Archive-name: vegetarian/guide/internet1
Last-modified: 23 Jul 1995 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge ______________________________________________________________________ World Guide to Vegetarianism Internet1 ______________________________________________________________________ The 20 parts of this guide contain a world list of vegetarian and vegetarian-friendly restaurants, stores, organizations, services, etc. Each part is posted on an independent schedule. The guide is available on WWW in easy-to-use hypertext format on the Vegetarian Pages at ** Please send us any new listings or corrections. ** The prefered way for you to send us updates is to use the forms on the above mentioned WWW site. E-mail updates gladly accepted also, but please format them in the same format as is used in this guide and keep comments and reviews short, simple, and straight to the point. The latest posted copy of the World Guide to Vegetarianism is also available via e-mail. For an index and instructions, send an e-mail to with the following line in the message body: send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/index The guide is also available via anonymous ftp from in the directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide. ______________________________________________________________________ Internet Services ______________________________________________________________________ This section has listings for the following: USENET Newsgroups Gopher Mailing Lists Information via E-Mail World Wide Web Internet Relay Chat Anonymous FTP Many thanks to Bobbi Pasternak, who's compiling a list of online resources for the Vegetarian Resource Group, and to Geraint 'Gedge' Edwards, our European listings coordinator, for posting much of the below information on If you know of any other Internet vegetarian resources, please send them to Bobbi Pasternak <> and to myself, Mark Wisdom <>. ______________________________________________________________________ World Wide Web (WWW) Vegetarian Pages - The main index to vegetarian resources on the Internet. Features vegetarian news items, a list of major events around the world, an index to vegetarian info by issue, general reading material, FAQs, lists of vegetarian people, organizations, and businesses on the Internet, a list of famous vegetarians, and more. Vegan Action - Information on veganism, soft-copies of The Vegan News, animal derived ingredients & clothings lists. World Guide to Vegetarianism - What you're currently looking at. A global listing of vegetarian and vegetarian-friendly restaurants, natural food stores, organizations, services, etc. Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) - Back issues of the Vegetarian Journal, articles, information, brochures, and newsletters on veganism, vegetarianism, nutrition, recipes, new products, travel, scientific studies, book and software reviews, animal rights. Vegetarian Society UK (VegSocUK) - Contains the entire collection of VegSocUK infosheets, reports, articles, campaigns, local resources. Animal Rights Resource Site (ARRS) - Extensive collection of essays concerning AR and vegetarianism. Picture gallery, AR news service, 20-plus hosted home pages, including PETA, the Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG), Hunt Saboteurs Association, etc., the Animal Rights FAQ, Campaigns index and action alerts, and the World Guide to Animal Rights. ADVANCE - A North American grassroots calendar of events, with emphasis on animal rights, vegetarianism, animal welfare, the environment, & some human rights issues. Events listed include meetings, rallies, protests, lectures, symposia, demonstrations, expos, dinners, info tables, seminars, nature walks, displays, picnics, & whatever else is going on. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) - PETA Factsheets (some vegetarian), action alerts, etc. The largest animal rights organization in the world. ARK Online - "The online magazine for people who care about animals." Recipe Servers: Veggies Unite! - A searchable index of over 2000 vegetarian recipes. Has links to many nutrition and health sites. English Server Recipes Folder - Although not entirely vegetarian, much of it is vegetarian recipes. There are links to the Fat-Free archives and a few others. Local/Regional Vegetarian Web Pages: For a complete list, see European Vegetarian Union (EVU) - EVU news and information. Nodo Vegetariano Milanese (Vegetarian Node in Milan), Italy Vegetarians International Voice for Animals (Viva!) - Viva! leaflets, guides, press releases, campaigns. Vegan Society UK - Vegan Society leaflets, articles, list of local groups and contacts. Bradford Vegetarian Society, UK Brighton Vegetarian & Vegan Society, UK Portsmouth Area Vegetarian & Vegan Network, UK Southampton and District Vegetarian Society, UK The Vegan Society (NSW), Australia Victoria Vegetarian Info, Australia Vegetarian Resource Center (VRC), North America North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) Toronto Vegetarian Association, Ontario, Canada Misissauga Vegetarian Association, Ontario, Canada Winnipeg Vegetarian Association, Manitoba, Canada Triangle Vegetarian Society, North Carolina, USA VivaVegie Society, New York City, USA Maine VegNet, USA Student Vegetarian Organizations: MIT Vegetarian Support Group Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Rice Vegetarian Club Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA WPI Vegetarian Society Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA Vegetarian Products: Midland Harvest Burgers - Midland Harvest burgers and other products. Naturally Yours - Sells grains and grain mills mostly. Seeds for sprouting too. McBooks Press - Publisher of a series of vegetarian parenting books by Sharon Yntema: Vegetarian Pregnancy, Vegetarian Baby, and Vegetarian Children. Personal Pages: See for a list of personal web pages. If you do not have access to www (typical www browsers are netscape, mosaic, lynx, and www) but if you have access to telnet, then you can use www by telneting to a public www client, some of which are,, and ( You can also telnet to and log in as 'www'. You can also access WWW pages via e-mail. For instructions, send an e-mail to with 'www' in the message body. ______________________________________________________________________ Internet Relay Chat (IRC) IRC is a mechanism that allows people to have real-time text-based group discussions over the Internet. This can be used as a cheap (free for some) substitute for long distance phone calls. The following is an explanation of how to access IRC via the UNIX 'irc' client software. Accessing IRC from other software or from other types of systems should be similar, although the commands may be replaced with menus. The IRC is composed of several networks. The big one is called EFnet. On EFnet, there are 2 vegetarian discussion channels: #veggies and #vegan. There is a server/robot on #veggies called VeganSrv which is always available so that interested folks can get information on vegetarianism. If it's not there, then you are likely on another IRC network, try switching to an IRC server on the EFnet network (for example or using the /server command (eg: '/server'). Channels are created when people join them, so if you join '#veggie', and not '#veggies', you are not likely to see anyone else. #veggies has about 3 or 4 people chatting at times, but can also often be empty. Try accessing it at different times of the day. On IRC, people are known by their nicknames, so you must choose one with the 'nick' command. A typical session may include the following example commands: /nick MyNickname /join #veggies /who #veggies (to see who is on #veggies) /whois gedge (to see info about Gedge, if he's currently on) /msg gedge argh! (to privately ask Gedge for help) /quit All command lines must be prefixed with a '/'. Anything not prefixed by a '/' will be sent to your current channel for all participants to see! If you don't have an IRC client installed on your system then you can FTP one from in the irc/clients directory. There are clients here for Mac, PC, UNIX (precompiled or source), and other systems. For UNIX, you can also automagically install it with 'telnet 1 | sh'. ______________________________________________________________________ USENET Newsgroups - Posting/discussion of all vegetarian related subjects. - A moderated newsgroup for the posting/discussion of vegetarian recipes, cooking information, nutrition, and other non-ethical information. talk.politics.animals - Posting/discussion of animal rights related subjects. - Posting/discussion related to fat-free foods/diet. Not entirely vegetarian. ______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Lists Many mailing lists are available in two formats: regular and digest. In the regular format, you get an e-mail for every message posted. This is typically between 5 and 50 e-mails per day. In digest format, you get one e-mail per day containing all the postings for the previous 24 hours. Vegan-L - A mailing list for vegans and aspiring vegans. To subscribe, send an e-mail to listserv@templevm.bitnet with the following in your message body: sub vegan-l <your first and last name here> For the digest option, also add the following line: set vegan-l digest VegLife - Used to be called Granola. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub veglife <your first and last name here> For the digest option, also add the following line: set veglife digest Veggie - For the discussion of any aspect of vegetarianism, vegetarian lifestyle, or anything relevant to vegetarians. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub veggie <your first & last name here> For the digest option, also add the following line: set veggie digest VegPol-L - For discussing 'The Sexual Politics of Meat' and other race/class/gender/veg issues. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub vegpol-l <your first and last name here> Veg-Admins - This is a list for people who provide or maintain significant resources for vegetarians on-line. It aims to facilitate the best coordination between these providers. For more info, contact Geraint 'Gedge' Edwards <>. VegCMTE - For people who want to volunteer time to help VegLife keep up to date with journals, information files, recipes, etc. Also for those who want to work with their local vegetarian organizations, or who want to start their own. Contact Chuck Goelzer <> for more info. Veg-Cook - A mailing list where vegetarian cooks can exchange ideas and techniques. Subscribers also receive all posts to To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub veg-cook <your first and last name here> For the digest option, also add the following line: set veg-cook digest VegFood (Vegetarian Recipe Exchange List) - Detailed discussion on vegetarian food preparation, including recipes. To a minor degree cookbooks, cookware, spices, wine/spirits, etc, will be discussed. No ethical issues will be raised since we are concerned only with the end result of food preparation. Guard your waistline! All are welcome. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub vegfood <your first and last name here> Veg-Raw - Intended for the discussion of vegetarian/vegan raw food diets. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: subscribe veg-raw Veggies - For British vegetarian events/matters. Remarkably quiet. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: with the following in your message body: sub veggies <your first & last name here> Availability of digest option is unknown to me. FatFree - Intended for anyone following an extremely lowfat vegetarian diet, including followers of McDougall and Ornish. Only vegetarian recipes are permitted. The focus here is on the health and nutrition aspects of such diets, not ethical and ecological concerns. To subscribe, send an e-mail to (digest version) or (non-digest version) with the subject "subscribe". Recipes are archived on BA-FatFree Chicago Area FatFree - There are also local off-shoots of the FatFree mailing list for the San Francisco Bay Area and for the Chicago area. These discuss local issues and arrange get-togethers and potlucks. To subscribe to BA-FatFree, send an e-mail to with "subscribe" in the message body. To subscribe to the Chicago area list, write or for more details. Southern Ontario Vegetarian Mailing List - A list to discuss issues local to Southern Ontario, Canada, and to arrange get-togethers, restaurant outings, potlucks, etc. To subscribe, send your request to VegCNY-L - Vegetarians of Central New York. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: with the following in your message body: sub VegCNY-L <your first & last name here> MN-Veg - Vegetarians in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota. To subscribe, send an e-mail with the line "subscribe" in your message body to: (regular version) or (digest version). Vegan News - The Newsletter of Vegan Action, a non-profit vegan advocacy and support organization. Contains information of interest to vegans about animal rights, the environment, nutrition, and activism. Also, includes San Francisco Bay local announcements. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub vn <your first and last name here> MaxLife - A list for those working toward a positive, healthy life style while at the same time choosing to avoid heavy consumerism. It is for people who choose their activities with careful consideration to the pleasure they bring as well as all their costs. To subscribe, send an e-mail to: with the following in your message body: sub maxlife <your first & last name here> For the digest option, also add the following line: set maxlife digest Macrobiotic - A list on macrobiotics. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub macrobiotic <your first and last name here> Availability of digest option is unknown to me. AR-Talk - A mailing list for the discussion of animal rights. Part of the Animal Rights Electronic Network (AREN). To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub ar-talk <your first and last name here> Availability of digest option is unknown to me. AR-News - Related to AR-Talk. To subscribe, send an e-mail to (?) with the following in your message body: sub ar-news <your first and last name here> Availability of digest option is unknown to me. AR-SFBay - News and announcements relating to animal rights and vegan/vegetarian issues and events for the greater San Francisco Bay area. Info on demonstrations, potlucks, presentations, and local news on animal issues. To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the following in your message body: sub ar-sfbay <your first and last name here> Availability of digest option is unknown to me. SNARE - Students Networking for Animal Rights Everywhere. A network of students involved with animal rights issues working to build alliances with other students around the world. To subscribe, send an e-mail to ______________________________________________________________________ Anonymous FTP When FTPing to an anonymous FTP site, use the userid 'anonymous' and then enter your e-mail address for the password, Vegetarian Resource Group Archives, 2 sites: - VRG articles, newsletters, and pamphlets in electronic form. - 'The Vegetarian Game', an IBM-PC game by the VRG, is available from Vegetarian Society UK (VegSocUK) - Contains the entire collection of VegSocUK infosheets, and a lot more. FatFree Recipe Archive, 2 sites: - Large and growing archive of very lowfat and fatfree vegetarian recipes. Recipes range from simple to complex, easy to gourmet, mild to hot. There are recipes from cultures all around the world: Caribbean, Eastern European, South American, mainstream American and so on. Indian cuisine is particularly well-represented in the collection. All the recipes are strictly vegetarian and contain no added fat and very little high-fat ingredients. Yet, the variety is astounding. - Several dozen vegetarian related articles, including the ADA's position paper on the vegetarian diet, statements by the Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine, and an array of files related to Jeremy Rifkin's book, "Beyond Beef". - Will soon no longer be available. VegLife - Several thousand vegetarian/vegan/fatfree recipes. Vegetarian FAQs, information files, discussion archives, etc. Userid 'vegan' and password 'guest' also work. Maintained by Darrell A. Early <>. Vegan Recipes - Collection of vegan recipes. Both addresses have the same recipes. Greate Cakes Without Eggs, located at 2 sites: - 'Greate Cakes Without Eggs'. 216 recipes. In Winhelp hypertext format. Includes pictures. Simnel cake, gingerbread, 14 different kinds of apple cake, Lebanese date cake, Jewish orange cake, Greek walnut cake, Texan Christmas cake, prune bread - you name it, it's here. About 1/4 of the recipes are vegan, and the others are lacto-vegetarian. The measures are given in US cup measures, Imperial, and Metric. This is a ShareWare software version of a succesful paper book that is sold in England and Europe. Requires Windows 3.1+. news.answers Archives - news.answers archive site. Contains the latest officially posted copies of the World Guide to Vegetarianism and the FAQ. ______________________________________________________________________ Gopher - Look under 'Recipes'. See listing under World Wide Web. - Archives of Look under 'Fun & Games', 'Recipes'. 4 vegetarian subdirectories of recipes: vegan, lacto, ovo, and ovo-lacto. - USDA gopher site containing Lotus 123 spreadsheet format data regarding various kinds of farm production, food consumption, etc. A good place to verify some of the statistics used in arguments for vegetarianism. If you do not have access to gopher, but have access to telnet, then you can use gopher by telneting to a public gopher client, two of which are and ______________________________________________________________________ Information by E-Mail The World Guide to Vegetarianism - For instructions on getting the latest officially posted copy of this guide via e-mail, send an e-mail to with the following line in your message body: send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/guide/index Vegetarian Society UK Info Sheets - For help and an index, send an e-mail to with the following two lines in your message body: index help The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Listing - For the latest officially posted copy of the FAQ, send an e-mail to with the following line in your message body: send usenet/news.answers/vegetarian/faq SunSite FTP by E-Mail Service - Will FTP stuff from any site for you via e-mail. Send an e-mail to with 'help' in the message body for instructions. See 'Anonymous FTP Sites' above for examples of what is available. ______________________________________________________________________ User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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