutoData SDK II Author: AutoData Systems Price: $295.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: DLL OCR BARCODE DATA ENTRY FORM Gantt/VBX Author: Addsoft Price: $249.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: GANTT VBX NEW =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - MULTIMEDIA LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Media Shop Author: Motion Works Price: $299.00 Ver: Royalties: ?? KeyWds: VBX ANIMATE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MediaKnife/VBX Author: Media Architects Price: $299.00 Ver: Royalties: ?? KeyWds: VBX ANIMATE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NETWORK LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IPX Toolkit Author: Intelec Systems Price: $295.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX Network =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NetPak Pro For Windows Author: Crescent Software Price: $179.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX Network =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MicroHelp Network Library Author: MicroHelp Price: $99.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX Network =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - PEN LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - PRINT TOOLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Code Print Pro Author: Pinnacle Publishing Inc Price: $99.00 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: NA KeyWds: PRINT TOOL CODE NEW It works quite well. You run it and it appears in your menu and intercepts control keys. You can print highlighted area, current procedure, current module, and the entire program. The output is pleasant and I just wanted the ability to print a single module. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IntelliPrint Author: Alliance Software Specialists Price: $49.99 Ver: Royalties: NA KeyWds: PRINT TOOL CODE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pretty Printer Author: Aardvark Software Price: $79.99 Ver: Royalties: NA KeyWds: PRINT TOOL CODE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PrintVB for VB Author: Kyle Brant Software Price: $37.95 Ver: Royalties: NA KeyWds: PRINT TOOL CODE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - PROGRAMMING TOOLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Installit/VBX Author: HPI Price: $?? Ver: ?? Keywds: INSTALL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PCVS for VB Author: Intersolv Price: $?? Ver: ?? Keywds: PROJECT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB Assist Author: Sheridan Software Systems Price: $179 Ver: ?? Keywds: PROG TOOL ASSIST It isn't as closely integrated as I would like but the ability to size and place controls is more than worth the hassle. If you are creating screens with lots of fields, this is highly recommended to save lots of fiddling. There are lots of other features too. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB Compress Author: Whippleware Price: $99.95 Ver: ?? Keywds: COMPRESS NEW This product did what it was expected to do. I compressed a large program that I was working on by 25%. It identified all the unused variables, procedures, etc. The program execution wasn't fast but it did the job. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB Project Works Author: Young Software Works Price: $?? Ver: ?? Keywds: PROJECT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version Stamper-VB Author: DesaWare Price: $?? Ver: 1.0 Keywds: VERSION If you distribute software based on VB, you probably have a problem insuring that your clients have the correct version of all the VBXs and DLLs required. I often have a problem with users deleting files and restoring incorrect versions. This program is distributed with your application and solves that problem. It passed all the simple tests that I tried. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Microsoft Project Author: Microsoft Price: $695 Ver: 4.0 Royalties: $695 Keywds: OLE PROJECT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - REPORT WRITERS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crystal Reports Pro Author: Crystal Services Price: $129.00 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX REPORT ODBC Crystal works fine with DOS files but its ODBC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Focus Report Writer Author: Crystal Services Price: $395.00 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: NA Keywds: REPORT ODBC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MicroHelp Report Generator Author: MicroHelp Inc. Price: $189.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: VBX REPORT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= R&R Report Writer Author: Concentric Data Systems Inc. Price: $249-395 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: REPORT This report writer had the most painful method of passing parameters that I have ever seen. You have to use a common file to pass parameters. The only nice feature that I found was the compatibility with a DOS version. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= R&R SQL Report Writer Author: Concentric Data Systems Inc. Price: $249-395 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: REPORT NEW The SQL version had the same parameter passing method but it had the advantage of handling multiple detail records in ODBC unlike Crystal. It used a user created SQL statement with a union statement. This wasn't a very nice method to use but it worked. Unfortunately, it didn't allow the use of a Sybase TEXT datatype in the union statement. Tech Support claimed that this was due to a bug in Sybase but I didn't verify it. The first three times that I called Tech Support an idiot answered so I had lost patience by then. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ReportSmith Author: Borland International Price: $299 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: OLE REPORT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - SCIENTIFIC/STATISTICAL LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= QuickPak Scientific Author: Crescent Software Price: $149.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: ?? Keywds: DLL MATH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SPSS Developer's Kit Author: SPSS Price: $495 Ver: ?? Royalties: ?? Keywds: STAT OLE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - SOURCE CODE MANAGEMENT LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PVCS Author: Intersolv Price: $ Ver: ?? Royalties: NA Keywds: SCM NEW =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - SPECIAL EFFECTS LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FXTools/VB Author: ImageFX Price: $129.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: VBX FX =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - SPEECH LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Phonetic Engine 400 Author: Speech Systems Inc. Price: $1195+ Ver: ?? Royalties: $995+ Keywds: VBX SPEECH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - SPELLING LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine Author: Wintertree Software Inc. Price: $299 Ver: 2.3 Royalties: None Keywds: SPELL DLL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Microhelp SpellPro Author: MicroHelp Inc. Price: $129.00 Ver: ?? Keywds: VBX SPELL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spell Time Author: Sub Systems Price: $389 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: SPELL DLL CSOURCE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SpelTool VB Author: Turbo Toolware Price: $?? Ver: ?? Keywds: VBX SPELL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VT-Speller Author: Visual Tools Price: $149 Ver: ?? Royalties: None Keywds: VBX SPELL OLE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - SPREADSHEET LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Excel Author: Microsoft Price: $$ Ver: 5.0 Royalties: $$ Keywds: OLE Spreadsheet The documentation is sparse on OLE Automation but it is well worth the effort. The problem is the cost in dollars and resources of using this solution. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Formula One Author: Visual Tools Price: $295 Ver: 1.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX Spreadsheet OLE The only VBX that I know is Excel compatible. I like Excel because I used to teach it so I found this very easy to use and much cheaper than Excel. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spread/VBX Author: Farpoint Price: $245 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX Spreadsheet It is not as easy to use as Excel. The demo application was very helpful. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - TELEPHONE MANAGEMENT TOOLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB Voice Author: Pronexus Price: $395 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX TELEPHONE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Visual Voice for Dialogic Version 1.02 Author: Stylus Innovation Price: $495 - 2 line $995 - 4 line $1895 - Unlimited Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX TELEPHONE DIALOGIC 4-line software plus 4-line Dialogic hardware $1995 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Visual Voice for MWave 1.0 Author: Stylus Innovation Price: $495 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX TELEPHONE MWAVE Software and single-line MWave hardware $695. I'm having a lot of problems with the MWave board that may have nothing to do with the SW. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Visual Fax 1.0 (supports up to ten faxmodems in a single PC) Pricing: $495 Visual Fax 1.0 Author: Stylus Innovation Price: $495 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX FAX Supports up to ten faxmodems in a single PC. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - TEST TOOLS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SQA Team Test Author: SQA Inc. Price: $ Ver: ?? Royalties: NA Keywds: TEST =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - TEXT LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ZyIndex Developer's Toolkit Author: ZyLAB Price: $ Ver: ?? Royalties: ?? Keywds: VBX TEXT SEARCH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - Thesaurus LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ThesDB Thesaurus Database Author: Wintertree Software Inc. Price: $299 Ver: 2.1 Royalties: None Keywds: THESAURUS DLL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - VIRTUAL REALITY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WorldToolKit Author: SENSE8 Price: $795 Ver: 2.0 Royalties: ?? Keywds: VBX VR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Category - WORD PROCESSING LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ALLText Author: Bennet-Tec Information Systems Price: $125/$150 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX TEXT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ALLText HT/Pro Author: Bennet-Tec Information Systems Price: $350/$375 Ver: 3.0 Royalties: None Keywds: VBX TEXT HYPERTEXT DATA-AWARE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Word Author: Microsoft Price: $495 Ver: 6.0 Royalties: $495 Keywds: OLE WP TEXT SPELL OLE Automation requires WordBasic and the documentation is hard to find. It performs much faster than DDE once you get past loading word. Another massive product from Microsoft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= USER INTERFACE LIBRARIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3D Gizmos Author: MicroHelp Price: $9.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI DATA-AWARE The look is very nice but the lookups cause a lot of overhead in loading a screen. It preloads all the lookup data so a few good sized lookups and your user will fall asleep waiting for the screen. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3D Widgets Author: Sheridan Software Systems Price: $109.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI DATA-AWARE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Custom Control Factory Author: DesaWare Price: $?? Ver: 2.0 Royalties: None KeyWds: UI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kollibri Author: European Software Connection Price: $249.00 Ver: ?? Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NICE ( Natural Interface for Computing Environments ) Author: NCR Price: $ Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VB/Magic Controls Author: AJS publishing Inc. Price: $149.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SpyWorks/VB Author: DesaWare Price: $149.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI If you like msgblast.vbx, you'll love this tool. It allows you to do some amazing things with VB that you thought would require C++. The examples are quite impressive. The other capabilities like checking to see how much resources are being consumed are very useful. Basically, this allows you to do anything that can be done in Windows using VB. This is at the expense of making it much easier to crash Windows. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ToolsKan VB Author: Kansmen Corp Price: $99.00 Ver: 1.0 Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VSVBX Author: AJS publishing Inc. Price: $49.00 Ver: Royalties: None KeyWds: VBX UI TAB AWK ELASTIC =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Appendix A - Addresses of Companies =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aarvark Software 800-482-2742 201-833-4355 201-833-1216 Fax Compuserve 70544,1372 972 Sheffield Road Teaneck, NJ, USA 07666 Products: Pretty Printer Accusoft Corporation 800-525-3577 508-898-2770 508-898-29662 Fax 112 Turnpike Road PO Box 1261 Westborough, MA, USA 01581 Products: Accusoft Image Format Library ADDSoft 800-229-0559 402-491-4141 402-491-4152 Fax 1065 North 115th Street Omaha, NE 68154 Products: Gantt/VBX AJS Publishing 800-992-3383 310-215-9135 Fax PO Box 83220 Los Angeles, CA, USA 90083 VB/MAgic Controls Alliance Software Specialists 414-859-2124 7911 - 30th Avenue Suite 3A Kenosha, WI 53142-4611 APEX Software Corporation 412-681-4343 412-681-4384 Fax Internet information: Internet orders: CompuServe: 71053,1062 Anonymous FTP: (demos and patches) Mailing list: (announcments, patch notices) 4516 Henry Street Pittsburgh, PA, USA 15213 Products: Truegrid, Agility Artic Software 800-892-0677 414-534-4309 PO Box 28 Waterford, WI 53185-0028 Products: VB MIDI Avanti Software Inc. 800-758-7011 415-329-8999 415-329-8722 Compuserve: 76260,266 385 Sherman Avenue, Unit 6 Palo Alto, CA, USA 94306 Products: PinPoint AutoData Systems 800-662-2192 612-941-8180 612-941-7312 Fax 10365 West 70th Street Eden Prairie, MN USA 55344-3446 Bayou City Systems 713-777-3736 713-777-3746 Fax 8535 Triple Crown Drive Houston, TX, USA 77071 Products: Accounting Systems Developer Kit Bennet-Tec Information Systems 516-433-6283 516-822-2679 Fax 10 Steuben Drive Jericho, NY, USA 11753 Products: AllText, Alltext Pro, VBX Artist, Picscroll, FileIcon&DragDrop ScatterPlot3D, Tlist Comment: The second price is the cost for non-US customers. The only company with a differential pricing policy. Borland 800-366-6464 ext 8034 USA 800-461-3327 Canada 408-461-9000 408-461-8088 Fax 1800 Green Hills Road Scotts Valley, CA 95067-0001 Products: Visual Solutions, Paradox Engine Brainstorm Technologies 617-492-3399 24 Thorndike Street Cambridge, MA USA 02141 Products: VB/NotesLink Braintree 800-745-4645 718-224-4728 Fax 42-42 204th Street Bayside, NY, USA 11361 Products: Hypertext Manager. Ad Hoc Data Viewer, Security Toolkit Concentric Data Systems Inc. 508-366-1122 508-366-2954 Fax 110 Turnpike Road Westboro, MA, USA 01581 Products: R&R Report Writer Crescent Software 800-352-2742 Toll Free Sales 203-438-5300 Tech Support 203-431-4626 Fax 11 Bailey Avenue Ridgefield, CT USA 06877-4505 Products: QuickPak Pro, PDQComm, QuickPak Scientific, NetPak PRk, XREF Crystal Services 800-663-1244 USA 800-877-2340 Canada 604-681-2934 Fax 604-681-3450 Fax Back 604-669-8379 Tech Support 604-681-7163 Fax 604-681-9516 BBS 604-681-3450 Fax Back 1050 West Pender Street, Suite 2200 Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3S7 Products: Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports Pro, Crystal Reports Server Crystal Software 906-822-7992 906-822-7994 Fax 329 Fire Lake Road Crystal Falls, MI, USA 49903 Products: CrystalCOMM Data Techniques Inc. 800-868-8003 704-682-4111 704-682-0025 Fax 704-682-4356 BBS Products: ImageMan/VB DCA 800-348-3221 ext 59BB Products: QuickApp Desaware 408-377-4770 408-371-3530 Fax 5 Town & Country Village #790 San Jose, CA 95128 Products: Custom Control Factory, Spyworks VB, Version Stamper/VB Distinct 408-781-0781 408-366-2101 Fastfacts 408-741-0795 email Products: Distinct TCP/IP EllTech Development 800-553-1327 404-928-8960 404-924-2807 Fax 4374 Shallowford Industrial Parkway Marietta, GA, USA 30066 Products: Compression Plus, Fax Plus European Software Connection 913-832-2070 913-832-8787 Fax PO Box 1982 Lawrence, KS, USA 66044-1982 Products: Kollibri Evergreen Technologies 207-326-8300 207-326-8333 Fax Main Street, PO Box 795 Castine, Maine, USA 04421 Products: Vision Tools Farpoint Technologies 804-378-0432 804-378-1015 Fax 569 Southlake Blvd Richmond, VA, USA 23236 Products: Aware/VBX, Grid/VBX, Spread/VBX ForeFront 303-499-9181 5171 Eldorado Springs Drive Boulder, CO, USA 80303 Products: ForeHelp Frustrum Group Inc. 800-548-5660 212-338-0721 212-984-0690 Fax 90 Park Avenue, Suite 1600 New York, NY, USA 10016 Products: TransPortal Pro Geosoft Ltd 44-532-344000 44-532-465071 Fax Unit 3M Springfield House Hyde Terrace Leeds LS2 9LN, UK Products: Map Server 2 HPI 800-448-4154 205-880-8705 Fax 205-880-8785 BBS 917C Willowbrook Drive Huntsville, AL, USA 35802 Prpducts: Installit/VBX ImageFX 716-272-8030 2021 Brighton-Henrietta TL Rd. Rochestor, NY, USA 14623 Products: FXTools Imagesoft Incorporated 516-767-2233 516-767-9067 Fax 516-767-9074 BBS UUCP Address: mcdhup!image!info 2 Haven Avenue Port Washington, NY, USA 11050 Products: ObjectTrieve for VB Information Builders 212-736-4433 212-967-6406 Fax Products: Focus Report Writer for Windows Intelec Systems 501-221-3600 501-221-7412 Fax 10201 West Markham, Suite 101 Little Rock, AR, USA 72205 Products: IPX Toolkit Intersolv 800-547-7827 44-727-812812 1700 NW 167th Place Beaverton, OR, USA 97006 Products: PCVS for VB Kansmen Corp 408-263-9881 Products: ToolsKan VB Kyle Brant Software 317-297-9801 5441 Fenmore Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46208 LEAD Technologies 800-637-4699 704-549-5532 704-548-8161 Fax 8701 Mallard Creek Rd. Charlotte, NC, USA 28262 Products: LEADTOOLS/VB Media Architects 503-297-5010 503-297-6744 Fax 503-297-9425 BBS 1075 NW Murray RD, Suite 230 Portland, OR, USA 97229-5501 Products: ImageKnife/VBX Pro, MediaKnife VBX Metafile Information Systems Inc. 507-286-9232 507-286-9065 Fax 421 First Avenue SW Rochester, MN,USA 55902 Products: Metaview Imaging Control MicroHelp Inc. 404-516-0898 4359 Shallowford Industrial Parkway Marietta, GE, USA 30066 Products: HighEdit Microsoft One Micosoft Way Redmond, WA, USA 98052-6399 800-950-3535 USA 800-563-9048 Canada 206-936-8661 Other Products: VB, VB Pro, Excel, Word, Project, Micro System Options 206-868-5418 PO Box 95167 Seattle, WA, USA 98145-2167 Products: 3D Graphic Tools for VB MotionWorks 800-800-8476 415-541-9333 415-541-0555 Fax 524 Second Street San Francisco, CA, USA 94107 Products: Motion Works MediaShop NCR Corporation Imformation Products 2651 Satellite Blvd. Duluth, GA, USA 30136-9711 Products: NICE Pinnacle Publishing Inc. 800-231-1293 206-251-5057 Fax PO Box 888 Kent, WA, USA 98035-0888 Products: Graphics Server SDK, Code Print Pro Pronexus 613-839-0033 613-839-0035 Fax 613-839-0034 BBS Products: VBVoice Q+E Software 800-876-3103 Dept M010 919-859-2220 919-859-9334 Fax 5540 Centerview Drive, Suite 324 Raleigh, NC, USA 27606 Products: Q+E Multilink VB/2 Rainbow Imaging Inc. 212-794-2717 212-861-8145 Fax 460 East 79Street New York, NY, USA 10021-1425 Products: Picture++ Raindrop Software 214-234-2611 833 Arapaho, Suite 104 Richardson, TX, USA 75081 Products: Open Mail System ReportSmith Inc. 800-446-3446 415-312-8673 Fax 2755 Campus Drive, Suite 205 San Mateo, CA, USA 94403 Products: ReportSmith Sense8 Corporation 415-331-6318 415-331-9148 Fax 1001 Bridgeway, #477 Sausalito, CA, USA 94965 Products: WorldToolKit Sequiter Software Inc. 403-437-2410 403-436-2999 Fax Products: CodeBasic, CodeReporter ShapeWare Corporation 800-446-3335 Ext 48Y 520 Pike Street, #1800 Seattle, WA, USA 98101 Products: Visio Sheridan Software Systems 800-VBDirect 516-753-0985 516-753-3661 Fax 516-753-5452 BBS 35 Pinelawn Road Melville, NY USA 11747 Products: Data Widgets, VB Assist, Smithware, Inc 800-828-7438 615-860-3500 615-868-5397 Fax 75470,546 Compuserve 590-5654 MCI 1052 Madison Square Madison, TN, USA 37115 Products: Controls for Btrieve Software Interphase Inc. 401-397-2340 401-397-6814 Fax 401-397-4601 BBS 82 Cucumber Hill Rd. Foster, RI, USA 02825 Solomon Software 419-423-3688 800-879-2767 ext 1226 419-424-3400 Fax SolutionSoft 408-736-1431 408-736-4013 Fax 999 Evelyn Terrace West, Suite 86 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Products: HelpBreeze, ViewerBreeze available soon Speech Systems Inc. 303-938-1110 303-938-1874 Fax 2945 Center Green Court South Boulder, CO, USA 80301-2275 Products: Phonetic Engine 400 SPSS Inc. 800-525-4971 444 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 Products: SPSS Developer Kit SQA Inc. 800-228-9922 617-932-3280 Fax 10 State Street Woburn, MA, USA 01801 Products: SQA TeamTest Stylus Innovation 617-621-9545 617-621-7862 Fax Stylus Innovation, Inc. One Kendall Square, Building 300 Cambridge, MA 02139 Products: Visual Voice Sub Systems Inc. 800-447-6819 617-438-8901 617-438-0311 Fax 159 Main Street, #8C Southam, MA, USA 02180 Products: TE Developer's Kit, ReportEase, Spell Time, ChartPro SuccessWare 909-699-9657 909-695-5679 Fax 27349 Jefferson Avenue Temecula, CA, USA 92590 Products: SIxBase/VB Teknowledge Corporation 800-285-0500 415-493-2645 Fax 1810 Embarcadaro Road Palo Alto, CA 94303-3308 TeraTech 800-447-9120 301-977-2224 301-963-0436 Fax 301-963-7478 BBS 9600-N-8-1 3 Choke Cherry Rd, Suite 360 Rockville, MD, USA 20850 Products Dazzle/VB, Turbo Toolware 602-497-4780 745 N. Gilbert Road Ste. 124-125 Gilbert, AZ, USA 85234 Products Speltool VB Unelko Corp. 602-991-7272 602-483-7674 Fax 7428 E Karen Drive Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260 Products: Bridgit Visual Tools 800-884-8665 913-599-6500 913-599-6597 Fax Compuserve: 72204, 3521 15721 College Blvd Lenexa, KS, USA 66219 Products: Formula One, VT-Speller WallData Inc. 208-883-4777 206-885-9250 Fax 17769 NE 78th Place Redmond, WA, USA 98052-4992 Products: Rumba SDK Wang Labs 800-639-9264 508-967-1125 Fax 1 Industrial Avenue Lowell, MA, USA 01851 Products: OPEN/Image Watcom 800-265-4555 519-886-3700 519-747-4971 Fax 415 Phillip Street Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3X2 Products: Watcom SQL WhippleWare 800-241-8727 617-242-8727 617-241-8496 Fax 20 Cedar Street Charleston, MA, USA 02129 Products:VB Compress Wintertree Software Inc. 613-825-6271 CompuServe: 72060,3056 43 Rueter St. Nepean, Ontario Canada K2J 3Z9 Young Software Works 212-982-4127 212-673-1715 Fax Compuserve 76703, 4343 PO Box 185, Cooper Station New York City, NY, USA 10276-0185 Products: VB ProjectWorks ZyLAB 800-544-6339 708-459-8000 100 Lexington Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Products: ZyIndex -- Kris Nosack >>>---> Be strange, but not a stranger! <---<<< User Contributions:
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