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UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Section - 19. What are some good tips for posting to uk.people.gothic?

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Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Previous Document: 18. What newsgroups exist?
Next Document: 20. What is Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and #uk_goffs?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Please read "Configuring Your News Reader to Post to uk.*" 
<> for information about newsreader 
software and guidelines on how to post to Usenet.  Here are some good 
tips for posting to uk.people.gothic and similar newsgroups:

  1. Posts should be readable as plain text, wrapping at less than 80
     columns -- HTML-formatted messages are prohibited.

  2. Please don't "top post" -- when quoting a message you're replying
     to, place your reply underneath or interspersed with it rather than
     over it.  Trim unnecessary quoted text, but leave enough to show
     the context of your reply.

  3. Don't post pictures or sound files to the group -- consider
     directing people to a website instead.

  4. If you use a ".signature" (a sign-off message at the end of your
     posts) please keep it to four lines or less.

  5. Please don't send posts just to test your newsreader -- that's what
     the uk.test newsgroup is for.

  6. Be aware of uk.people.gothic's formal charter, which can be found
     at <>.

Incidentally, Martin Oldgoth maintains a UPG Gallery 
<> for anyone curious about 
what uk.people.gothic posters actually look like.  You may also be 
interested in the original (no longer maintained) uk.people.gothic FAQ 
<>, although please note that much 
of it is now out of date.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: UK Goth Mini-FAQ
Previous Document: 18. What newsgroups exist?
Next Document: 20. What is Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and #uk_goffs?

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Dave H <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM