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Married... With Children FAQ []
Section - 0.1. Table of Contents

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Top Document: Married... With Children FAQ []
Previous Document: 0.0. Introduction and Intent
Next Document: 1.0. Where can I get Dean Adams' MWC program guide?
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  0.0. Introduction and Intent
    0.1. Table of Contents

  1. Internet resources.
    1.0. Where can I get Dean Adams' MWC program guide?
    1.1. Is there a list of interesting quotes from MWC?
    1.2. Are there MWC ftp sites? WWW pages?
    1.3. (removed)
    1.4. How do you know the names of the episodes?
    1.5. How can I buy a NO MA'AM T-shirt?
    1.6. How can I contact FOX TV on the net?
    1.7. How can I order MWC-related books over the net?

  2. Being a good newsgroup neighbor
    2.0. Should I post binaries here? (GIFs, JPGs, WAVs...)
    2.1. Someone has crossposted to all the tv groups!
    2.2. But there are no rules. I'll post what I want.
    2.3. What about UEA/Unhappily Ever After?

  3. About the show itself
    3.0. What was the deal with Seven? (The little blond boy)
    3.1. What happened to David Garrison (Steve Rhoades)?
    3.2. Peggy and Marcy were pregnant and suddenly they weren't.
         What happened?
    3.3. What was The Lost Show?
    3.4. What was the deal with the episode about the radio
         station? ...the episode about the Verduccis? ...the
         episode with Kelly in a weird double-date at some
    3.5. Who sings the MWC theme song?
    3.6. What was the deal with the red convertible?
    3.7. What was the deal the strange scene at the end of "The
         Unnatural", where Al plays baseball?
    3.8. What does "NO MA'AM" stand for?
    3.9. What name is "Al" short for?
    3.A. How come in some episodes Peggy only has one scene ...
    3.B. What is the full name of the hispanic woman reporter ...
    3.C. What happened to Marcy's niece Amber?
    3.D. What are the words to the Psycho Dad theme song?
    3.E. Does anyone know why MWC was cancelled?
    3.F. In syndication, why do they keep showing just the episodes from
         the last few seasons?

  4. About the stars
    4.0. Has Christina Applegate ever posed nude? (No)
    4.1. Isn't Amanda Bearse a lesbian?
    4.2. Why did they replace Buck The Dog?
    4.3. How can I write to members of the cast?
    4.4. Is Christina related to the porn star Colleen Applegate?

  5. What else have the MWC stars appeared in?

  6. Acknowledgements
    6.0 Maintainer
    6.1 Contributors to this FAQ

  7. The obvious.
    7.0. What was the best show on TV?

User Contributions:

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Top Document: Married... With Children FAQ []
Previous Document: 0.0. Introduction and Intent
Next Document: 1.0. Where can I get Dean Adams' MWC program guide?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM