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england.* Newsadmins FAQ

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Archive-name: uk/england/newsadmin-faq
Last-Revised: 24 July 2001 by

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        england.* Newsadmins FAQ

* england.* newsgroups were first created on 31 May 2000.

  The england.* newsgroups are currently carried by a
  large and growing number of ISPs and other organisations,
  in particular, those based in the UK and US, and subscription
  news services (eg. Giganews, Newsguy, Airnews etc.).

* england.* newsgroups are intended for global distribution
  for anyone interested in england.* newsgroups, and "for
  people living in England and anyone interested in England".

* The e-mail address used for newgroup, rmgroup or checkgroups
  control messages for the england.* hierarchy is :


  This address is also used to post the england.* Newsadmins FAQ etc.

* uses PGP to sign all the
  control messages.

  The PGP key used for england.* hierarchy can be found here

* The individuals in charge of administering the england.* hierarchy
  can be reached through the address (Eddie Bernard; Darren Wyn Rees) [1]

* Administrative policies are discussed on is the 'configuration' newsgroup, in other words.

  A summary of policy and intent :

        - no new newsgroups "for a minimum of one whole year" (until June 2001)
        - no binaries (strictly, no binaries)
        - there will be a clear and prudent Management Charter/framework
        - there will be a volunteer Management Team

  Discussions on these subjects are already underway.

  [ Newsgroup Charters now formally adopted, and available from
    after discussion period from June 2000 - December 20th 2000 ].

* A checkgroups control message for england.* is posted on the 5th
  day of the month.  A copy will appear on news.admin.hierarchies,
  but a real 'checkgroups' will also appear on control.*

* The checkgroups is also available here

* Automatic handling of control messages

  INN [with PGP]
  Add the following to your "control.ctl" INN configuration file :*:verify-england-usenet*:verify-england-usenet*:verify-england-usenet

  INN [without PGP]

  Add the following to your "control.ctl" INN configuration file :*:doit*:doit*:doit
  DNEWS [with PGP]

  Add the following to your "control.conf" DNEWS configuration file :*:doit,pgp*:doit,pgp*:doit,pgp

  DNEWS [without PGP]

  Add the following to your "control.conf" DNEWS configuration file :*:doit*:doit*:doit

  C News [with PGP]

  Add the following to your "controlperm" C News configuration file :

  england nrc p england-usenet

  C News [without PGP]

  Add the following to your "controlperm" C News configuration file :

  england nr y
* Moderated newsgroups

  [ Note : There is currently 1 moderated group, england.announce.
    Please ensure you have the correct moderation status for this group ].

  To ease future administration please add this moderators line:

  This is for INN, file "moderators"; and DNEWS file "moderators.conf"

  For C News, please add the following to your "moderators" file


* Statistics for england.*

  Statistics posted weekly to [2]

* The Official Website :

        Please use

* "What newsgroups should I take on my site ?"

  This is a decision for individual newsadmins.  However,
  if you aim to take the complete set of england.* newsgroups
  (currently, 43 groups) then you should accept the periodic
  checkgroups control messages issued for england.* hierarchy.

* This is an evolving document; changes will occur.

* Thanks.

  [1] Thanks to MI for this feedback.
  [2] EB for the stats effort since Week 1.

england.* Newsgroups Administration <>

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"england.* Newsgroups Administration" <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM