Top Document: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (3/7) [Frequent posting] Previous Document: How do I run ... interactive programs from a shell script ... ? Next Document: How do I check the exit status of a remote command executed via "rsh"? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge 3.10) How do I find the process ID of a program with a particular name from inside a shell script or C program? In a shell script: There is no utility specifically designed to map between program names and process IDs. Furthermore, such mappings are often unreliable, since it's possible for more than one process to have the same name, and since it's possible for a process to change its name once it starts running. However, a pipeline like this can often be used to get a list of processes (owned by you) with a particular name: ps ux | awk '/name/ && !/awk/ {print $2}' You replace "name" with the name of the process for which you are searching. The general idea is to parse the output of ps, using awk or grep or other utilities, to search for the lines with the specified name on them, and print the PID's for those lines. Note that the "!/awk/" above prevents the awk process for being listed. You may have to change the arguments to ps, depending on what kind of Unix you are using. In a C program: Just as there is no utility specifically designed to map between program names and process IDs, there are no (portable) C library functions to do it either. However, some vendors provide functions for reading Kernel memory; for example, Sun provides the "kvm_" functions, and Data General provides the "dg_" functions. It may be possible for any user to use these, or they may only be useable by the super-user (or a user in group "kmem") if read-access to kernel memory on your system is restricted. Furthermore, these functions are often not documented or documented badly, and might change from release to release. Some vendors provide a "/proc" filesystem, which appears as a directory with a bunch of filenames in it. Each filename is a number, corresponding to a process ID, and you can open the file and read it to get information about the process. Once again, access to this may be restricted, and the interface to it may change from system to system. If you can't use vendor-specific library functions, and you don't have /proc, and you still want to do this completely in C, you are going to have to do the rummaging through kernel memory yourself. For a good example of how to do this on many systems, see the sources to "ofiles", available in the comp.sources.unix archives. (A package named "kstuff" to help with kernel rummaging was posted to alt.sources in May 1991 and is also available via anonymous ftp as usenet/alt.sources/articles/{329{6,7,8,9},330{0,1}}.Z from User Contributions:Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:Top Document: Unix - Frequently Asked Questions (3/7) [Frequent posting] Previous Document: How do I run ... interactive programs from a shell script ... ? Next Document: How do I check the exit status of a remote command executed via "rsh"? Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Part6 - Part7 - Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Ted Timar)
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